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jesus (64)

The Bible!

With a host of books written and the host of people who are teaching from their own words, why do we need the Bible?


Remnant Church Bible Institute




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Worship And The Word


This is the ministry of Tell Them Outreach of Beaumont Texas.  Today's message is scheduled to be a continuation of the message, "What Is Wrong With Me?"  There is an answer if we will deal with it!

Tell Them Outreach

Email: info@tellthemoutreach.com


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What Is The Fruit Of The Spirit?

We are presenting the last teaching on this subject and the closing section of this chapter.  Please take the Fruit Of The Spirit very seriously.  This is the personality of Jesus that the Holy Spirit wants to develop in our lives.

As the late B.H. Clendenon stated, "The Lord is more interested in 'us' being something then He is in 'us' doing something!"  Be who the Lord wants you to be, then you will do what the Lord wants you to do.


Remnant Church Bible Institute




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What Is The Fruit Of The Spirit?

What I ask you to notice is the question and the way it is phrased.  "What IS The Fruit Of The Spirit?"  Not "...what ARE the fruitS..."

The Fruit Of The Spirit IS One, not many!

Let's look at the Word of God and the lessons.

Remnant Church Bible Institute




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According to our author, Russell A. Board, "There are four (4) principles to guide us in the exercise of the Gifts Of The Spirit..."

Let's examine the use of the Gifts and operate by the Holy Spirit.


Remnant Church Bible Institute



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Healthcare.God, Part 5

Today we deal with the final installment of this series.  It is entitled "Better Than Just Healthcare!".

What could possibly be better than healthcare?  This has been billed as the greatest thing that could possibly happen to mankind, but those who present it this way are just wrong.  Let's look at the Word of God and see what could possibly top this.


Tell Them Outreach

Email: info@tellthemoutreach.com



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The Gifts of the Spirit help us to present Jesus to the world!  These are not "toys" for the church world to amuse themselves or to show off to each other.  We were present these and are presented these gifts to manifest Jesus.  And the Word of God says that the earth groans for the manifestation of the Sons of God.

Remnant Church Bible Institute




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We continue in the teaching on the Gifts of the Spirit.

It is important that we have an understanding of these Gifts, due to the fact that the job of the Holy Spirit is to empower us to represent and present Jesus to the world.  Jesus lived, operated and spoke to us and into us of the supernatural.  The Holy Spirit gives these gifts, not for our profit, but for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Remnant Church Bible Institute



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We continue with our teaching on the Gifts Of The Spirit.  There is a Biblical list, but the list is "incomplete", as we will see as we go to the Word of God.

Let's take a look and see what the Bible says in regards to these very important tolls that the Lord has provided to the Church to fully represent Him.

What Are The Gifts Of The Spirit? Part 2. Today's lesson from Remnant Church Bible Institute at http://tobtr.com/s/6646245. #RCBI

Remnant Church Bible Institute


(409) 234-5854


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We know that there is a purpose in receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, to lift up and present Jesus.  But, there are also "tools" that the Lord has given us, by the Holy Spirit, that people may know that we properly represent the SAME Jesus that told us that " we would receive power".

Let's look at these "Gifts", their purpose and our responsibility.

Remnant Church Bible Institute



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We continue in the teaching on "How Do We Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit?"

The fact that Jesus told us to wait until we receive this Promise of the Father as His "Last Words" on earth is significant.  Let's take a deeper look into what He said, and is saying, to us.

You may lean more about Remnant Church Bible Institute by going to http://www.rcbi-edu.org  You may also contact me (Dr. A.S. Francis) at: rcbi-edu@outlook.com or call us at (409) 234-5854

We want to help you reach your full potential in your walk with the Lord and in ministry!

Remnant Church Bible Institute - How Do We Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit? - Part 2 at http://tobtr.com/s/6594037

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Much has been said in recent years regarding "character".  It is true that we need to have character before the Lord and those that we come in contact with, but what does that mean.

The Lord has allowed me to make some observations and has given me some direction in this matter. Join me today and let's take a look at this important subject.

You may learn more regarding Tell Them Outreach Church, Fellowship and Network by going to http://tellthemoutreach.org or email at: info@tellthemoutreach.com  You may also call us at (409) 234-5854


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The "Last Words" of Jesus, when He was physically on the earth, spoke of the Holy Spirit.  It is important that we receive The Promise Of The Father...

Listen to the new teaching session of RCBI - How Do We Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit? at http://tobtr.com/s/6588041

Enroll as a student in Remnant Church Bible Institute by going to the web site at:http://www.rcbi-edu.org or contact us at: rcbi-edu@outlook.com and you may call us at: (409) 234-5854

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This broadcast deals with the Great Commission when it comes to focusing our attention on the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Due to the subject matter, some may be offended and take issue with what is said.

If you are offended by keeping your focus on the Blood of Jesus, you may not want to hear this!

The  Tell Them Outreach Broadcast - The Purpose Of The Great Commission at http://tobtr.com/s/6098947.

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The Baptism In The Holy Spirit!

What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

Today's lesson from the Remnant Church Bible Institute is on that very subject.  Join us for today's lesson from Remnant Church Bible Institute!
"First Things First", "The Baptism In The Holy Spirit" at http://tobtr.com/s/6125597.

One thing is clear, there is more to what happened on the day of Pentecost than speaking in other tongues!

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We come to you with another message dealing with the Great Commission.  Today we deal with two (2) words..."All Nations".

Please ... Listen to the message!


You may learn more about Tell Them Outreach Church and Tell Them Outreach Fellowship & Network by visiting our web site at: http://tellthemoutreach.org

We also have a Bible Institute, Remnant Church Bible Institute.  Please take a look at: http://www.rcbi-edu.org

You are also welcome to call us at: 409-234-5854

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This is our teaching broadcast of the Remnant Church Bible Institute for Saturday, March 15, 2014.  You are invited to learn more and become at student at RCBI.

Our web site is http://www.rcbi-edu.org

No one is denied based on financial or education limitations.  Diploma programs are available and credits are accepted, at select institutions, for degree programs.

Listen to today's teaching!


You may contact me at: rcbi-edu@outlook.com

Dr. August S. Francis

Chancellor, Remnant Church Bible Institute

General Overseer, Tell Them outreach Church, Fellowship & Network

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This recorded message is from our Blog Talk Radio Broadcast of Saturday, March 1, 2014.

We invite you to a part of our listening audience, via the live broadcast or listen to our archived messages.

Join us for this broadcast and visit our web site at http://tellthemoutreach.org



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The Lordship of Jesus!

This is taken from our broadcast on Blog Talk Radio.  We invite you to be a part of our listening audience.  We broadcast every Saturday morning at 9:30am (Central).

Tell Them Outreach Broadcast - The Lordship Of Jesus, Part 4 at: Tell Them Broadcast

You may also visit out broadcast page by the following link: Tell Them Outreach Broadcast on BlogTalk

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