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life (12)

What Was The Turning Point In Your Life

10979282890?profile=RESIZE_710xDo you know someone who has had a life-changing moment? Maybe you’ve recently had a turning point yourself. Daniel the prophet experienced one that greatly impacted him. To read how he became a great example for each of us click on the link below. #BibleStudy #Daniel #Devotions #Life

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A New Life With Christ

10973749654?profile=RESIZE_710xA New Life, Never alone, Opportunities for all, and Rewards in the end. That almost sounds like a job offer, but it's not. They are benefits for Christians. We get God's presence in our lives now and also for all eternity. You'll want to read today's post. Click on the link below. #2Corinthians #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Life


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A New Life With Christ

10973749654?profile=RESIZE_710xA New Life, Never alone, Opportunities for all, and Rewards in the end. That almost sounds like a job offer, but it's not. They are benefits for Christians. We get God's presence in our lives now and also for all eternity. You'll want to read today's post. Click on the link below. #2Corinthians #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Life


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Did God create intelligent beings other than humans?

     The short answer would be YES! But don’t try cashing that check just yet, pilgrim.
God created angels (Psalms 148:2-5). He created all things including “powers, rulers or authorities” (Colossians 1:16). Some angels rebelled against God and became demons. Satan is a demon (Revelation 12:4).

     But the real intent of the question is did God create alien life? Did He create other human-type beings that live on another planet? Is our galaxy teeming with extra-terrestrial beings?
The short answer is, we don’t know. But this scenario has problems of its own. The bible says that when Adam “fell”, all of creation (the Greek word here is cosmos, which applies to all of the physical universe) fell with him. So if there are any other intelligent beings out there, they, like us humans, are “fallen” also and in need of a Savior. But how would they be “saved”?


Would they be human-type beings or just living things like bacteria. Since Christ died for the entire world (the Greek word is again, cosmos), and His death was “once for all” (Hebrews 7:26,27), how would these aliens get the salvation message? Since our sin nature was passed on to us thru our ancestors, how was it imputed to these extra-terrestrials (Romans 5:12-19)? How would they even know about it?

     So, it doesn’t seem likely, from a Christian viewpoint, that there are any extra-terrestrials. But we cannot completely rule it out either, just because we don’t know or cannot figure it out.

     But what about from a secular viewpoint? Most people would say that in one of the billions of galaxies out there, and in one of the trillions of planets, surely  there must be other intelligent beings out there. Without giving you a course in astronomy, the short answer is, it seems very unlikely.

     Here’s why;
– two thirds of the stars in the universe are multiple star systems (where 2 or 3 stars are revolving around each other in one solar system). A planet revolving around them would be exposed to extreme temperatures, to like thousands of degrees difference. Human life cannot live with such temperature variation. Earth’s temperature variation is only about 140 degrees, from about -20 to +120 degrees.
– of the remaing single star systems, our human-type life can only exist on about 10-15% of them. The radiation from these stars would be either the wrong type of radiation and/or it would be either too intense of not intense enough.
– the planet would have to be in the “habitable” zone of the star’s solar system. The “habitable” zone is the distance from the star where liquid water would exist. If the planet were too near the star, the liquid water would boil away. If it were too far from the star, the liquid water would freeze. We need liquid water, and lots of it, for human-type life to exist. In our solar system, the habitability zone is after Venus but before Mars. As such, out of 8 planets in our solar system, only one planet lies within the habitability zone…Earth.

– but life would not exist on Earth if it wasn’t for our ozone layer in our upper atmosphere. The ozone layer (which is only about one inch thick) prevents the Sun’s most harmful rays from reaching Earth’s surface. If those very energetic rays did reach Earth’s surface, our brains would boil within seconds, bring death to all of us.
– Earth’s atmosphere moderates our planet’s temperature, causing our type of life to proliferate.
– most of our Milky Way galaxy is too dangerous for human life because of the intense radiation emitted from its center where stars are way too close together.

There’s more detail on this at;
– https://bsssb-llc.com/problems-with-the-big-bang-theory/
– https://bsssb-llc.com/video-courses-overview/ufos/

     I could go on and on with all the specific conditions that must exist for human life to exist and thrive, but I think you get the point. We humans could easily be the only life forms existing in the universe.

     In conclusion, nothing in the bible says anything about extra-terrestrial life existing. The bible is silent on this issue. But if there was intelligent life on other planets, it wouldn’t contradict Christian beliefs. It would, however, pose problems of its own. I guess we’ll never know until we get to heaven.   

