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No More Secrets with J La Trina

"I need a healing for my soul" ... Do you need a healing? Then tune into CJB Radio RIGHT NOW for the Re-Broadcast of "No More Secrets!" with J La Trina! Tonight's topic: "The Delivered Abortionist!" will minister to you. J La Trina is online to chat with you while you listen so join us in the chat room on http://www.cjbradio.com.

See ya there!

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Last month, I introduced many of you to “Happy Black Girl Day!”, a holiday created by Brooklyn diva extraordinaire and fellow blogger Sister Toldja. This once-a-month holiday allows us to take a break from the constant media assault on Black women and celebrate the sisterhood with showers
of positivity. The way I choose to celebrate HBGD is by highlighting
an extraordinary and prototypical Black woman.

April’s Prototype: Congresswoman Donna Edwards, Representative for Maryland’s 4th District

When I met Congresswoman Edwards at a Christmas party in 2009, I was immediately struck by her optimism in the face of such partisanship and political ugliness surrounding all things Obama, and to a lesser
degree, all things Democratic. With passion radiating from her being,
we talked of the stimulus package, the bailouts, and of course, the
hottest topic of the year, health care reform. At a time when the
possibility of real reform seemed fleeting, she was convincingly
confident that Obama would sign comprehensive reform into law soon:
“These are all things that need to be done for the American people, and
we’re going to get it done.” And just a few short months later, they

It is obvious that Edwards loves what she does. So when she graciously granted me an interview recently, the first question I asked her was: When did you fall in love with politics?

Read the rest at http://www.dcdistrictdiva.com/?p=349
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Radio and Retail Work Together!

Independent artists!! Radio and Retail are meant to work together! Sell your project where your music is playing! If CJB Radio is playing your single, TheChristianJukebox.com should be carrying your project.

The month of April is a great time to join because you'll be automatically entered to receive two FREE tickets to the Independent Gospel Alliance Conference plus a hotel stay in the host hotel, have your music reviewed for CJB Radio's new show 'The Independent Showcase', and can purchase our new Download Cards at 25% off!! There's no time like the present! Go to the web site and click 'Artist Backoffice'. http://www.thechristianjukebox.com

We can run specials and promotions for you that other outlets cannot. Put us to work for you!
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(A blog post from a young Christian Diva's blog, The Dithering of a District Diva)

As any non-driving District inhabitant knows: shiny yellow cab light on = run and catch me first and I’m all yours! Cab light off = shove off, I’m taken. So if the riders understand the boilerplate D.C. taxicab sign-language,you’d think its creators–the cab drivers themselves–would, as well.Apparently, that is too much to ask.

I have leapt snow mountains in a single bound and played rousing games of dodgecar/bus just to catch a cab withhis light on only to have the cabbie lock the door when I get withinarms length. (Thanks, Dad, I know that this behavior is dangerous, butthat is not the focus of this post). Or, if I manage to make it safelyinside, I get greeted with “No, no! Off duty! Off duty!” Horrified andout of breath, I’ll challenge them: “But your light is on!”To no avail. When this happens, I’ve been known to share a few choicewords on my way out and slam the door in a huff. How rude!

I won’t get into the quandary of cab availability to Black people in D.C. (particularly at night going inthe direction of Southwest). But I am often left wondering if thecabbie just forgot to turn his light off, or, if it was me.

The thought that had I been someone other than who I am, that cab might have been available to me, isinfuriating, for the sole reason that there isn’t a thing I can doabout who I am. I can strive to be better versions of myself, but at mycore, I am who I am.

In that same vein, then, I can wholly empathize with all of the men I have sort-of kind-of datedas of late. Confession: I have been driving around with my light onfor the past nearly two years; all the while, I have been—andremain—completely, unequivocally, emotionally unavailable.

Read more of "Light's Out: An emotionally unavailable woman's attempt at atonement" at http://www.dcdistrictdiva.com/?p=183
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Last Supper ...

Word of God
... through Bertha Dudde

Last Supper....

The motto of your life should be `To serve the Lord in all things will be my constant endeavour....' and His blessing will be with you wherever you go. Now hear what is intended for you from the Father: The most holy sacrament of the altar was given by God, but its meaning will have to be understood wisely. You are now surrounded by a protective shield of spiritual friends who will keep everything that is wrong and misguided at bay, so that people may receive clarification through you about a question which has become a frequent matter of dispute. Over a period of time people's correct thinking had been infiltrated by an entirely wrong point of view which caused further conflicts and divided opinions. Without first having asked for consent from the divine Lord and Saviour a directive was issued which is contradicts the divine teaching.

