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We MUST Have Revival!

We Must Have Revival

Saints of God, let's come together for prayer.  Let's come together for revival.  We MUST see the Lord move.  Come Your Kingdom!  Be Done Your Will, Lord!

Join the Prayer Army.  We are looking for three hundred (300) prayer warriors, intercessors and praisers to take territory for the Kingdom of God. Psalm 2:8  "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession."
Tell Them Prayer Page (Jesus Is Lord Over The Golden Triangle)

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This is the new post to our Prayer Army site. You are invited to join us! https://www.facebook.com/groups/PrayForBeaumont/

Good morning Prayer Army!

Monday, the last Monday before the New Year begins. The Lord gave me the theme: "If You Obey HIS Word, Your Vision Will Be Seen In 2015!"

Ask the Lord today to give you your personal and ministry "marching orders for the New Year. Write them down and look at them (Write the vision, make it plain...that they may run that readeth it). Know that this is the VISION the Lord has for you in the coming year and Go After It, as was told to the people of Israel.

There are souls in the valley of decision waiting for you and I to get it together in the Spirit and walk in the anointing that the Lord has given us!

By the way, invite someone to join the Prayer Army. Events will be coming soon!

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There are so many of us that want revival.  But revival does not come on the coattails of an evangelist, nor does it come just because we want it.  Prayer is a very important part of the process.  Prayer prepares us and the "ground".

Then, we must continue in prayer to continue to be ready and see the Lord move.

Bishop William Mackie continues in this very necessary series of "The Importance Of Prayer...Before, During And After Revival".  Receive and apply, as the Lord speaks to you through this man of God.


You may contact Tell Them Outreach

By Email - info@tellthemoutreach.com

By Phone - (409) 234-5854

Our Web Sites - http://tellthemoutreach.org and http://tellthemoutreach.info

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Prayer - Communication with the one who created us and created all.  What a privilege!

What a privilege that we take so lightly.  Some people pray but don't believe HE will listen or answer.  Some pray and don't believe that HE is willing to answer.  He will talk with you, if you listen.

Bishop William Mackie continues this important teaching on prayer.  A broadcast from Tell Them Outreach, Beaumont TX at:

Visit our web sites at:




Email us at: info@tellthemoutreach.com

Don't forget the "Power Evangelism Adventure".  Visit http://www.gofundme.com/35unc4

and help us reach our goal!

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