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Bless the Mic Ciphers TV is now broadcasting on Altice Cable in Newark NJ every Saturday Night on Channel 19 at 10PM. In addition to this it airs in Bergen and Morris Counties in NJ as well as NYC and the Bronx NY and still expanding!
We are looking for positive and inspirational videos to air on these channels and our internet network.
Please send videos and links to (put Bless the Mic Submissions in the Header).
Kamal Imani
God bless!
From the book, "First Things First", Russel Board writes on the subject of Prayer.
Today, we continue, with Dr. August S. Francis, to cover the subject of Prayer and the Types of Prayer that are covered, overall, in the Word of God. Prayer is conversation with the Lord and we must take it very seriously. How can we do the work of the Lord without speaking to the one we work for. Let's take a look at His Word!
The new Remnant Church Bible Institute broadcast, "I Can Talk To God" (PRAYER) at Let's go into the things of the Lord!
Remnant Church Bible Institute
Tell Them Prayer Page (Jesus Is Lord Over The Golden Triangle)
The Bible!
With a host of books written and the host of people who are teaching from their own words, why do we need the Bible?
Remnant Church Bible Institute
We are presenting the last teaching on this subject and the closing section of this chapter. Please take the Fruit Of The Spirit very seriously. This is the personality of Jesus that the Holy Spirit wants to develop in our lives.
As the late B.H. Clendenon stated, "The Lord is more interested in 'us' being something then He is in 'us' doing something!" Be who the Lord wants you to be, then you will do what the Lord wants you to do.
Remnant Church Bible Institute
Today we deal with the final installment of this series. It is entitled "Better Than Just Healthcare!".
What could possibly be better than healthcare? This has been billed as the greatest thing that could possibly happen to mankind, but those who present it this way are just wrong. Let's look at the Word of God and see what could possibly top this.
Tell Them Outreach
The Gifts of the Spirit help us to present Jesus to the world! These are not "toys" for the church world to amuse themselves or to show off to each other. We were present these and are presented these gifts to manifest Jesus. And the Word of God says that the earth groans for the manifestation of the Sons of God.
Remnant Church Bible Institute
We continue in the teaching on the Gifts of the Spirit.
It is important that we have an understanding of these Gifts, due to the fact that the job of the Holy Spirit is to empower us to represent and present Jesus to the world. Jesus lived, operated and spoke to us and into us of the supernatural. The Holy Spirit gives these gifts, not for our profit, but for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Remnant Church Bible Institute
We continue with our teaching on the Gifts Of The Spirit. There is a Biblical list, but the list is "incomplete", as we will see as we go to the Word of God.
Let's take a look and see what the Bible says in regards to these very important tolls that the Lord has provided to the Church to fully represent Him.
What Are The Gifts Of The Spirit? Part 2. Today's lesson from Remnant Church Bible Institute at #RCBI
Remnant Church Bible Institute
(409) 234-5854
We know that there is a purpose in receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, to lift up and present Jesus. But, there are also "tools" that the Lord has given us, by the Holy Spirit, that people may know that we properly represent the SAME Jesus that told us that " we would receive power".
Let's look at these "Gifts", their purpose and our responsibility.
Remnant Church Bible Institute
We continue in the teaching on "How Do We Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit?"
The fact that Jesus told us to wait until we receive this Promise of the Father as His "Last Words" on earth is significant. Let's take a deeper look into what He said, and is saying, to us.
You may lean more about Remnant Church Bible Institute by going to You may also contact me (Dr. A.S. Francis) at: or call us at (409) 234-5854
We want to help you reach your full potential in your walk with the Lord and in ministry!
Remnant Church Bible Institute - How Do We Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit? - Part 2 at
Much has been said in recent years regarding "character". It is true that we need to have character before the Lord and those that we come in contact with, but what does that mean.
The Lord has allowed me to make some observations and has given me some direction in this matter. Join me today and let's take a look at this important subject.
You may learn more regarding Tell Them Outreach Church, Fellowship and Network by going to or email at: You may also call us at (409) 234-5854
What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
Today's lesson from the Remnant Church Bible Institute is on that very subject. Join us for today's lesson from Remnant Church Bible Institute!
"First Things First", "The Baptism In The Holy Spirit" at
One thing is clear, there is more to what happened on the day of Pentecost than speaking in other tongues!
We come to you with another message dealing with the Great Commission. Today we deal with two (2) words..."All Nations".
Please ... Listen to the message!
You may learn more about Tell Them Outreach Church and Tell Them Outreach Fellowship & Network by visiting our web site at:
We also have a Bible Institute, Remnant Church Bible Institute. Please take a look at:
You are also welcome to call us at: 409-234-5854
Being a witness is difficult enough without "feeling" stuff. Sometimes the martyrdom of living for Jesus is that you can feel the pain when people are going the wrong way. Sometimes its the feeling of being talked about, ridiculed and accused of things you are not guilty of. Maybe your hurt is in being misunderstood.
Whatever the situation, feelings are inconvenient. How easy it would be to witness and to live a life before the Lord if you didn't have to feel the pain of rejection. The Lord will "put you out" for the sake of reaching the lost. Not easy, but necessary.
Listen to this special message from Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at
Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network
Receive our monthly Ministry Partner Message and Newsletter - Text "witness" to 77948.
We want to "do the stuff"! We want to see the power of the Lord work through our lives! But, if the power starts working without an understanding of the necessary "how", we could be in deep trouble.
Jesus looks at more than just what we do but, HE looks at the "why". Our motives are important to HIM, our loyalty and love are important to HIM. It is not just a matter of doing, it is a matter of being.
Do you want to simply do or do you want to BE?
Listen to "How Do We Get To Do The Stuff?" Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at
Connect with us for the FREE Monthly Tell Them Outreach Partner Message by texting the word "witness" to 77948 with your smartphone. You will be included to receive this FREE newsletter and message from Bishop August S. Francis.
Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network
We deal with the overall subject of "Reach The Lost, At Any Cost". This has been our Tuesday subject for some time. Then we added a sub topic of "I Don't Want To Put You Out". This deals with the way in which the Lord will rearrange our lives to accomplish HIS will. The changes that HE makes in us are difficult to the flesh nature of man.
In Acts 1:8, HE tells us that HE has sent us power to be witnesses. One of the difficult things that HE tells us to do is to be witnesses in Jerusalem (home), to friends and family. This can be VERY inconvenient.
"The Inconvenience Of Friends and Family". Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at
Tell Them Outreach Fellowship & Network
(409) 234-5854
We want to "do the stuff", we want to "get off our blessed assurance! We want to work the works of God, as some put the question to Jesus. We need a formula.
Many times we do want to accomplish the will of the Lord, but we move in our own strength. We want to do the stuff, as John Wimber put it, but this must be accomplished out of a relationship. Jesus MUST be LORD! Not just Savior.
You and I must trust HIM with our everything that we might work the works of God!
Listen "Put Your Weight On HIM!" Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, Beaumont TX at
To learn more about Tell Them Outreach and Tell Them Outreach Fellowship, we invite you to go to our web sites: and
There are so many of us that want revival. But revival does not come on the coattails of an evangelist, nor does it come just because we want it. Prayer is a very important part of the process. Prayer prepares us and the "ground".
Then, we must continue in prayer to continue to be ready and see the Lord move.
Bishop William Mackie continues in this very necessary series of "The Importance Of Prayer...Before, During And After Revival". Receive and apply, as the Lord speaks to you through this man of God.
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By Phone - (409) 234-5854
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