The living portrayal of the Holy Communion is always the acceptance of God's Word in one's heart.... Whoso eats My flesh.... i.e. who receives My Word with a hungry heart.... and drinks My blood.... i.e. who receives the truth with My Word and lives by My Word entirely truthfully.... he receives Me. And My Words `This is My flesh.... this is My blood....' should be understood in this sense: Just as the human being needs bread for the well-being of his body, so the pure Word of God is needed for the preservation of eternal life.... And just as wine will give strength to the weak, so shall the truth from God strengthen the soul, providing it accepts it. And when it is said that the bread and wine are transformed into My flesh and blood then the correct understanding of this should be that My Word will bring Me Myself close to the person at the same time, if it is complied with.... i.e. if it is eaten and drunk, and that, therefore, the human being accepts Me Myself with My Word, because My Word teaches love, and I Myself Am love....

He who loves Me will sincerely accept Me in his heart and thus will be filled at My table by My bread and My wine.... by the Word of truth and life. The meaning was in fact understood correctly. However, it was decided to ceremonially intensify the impression of My Words but then greater significance was given to the ceremony, so anyone not complying with it was declared to have lost all blessing. And thus the formality was observed first, but the deeper meaning became lost, Communion increasingly became a formality, divine truth could no longer enter into people's hearts. In contrast, the ceremony has been preserved to this day, and the human being believes to have fulfilled his obligation sufficiently by approaching the Lord's altar with faith....

But how can I take abode in a human being who has not changed himself to love first, who will not comply with My Word and keep My commandments? Anyone who wants to receive Me physically and spiritually and carry Me in his heart has to eat My bread and drink My wine.... he has to desire the bread of life as nourishment, which comes from heaven, and he has to drink the wine, the living truth, which flows to him who is thirsty. Only then will he eat My flesh and drink My blood and he will live eternally, because then he is in Me and I Am in him....

Only in this and no other way should the Communion be understood which I inaugurated with the said Words, but which you humans have interpreted at your own discretion without recognising the deeper meaning of My Words. The more eagerly you try to observe only the ceremony and the more often you merely externally receive My bread and My wine, the less I will be present Myself, and thus you will not receive Me Myself but you will only be close to Me in your imagination. Because I Am only present where profound love for Me expresses itself by fulfilling My commandments and living in accordance with My Word.... For he eats My flesh and drinks My blood who complies with My will and serves Me.... who bears witness to Me before the word, he will truly be My disciple with whom I will take communion and whom I will fill, to whom I will give his share.... he will be nourished by Me and receive the bread from heaven in all eternity....


`Do this in remembrance of Me....' Last Supper....

Strength, wisdom and life originate from Me.... And thus I have to be recognised as the source of strength and light, and the connection with Me has to be sought in order to attain life through the receipt of strength and light. Hence I must be able to find Myself again in you, that is, light and strength or the knowledge of eternal truth and its subsequent abundant strength have to be in you.... My spirit must take effect in you.... and thus I Myself must be able to work in you, only then will you be alive, but you will never ever loose this life again. Then you will be united with Me, and this union is the true Communion.... The union with Me is indispensable or you could neither receive strength nor light, since the unification with the eternal primary source has to take place first if the flow of My love is to be transmitted across into the human being's heart.

But in order to establish this unification the will to receive something from Me is required first. The will, in turn, necessitates mental activity, thus I have to be recognised by the person's heart and intellect as the source and therefore the provider of what he desires, and he has to mentally endeavour to reach Me.... Only this activates the will and fulfils the conditions which lead to unification with Me. The activated will is equal to an act of love.... But this is essential, and thus My commandment of love can never be bypassed by those who truly want to communicate with Me, who want to unite with Me....

Distribute gifts, offer food and drink to your neighbour, help him in his spiritual and earthly hardship, give to him as I have given to you, refresh your fellow human being's body and soul, have mercy on the weak and sick, comfort the sad, lift up the discouraged, always and ever alleviate hardship, and always do so with regard to Me Who exemplified the earthly path to you.... Share everything you own with the poor.... Then you will fulfil My commandment of love and thereby the first condition of unification with Me, for only when you have shaped your heart to love will I be able to unite with you, otherwise a union with Me will be impossible, regardless of how many external formalities you observe which have no effect on the state of your heart (your soul).

I want to give you life, give you strength and light in abundance, yet this will never be possible as long as you don't activate your will, as long as you don't practise love.... But I instructed you Myself on how you should practise this love and constantly admonished you to follow Me.... Remember Me and My teaching, then you will conduct yourselves accordingly, and you will truly become vessels for My spirit, thus you will enable the part of Myself to take effect in you.... You will draw Me to yourselves through your actions of love, and thus you will unite yourselves with Me, the primary source of strength and eternal light, and therefore you can also receive unlimited light and strength.... knowledge and might........

The union with Me has to be accomplished first through actions of love, only then can I be present in you Myself.... even in spirit, and only then can I nourish and refresh you with spiritual sustenance, with flesh and blood, with My body in the spiritual sense.... For I Myself Am the Word, thus I offer you the Last Supper when I convey My Word to you, which is spiritual nourishment for your soul. You can indeed also accept this nourishment without prior activity of love, but then it is not a Communion, not a union with Me, for then it is not yet the Last Supper, but it can lead you to it if you don't just accept the Word with your ears but also with your hearts and live accordingly.... Only the activity of your will, the action of love, establishes the spiritual union with Me. However, these activities of love consist of giving, of constantly passing on and sharing what you own, of what makes you happy yourselves in order to also please your fellow human being who is in need of it. And if you don't practise this, if you don't try to follow Me in this, you cannot be nourished at My table either, you will not be able to take the Last Supper with Me, because you exclude yourselves as My guests, because then I will remain inaccessible to you until you have changed yourselves to love, which is and eternally will be My fundamental substance.