For His eternal Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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“Then the word of the lord (came unto me), saying, Before I formed you in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jere (1: 4-5)

Everything you'll ever need to know about the subject purpose from a biblical perspective is found in the above scripture. I'm currently writing a book from the above text titled: Demystifying purpose. Watch-out for it!

Listen! Your purpose is not your job, neither the personal goals you've set for yourself. A good job and set out goals are all very important to our success; in fact, they are supposed to complement purpose, but they shouldn't be confused for purpose. 

To demystify purpose, it's imperative for us to decode the phrase: "Before I formed you in the belly I knew thee." as written in our scriptural text.

Before I formed you! 
Purpose is older than people. Purpose is the preexisted state of every human being, which preceded our actual physical existence. We preexisted in God's mind as purpose, before we were conceived in our mother's womb. Thus, the details of our physical and spiritual composition tell the story of our purpose; our purpose directed our formation in our mother's womb. 

The purpose of our lives defined our physical, mental and spiritual constituent. That's why; once an individual discovers his purpose and outline his life towards fulfilling it; everything about the individual comes together and works in agreement- unleashing incredible ingenuity and divinity. When we live in ignorance of our purpose, we die gradually. 

('Before I formed you in the belly I knew thee.)" Jere 1:4a

Your life didn't begin in your mother's womb. That's why; certain critical insight regarding your purpose is only obtainable when you are given illumination about your existence beyond your mother's womb. 

Your mother carried you in her womb for nine months, but you existed in God's mind since from the foundation of the world. Thus, the longest “pregnancy” of you didn't take place in your mother's womb, but in God's womb (God's mind). Wow! You're not a coincidence on earth, neither are you a biological accident. You're a project, carefully crafted and designed for a unique purpose. What is that purpose? Watch-out for the book: Demystifying Purpose. DrBenard Etta

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Publicist, Shawn Hay








November 12, 2013



 Sheila Stewart

December 6, 2013 from 12pm to 2:30pm

                  Location: First Baptist Church of Glenarden Ministry Center

3600 Brightseat Road, Landover, MD 20785

Church: (301) 773-3600

Floral arrangements can be delivered to the church day of the service from 6:30A.M. until the hour of the memorial.     


All donations should go to: Bank of America Account # 3344941771

C/o Albert W. Davis, Custodian for the benefit of son Jonathan H. Russell


Members of Hey Papi Promotions Network, family and friends gather on December 6, 2013 to celebrate the life of our Christian sister who lived a vibrant and productive Christian life fulfilling her ministry of sharing inspiring messages through various media streams and community service events.


Ms. Stewart was an award winning media conglomerate whose career spanned over 20 years in Radio, TV and as a Print Media Personality. Ms. Stewart was the Director of News Programming for Radio One-DC Stations (93.9) WKYS-FM; (102.3) WMMJ-FM; (104.1) WPRS-FM; (1450) WOL-AM; WYCB-AM and the Syndicated Russ Parr Morning Show heard in (40) U-S cities. She has also worked as a Reporter/Anchor for CBS Affiliate WBTV News 3; Guest Appearances on TV Networks NBC, ABC, Fox News; The Rev. Al Sharpton Show; and The Dr. Michael Eric Dyson Show.


Ms. Stewart was an accomplished writer and author. She wrote and published her first book "Faith and The 3 P's Overcoming Obstacles With Prayer, Persistence and Positive Thinking, where she received enthusiastic response and book signings.


She has awarded over $80,000 in scholarships to deserving students across the U.S. In support of the scholarship fund, Ms. Stewart created & produced a series of Talent and Step Show competitions that drew crowds of over 40,000 plus. She was a proud member of the prestigious Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.


As we say good bye to our dear sister, we will always love and cherish her in our hearts for we shall see her again in heaven.

