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devotions (336)

Heaven Or Hell, Which One Will You Choose?

13456855074?profile=RESIZE_710xEvery person will spend eternity either in heaven or hell. As you read it, rejoice if your future eternal home is in heaven, and pray for those who need to get on that path or change the direction you are heading. Click on the link below to read the biblical descriptions of both heaven and hell. #1John #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #heaven


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No Eye Has Seen, No Ear Has Heard

13450755879?profile=RESIZE_710xIn Isaiah we read, "No ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you." The Apostle Paul wrote, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." I can't even imagine what eternity is going to look like. Click on the link below to read about it. #1Corinthians #BibleStudy #Devotions #heaven #worship


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What Are You Blaming Your Sinful Actions On?

13444073860?profile=RESIZE_710xJudas Iscariot, a disciple of Jesus, and the chief priests in Jerusalem sinned against Jesus. This post focuses on Judas, a Christ follower who went astray by betraying Jesus. Could Judas have received forgiveness for his sinful actions against Jesus? Click on the link below to get my take on it. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Matthew #sin


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A Miracle From God Could Be Waiting For You

13442044264?profile=RESIZE_710xMark 8 records Jesus feeding over 4,000 people, being confronted by argumentative Pharisees, and reminding His disciples of what they had seen Him do. He asked them, 'You have eyes—can't you see? You have ears—can't you hear?' Don't you remember anything at all? What questions would He ask you? Click on the link below to read today's post. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Mark #Miracles

https://www.ramckinley.com/A Miracle From God/

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The Voice Of The Lord And Its Mighty Power

13428512064?profile=RESIZE_710xIn Psalm 29, David wrote about the powerful and majestic voice of the Lord. Six times in this Psalm, we are given examples of what the voice of the Lord can do, concluding with God's love and compassion. Click on the link below to read about the power of the voice of the Lord. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Psalms #worship


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God's Justice Is Delivered Against The Wicked

10496617876?profile=RESIZE_710xHow do we define God's justice? People are capable of doing some terrible and wicked deeds. We can't, however, let their actions cause us to become judgmental in what we say or think. Click on the link below to read what we are supposed to do. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Grace #Romans #sin


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10090305674?profile=RESIZE_710xWhat are God's glorious, unlimited resources? The Apostle Paul revealed the mysterious plan that God, the Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning. He also told us God's purpose. Click on the link below to read about how it all involves you. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Discipleship #Ephesians


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There Is One God, And That Will Never Change

13410114488?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Bible doesn’t try to prove that God exists. Its very first sentence is "In the beginning, God…" Our enemy, the devil tries to convince us otherwise. Be encouraged as we look into Isaiah 44 and a few verses in the 43rd chapter. Click on the link below to read about the multi-purpose log. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Isaiah #worship


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13403889700?profile=RESIZE_710xRighteousness comes by maintaining a relationship with God through Jesus. A worldly person, on the other hand, cannot be righteous unless they give up their worldliness by receiving Jesus as their Savior. Click on the link below to see how righteousness and goodness work together. #1Peter #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism


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Enter Into The Presence Of The Lord

13393261452?profile=RESIZE_710xKing David authored Psalm 15. In only five verses, he laid out how to enter into the presence of the Lord. He began this Psalm with a question in verse one followed by its answers in the remaining four verses. Click on the link below to read what they are. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Psalms #worship


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The Eyes Of The Lord Watch Over The Righteous

13386977458?profile=RESIZE_710xIt's a good thing when God fixes His eyes upon us. In fact David filled Psalm 34 with many other encouraging words for godly people. Click on the link below to read about the perks followers of Jesus can enjoy. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Psalms #worship


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Start A New Beginning In The New Year

13379546478?profile=RESIZE_710x2025 begins this Wednesday. Happy New Year, and may your year be filled with blessings from the Lord. Many families and individuals often push the reset button for themselves at the beginning of each year by making New Year's Resolutions. Click on the link below to read about making resolutions that will last and please the Lord. #2Corinthians #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #worship


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Give Thanks Unto The Lord, For He Is Good

13361422661?profile=RESIZE_710xIn Psalm the Psalmist asked the following interesting question. Has the Lord redeemed you? He continued by saying, Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.

His timeless inquiry seeks an answer from people of every generation, including us. Click on the link below to read more. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Psalms #Thankful #worship


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The Wise Men Presented Gifts To The Baby Jesus

13353352684?profile=RESIZE_710xThe wise men didn't travel to see Jesus for any other reason than to worship Him and open their treasure chests to give Him gifts. That Christmas, the Lord gave us the gift of salvation. Click on the link below to read about opening to Him the treasure chest of your life. #BibleStudy #Christmas #Devotions #Matthew


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Live A Life Of Faith Like Mary Did

13349175298?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Old Testament prophets prophesied that a virgin would give birth to the Messiah and He would be born into the lineage of David. God chose Mary to fulfill that task. Mary became a valuable example for us when God calls us. Click on the link below to read how her example can help us when God puts a call on our lives. #BibleStudy #Christmas #Devotions #Discipleship #Luke


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The Bethlehem Star Led Wise Men To The Baby

13330056686?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Star of Bethlehem did what no other star has done. This star led a group of foreigners looking for the Messiah to a group of people who had been praying for the coming of the Messiah but didn't expect Him in their lifetime. Click on the link below to read about how God still does miracles. #BibleStudy #Christmas #Devotions #Matthew


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The Baby Jesus was Born In A Stable

9933120870?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Christmas story didn't begin with the birth of Jesus, and it didn't end with His birth. The focal point of this story is, of course, our Lord's birth. However, today's post focuses on the ministry of Mary and Joseph. Click on the link below to read what their ministry means to us. #BibleStudy #Christmas #Devotions #Luke


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13282879284?profile=RESIZE_710xDid you ever see something so exciting you couldn't wait to tell someone else about it? On the night of the Lord's birth, the shepherds had that type of story, which amazed everyone who heard it. Click the link below to read this post and how it relates to us. #BibleStudy #Christmas #Devotions #Luke


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