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education (11)


什么是推荐信: 推荐信是进行美国大学申请/研究生申请/博士申请时所需要提交的一份材料。推荐信通常是由你的教师、导师或其他专业人士撰写的一封信函,目的是向招生委员会或雇主介绍你的学术能力、专业素养、研究潜力和个人品质。推荐信提供了非常重要的第三方评估,帮助评估委员会更好地了解你的能力和潜质。

推荐信的重要性: 推荐信在申请过程中起着至关重要的作用。它不仅提供了来自权威人士的专业观点,还为你的申请增加了可信度和竞争力。一封出色的推荐信可以强调你的优点、突出你的成就,并对你的申请产生积极影响。

选择推荐人原则: 选择适合的推荐人是非常重要的。首先,你应该选择那些对你有充分了解并具备良好的学术背景的人。这可能包括你的导师、教授或实习导师。其次,推荐人应该对你的能力和品质有积极的评价,并能够提供具体的例子和实例。最后,推荐人应该是你信任和与之建立了良好关系的人。

推荐信的结构和内容: 一封推荐信通常包括以下几个方面:引言、推荐人与申请人的关系介绍、对申请人能力的评价、具体实例或案例支持、总结和推荐人的签名。在写推荐信时,推荐人应尽量客观、准确地评价你的学术能力和个人品质,并提供具体的例子来支持评价。

推荐信的数量: 通常建议准备两至三封推荐信。确保推荐人的数量适度,既能提供足够的证明材料,又能保持高质量的推荐信。但请注意,不要过多地准备推荐信,以免招生委员会被过多的推荐信淹没。

什么时候找老师要推荐信: 最好在申请前至少提前两个月找到推荐人并提出请求。这给推荐人足够的时间来撰写推荐信,并能够更好地了解你的背景、成就和目标。

如何找老师要推荐信: 首先,选择与你有密切联系且对你有深入了解的教师或导师。在面对面会议中,向他们解释你的申请目标,并提供个人陈述、简历和其他支持材料,以帮助他们更好地了解你的背景。向他们表达你对他们撰写推荐信的诚挚请求,并询问他们是否愿意担任推荐人的角色。

如何提交推荐信: 大多数学校和机构都要求推荐信以电子形式提交。在申请过程中,你将被要求提供推荐人的联系信息,以便招生委员会与他们取得联系。确保及时向推荐人提供所需的信息,并向他们解释提交推荐信的具体步骤和截止日期。

结语: 推荐信在研究生申请中扮演着重要角色。通过选择适合的推荐人、正确撰写推荐信,并按时提交,你将增加自己在申请过程中的竞争力。请记住,与推荐人建立良好关系并对他们的工作给予诚挚感谢是非常重要的。祝愿你在申请时顺利通过,并取得成功!

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Are Christians 'dumber' than most?

“Evangelicals are largely poor, uneducated and easy to command”—Michael Weisskopf, Washington Post reporter says.  WOW!  If this statement had been made about any other group, it would immediately been labeled as bigoted and racist. This statement also makes 2 huge assumptions:

  • That poor, uneducated people are easier to command (I’ve never seen any proof of this)
  • That the more education you have, the wiser you will be (Are you kidding me? Please show the correlation between level of education and wisdom)

This statement by Mr. Weisskopf reeks of an academic elitist attitude.

It’s funny, especially since Christianity has been known as the thinking man’s religion.

Read apologetics-notes.comereason.org/2014/11/Christianity-is-thinking-mans-faith.html.

It was Christianity that first taught that all people, rich & poor, men & women, should be entitled to an education. Before the rise of Christianity, education was only for the rich males. Christians figured that without knowing how to read, people couldn’t read the Bible. The ability to read the Bible made knowing about Jesus so much easier. And since Jesus considered all people as equals before God (Galatians 3:28), these early Christians taught everyone to read. Even today, the first thing missionaries do is teach people to read.