If you accept the Last Supper in the form chosen by you humans it will always just remain an external act which only has a profound spiritual meaning when your heart is filled by deep love which, however, should not just move you emotionally but has to find its expression in works of unselfish neighbourly love. For whoever remains in love remains in Me and I in him.... This Word of Mine is also the foundation of the Last Supper set up by Me.... You should always bear My way of life on earth in mind and follow My every example.... And as you give you shall receive, spiritually and earthly; you will, providing you are in close unity with Me through love, be nourished and strengthened at all times.

Constantly carrying out works of love in remembrance of Me.... and thereby establishing the certain union with Me, which guarantees you the receipt of My Word, of My flesh and blood.... that is the profound spiritual meaning of the words `Do this in remembrance of Me....' which all of you will certainly understand if you have the sincere determination to ascertain the spiritual meaning of My Words....


Last Supper.... Spiritual meaning.... Flesh - blood....

The constant desire for nourishment at the table of the Lord assures you His love.... And thus I repeatedly invite you to take communion with Me, as often as you desire it. My table is always set for all who are hungry and thirsty and want to be refreshed, and they will be able to satisfy themselves with the bread of life, with the manna that comes from heaven. Every nourishment at My table is communion, it is the unification with Me without which the offering of My flesh and My blood.... of My Word and its strength.... cannot take place. Thus you, who receive My Word directly or through My messengers, are communing when you desire to accept My Word in your heart. Then My spirit will unite with the spiritual spark within you, then marriage will take place, the union, the spiritual communion. Then I will give you the bread of heaven Myself, I will give you food and drink, I will take supper with you.... you will experience the same event as My disciples, for whom I broke the bread and offered the wine with the Words: Take and eat, this is my body, take and drink, this is my blood....

Do you now understand the meaning I attached to these Words? How immensely important it is that you take communion at My table, because My flesh and My blood will give you the strength to reach eternal life. You have to be nourished with food for the soul so that it matures, so that it safeguards its eternal life.... it constantly has to receive strength which it can only receive from Me directly and which I will give every time it unites with Me. Then I will break the bread and offer it to the soul, and when it thus eats My flesh.... My Word.... it is permeated by strength.... the blood.... with which I have blessed My Word. No one who longs for food for the soul, who wants to be My guest, need ever starve and go without.... I will come to him Myself and invite him, I will stand before his door and knock and if he opens it for Me I will enter and take supper with him.... I will feed him at My table and he will be truly satisfied and never need to go without....

And thus, everything I said on earth should be understood in a spiritual sense. I taught My disciples and they understood Me and carried My Word into the world. And since people were taught correctly they understood and lived in accordance with My will, in accordance with My Word in complete understanding of it. Consequently, My church, the community of believers, was established entirely in My spirit at first.

But later this was no longer enough for the overzealous representatives of My Word, they wanted to excel before the world. And thus events, which were only intended for the soul, were visually presented to people and associated with external actions, which at first could not be condemned since they were carried by the spirit, since people took My will and its fulfilment seriously. But people changed and with them changed the characteristics of My church.... What was meant to be a profound inner experience became an external action which was placed at the fore and the deeper spiritual meaning became lost.... until the simple process of spiritual communion, of union with Me and the direct acceptance of My Word, was no longer understood by people. So now they no longer believe that a direct transmission of My Word is possible, although I Myself clearly and comprehensively promised them My direct working through My spirit, although I Myself.... the Word that had become flesh.... referred to the sustenance with the bread of life, with the manna from heaven.... People no longer understand the simple meaning of My Word and in their blindness don't want to accept the simple explanation either. But anyone who wants to hear and understand will realise it, and the truth will be plausible to him, he will strive to establish a connection with Me Myself, he will be My guest, and I will take supper with him and he with Me....


B.D. 0764, 3740, 4379

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


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Addresses Related Link:

bertha-dudde.info - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebiogr.html

Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/wordofgod/07_html/en_1000.html

download all revelations .txt document: http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/edown_in.php?nummer=14

Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets - http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/ebooklets.htm

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Sunday Night on CJB Radio!

Happy Sunday Fam!

Tune in tonight at 7:00 EST for Bible Answers Live and listen to Pastor Doug Batchelor answer your toughest Bible questions. Then stay tuned for Your Story Hour at 8:00 and the weekly Top 10 Countdown at 9:00. We had a great time on the countdown last week and this week will be even better!

While you're on the web site, feel free to send us your song requests and chat with us via the shoutbox!

