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RCBI On Blog Talk Radio

From the book, "First Things First", Russel Board writes on the subject of Prayer.

Today, we continue, with Dr. August S. Francis, to cover the subject of Prayer and the Types of Prayer that are covered, overall, in the Word of God.  Prayer is conversation with the Lord and we must take it very seriously.  How can we do the work of the Lord without speaking to the one we work for.  Let's take a look at His Word!

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The new Remnant Church Bible Institute broadcast, "I Can Talk To God"  (PRAYER) at http://tobtr.com/s/7187545. Let's go into the things of the Lord!

Remnant Church Bible Institute

Tell Them Outreach Church

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Tell Them Prayer Page (Jesus Is Lord Over The Golden Triangle)

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The Bible!

With a host of books written and the host of people who are teaching from their own words, why do we need the Bible?


Remnant Church Bible Institute




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God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. (Ps 67:1-2)

Prosperity isn't an indication that someone is more intelligent or hard-working than others, but whom the Lord of the universe bestows his mercy and favor in a given season for a purpose. The Psalmist prayed: "God be merciful unto us:"the next words are: "And bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us." There is a connection between God's mercy and his blessings/favor; when the Lord of the universe shows mercy on anyone, he blesses and showers his favor on the individual.

So many people all over the world seek God's mercy, favor and blessings daily. The unfortunate situation is that, in most cases, when the blessings come, they forget where God took them from and some of the pledges they made in their hearts during the process of entreating God for mercy. In fact, few bother about God's intention for blessing them, despite their faults.

The above situation is the reason the prosperity of millions around the world hasn't translated into any meaningful transformation and impact on earth beyond themselves. The individual who made several promises to God; “God if you bless me, I'll advance your cause,” becomes the most insensitive person to God's cause when the blessings come.

Listen! Prosperity should go along with a burden (responsibility, vision, compassion). The Psalmist said it all: After entreating God for mercy, blessings and favor, the last line of our Biblical text reveals the true burden of prosperity. “That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.”

That is it! That is the purpose of prosperity: (To contribute to the cause of making known God’s way upon the earth and his saving health among all nations). This can be done directly or indirectly; directly, through one’s outreaches to the nations or indirectly, by partnering with a vision for the nations. The purpose of prosperity is two fold

i) Contributing to the cause of ensuring that the Earth and everything in it align to God’s principles
ii) Participating and contributing to the cause of bringing God's saving health to all nations in all areas

These are the last things that come to most minds after God bestows his blessings on them. In fact, in most cases, people indulge in unnecessary competition and a wasteful lifestyle; forgetting where they came from. Some in strategic Government positions, instead of thinking of the difference they can make, they focus more on how to embezzle funds for self aggrandizement.

What of the clergy, who spent years asking the Lord for mercy, blessings and favor to reach nations. When the blessings come; the state of the earth and of the nations takes an insignificant place. The focus shifts to living a highly expensive lifestyle; fleets of cars; huge bank accounts, highly expensive holidays costing several thousands of dollars, replaces the passion to impact lives, etc.

Some say; “don’t criticize me until you know what I've gone through.” It’s not all about what you went through MOG/WOG; it’s all about God’s mercy and favor intended for the nations through you; not for self aggrandizement. Modesty is good in all things; we can change the world, if we become modest in all we do.

I watched a video of African girls prostituting in the streets of Italy, Greece, Spain, etc. That's a slap on the faces of all our so-called billionaire politicians, businessmen and preachers in Africa. I know some may say; " they are doing their best." Listen! The fact that these negative vices are on a rise it's a sign that our good isn't good enough.

All over the world, the cries of humanity is great. What justification is it for someone to live extravagantly, with the state of things globally? We can say what we want and justify ourselves the best way we can, but one of these days, we all, will face the one who sent us here and gave us all we have for reckoning. I think, we all need to do some soul searching! DrBenard Etta

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How To Recognize Your Season Of Harvest!

I taught this yesterday to hungry people, and I'm led to share a portion with you. Are you expecting a harvest in your life? Remember, if you ever had a sowing season, it isn't out of place to expect a harvest. Seed time and harvest time are directly linked. My goal in this note is to help you recognize your harvest season. This is very important in order for you to be properly positioned for it. Let me take you to the universal lab manual and the Divine constitution. (Bible)

And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, (for Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest,) (Joshua 3:15)

Mark the phrase ((For Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest,). It carries an important indication of your harvest time. The banks of a river keep a river within its defined parameters. When a river overflows its banks, it implies, it has moved beyond its expected limit and in most cases, people and properties along an overflowed river bank are likely to be evacuated. 

Here is the million-dollar question: Why did Jordan overflow all its banks all the time of harvest? What message does it carry along? It carries along a profound message. Harvest season doesn't usually appear as harvest season; at times, it's ushered by challenges, which have actually overstepped their boundaries. Thus, it's practically impossible to recognize your harvest season without a change of mentality and perspective. Ordinary mindset and perspective say; when situations out-step their boundaries, it's a sign of a difficult period ahead, but an extra-ordinary mindset says: Wow! My harvest is here! 

You know the sons of God not by their dance in church, but by their perspective of life's challenges. God didn't lead Israel across the Jordan River in a season when the river receded, but when it overflowed its banks. Hear me and hear me well. If you have been encountering "out of bound" challenges from every front since the year began. Listen! Your harvest is here! This year will be the greatest year of your life. I speak as I hear! The seven month begins your transformation. It's time to change your perspective about the challenges, difficulties and troubles coming against you on every side They are indications of the imminence of your harvest season.