Are Christians 'dumber' than most

After the fall of the western Roman Empire, it was Christian monks that preserved the knowledge of the Greeks & Romans. They advanced it greatly, making it available to anyone. Especially after the Protestant Reformation, people needed to be able to read if they were to read the Bible and be properly discipled. So Christians pushed universal childhood education, a first in the history of the world. Almost all of the early colleges & universities were started by Christians. In his 1932 book, “The Founding of American Colleges and Universities before the Civil War”, David Tewksbury states that 168 (92%) of the 182 colleges and universities were founded by Christian denominations.  Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Columbia, Brown, Rutgers, etc. all started out as Christian colleges. Harvard’s motto was “Truth for Christ and the Church”. The declared purpose of it was “To train a literate clergy”. One of the Rules & Precepts of Harvard was, “Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life, John 17:3 and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning”. WOW! You’ve come a long way, Baby!


Modern science could only be birthed in a Christian environment. Since the Christian concept of God is of a rational creator, it would make sense that He would create a physical universe based on rational physical laws. As the scientist Kepler said, “I want to think God’s thoughts after Him”. The ancient gods, whether Greek or Roman, were part of the creation. These gods were very capricious in their behavior, so it didn’t occur to ancient man that they would create rational laws. Hence, a study of the physical universe was never considered worthwhile. Read www.ldolphin.org/bumbulis/#anchor5345780.  Also read the following chapters in these 3 great books that should be a part of every Christian’s library:

-“How Christianity Changed the World” by Dr. Alvin Schmidt, chapters 7 on education & 9 on the origin of modern science.

-“What’s So Great about Christianity” by Dinesh D’Sousa, chapters 8-10 on the origin of modern science.

-“Christianity on Trial” by Vincent Carroll & David Shiflett, chapter 3 on the origin of modern science.

When many of the Christian colleges became secularized, believers started up a whole slew of colleges again. Here in Michigan, you have Hillsdale, Hope, Albion, Spring Arbor, Alma, Cornerstone, Adrian, Calvin, Concordia, Olivet and many, many more. Christianity has always been heavily into the propagation of education for all peoples. Is this new information to you? Were you aware of this?  Write and let me know what you think.

For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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The "Last Words" of Jesus, when He was physically on the earth, spoke of the Holy Spirit.  It is important that we receive The Promise Of The Father...

Listen to the new teaching session of RCBI - How Do We Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit? at http://tobtr.com/s/6588041

Enroll as a student in Remnant Church Bible Institute by going to the web site at:http://www.rcbi-edu.org or contact us at: rcbi-edu@outlook.com and you may call us at: (409) 234-5854

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This is our teaching broadcast of the Remnant Church Bible Institute for Saturday, March 15, 2014.  You are invited to learn more and become at student at RCBI.

Our web site is http://www.rcbi-edu.org

No one is denied based on financial or education limitations.  Diploma programs are available and credits are accepted, at select institutions, for degree programs.

Listen to today's teaching!


You may contact me at: rcbi-edu@outlook.com

Dr. August S. Francis

Chancellor, Remnant Church Bible Institute

General Overseer, Tell Them outreach Church, Fellowship & Network

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We invite you to become a part of Remnant Church Bible Institute.

RCBI is an online and physical Bible Institute dedicated to helping to prepare people who are serious about ministry.  We believe that Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit told us to prepare others in the Body of Christ for working the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13).

We also believe that those who cannot afford to leave their jobs and go to a Bible College and those who cannot afford the financial burden should not be denied the opportunity to receive a "Practical Ministry" Bible Education.

Listen to the lesson in this posting and go to http://www.rcbi-edu.org and register to get things started.

Remnant Church Bible Institute First Things First - Chapter 3 Lesson 3 at http://tobtr.com/s/5065479.