See you online! http://www.cjbradio.com

Your sister in Christ,

-- Simone
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"In The Valley"

By La Shawn M. Montgomery
March 5, 2010
Original Source http://www.thahallway.com/hwayblogspot.html

Often times when we ask God for wisdom in a certain area we get a little disturbed if we have to experience a valley-like experience. There are those seasons where our social lives are great, the bills are paid, our loved ones are happy, there's food, fun, and fellowship! We couldn't be happier! Yet, when God begins to require a more intimate relationship with us, there's a shifting at times. Yep! You guessed it. People aren't speaking as much. The phone isn't ringing as often as it was. There may be intense fellowship going on between spouses. (You know, when nothing you say is the right thing to say). Things are not feeling good or looking good in the natural realm. Things seem VERY strange.

One day I was alone with God about 6 years ago, going over the final copy of my divorce papers. (I was in the Valley of Weeping). I sat on the floor and finally cried over the devastation. Living in a small city it seems as though everyone is connected somehow, and I had reached a point where I felt like a failure; Like I crashed and burned in front of everyone. I remember asking the Lord,"WHY". I wanted an answer. He began to teach me about intimacy and how I had lacked it because of past hurts and old wounds that I had experienced in my youth. So I went through a valley where I had to expose my true self to a few of my sisters and brothers in Christ during that season. Intimacy is where you let the person you love inside, and you allow them you to see the real you, your authentic self. I had never done that.

Once the process was complete, I found so much joy in that valley. I got a chance to cry, laugh, and heal. It seemed as if the old natured woman died in that valley, and a new woman emerged. If God is calling you to a closer place in Him, don't run, or be angry. It's in the valley where you can grow, heal, and learn what you need for the next season in your life. God Bless.

La Shawn N. Montgomery
Member of the Church of Love Faith Center
Inspirational Writer and Motivator

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Shawn Faulkner has many gifts from God:
Dj,Music Engineer,Artist,Drummer,Website Designer,GraphicsDesigner,Marketing/Promotions, Radio Personality, Voice Over Commercial ads, Carpenter,Network Administrator,CEO of Making Music ENT LLC. VicePresident of 3HP Records. 2 Studio locations "THA LAB STUDIOS" 1&2 .Duplication center. Basically your "ONE STOP SHOP". 410-375-1955 directly for price quotes and fellowship. www.3hprecords.ning.com

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Happy Sunday Fam!

Tune in tonight at 7:00 pm EST for Bible Answers Live and listen to Pastor Doug Batchelor answer your toughest Bible questions. Then stay tuned for Your Story Hour at 8:00 and the weekly Top 10 Countdown at 9:00. We had a great time on the countdown last week and this week will be even better!

While you're on the web site, feel free to send us your song requests and check out our advertising options.

See you online! http://www.cjbradio.com

Your sister in Christ,

-- Simone
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About Generation CrossFire


Generation CrossFire is a community-based, non-profit, cross-cultural youth outreach organization. Our greatest desire and intent is to help unify the local church and the local community addressing the needs of every young person Spirit, Soul and Body!


Our purpose is to radically impact the lives of inner-city youth by providing youth mentors and positive and constructive activities for youth through our partnering with local county government, churches, schools, recreational facilities, local businesses and individuals.


To IGNITE! To ILLUMINATE! To IMPACT! - Motivating, encouraging and inspiring inner-city youth to channel stress, pressures and fears into more positive attributes of strength, self-confidence and self-discipline.


Our Mission is to Encourage, Equip and Empower inner-city youth by providing positive mentors, and through the expression and utilization of the arts (Music, Dance, Drama), crusades, community youth rallies, youth group forums and through other creative and exciting recreational functions and activities.

Youth Master Keys To Success:
Discipline + Diligence + Determination = DESTINY!

Our goal is to inspire inner-city youth to find and walk in their pre-designed purpose and destiny in society, by helping to identifying their gifts and talents and by promoting discipline, diligence and determination to achieve excellence in all that they do.

Ning Community Website: http://gencrossfire.ning.com
Blogspot: http://generationcrossfire.blogspot.com
Email: crossfiregeneration@gmail.com

CrossFire- Definition (krôsfr, krs-)

1. CrossFire - Lines of fire from two or more positions crossing each other at a single point: soldiers caught in crossfire.

2. CrossFire - A confrontational situation in which opposing factions, forces, views, or opinions converge.

3. CrossFire – A lively or heated interchange of ideas and opinions conversation –
the use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc.

4. CrossFire - Fire from two or more points so that the lines of fire cross firing,

Fire - the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy; "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire".

For more information please feel free to visit on-line at http://generationcrossfire.blogspot.com/ or send an email to crossfiregeneration@gmail.com .

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Loving God's People (4)

Loving God's People
Bishop Walter S. Thomas

Hebrews 10: 24-25 says this:

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

It goes without saying that often in life we feel alone. We feel as if we are standing against the storm alone, fighting the rising tide alone, dealing with the difficulty alone, and living the great moments alone.

Life has been so unkind to so many of us that we have failed to cultivate or revisit the art of being close to persons and knowing the joy that comes from true and genuine fellowship.