# # #

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Publicist, Shawn Hay at 301-641-0814 or email at HeyPapiPromotions@gmail.com

Press Release PDF Form Link: Sheila Stewart Memorial Press Release pdf

Sheila Stewart Bio Link: http://heypapipromotions.com/group/radioonedcsheilastewart


Attention to All Media Outlets interested in covering event please send email request of the following:

1. Company & Personal Name

2. Contact Cell Phone

3. Email Address

Please send this to email: heypapipromotions@gmail.com

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When you are anointed and supernaturally gifted and called by God for greatness there are times when others will recognize your gifts. As you mature in your gift you will discern spirits that your adversary will launch against your ideas and dreams for the purposes of exploiting your gift for their carnal benefit. These spirits will often try to capitalize on your immaturity, angst and excitement. In their attempt to swindle you out of your gifts identify what it is that you need to catapult your dream and then make promises that they never intend to deliver upon. Sold “pipe dreams” which is exactly what happened to me.
Promises, promises, promises!
“You‟ll never amount to anything!” “That idea is silly!” “Do you really think YOU'RE capable of that? Where do I begin to tell the story…So many stories, so many events, and so many casualties but as I look closely there are also very many victories8466477663?profile=originalMY PIPE DREAM IS NOW MY REALITY!!!


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Large & Small Business Employers, Churches, Non-Profit Businesses, Clubs, Teams, Entertainers...THINK FAST!


  1. When was the last time you were able to save money in your business,without spending a dime?
  2. When was the last time your employees thanked you?
  3. How do you differentiate your place of employment and improve your retention strategy without spending a dime?

In as little as 15 minutes of your time , I can provide you with information that will enable you to do all 3  AND at no cost to you as the business owner.

With the rising cost of health coverage, many business owners are cutting back on company provided health coverage, or not offering any at all.  My company provides business owners with the opportunity to:

  1. impact company overhead & bottom line by decreasing tax dollars 
  2. minimize your payroll & benefits expenses (save real dollars)
  3. increase employee retention rate & increase moral
  4. offer or enhance their employees benefit program by providing flexibility and more preferred options 
  5. position their employees to have more control & responsibility over their families health insurance needs
  6. keep employees at work and not making Saturday's accident Monday mornings Workman's Compensation claim.


Each of your employees that I educate about the new options, will receive a $25 Restaurant Gift Card, Delmarva Prescription Discount Card and 6 Months of Enrollment in our Discounted Dental & Vision Program. (EXCLUSIVE TO COMPANIES THAT ENROLL BY 8/15/2012)


Concise & thorough Implementation Process w/census enrollment, Online Billing, Superior Account Servicing, Claims Filing, Streamlined Administrative Service


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 New Benefits: Creating Advantage.  Aetna Dental Access®  Aflac_logo.gif  Consult A Doctor™

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35 Young Men Saved in Jail!

As part of a team of guys from Rock City Church, Baltimore, MD, this past Friday, I had the opportunity to go into the Baltimore City Detention Center where they keep the worst case kids that will have to be tried as adults even though they are under 18 and they will have to go to trial at some point for an adult sentence to be placed upon them. We went in there with my man Show (a.k.a. M.O.G. Showtime) and Testimony, and they tore it down!


There were a total of 54 boys in front of us, and by the end of the night 35 were born again! You would never know they did crimes as heinous as murdering possibly more than one person, had been in gangs (bloods, crips, etc) or that they had done things that were so bad they had to be tried as adults when they go to court. Most of them are awaiting a trial date to be convicted and many will be going to the "adult" population once they turn 18, but guess what...


We were the FIRST to go into that place and minister to the youth!! That's MAJOR!


If you could've seen the looks on those young men's faces: The boyish desire to be noticed, recognized, built up, shown love and attention, and a degree of affection from a male, father or brother figure for them, which was so great and so evident. Kids wanted to show me their talents in singing, rapping, etc. One asked me if I could help him get a job after he got out.


It was just a powerful moment!


Listen, if any of you know of a resource to help kids like this get a fresh start even with a criminal background, when / if they are able to get out, please contact me at wordlifecafe@gmail.com. We need to talk ASAP! My heart goes out to them. I wanted to cry when I saw some of them, but I remained strong for them, though inside I wanted to cry to some degree. With the overwhelming emotion of joy that I felt when they gave their lives to Christ (I, Norman Brown, personally led about 8 or 9 to Christ), I guess that overpowered the tears on the inside (mixture of joy and sadness).


God is great! I believe that many of these kids will be able to go free one day, but I believe that we must stay consistent in their lives to keep them on fire for God and hopeful of their future.


I am looking for QUALITY, ANOINTED, MALE artists (as they will not allow us to bring females there) to join me in this effort. Again, please, contact me ASAP! We will be going back again in this month of May and plan to continue twice a month.



Founder, Word Life Café

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