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WGTS 91.9 invited their listeners all over the D.C. Metro area to make a difference in the community. On January 16,  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the radio station hosted “Take Over Day” at Central Union Mission, one of Washington, D.C.’s, major homeless shelters. Central Union Mission is a faith-based non-profit organization with six locations throughout the D.C. Metro area.

Not only does Central Union Mission provide emergency shelters, but it also provides a food, clothing, and furniture distribution center as well as rehabilitation programs for people with life-controlling issues. Deborah Chambers, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships & Community Engagement helped form a partnership with WGTS 91.9 for Take Over Day. With the leadership of both Chaplain Kumar Dixit and Deborah Chambers, WGTS 91.9 and Central Union Mission came together to provide hospitality, joy, and hope to the residents.

From 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., individuals and groups of people signed up to help with various activities: preparing and serving meals, changing bed sheets, making sandwiches, and playing board games with the residents. Chaplain Kumar said, “The mission was so crowded with green-shirted volunteers. The cafeteria was split in two. One-half of the group was making sandwiches; the other half was playing board games with the residents.  It was a beautiful sight to see.” Central Union Mission also gave tours to the volunteers who had a special interest and wanted more information about the organization.

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., Day, the Spiritual Care Department put together a special program for the residents. The mid-morning program started with everyone singing “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” the black national anthem, followed by a poem, special music, spoken word, and a message from Pastor Paul Graham, senior pastor at Restoration Praise Center Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Later in the afternoon, a group of 30 volunteers signed up for a “prayer walk” led by Chaplain Kumar. The group spent 90 minutes walking throughout the whole mission, praying over each level, room, and bed in the mission. The prayer walk was such an inspiring activity for the volunteers and residents who witnessed them.

WGTS 91.9 concluded the Take Over Day with an evening worship service led by the WGTS Gateway Band. Kyle Alexander, lead singer of the band, said, “It was a, meaningful day I think everyone who was there left a little different than when they came.” Chaplain Kumar concluded the service with an inspirational thought.

 Kumar Dixit, WGTS 91.9 Chaplain remarked on the day’s event, “I can’t believe how many of our listeners took the day off to serve.  We are hoping to plan many more opportunities to serve as the Hands and Heart of Jesus.” 

WGTS 91.9 thanks God for an uplifting event and looks forward to a year of bringing unity and hope to the community.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting and indoor

Image may contain: 1 person, on stage, standing and guitar

Image may contain: 5 people, people sitting and indoor

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The Lordship of Jesus!

This is taken from our broadcast on Blog Talk Radio.  We invite you to be a part of our listening audience.  We broadcast every Saturday morning at 9:30am (Central).

Tell Them Outreach Broadcast - The Lordship Of Jesus, Part 4 at: Tell Them Broadcast

You may also visit out broadcast page by the following link: Tell Them Outreach Broadcast on BlogTalk

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Hello Fam!


Excited and THRILLED to be the SPECIAL GUEST ARTIST at WUFO's Pre-Mother's Day Event at Templeton's Landing in Buffalo New York to celebrate WUFO RADIO'S 50th Anniversary!!!


This takes place Saturday, May 7th at 12noon.


Immediately following, I will be at DORIS RECORDS off of E-Ferry Street for a special appearnce and cd signing of my debut cd "Miracles!'


On Sunday, I will be ministering in song at a Local House of


More details to come!




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It's time to vote for the finalists in the search for the Internet Radio Station of the Year. You may vote for four (4) of the entries (with 1 being your first choice and 4 being the last choice) in this category between October 27, 2010 and November 22, 2010. YOU MAY VOTE ONLY ONCE. The top 4 vote-getters will become the nominees and the winner will be announced during the Radio Station of the Year Awards in Nashville, TN on January 15, 2011.

Please vote for CJB Radio for a Internet Radio Station of the Year!! http://ccptv.onlinects.com/vote2010.asp. Also vote for Mr. Kevin James for Gospel Announcer of the Year!!

Thank you to your support! Tell your friends and contacts. Happy voting!

-- Simone

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No More Secrets with J La Trina

"I need a healing for my soul" ... Do you need a healing? Then tune into CJB Radio RIGHT NOW for the Re-Broadcast of "No More Secrets!" with J La Trina! Tonight's topic: "The Delivered Abortionist!" will minister to you. J La Trina is online to chat with you while you listen so join us in the chat room on http://www.cjbradio.com.

See ya there!

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Radio and Retail Work Together!

Independent artists!! Radio and Retail are meant to work together! Sell your project where your music is playing! If CJB Radio is playing your single, TheChristianJukebox.com should be carrying your project.

The month of April is a great time to join because you'll be automatically entered to receive two FREE tickets to the Independent Gospel Alliance Conference plus a hotel stay in the host hotel, have your music reviewed for CJB Radio's new show 'The Independent Showcase', and can purchase our new Download Cards at 25% off!! There's no time like the present! Go to the web site and click 'Artist Backoffice'. http://www.thechristianjukebox.com

We can run specials and promotions for you that other outlets cannot. Put us to work for you!
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