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We invite you to become a part of Remnant Church Bible Institute.

RCBI is an online and physical Bible Institute dedicated to helping to prepare people who are serious about ministry.  We believe that Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit told us to prepare others in the Body of Christ for working the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13).

We also believe that those who cannot afford to leave their jobs and go to a Bible College and those who cannot afford the financial burden should not be denied the opportunity to receive a "Practical Ministry" Bible Education.

Listen to the lesson in this posting and go to http://www.rcbi-edu.org and register to get things started.

Remnant Church Bible Institute First Things First - Chapter 3 Lesson 3 at http://tobtr.com/s/5065479.

Remnant Church Bible Institute

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network

Tell Them Outreach

Email: info@tellthemoutreach.com

Phone: (409) 234-5854

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Being a witness is difficult enough without "feeling" stuff.  Sometimes the martyrdom of living for Jesus is that you can feel the pain when people are going the wrong way.  Sometimes its the feeling of being talked about, ridiculed and accused of things you are not guilty of.  Maybe your hurt is in being misunderstood.

Whatever the situation, feelings are inconvenient.  How easy it would be to witness and to live a life before the Lord if you didn't have to feel the pain of rejection.  The Lord will "put you out" for the sake of reaching the lost.  Not easy, but necessary.

Listen to this special message from Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at http://tobtr.com/s/5059795.

Tell Them Outreach Church

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network

Email: info@tellthemoutreach.com

Receive our monthly Ministry Partner Message and Newsletter - Text "witness" to 77948.

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We want to "do the stuff"!  We want to see the power of the Lord work through our lives!  But, if the power starts working without an understanding of the necessary "how", we could be in deep trouble.

Jesus looks at more than just what we do but, HE looks at the "why".  Our motives are important to HIM, our loyalty and love are important to HIM.  It is not just a matter of doing, it is a matter of being.

Do you want to simply do or do you want to BE?

Listen to "How Do We Get To Do The Stuff?"  Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at http://tobtr.com/s/5055743.

Connect with us for the FREE Monthly Tell Them Outreach Partner Message by texting the word "witness" to 77948 with your smartphone.  You will be included to receive this FREE newsletter and message from Bishop August S. Francis.

Tell Them Outreach

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network


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We must get past our "precious" opinions of people, colors, wealth levels, etc., etc.  Jesus did not and does not give space for us to segregate who we minister the Gospel to, we have no selection process.  The Word is clear, "...preach the Gospel to every creature".

It took repeated visions and the voice of the Lord to make Peter know that what Jesus has cleansed, we do NOT have the right or option to call that unclean.  What will it take for you and I to stop calling people unclean that Jesus wants us to reach?

"Who Are You Calling A Creature?"  Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at http://tobtr.com/s/5047007.

We need your help with the Multi-City Crusade.  Help us in your giving at: http://www.gofundme.com/35unc4

Tell Them Outreach Church

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network


(409) 234-5854

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Jesus spent much time in prayer but still managed to get this done, so well that we are still talking about HIS deeds today.

If HE spent so much time in prayer and got the will of God done, don't we realize that we need to pray to see the Lord move today?  We have not yet realized that we war in the spirit, we war in the heavens.  If we will "fight" the battle in prayer, we will see the victory in the natural world.

Let us receive from the Word of God, as Bishop William K. Mackie continues this important series on "The Importance Of Prayer...Before, During And After Revival"

Today's message on Prayer with Bishop William Mackie. Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at http://tobtr.com/s/5038745.

We also invite you to take a look at the internet TV, Radio and Networking site called Share Faith Tube There are many ministry television sites to watch and, if you want to have your own internet program, that possibility is there for you.