We can find ourselves seeking to be alone because we feel it is safer and we won't be hurt. The real truth, however, is that we are missing out on what God has purposefully put in our path: His people.

God knows we cannot make this journey by ourselves and still know the fullness of the joy God has for us. What God has for us is intricately woven into fellowship and cannot be fully experienced until we allow ourselves to embrace the community of which God has us a part.

He has given us His people and now we must learn to love again. Jesus said that we would be known as his disciples 'by our love one for another.' God allows us and teaches us how to love and just what love means.

He teaches us that within the confines of God's family, we must learn how to love and to forgive. We must learn how to care and to be compassionate. We must learn how to celebrate and to serve.

I must admit...I love the people of God. They have been my instructors in life, my companions in suffering, my cheerleaders in success, and my friends in life. The writer of Hebrews said that we should not take this love 'for granted.'

We should seek out ways to build upon it and to encourage one another. We have a community that is always looking for new ways to inspire and to edify us. In the midst of a world that wrestles with the meaning of love, God has placed us in a community that seeks to practice love.

Let us not be naïve; the church is far from perfect. It has its flaws and makes its mistakes, but it is the bride of Christ being prepared for her Lord.

A love for God's people can help us all to realize that we should not live out our lives' journey by ourselves.

Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr.spacerServing as the pastor of the New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland since1975, Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr. is the presiding Bishop of Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors. Bishop Thomas is a certified Personal and Executive Coach. He also is the host of Empowering Disciples broadcast. For more information about Bishop Thomas, log onto www.newpsalmist.org.

© Bishop Walter S. Thomas all rights reserved

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Who Wrote That Rhyme?

A-Jamel of INF... Blog Entry 3..


Group: INF...

Question to all current, up and coming, new, and pondering Holy Hip Hop, CHRISTian Rap Artists.


Many times we as Holy Hip Hop, Christian Rap artists put together projects, mixtapes, compilations, etc. and we have a lot of bible based rhymes, meaningful lyrics, good singing/rappin hooks, on time content, verses of life and ministy can be heard and felt in many of these songs. But then there are the meaningless, scripture used incorrectly, catchy punch line riddled, it took me 2 minutes to write it, sullen, dull, take me to the water and make me drink that curse word, ministry less songs that grace the on a daily basis.

I can see it now. Sitting in the studio with the pen and the pad or the note pad notes, music on bumpin' loud, and the Holy Spirit nowhere in sight. The ink pen hits the pad and out comes You.

I'll make this short and to the point. If Our God is not petitioned by His Son Jesus to send a Word(rhyme) to You(us,we) by way of the Holy Spirit then save it. Keep it in your personal stash in da whip(car) and you and your friends can have an alright time when you get together. All I'm saying brothas and sistas is Spend time with the Lord, more than the time you spend in the studio without Him. If He don't send it, Don't write it. Think about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Living by the Spirit’s Power Galatians 5:16-26

16 So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. 17 The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. 18 But when you are directed by the Spirit, you are not under obligation to the law of Moses.

19 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, 21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. 25 Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. 26 Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another.

God Speed. I Love You


Let's Talk

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Kejar L. Butler presents her first collection of scriptural encouragement poems. A New Day is uplifting, inspiring and will wrap your soul in the blanket of God's love. Each poem is accompanied by a scripture. The poems will encourage you, and God's Word will renew your mind, so you can see your New Day!

If you would like a copy of this inspirational book, please visit our website for more information: www.burningbushpublishing.com

Be Blessed


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Hello Everyone,

Check out the HOT BLESSING NEWS of being nominated for Young African Americans for the "Top 30 Under 30?!!!

Radio One's 93.9 WKYS DJ Quick Silver & Angie Ange have finish the final voting! See the results of the nomination.

More information can be found on the Radio One WKYS Station website.

Here below is the "Official" Radio One 93.9 WKYS link for all the young professionals:

"Click below"




Nominate Young African Americans For The “Top 30 Under 30″ KYSDC - 93_9 WKYS DC's Home for the Hip-Hop Community.mht


Reception inclued:

1. DC City Council Members have confirmed attendance, including The Honorable Vincent Gray
2. Washington, DC will issue a City Proclamation Honoring the Top 30
3. Extended invitations to the following and are pending confirmation:

  • Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
  • Congresswoman Donna Edwards
  • Honorable Jack Johnson, County Executive Prince George’s County
  • Prince George’s County Council
  • Honorable Isiah Leggett, County Executive Montgomery County
  • Mayor Adrian Fenty
  • Council of the District of Columbia
  • Mayor William Euille of Alexandria
  • Councilwoman Alicia Hughes, City of Alexandria


Nominees included:



#1 Mike Winans, Jr.

MikeMike Winans, Jr. was born in Glendale, California three days after his dad Michael Winans Sr. had won his first Grammy Award in 1982. Once his parents, Michael and Regina boarded the plane heading back to their hometown Detroit, it was apparent that Mike Jr. would be a Musical Prodigy.