Remnant Church Bible Institute

Tell Them Outreach Fellowship and Network

Tell Them Outreach

Email: info@tellthemoutreach.com

Phone: (409) 234-5854

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The Next Lesson from Remnant Church Bible Institute.  Become a part of RCBI.  Contact us at: rcbi-edu@outlook.com

Remnant Church Bible Institute (http://rcbi-edu.org ) First Things First - Chapter 3 Lesson 1 at http://tobtr.com/s/5043459

RCBI is a ministry of Tell Them Outreach Church, Beaumont TX.  We invite you to get details and register.  We are preparing people for ministry in the Body of Christ.  Find out more at: http://www.rcbi-edu.org

Call us at (409) 234-5854

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We continue in the teaching of Remnant Church Bible Institute.  This is our first core course, "First Things First" by Russel A. Board.

Your Instructor - Bishop August S. Francis, D.Min.; PhD Th

Chapter 2 of First Things First - Lesson 2a at:


For more information about Remnant Church Bible Institute, please contact us at: rcbi-edu@outlook.com

Or visit our web site at: http://www.rcbi-edu.org

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The Word says, in 2Timothy 2:15,  "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  There is a phrase in this verse that is the most important.  That phrase is "...UNTO GOD...".  We have been made to feel that if we get our education from the greatest institutions, Known To MAN, that we have impressed the Lord.  Not so!!

We at Remnant Church Bible Institute believes that it is the anointing that breaks the yoke!  RCBI is an institute of education, Bible education.  But, nothing will ever replace the call of the Lord upon your life and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Study and receive from the Word, by the Spirit.

Remnant Church Bible Institute is here to help you become everything the Lord wants you to be.

Listen to part 2 of First things First - Lesson 1 at:

http://tobtr.com/s/5015801. #BlogTalkRadio

For more information, contact us at: rcbi-edu@outlook.com or call us at: (409) 234-5854

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We are making the teaching of the Remnant Church Bible Institute available to you.  Welcome to "First Things First - Lesson 1"

If you would like to know more about remnant Church Bible Institute, you may contact me: August S. Francis (Chancellor) at rcbi-edu@outlook.com  and visit our web site at: http://www.rcbi-edu.org

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2Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Get information about Remnant Church Bible Institute on this "Introduction" program at .

Go to our website at: http://www.rcbi-edu.org or call us at:

(409) 234-5854

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What is this word redemption? And what does it stand for? We will take a look at it to see how it affects all of our lives. The Webster's Dictionary states that Redemption is 1. an act of redeeming or the state of being redeemed. 2. deliverance; rescue. 3. Theology . deliverance from sin; salvation. 4. atonement for guilt.
So that lets us know that we are forgiven of our sins. Well the question I want to ask is this? Do we in society forgive those that have done things that we consider to be wrong whether it effects us or not? The only person that can answer that question is you.
Can a person be redeem that is the question? Some might say yes they can through counseling or some other form of treatment. The people that I am going to talk about have done somethings that are to be considered wrong in GODS eye sight as well as man.s eye sights.

The first person I want to talk about is Stan "Tookie" Williams. Mr. Williams was one of the co-founders of a gang called the "CRIPS" they became one of the largest gangs in America. Mr. Williams was convicted of murder. We are not here to judge Mr. Williams one way or the other, but what we are looking at is the fact that while on death row he wanted to effectively make a change in young people lives. Mr. Williams wrote books for children in a effort to keep them from making the same mistakes that he did. Mr. Williams also was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, and he was the only person ever to be nominated on death row. They also made a movie about Mr. Williams and it is entitled "Redemption". Did Mr. Williams redeem himself? Only GOD can answer that question.