Tell Them Outreach Church

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network


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The Next Lesson from Remnant Church Bible Institute.  Become a part of RCBI.  Contact us at: rcbi-edu@outlook.com

Remnant Church Bible Institute (http://rcbi-edu.org ) First Things First - Chapter 3 Lesson 1 at http://tobtr.com/s/5043459

RCBI is a ministry of Tell Them Outreach Church, Beaumont TX.  We invite you to get details and register.  We are preparing people for ministry in the Body of Christ.  Find out more at: http://www.rcbi-edu.org

Call us at (409) 234-5854

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We deal with the overall subject of "Reach The Lost, At Any Cost".  This has been our Tuesday subject for some time.  Then we added a sub topic of "I Don't Want To Put You Out".  This deals with the way in which the Lord will rearrange our lives to accomplish HIS will.  The changes that HE makes in us are difficult to the flesh nature of man.

In Acts 1:8, HE tells us that HE has sent us power to be witnesses.  One of the difficult things that HE tells us to do is to be witnesses in Jerusalem (home), to friends and family.  This can be VERY inconvenient.

"The Inconvenience Of Friends and Family". Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at

Tell Them Outreach Church

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship & Network


(409) 234-5854

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We want to "do the stuff", we want to "get off our blessed assurance!  We want to work the works of God, as some put the question to Jesus.  We need a formula.

Many times we do want to accomplish the will of the Lord, but we move in our own strength.  We want to do the stuff, as John Wimber put it, but this must be accomplished out of a relationship.  Jesus MUST be LORD!  Not just Savior.

You and I must trust HIM with our everything that we might work the works of God!

Listen "Put Your Weight On HIM!" Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at

To learn more about Tell Them Outreach and Tell Them Outreach Fellowship, we invite you to go to our web sites:  http://tellthemoutreach.org and http://tellthemoutreach.info

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There are so many of us that want revival.  But revival does not come on the coattails of an evangelist, nor does it come just because we want it.  Prayer is a very important part of the process.  Prayer prepares us and the "ground".

Then, we must continue in prayer to continue to be ready and see the Lord move.

Bishop William Mackie continues in this very necessary series of "The Importance Of Prayer...Before, During And After Revival".  Receive and apply, as the Lord speaks to you through this man of God.


You may contact Tell Them Outreach

By Email - info@tellthemoutreach.com

By Phone - (409) 234-5854

Our Web Sites - http://tellthemoutreach.org and http://tellthemoutreach.info

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Being a Christian is inconvenient and the will of the Lord will "put you out".

There are constantly things that the Lord will ask us to do that go against the grain of who we think we are.  When HE told these Jewish persons to go to Samaria, HE knew that he was telling them to lay their normal lives down to go to people who they were taught to have no dealings with.

Are you willing to let the Lord Jesus "Put You Out"?

"I Don't Want To Put You Out Of Your Racial Comfort Zone"  Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at http://tobtr.com/s/5038725.

For updates about Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network, text "witness" to 77948



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"Getting The Church Ready To Get Off Its Blessed Assurance"  We have been speaking about "When Are We Gonna Do The Stuff?"  But we can't do anything, the right way, until we ARE something.  And we can't be anything without a relationship!

Listen to this series and, prayerfully, receive.

Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at .

Contact us at (409) 234-5854 or email us at: info@tellthemoutreach.com

We also invite you to visit our web sites at: http://tellthemoutreach.org and http://tellthemoutreach.info

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The instructions that Jesus gave to us are not convenient, in our flesh.  He will instruct us to do things that are "out of our comfort zone".  The act of repentance is "out of our comfort zone".

Then, we have the joy of the promise, the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  But even that has a "catch".  The Holy Spirit was sent to help us to deal with the inconvenience.  Is this a little fuzzy?  Listen to today's message.

The Inconvenience Of Being A Witness! 7/9/13 Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at .

You may contact us by email at: info@tellthemoutreach.com or by phone at (409) 234-5854

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Prayer - Communication with the one who created us and created all.  What a privilege!

What a privilege that we take so lightly.  Some people pray but don't believe HE will listen or answer.  Some pray and don't believe that HE is willing to answer.  He will talk with you, if you listen.

