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miracles (13)

A Miracle From God Could Be Waiting For You

13442044264?profile=RESIZE_710xMark 8 records Jesus feeding over 4,000 people, being confronted by argumentative Pharisees, and reminding His disciples of what they had seen Him do. He asked them, 'You have eyes—can't you see? You have ears—can't you hear?' Don't you remember anything at all? What questions would He ask you? Click on the link below to read today's post. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Mark #Miracles

https://www.ramckinley.com/A Miracle From God/

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It's A Miracle From God


It's A Miracle From God

The Apostle Paul saw a crippled man and realized he had faith to be healed. So he told the man to stand up and he did. The people reacted positively to this miracle of healing. But it didn’t last very long. Click on the link below to read today's post. #Acts #BibleStudy #Devotions #Miracles


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Expect A Miracle When You Need One


Expect A Miracle When You Need One

Three armies declared war on Jehoshaphat the king of Judah. The Israelites were powerless in a hopeless situation. When battles arise in our lives, we have a choice of doing one of two things. #2Chronicles #BibleStudy #Devotions #Miracles  Click on the link below to read what they are.


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Why doesn’t God heal everyone?

                                                  Why doesn’t God heal everyone?


     Let’s understand that there are 3 different types of healing.
– God has built into nature, including our bodies, a self-healing process. You get a cold but your body naturally heals itself. Everyone has this ability.
– God has allowed us to discover certain medical remedies, whether they are drugs or medical procedures.
– God also heals miraculously but only on certain individuals.
It’s the miraculous healings that we question. Why does He heal some people but not others? 


              There are 35 recorded miracles of Jesus in the gospels. Only 10 mention faith in Jesus. In most of the cases, faith is not mentioned as a pre-condition of the healing. So some of the miraculous healings require faith (Matthew 8:13  9:22  9:29,30  17:19,20) but others don’t (Luke 8:26-39  John 18:10).

     Jesus also didn’t heal everybody. In John 5:1-5, many people at the pool of Bethsaida needed healing but Jesus only healed one, a blind and deaf man.  This man didn’t have faith in Jesus. He didn’t even know who healed hm until later (John 5:12,13).

     Like today in our western countries, Matthew 13:15 applies…”For this people’s hearts have become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.”

     Some miracles are done so people will believe in Jesus. The apostles healed people as a confirmation of their message (Acts 3:1-26). There are also special gifts of healing that are given to certain people (1st Corinthians 12:11). But even then, not everyone they pray for is healed.

     Miraculous healings tend to be a sign to people unfamiliar with the gospel message. In today’s world, there are more miraculous healings in unevangelized countries. Yet there are still healings in already evangelized countries. So miraculous healings illustrate Jesus’ redemptive mission. Bringing sight to a blind man, hearing to a deaf person, bringing sanity to a deranged person, feeding 5,000 people on a mountainside…these are all things nobody but God could do. These healings made people stand up and take notice of Jesus’ message in a way that nothing else could.


     Here’s a couple of things to consider:
1) If God healed everybody, people would be drawn to the miracle and not to the message. We humans have a great tendency to rationalize. I think we would rationalize these miracles away. We may come to think that we’re owed healing. In Luke 16, the rich man asked Abraham to send his family special messages that they might believe. Abraham said they already had enough proof and they still didn’t believe. He said that even if someone rose from the dead (foreshadowing Jesus’ resurrection) that they still wouldn’t believe.
2) If God healed everybody, He’d be taking a consequence of our own actions. Adam and Eve had a perfect world but it wasn’t enough for them. They rebelled and brought sin into the world. Sin brought death, disease and destruction with it (Romans 5:12). So the question shouldn’t be “Why doesn’t God heal everybody?”. It should be “Why does He heal any of us at all?”.

     What were the results of Jesus’ miraculous healings? Some became believers, some didn’t and some became believers until following Jesus became too hard (John 6:66).  Ultimately, we don’t have a pat answer for why God miraculously heals some people but not others. But that shouldn’t stop us from rejoicing when He does miraculously heal someone. Maybe God heals some people now as a way of reminding us that a complete healing will come later on when He returns and will go on for an eternity (Revelation 21:4,5 & 22:1-5).

Website reference:


For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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When You See A Miracle, Faith, & Repentance Work Together

Peter and John were on their way into the temple when the Holy Spirit put a distraction in front of them. Maybe we need to make sure we aren’t too busy to be distracted by the Holy Spirit. Click on the link below to read today's post.



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My mentor of blessed memory, Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa said: "If light can't replace darkness, you don't need light." If life can't replace death, you don't need life." I add; what's the essence of claiming to have light and still be overcome by darkness? What is the meaning of professing life, while living under the captivity of death? 

It's really an irony, when we talk of the death and resurrection of Christ and even preach it on our pulpits with so much emotion and end up committing suicide; living a life of addiction and lacking the power over sin, disease and demonic forces. 

It seems most preaching and teaching today is, but mere theater; the way we live shows we don't believe most of what we say. Most news headlines about the happenings in the church, especially among the clergies say it all. 

How can we experience the victory the dead and resurrection of Christ brings, when we are busy looking for excuses for every known moral failure? If it were possible, we would rewrite the Bible to accommodate our addictions. Phrases like these would be added to our new Bible versions.

i) It's normal to profess Christ and still die by taking one's own life

ii) You can profess Christ and still live a life of sin

iii) Its normal to be an addict for life even as a professing Child of God, etc.