As the nephew/neice of (Bebe & Cece Winans), growing in a musical family of icons was a natural fit to work in the industry. Mike began his musical career as a high school freshman singing and writing songs for the concert and gospel choirs at Martin Luther King Jr. high school. During his junior year of high school, Mike along with his cousins Marvin Jr., Carvin Jr., and Juan formed the group Winans Phase 2 and signed a record deal with
Word/Sony Records. The group toured worldwide and accomplished many accolades including their nomination for a Grammy Award in 1999.

In 2002, Mike attended Schoolcraft College majoring in Business Administration. He graduated in 2004 and started Baby Mike Music Publishing Co. The company experienced success practically from the beginning. Mike went on to write and produce songs for several artists including New Edition, Avant, Diddy, Chris Brown, Danity Kane, Day 26, B5, Case, Michelle Williams and Mario Winans to name a few. Mike has produced on 5 Billboard #1 Albums and 4 Platinum Albums so far in his accomplished career. He also serves as one of the Senior Producers on Diddy’s MTV’s Makin Da Band.

While the music production continues, Mike has began to encourage and motivate others who are interested in the field of entertainment and business via public speaking engagements. His goal is to offer knowledge and wisdom by sharing personal experiences and valuable commentary.
Mike recognizes that true success is predicated mostly by how many others you can assist to accomplish their dreams.You can contact Mike Winans directly at mrwinans82@gmail.com He would love to talk with you personally.

#2 Amleset Kidane

CoachPicAmleset Kidane referred to as “Coach K” is a Motivational Speaker and Certified Life Coach who began her career as a youth coach for at risk youth. Her passion to unleash the brilliance of youth and young adults propelled her to leave her prominent executive position and start her own coaching firm.

Coach K’s company created youth coaching programs for such institutions as Job Corps, DC Charter Schools, and The Oak Hill Academy. Coach K is one of the most insightful and compelling speakers in her industry. Her ability to persuade and connect with her audience on a deeper level makes her an irresistible speaker.

Coach K is also the Founder of Genesis International Consulting Firm, LLC, a Coaching Firm designed to change the way professionals and leaders approach, think, and live their life. She is passionate about serving as a catalyst for change in the lives of those who she connects with.

Coach K established the First Life Coaching Training Institute in the DC Metropolitan area with a special emphasis on minority populations. The Genesis Life Coaching Institute continues to receive high accolades. Having worked in higher education in the past, she created customized programs in the areas of executive leadership, business, marketing, youth and family, public speaking, spiritual empowerment, health advocacy and public policy, and personal development coaching. At her Institute several qualified Coaches and Consultants serve under her Leadership Training, Coaching, and Consulting Individuals.

In 2009, her Institute launched a campaign for individual and community success titled, A Better You for a Better Tomorrow ( ABYBT). Under the ABYBT campaign a series of workshops, seminars, camps, and retreats are being conducted to elevate participants to their next level. The theme and subsequent classes advocate for individuals to invest in personal growth in their daily living to gain a more prosperous future

As a college student Coach K was a NCAA Champion and All-Star Athlete in cross country and track at Southeastern Louisiana University. She has won numerous awards both athletically and professionally including, The Robin Roberts Award, Athlete of the Year, The Spirit to Serve, MVP, The Sports Writers Top Ten, Scholar Athlete of the Year, Athlete of the Year, and Community Leader Award.

She currently serves as Vice President of Rotary International Greenbelt Chapter and also represents the Rotary Youth Leadership program.

Contact Coach K at info@gicfirm.com.

#3 Shawn Hay

SimbaShawn Hay, also known as Shawn Papi aka Sean P. Diddy Combs of Gospel Promotion is the Premier Promoter for Gospel Celebrity Events and Community Service activities in the DMV.

Shawn is also the owner of The Penta Networking Group which is ranked in the top 20 Security Consulting firms in the country. The Hey Papi Promotions Network Company is the top Christian Marketing & Promotions Company in the DC metropolitan that is also owned by Mr. Hay.

Since the year of 1994 while attending college at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore he had early training as a promoter for college events and working under many night clubs including Marc Barnes of DC Live now Dream Night Club. He became one the Mega-Promoters of the DC area night clubs and was well honored for it. Having a calling from the Lord it was time to give everything up and use his talent for serving God.

Today, Mr. Hay is now the Top Christian Promoter in the DC Metropolitan Area and has a network contact of 100,000+ People. He has promoted major events The National Pan-Hellenic Council Community Fundraiser; The Voices of Praise Concert with Jonathan Nelson, CeCe Winans Praise in the Park Event; Run-DMC’s Citywide Foster Care Adoption Walk and most recently The 2010 Stellar Awards.

When not working Mr. Hay enjoys traveling the world, exercising, watching movies, and community service. Mr. Hay can be reached at his “Official” website at www.heypapipromotions.ning.com.

