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Testimony – Feb 10
Several people have asked me about sharing some of the intimate details of my life. I decided that I would address this at this time. I have simply shared my testimony and that is where my focus has always been. It is my personal Faith walk. My Faith walk is what led me to where I am today. I am free of my past mistakes, my past decisions, my present (now) and my future…no worries. No matter what happens, I can look back and say God was there and therefore He is here now (presently) and He will be in the future. With that kind of assurance none of us have to worry. The things I endured gave me an awesome testimony and I am not ashamed to share my testimony. God did not take us through the struggles for us to be ashamed to tell others. While I was in the process of writing my first book I knew that it entailed me revealing some very intimate details in my life. However, I can not tell my story without strongly illustrating my spiritual transformation. I had to write that vision and I had to make it plain…sound familiar? We need to hear the truth in testimonies. We can no longer be vague, discreet and timid and expect to make a difference. Yes, I could have told a story of some made up character who encountered some issues, some heart ache and some trouble and then God set her free. But tell me how effective that would have been. To make a difference I knew that I had to be bold, honest and clear about the things that I went through and to allow others to literally walk with me through each trial. In other words, I had to swallow my pride. I am God’s child and I know that I am set apart from others in this way and my writing is not for me it is for the Glorification of the Lord, I humbly say, if my gift is writing, some say, then my gift is from God, of God and for God! My book is unto God and my thank you to God and a gift I give to others. Therefore, I am not concerned about the exposure. I am concerned about the greater good. None of us are exempt from struggles. We can not ignore the state we as Christians are in today, there are struggles on every hand, we see people taking their own lives, bound up by drugs, alcohol, affairs, unhappy, hurting, suffering, bound up because of past mistakes, past decisions, past baggage, confused, perplexed, etc. with seemingly no outlet…. Yet there is an outlet for every issue, ever situation, God is beautiful for situations. If my testimony, my story, my journey can help at least one person then it is worth sharing and for the greater good. The Bible says that in this life we all shall struggle. When we overcome our struggles, and we will always overcome our struggles, we have to only believe, we are to share it with others so we can win the world for Christ.
It was not easy in the beginning, I did struggle at times, but each time God said press on, this is not about you, this is about ME! I stand free today and that is the reason I am able to stand boldly and share my story. If you are not free then I can see your reservations, but I encourage you today, let God set you free and then you will understand why my testimony was like fire shut up in my bones. God can set you free from your past, your present and your tomorrow. John 8:36: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (KJV.) I am no super woman or an extraordinarily strong woman; I am only God’s chosen vessel and only made it through by the touch of the Master’s Hand. Be encouraged!