Bishop William Mackie continues this important teaching on prayer.  A broadcast from Tell Them Outreach, Beaumont TX at:

Visit our web sites at:




Email us at: info@tellthemoutreach.com

Don't forget the "Power Evangelism Adventure".  Visit http://www.gofundme.com/35unc4

and help us reach our goal!

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The inconvenience of being a witness is something we don't like to consider.

We live in a world where the main focus in the "church" is to come up with the best formula of how to get God to give us what we want.  We say we want "God's will", as long as "God's will" is for me to prosper.  While we have church, people are plunging into hell...

Jesus wants to inconvenience our lives, and it's only fair...the Crucifixion was pretty inconvenient for HIM!

Listen to "I Don't Want To Put You Out!? Part 2"  on the Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at:

http://tobtr.com/s/5038721. #BlogTalkRadio

Contact us at: info@tellthemoutreach.com

Web Sites:  http://tellthemoutreach.org


Phone: (409) 234-5854

Text "witness" to 77948

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This is a special series under the general title, "Into All The World".  Jesus said to GO and preach the Gospel to every creature!  Who do we consider to be a CREATURE?

Follow this series and let the Holy Spirit ask you!

"Into All The World" on Tell Them Outreach Church broadcast, Beaumont TX at .

You may contact Tell Them Outreach

Email:  info@tellthemoutreach.com

Phone: 1 (409) 234-5854

Web Site: Tell Them Outreach Church

                    Tell Them Outreach Fellowship

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I Don't Want To Put You Out!?

This is our Tuesday broadcast on Blog Talk Radio.  Our usual Tuesday general topic is "Reach The Lost At Any Cost!"  This message begins to deal with the personal cost that Jesus told us about.  Sometimes we miss it. 

Listen to "I Don't Want To Put You Out!?" Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at .

If you would like to get updates, special messages and event info from Tell Them Outreach Fellowship, please text "witness" to 77948

Don't forget to visit our web sites at: http://tellthemoutreach.org and http://tellthemoutreach.info

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You gotta get up after the fall
And walk with Jesus through it all.

I learned to surrender to him
I Let his spirit come in now I’m born again!
Through trials and tribulations I
Fall down and cry
But I know there’s a God, I feel him deep inside
although I got these problems in life
I pray to him and
Keep my head up high
The bills keep coming, the haterz keep hatin
But I’m a walk with Christ and change my situation
Like the Job, after they took it all
He kept the faith and got blessed after the fall
You gotta get up after the fall
And walk with Jesus through it all.

The enemy aint playin no games
So you can’t stay the same you gotta grow and change
Put on the whole armor of God
It’s real out here yo, times is hard
You want Gods guidance, light and protection
Spiritual resurrection
Don’t be out there all alone in isolation
Cause that’s mental and spiritual incarceration
Christ came for soul emancipation
That sound good let me say it again
Christ came for soul emancipation
So praise the Lord and let your soul ascent c’mon!
Download on Bandcamp!

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A Man Like God Book Preview

Chapter 4

The Man: Without God

Strip a man down to his bear soul and all he is left with is choice.  He has a choice to die with nothing but his soul, or the choice to grow on from there and reach for higher heights than where he currently finds himself.

However, when you look at the things upon the earth that man can strive for, what does he actually obtain that he can take with him when his soul dies?  For all the things which man strives for, breaking his back to accomplish, using his time and energy to build; what of all of that can he actually account for when he dies?

His soul takes pride in his accomplishments, his degrees, the grand homes, cars, and bank accounts, but in the end he leaves all of that for another man to squander, plunder, and waste.  Yet for all that, the one thing or asset which he can take, or that will follow him to the grave and beyond; that he rejects.  He rejects it because it can’t be measured, counted, or stacked in a room.  It can’t be put on display, hung on a nail, or in a display case as a trophy.

No one can readily see it, acknowledge it, or praise him for it; and that which he receives praises for, or acknowledgement for is a hoax, false, made to be seen, heard and praised as something he brings attention to; as if to say “see me what I’ve done”.