#4 Shayna Yvonne Rudd

Shayna RuddShayna Yvonne Rudd is a proud native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of the prestigious Howard University where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and African-American Studies. Upon graduation, Shayna remained in Washington, D.C. and was hired through “Teach For America” as an educator at Anacostia Senior High School and upon completion of her two year service, she taught at Maya Angelou Public Charter School. Miss Rudd is currently pursuing her MBA at Trinity University in Washington, D.C.

It was during her tenure at Howard University that Shayna was introduced to pageantry. In 2005, she was crowned Miss Howard University and Miss Black and Gold, Eastern Region. During her reigns, Shayna’s platform and passion for mentoring and empowering the lives of young women was the cornerstone of her dreams becoming a reality. As a result, Miss Rudd founded The LadyDiva Corporation where she is presently enriching the lives of women from all walks of life.

In July of 2007, Shayna earned the honor of being crowned Miss District of Columbia (D.C.) and represented D.C. at the Miss America Pageant in Las Vegas, Nevada. As her once in a lifetime week of competing came to a close, Shayna earned the non-finalist preliminary talent award that captivated the audience. Being honored opened many doors and fostered relationships that allowed Shayna to return to D.C. as an educator with a drive to serve her community as Miss District of Columbia while changing the lives of many people.

In 2009, The LadyDiva Corporation held its first LadyDiva Honors Awards where she recognized and honored several women in the District of Columbia for personal heroisms and their dedication to enriching the lives of others. On January 29-31, 2010, LadyDiva heldd its first “Having the Audacity to Dream” young ladies conference in Philadelphia, PA. During the conference, Ms. Rudd unveiled her first book, “Lady Lessons: The LadyDiva Guide to Embracing the Truth About You!” With this book, Miss Rudd says, “I want to reach out and effectively touch, help, heal and encourage young women to capture their dreams. I want them to have the audacity to dream and turn those dreams into action.”

Shayna is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Service Sorority, Inc. and the reigning Miss Black USA 2009. She is determined to make a difference through the arts, education and social awareness.

For more information on The LadyDiva Corporation, please visit www.ladydivaforlife.com.

#5 Ryan Richmond

30-under-30-ryan-richmondRyan Richmond is a Washington, D.C. native and a graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. As a cinematographer, he has shot more than 40 films and music videos. His cinematography has been showcased in some 50 festivals nationally and internationally, including Sundance and Cannes. He shadowed Spike Lee on “25TH HOUR” and Mathew Libatique on “INSIDE MAN”.

Richmond’s directorial debut film MONEY MATTERS, was the first Short to be nominated for the Independent Feature Project’s (IFP’s) Gordon Parks Award (2001). He developed the short film into a feature screenplay, which was selected by Tribeca Film Festival’s All Access Program, won UrbanWorld Film Festival’s HBO Screenplay Competition and won 2nd place for the Larry Neal Dramatic Writing Competition. With MONEY MATTERS now complete, the film will star Aunjanue Ellis (RAY, UNDERCOVER BROTHER), Michel Wright (WPGC) and Antonio “The Cuban Cigar Smoker” (WKYS) with executive producer Sam Pollard (INSIDE MAN, JUICE).

Currently, his cinematography is airing on HBO with the documentary “By the People: The Election of Barack Obama”, and Ryan is producing a four-part documentary series with Spike Lee on President Barack Obama for A&E Indie Films (A&E Channel).

#6 Pharoh Martin

30-under-30-pharoh-martinPharoh Martin is the national correspondent for the NNPA News Service. “The Black Press of America” serves over 200 Black and community newspapers nationally.

As a reporter for NNPA, Martin focuses largely on issues of the aging, civil rights and public policy, as well as covering the White House and Capitol Hill for the Black Press.

The Fresno, California native also writes regularly for Theurbandaily.com, Radio One/ Blackplanet’s most trafficked entertainment website (2.5 million+ monthly page views).

In 2004, Martin co-founded urban lifestyle periodical Streetz Magazine, where he served as it’s editorial director. He recently launched Thesmugger.com, a life and style blog geared toward urbane gentlemen.

Martin is a 2009-2010 NNPA/AARP fellow. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from the Howard University John H. Johnson School of Communications, where he was twice nominated for a Hearst Award for feature writing.

Interview subjects include entertainment celebrities 50 Cent, T.I., Diddy and Kanye West, mother of rapper Notorious B.I.G. Voletta Wallace, Grammy Award-winning producer Pharrell Williams, actor Hill Harper, civil rights leaders Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, civil and women’s rights icon Dorothy Height, Michael Jackson’s family lawyer L. Londell McMillan and AARP’s first black CEO A. Barry Rand, among many other prolific subjects. He has also covered President Barack Obama as a White House correspondent.

His work has been published in Vibe, GIANT, J’Adore and XXL magazines, as well as The Legal Times, Newsone.com and Allhiphop.com, The Los Angeles Sentinel, Amsterdam News, The Chicago Defender, The Afro Newspaper, The Final Call and The Philadelphia Tribune, among many other places.

