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Rev Dr Howard Sands replied to Rev Dr Howard Sands's discussion We are more together, than apart.
"Thanks Robert, sorry about that, please try again. It seems to be working OK. You can private message me here and send a screen shot of the problem page. 
Mar 8
Rev Dr Howard Sands replied to Rev Dr Howard Sands's discussion Why are National Groups Important to Change the Spiritual Environment of a Nation? in Pastors and Church Leaders Group
"You are correct, national is only as good as the boots on the ground in a local context. Just like you can't get discipled by attending Sunday church - there needs to be a small group relationshiop where someone is doing mentoring on an individual…"
Mar 8
Rev Dr Howard Sands replied to Rev Dr Howard Sands's discussion Why are National Groups Important to Change the Spiritual Environment of a Nation? in Pastors and Church Leaders Group
"Suggestions. Build your profile here and opther places to look professional (profile photo of your face is a good place to start) Put out snippets of information about your content. Post your books with links to your book selling site. Even though…"
Mar 8
Rev. Robert Barr replied to Rev Dr Howard Sands's discussion We are more together, than apart.
"I filled out the information to sign up for Africa Network BFTF but when I clicked on it to complete it I got a notice that it could not locate the page. I don't know if it went through or not. 
Rev Robert Barr"
Mar 3

About Me




Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia


September 18

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Howard is the founder and international director of Beautiful Feet Task Force.
Established 1980. 
An international force for delivering good news of the Kingdom of God.

Africa Network BFTF:- https://bftfafricanetwork.ning.com/

Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/BeautifulFeetTaskForce 

Blogger:- http://beautifulfeettaskforce.blogspot.com/  

YouTube:- https://www.youtube.com/user/VideoBFTF 

Amazon:- https://www.amazon.com/Howard-Sands/e/B083LZZR66

All Author:- https://allauthor.com/author/howardsands/

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Profile Description (Bio, Photo, Video, Resume, or Business Service, etc.)

Howard is the founder and international director of Beautiful Feet Task Force.

He began the organisation in 1980 with a burning desire to both win souls and encourage the church to be active overcomers in everyday life, fulfilling the Great Commission. Born on the Scripture found in Romans 10.15, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them that bring good news ..." B.F.T.F. is based soundly on the Bible as the Word of God, historically correct, spiritually powerful and relevant for today. We believe that outside of Christ man is eternally lost and that Christ's substitutionary and sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary is the only way which man can find peace with God and eternal life; it is therefore necessary that this gospel be preached to all men, everywhere.

Howard graduated from Life Ministry Bible College, Melbourne in 1976. He founded BFTF whilst on the ministry team of the Christian Convention Centre at Mildura, Victoria, Australia in 1980. He has been, salesman, sales manager, branch manager and managing director of various business enterprises, he earned an honours certificate stage 2 from the Life Underwriters Association of Australia in 1987, he completed his Bachelor of Business with majors in Business Management and Marketing in 1994 and received the Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry from Hope College Gold Coast in 2000 and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity for 35 years of missionary service in 2014.

Joy graduated from Vision Bible College, Sydney, CRC Bible School Victoria & Psalmody and is a qualified Psalmody trainer. She has a Diploma in Community Services and has spent many years as senior pastors personal assistant and worked in the area of assisting people living with mental health issues, she now assists people with addictions. She ministers effectively as a provider of women's pastoral care and speaker at women's events.

B.F.T.F. is currently involved in evangelism and leadership training in Asia and Africa. Howard has taken many small teams of leaders there to minister in evangelistic crusades and leadership conferences. He has ministered in churches across Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, UK, USA, Hong Kong, Fiji, New Zealand, Romania, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, China and Malaysia.

Howard believes that the most effective ministry is achieved both in and sent out from the local church. Howard has been a minister with the Assemblies of God in NSW Australia since 1993.
Howard & his wife Joy were the founders/senior pastors of Canberra New Life Centre, AOG.
He was a lecturer & founding board member of the Canberra Ministry Training College a multi denominational ministry training college (now Unity College).
They were active at Riverlands Christian Church, Penrith NSW for over 11 years where Howard was the Missions Director and board member,
For 5 years they pioneered and pastored New Life Church in Sydney’s north west.

Howard now concentrates his efforts on the BFTF missions program, which includes evangelism, pastors and leadership training and visits to churches to encourage, teach and provide skills to lift people from they are in their experience to where God says they are in His word.


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