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trouble (6)

Being a witness is difficult enough without "feeling" stuff.  Sometimes the martyrdom of living for Jesus is that you can feel the pain when people are going the wrong way.  Sometimes its the feeling of being talked about, ridiculed and accused of things you are not guilty of.  Maybe your hurt is in being misunderstood.

Whatever the situation, feelings are inconvenient.  How easy it would be to witness and to live a life before the Lord if you didn't have to feel the pain of rejection.  The Lord will "put you out" for the sake of reaching the lost.  Not easy, but necessary.

Listen to this special message from Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at http://tobtr.com/s/5059795.

Tell Them Outreach Church

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network

Email: info@tellthemoutreach.com

Receive our monthly Ministry Partner Message and Newsletter - Text "witness" to 77948.

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We want to "do the stuff"!  We want to see the power of the Lord work through our lives!  But, if the power starts working without an understanding of the necessary "how", we could be in deep trouble.

Jesus looks at more than just what we do but, HE looks at the "why".  Our motives are important to HIM, our loyalty and love are important to HIM.  It is not just a matter of doing, it is a matter of being.

Do you want to simply do or do you want to BE?

Listen to "How Do We Get To Do The Stuff?"  Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at http://tobtr.com/s/5055743.

Connect with us for the FREE Monthly Tell Them Outreach Partner Message by texting the word "witness" to 77948 with your smartphone.  You will be included to receive this FREE newsletter and message from Bishop August S. Francis.

Tell Them Outreach

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network


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We deal with the overall subject of "Reach The Lost, At Any Cost".  This has been our Tuesday subject for some time.  Then we added a sub topic of "I Don't Want To Put You Out".  This deals with the way in which the Lord will rearrange our lives to accomplish HIS will.  The changes that HE makes in us are difficult to the flesh nature of man.

In Acts 1:8, HE tells us that HE has sent us power to be witnesses.  One of the difficult things that HE tells us to do is to be witnesses in Jerusalem (home), to friends and family.  This can be VERY inconvenient.

"The Inconvenience Of Friends and Family". Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at

Tell Them Outreach Church

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship & Network


(409) 234-5854

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The instructions that Jesus gave to us are not convenient, in our flesh.  He will instruct us to do things that are "out of our comfort zone".  The act of repentance is "out of our comfort zone".

Then, we have the joy of the promise, the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  But even that has a "catch".  The Holy Spirit was sent to help us to deal with the inconvenience.  Is this a little fuzzy?  Listen to today's message.

The Inconvenience Of Being A Witness! 7/9/13 Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at .

You may contact us by email at: info@tellthemoutreach.com or by phone at (409) 234-5854

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The inconvenience of being a witness is something we don't like to consider.

We live in a world where the main focus in the "church" is to come up with the best formula of how to get God to give us what we want.  We say we want "God's will", as long as "God's will" is for me to prosper.  While we have church, people are plunging into hell...

Jesus wants to inconvenience our lives, and it's only fair...the Crucifixion was pretty inconvenient for HIM!

Listen to "I Don't Want To Put You Out!? Part 2"  on the Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at:

http://tobtr.com/s/5038721. #BlogTalkRadio

Contact us at: info@tellthemoutreach.com

Web Sites:  http://tellthemoutreach.org


Phone: (409) 234-5854

Text "witness" to 77948

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I Don't Want To Put You Out!?

This is our Tuesday broadcast on Blog Talk Radio.  Our usual Tuesday general topic is "Reach The Lost At Any Cost!"  This message begins to deal with the personal cost that Jesus told us about.  Sometimes we miss it. 

Listen to "I Don't Want To Put You Out!?" Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at .

If you would like to get updates, special messages and event info from Tell Them Outreach Fellowship, please text "witness" to 77948

Don't forget to visit our web sites at: http://tellthemoutreach.org and http://tellthemoutreach.info

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