#7 William Lance Blake

30-under-30-william-blakeWilliam Lance Blake currently serves as an educator in Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS). As a product of PGCPS, Mr. Blake displays a sincere dedication to serving as an innovative educator, who is determined to educate youth and inspire them to create their individual “Blueprint of Success.” Mr. Blake graduated from Forestville High in 2002. He went on to attend Morgan State University, where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Family & Consumer Sciences. Shortly after graduation Mr. Blake was hired by PGCPS as the Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher at Gwynn Park High School. Mr. Blake’s drive and eagerness to actively participate in the educational culture at Gwynn Park High School has allowed him to serve as: Director of Peer Mediation, Senior Class Advisor, Curriculum Writer, Chairperson of Student Activities and Administrative Intern in his first three years.

While learning the ropes of being an educator, Mr. Blake simultaneously completed coursework to earn his Master’s Degree from Trinity University in Curriculum & Instruction. The accolades and degrees of higher learning have only been stepping stones for the ultimate platform that Mr. Blake seeks to execute. To add to his many accomplishments, Mr. Blake was recently accepted into the New Leaders for New Schools Program (NLNS). NLNS is a National Initiative that trains Resident Principals to lead urban schools and close the achievement gaps in our urban communities. This program seeks leaders who are “influential agents of change who impact not only students and schools but entire communities…”At the tender age of 25, Mr. Blake is the youngest person to be accepted in the program in which he will be a Resident Principal for the 2010-2011 school year.

Mr. Blake believes that all students can excel no matter what circumstance they encounter in life. Building relationships with family, school, and community are the faucets of success that Mr. Blake believes creates levels of achievement amongst all students. Only 25 years of age, most colleagues assume that Mr. Blake has 25 years of experience in the field of education due to his relentless drive and motivation to connect and engage with students who have been underserved or disenfranchised from their education.

Aside from his professional track, Mr. Blake is also a community activist and has been honored by the United Methodist Episcopal Church for his unselfish work in the community. He serves as Co-Founder of The Fellaz Inc., which is a non-profit organization geared toward empowering the youth to achieve in every field of their human endeavors. Last but certainly not least, Mr. Blake is a devoted member Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

#8 Stephen Conti

30-under-30-stephen-contiStephen Conti, President and CEO of Tocar Spa, concentrates his practice on athletic re-development and recovery massage. He is trained and licensed in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Pregnancy, & Hot Stone massage. His experience ranges from work with Collegiate and High school athletic teams to Day Spas. Stephen’s formal training was conducted at the Potomac Massage Training Institute in Washington, DC. His massage incorporates a variety of techniques including: myo-fascial release and advanced stretching. With an in-depth understanding of anatomy and structural kinesiology Stephen is able to work the issues at the root and not just the surface.

In his previous post he was the Guest Services Manager at a Multi-National Spa & Salon and was responsible for designing a comprehensive Quality-of-Service training program for Guest Service Representatives. In the capacity he also developed a company wide guest incentive based reward program to increase customer retention.

Stephen is a firm believer that we should all empower ourselves to achieve the goals which we have set forth in our own lives. “Setting goals for your health should be no different from any financial or professional goal that you have set. We need to view our health as a top priority, rather than an afterthought. It is imperative to remember we are only given one body and that we need to take care of it.”

Stephen, 27, is currently single and resides in Hyattsville, MD.

#9 Natasha Eubanks

30-under-30-natasha-eubanksNatasha Eubanks is the creator of TheYBF.com, one of the largest and most popular celebrity gossip and entertainment websites. She started the blog as a hobby in July 2005 while in her first year of law school. TheYBF.com is the product of her obsession with all that is Hollywood and celebrity. Natasha noticed there was a lack of African-American celebrities being represented by mainstream media, and decided to create a lane for celebrity gossip and entertainment news focusing on Black Hollywood. Today, at 27 years of age, Natasha has developed TheYBF.com into a full-fledged business that enjoys a readership of over 15 million readers per month. The brand focuses on shedding light on the fabulous side of Black Hollywood, as well as having fun with the drama that makes Hollywood—Hollywood.

In July of 2008, TheYBF.com expanded from the web into the airwaves! Natasha became the Gossip & Entertainment Correspondent for the nationally syndicated Big Boy’s Neighborhood Morning Radio Show. You can hear Natasha giving the most up-to-date entertainment news daily to listeners in over 40 markets in several major cities across the United States.

Natasha is just as hard working off the air and away from her computer. Natasha was featured on the cover of the January 2010 issue of Black Enterprise magazine. She is working hard to dominate the business landscape through all areas of media. Natasha stresses, “Maintaining ownership is the end-all, be-all of my goal because it is important, especially for the black community.” Her company, The Young, Black, and Fabulous LLC, boosted revenue near the $1 million mark in 2009!

Natasha has also created an online magazine, TheYBF.com Extra, and is currently developing several more businesses to create a media empire.

PLEASE VISIT LINK TO SEE THE REMAINING NOMINEES AT: http://kysdc.com/locals/quickandange/93-9-wkys-presents-the-dmvs-top-30-under-30/


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