In fact, our new Bible version would be more about excitement in Church, busyness in religious activities, rhetoric s of faith without the life of faith.

Thank God, the works were finished since from the foundation of the world, so we can't add to the finished work of Christ or take from it. If we fail to live up to expectation, we shouldn't blame it on God, but on our lust.

Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. (James 1:13-15)

If the dead and resurrection of Christ can't give us victory in this life, then most of our talk about the gospel is vain. DrBenard Etta 

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Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: (MATT 4:5-6)

The anointing, God's grace and favor aren't just a privilege, but a huge responsibility. This responsibility isn't just limited to touching lives, but being able to combine the anointing and God's grace on our lives with the character that goes with it. Charisma-minus-Character is equal to Disaster.

The greatest crisis plaguing Christendom isn't the absence of the anointing, but the presence of anointing without character. This makes some in the ministry today to look more like rascals; reckless and unruly in the eyes of God and man.

For us to walk in the fullness of the grace of God like Christ, we need to overcome the temptation of using the anointing on our lives to show off. Christ did it; we can do it!

It's very easy for one to use the gifts of God to promote oneself and not God's kingdom. Our Church building programs, congregations, television outreaches, philanthropic activities, healing and miracle meetings, etc, might actually be serving us than Christ. God is so generous, he can allow us use his grace to build for ourselves empires until the day of reckoning.

In our foundation text, the devil was simply tempting Jesus to use the anointing at his disposal to show off. Jumping from the pinnacle of the temple to the ground could have attracted onlookers since the masses are drawn to such manifestations. But Christ resisted the temptation. 

The power of God is not for entertainment or for showing off, but for Godly influence and impact, which counts in time and eternity. When God's ministers look more like magicians in their manner of demonstrating God's power, it's a call for alarm. Jesus didn't go about trying to satisfy the curiosity of people by performing miracles and signs. Each time he performed a supernatural act, the motivation was to meet a need, show compassion and above all, to glorify the father. In some cases, he asked those he healed to tell no one, but to glorify God.

There is nothing wrong with publishing testimonies of God's miracles in a meeting if our motives are right, but we need to watch against the carnal competition among ministers of God today for who is the greatest in anointing, and the most accurate in words of knowledge, etc. This carnal competition has reached a point where some drunk with the wine of self promotion have gone to the extent of using mystical powers and charms to perform miraculous signs so as to boost their recognition among the “greatest” in Christendom.

It's very common today to find someone faking prophecies and words of knowledge and forcing people to accept them. Others use information provided during private consultation and counseling to form the base for their so-called prophecy extravaganza. Millions of ignorant Christians are right now under tremendous delusion and some are giving just everything they have to these self style con men masquerading as prophets.

It's time for the truly anointed of God to stand up strong for the truth and for righteousness. It's time to speak out! It's time to put away the altitude of using the anointing to show off. Let Christ be our example! DrBenard Etta

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If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. (Matt 4:3)

Those who blessed the world in all times, lived for something much more than what the average man lives for. They were truly in the world, but not of the world in their values and perspective. 

Before Jesus actually began his earthly ministry, he was tested by the devil to turn the grace of God in his life, meant to save mankind into something for achieving his physical and material wants. He had to overcome that basic test to receive the mandate for his divine assignment. 
I think, the devil meant this in other words. 

If you are the son of God, why should you go hungry when you can use the anointing to get anything you want? His goal was to deviate Jesus from what really matters to the pursuit of trivialities, by using the authority and power given to him to fulfill his divine assignment to solely acquire physical breakthroughs.

There is nothing wrong with being blessed with bread as one carries out the work of the kingdom. What is wrong is when that becomes the motivation and hidden motive for ministry work. And, when one’s definition of ministerial success becomes something measured by one’s physical and material breakthrough, it becomes difficult to really see and think right.

Each of us should strive to overcome the temptation of using the grace of God on our lives for physical and material attainment. Jesus did it, we can do it!

When it comes to real ministry, something greater than just the craving for mere bread and butter have to stir one from the inside. If the goal is simply to makes ends meet, then everything will definitely go wrong with the quality of delivery of such an individual. It's time to live for something much more than bread and material possession. DrBenard Etta

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We want to "do the stuff", we want to "get off our blessed assurance!  We want to work the works of God, as some put the question to Jesus.  We need a formula.

Many times we do want to accomplish the will of the Lord, but we move in our own strength.  We want to do the stuff, as John Wimber put it, but this must be accomplished out of a relationship.  Jesus MUST be LORD!  Not just Savior.

You and I must trust HIM with our everything that we might work the works of God!

Listen "Put Your Weight On HIM!" Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at

To learn more about Tell Them Outreach and Tell Them Outreach Fellowship, we invite you to go to our web sites:  http://tellthemoutreach.org and http://tellthemoutreach.info

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Hello Fam!


Excited and THRILLED to be the SPECIAL GUEST ARTIST at WUFO's Pre-Mother's Day Event at Templeton's Landing in Buffalo New York to celebrate WUFO RADIO'S 50th Anniversary!!!


This takes place Saturday, May 7th at 12noon.


Immediately following, I will be at DORIS RECORDS off of E-Ferry Street for a special appearnce and cd signing of my debut cd "Miracles!'


On Sunday, I will be ministering in song at a Local House of


More details to come!




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