Therefore, in the pride of his heart he lifts up his knowledge and his intellect for what else does he truly have?  However, what shall even remain of those, for his knowledge shall come to nothing.  The car and the home for which he takes pride in himself for obtaining, is not truly his, because someone else has the title and deed.  He has bought into a false sense of ownership, because if he misses a payment the bank comes-a-knocking, or they remove him or the property which is rightfully theirs.

So of all the things that a man says is his, what is actually his?  What can he keep that he can say is truly his and no one else’s?  Even his life the breath he breaths is not his, but he utilizes them only for the short time he is upon the earth.  Then they return to the one who gave them.

He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered” (Proverbs 28:26).

Man left to himself can only follow the imagination of his own heart, which we can see in scripture is divisive, having taken on the nature of Satan.  Yet man doesn’t even have his own mind, because most of what he thinks apart from God is a product of the Devil.  It is written: “Man’s goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way” (Proverbs 20:24)?

The evils that man has committed are from the Devil, the lies he tells belong to the Devil; for the Devil is a liar and the father of it (see John 8:44).  He gets angry and hurts, or murders someone which is the product of demons.  Anger, jealousy, malice, envy, pride, all these are products of demons.  He wars and terrorizes and takes credit for the aftermath, and yet even this is born of demons.  Therefore, all the pride that man takes in doing mischief to each other is actually the inner workings of a demon that influences him to do so.  The final act of doing it is man’s doing for which he will be judged, but the thought behind it is not.

The belief that there is no God, comes from demons, therefore, man can’t even take ownership of many of his own belief systems, because they are also devised from demons.  Of course demons don’t want men to know this, and keep their dealing, plots, and plan secret making the man think he is in control when he really is not.

In this manner the man plays the fool, for it is written: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalms 14:1).  He plays the fool because he thinks that when he doesn’t believe in the God that made him, he is actually expressing his own thoughts.  He may have bought into them, but they certainly didn’t come from him.

Man’s beliefs system mainly stems from thoughts, ideas, and situations which occur outside of him, which demons construct to direct his thoughts and men considers these things, and makes a final decision on what he will believe.

I mean which of us by taking thought and considering all the things which gives us pleasure, would not make the decision to engage in them?  After all it’s fun, enjoyable, gives us pleasure, makes us feel good, helps us forget our troubles, and in the case of frequent sexual escapades boosts our ego.  Therefore, many of the things demons use against us are the things we find pleasurable, exciting, sociable, and thrilling.

God is seen as the strict parent making us miss out on what we consider the fun of life.  Therefore, the laws and commandments which govern them are tested and tried by men to see how far they can go in their disobedience, before judgment falls.

Even in the Body of Christ many risk daily their salvation for just a moment of forbidden pleasure.  Lusting and desiring things which we know God does not delight in.  Living a secret lifestyle away from the crowd; after all who is going to know what we do in the privacy of our own home?  Therefore, we maintain forbidden friendship, acquaintance, and fellowships just in case.  Deceived by the fact that those around us who befriends us really support us in the things we do, and we keep those who would challenge us, confront us, and expose us at arm’s length never allowing them to get too close, because what if.

In this we play the fool again, not understanding that it does not matter if man sees us; God sees us, and in due season he will judge, for it must be that judgment begin at the house of God (see 1 Peter 4:17).

Therefore, man has found himself in a precarious situation, having been put out of the Garden, facing a cruel world essentially on his own, with new rules and regulations which he is not accustomed to.  Not understanding that he is under a system which is bent on his destruction.  The harmony of God is gone; the intimate, close, touchable love of God has dissipated.  All that is left is the insecurity he now feels being left with only his thoughts, and a demon poised to take advantage of it all.

For without God we are lost, contrived, and detrimental to our own selves.  If we don’t allow the architect of our being access to direct, lead, purpose, and build our lives then we are simply a mound of flesh hasting to our death; for without God we are dead while we live.

Coming Spring of 2013.

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