Don't sit back and mourn; step out and do the impossible. When the priest stepped into the River Jordan according to God's command; in the time when the Jordan River overflowed all its banks, the river parted. Listen! It's time to act a bit crazy; stepping into areas contrary to the situations around you. “The just shall live by faith and not by sight.” It's your season of harvest! WOW! 

Someone needs to preach this message to his congregants; it will change their outlook and lift-up their spirit. I hear the sound of abundance of rain! It's my season!! It's your season!! Go and spread the word!! Cheers! DrBenard Etta

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Man At War!

Posted by PreachPastor.com

Many of today’s modern governments have a multi pillar approach when dealing with an enemy. The political approach, covert measure, counter-proliferation, sanctions and when all else fails, the need to issue a regime change. The same concept can also be applied to the eternal struggle for the Souls of mankind. All believers who have accepted Christ declared war against sin and walked away victorious once the final pillar became the only option to establish peace. I am asking you today, “What political action did you attempt before applying a regime change?”

Many people know that the story of the Adam and Eve and believe that the first sin occurred in the Garden of Eden. In reality the first sin was when Satan and his angels rebelled against God. In efforts to continue to defy God, Satan turned to corrupt the hearts of humanity using lies to beguile man to sin against God. This separation caused men and women to be eternally cursed, thrusting mankind into the spiritual war for our very existence.

The multi pillar approach will fail in our efforts to win the spiritual battle. For there is only one way by accepting Jesus even though we may try one or all of the pillars. The only method that will bring about results is the regime change. Here are a few reasons why the political and covert measure will never work and why issuing Christ as your new King is the only regime that will work.

The political approach involves compromise, placing your soul in a losing position. This is evident because Jesus clearly states, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth” (Revelations 3:16). God is looking for you to love Him without compromise so the political approach clearly will resolve regaining peace in the war for your soul.

The covert measure is a planned approach to resolve a crisis. Usually it will attempt to make a move on the enemy in a manner that is concealed. You will hear many people say that I plan to go to church later after I have my fun or attend Church on Sunday then returning to their daily routine. The covert measure allows sin the opportunity to revolve in your life on a weekly schedule. Yes, you are living your life just as you planned it, but not according the Word. Our efforts to live life in this manner will keep your soul in constant deliberation. So in your attempts to move out and move on, the enemy will be useless only because negotiable efforts are being dealt by the father of lies. (John 8:44)

If you haven’t ushered in the regime change, today you can. If you do not know Christ as your personal savior and would like to: Pray this prayer with us...

God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for you up until now. I have been living for myself and that is wrong. I need you in my life today, and want you in my life from now on. I acknowledge the complete work of Your Son Jesus Christ in giving His life for me on the cross at Calvary, and I long to receive the forgiveness you have made freely available to me through this sacrifice. Come into my life now, Lord and take up residence in my heart to be my Lord and Savior. From this day forward I will not be bound by sin nor desire to please myself, but follow you all the days of my life. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

If you truly believe this this prayer we encourage you continue this walk of faith by joining and becoming a member of a church in your area.

God Bless,

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35 Young Men Saved in Jail!

As part of a team of guys from Rock City Church, Baltimore, MD, this past Friday, I had the opportunity to go into the Baltimore City Detention Center where they keep the worst case kids that will have to be tried as adults even though they are under 18 and they will have to go to trial at some point for an adult sentence to be placed upon them. We went in there with my man Show (a.k.a. M.O.G. Showtime) and Testimony, and they tore it down!


There were a total of 54 boys in front of us, and by the end of the night 35 were born again! You would never know they did crimes as heinous as murdering possibly more than one person, had been in gangs (bloods, crips, etc) or that they had done things that were so bad they had to be tried as adults when they go to court. Most of them are awaiting a trial date to be convicted and many will be going to the "adult" population once they turn 18, but guess what...


We were the FIRST to go into that place and minister to the youth!! That's MAJOR!


If you could've seen the looks on those young men's faces: The boyish desire to be noticed, recognized, built up, shown love and attention, and a degree of affection from a male, father or brother figure for them, which was so great and so evident. Kids wanted to show me their talents in singing, rapping, etc. One asked me if I could help him get a job after he got out.


It was just a powerful moment!


Listen, if any of you know of a resource to help kids like this get a fresh start even with a criminal background, when / if they are able to get out, please contact me at wordlifecafe@gmail.com. We need to talk ASAP! My heart goes out to them. I wanted to cry when I saw some of them, but I remained strong for them, though inside I wanted to cry to some degree. With the overwhelming emotion of joy that I felt when they gave their lives to Christ (I, Norman Brown, personally led about 8 or 9 to Christ), I guess that overpowered the tears on the inside (mixture of joy and sadness).


God is great! I believe that many of these kids will be able to go free one day, but I believe that we must stay consistent in their lives to keep them on fire for God and hopeful of their future.


I am looking for QUALITY, ANOINTED, MALE artists (as they will not allow us to bring females there) to join me in this effort. Again, please, contact me ASAP! We will be going back again in this month of May and plan to continue twice a month.



Founder, Word Life Café

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