Below you will see pictures of Mr. Williams and a clip from the movie.
Redemption Movie Trailer
The next person that we want to talk about is Mr. Greg Yance. Mr. Yance was a dope dealer that got caught selling drugs in Chicago. Mr. Yance was convicted and sentence of this crime. We are not judging Mr. Yance one way or the other. By this being Mr. Yance first time in jail they gave him and option of attending a boot camp for first time offenders. Mr. Yance while in the boot camp was trying to redeem himself when the boot camp had to go to a small town and help the people of this town that were putting sand bags on the river banks trying to keep the river from over flowing into their town.
Mr. Yance went onto finish the program and when he had been released he was working hard to try and find a job, but no one would hire him. His friends were trying to talk Mr. Yance into selling drugs again but he refused. He also witness the murder of his best friend right in front of him. After several months of trying to find a job, he finally found one and has been there ever since. They also made a movie about him and it is entitled, "First Time Felon", you can view the clip that is below. Did Mr. Yance redeem himself? Only GOD can answer that question.

First Time Felon Movie Trailer
The final person that we want to talk about is Paul the Apostle in the bible. Saul which was his first name breathed "threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord" (Acts 9:1). Saul's hostility toward the Christians was because of his commitment to protecting God's honor. Later, he wrote how he "was violently persecuting the church of God" because of the zeal he had for his religion (Gal. 1:13-14).

Then something amazing happened. Saul headed for the city of Damascus, looking for Christians, intending to bring them back to Jerusalem to be tried for blasphemy, perhaps hoping they would all meet the same fate as Stephen. On the road, Saul was blinded by a flashing light and then came face to face with Jesus. "He asked, 'Who are you, Lord?' The reply came. 'I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting' " (Acts 9:3-9).

Saul was undone, rendered speechless and blind for several days. He recovered, but was never the same again. On the Damascus road and after Saul had his life turned completely around, symbolized by his new identity, Paul the apostle. His old world came apart.

However, because Paul did sincerely want to do God's will, he was able to receive God's direct revelation to him. He came to follow his new understanding of God's will with full commitment. That Paul had hated Jesus, also Paul came to believe, was in fact the fullest revelation of his God. Jesus was not a blasphemer, but instead was the model for genuine faithfulness to the God of Israel.

This revolution in Paul's worldview led to his transformation away from a zealous and violent persecutor of people he considered to be heretics. He became a man of peace. He remained intensely committed to serve God, but realized that the service God desires is to unconditionally love others, not to seek to do them harm when they offend his belief system.

So the question I ask is this? Can a person be redeemed? And the answer to that is yes. If they truly repent of their sins. In GOD eyes their is just sin, he has no distinction on whether it small or big it is just sin.

Prison Stats
According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) 7,225,800 people at yearend 2009 were on probationparole — about 3.1% of adults in the U.S. resident population. 2,292,133 were incarcerated in U.S. prisons and jails at yearend 2009.

 We say that we love Jesus. I want to ask a question? In the six months how many people outside of your normal social circle have you talk to about Jesus. It is easy to talk to those that we feel comfortable with. In Mathew 28: 16-20 it says, 16. Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. 17. And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. 18. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying , All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo , I am with you alway  , even unto the end of the world. Amen.

This is our charge to be witnesses unto him and we are suppose to do this out of love for Jesus. Well their is a way that you can witness to those that are lock up in prison by sending them a book to read. I have a list of the prisoners with their information. You can go to secure site link at the bottom of page and you will be able to tell us were you want book sent. 
It is time to heal, The Claude Jones Story
About the Author: With no money, credit, or support the Author started a journey that no one could imagine that would ever come true, but thru his faith, determination, and hard work, has been able to overcome obstacles that seem to be to impossible for most people to believe.
List of Prisioners
Douglas Davis #999432                   Joanne Perri #0Q-4530           
 Wilcox State Prison                           Muncy State Prison
PO Box 397                                       P.O. BOX 180
Abbeville GA 31001 USA                   Muncy, Pa 17756 USA
Oscar Gates #C-34401                     Hattie Tanner #325966
San Quentin State Prison                 Women's Huron Valley State Prison
4-EB-87 (Death Row)                        3201 Bemis Road
San Quentin, Ca 94974 USA             Ypsilanti, Mi 48197 USA
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