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christianity (15)

Is Religion the Cause of Most Wars?

                                                                                                                         Is Religion the Cause of Most Wars?

     “Religion is the most prolific source of violence in our history”. So says atheist Sam Harris (his book “The End of Faith”, page 27).
“More people have been killed in the name of Jesus Christ than any other name in the history of the world” says author Gore Vidal.
“Religion causes wars” says atheist Richard Dawkins.

     But are these statements true? What proof do these atheists have to back up their statements? Actually, they have none. Or at least none that stand to scrutiny.
Let’s consider the following;
– it’s a fallacy to say all religions contribute equally to warfare. They just don’t. Islam
has a history of converting at the point of a sword, Christianity doesn’t.
– in the past, its pretty clear that some countries used religion to justify their own
– do the core beliefs of the religion actually advocate violence?
– just because a person is part of a religion doesn’t mean they speak for that religion
or that they are really true believers in that religion.
– secular or atheistic beliefs, like those of Stalin or Mao need to be challenged every bit as
much as religious views are.
– yes, its true that religions, including Christianity, have had wars. But this doesn’t mean
that they are the cause of a majority of all the wars.

     Phillips and Axelrod’s 3 volume “Encyclopedia of Wars” lays out the following facts:
– 1,763 wars have occurred in human history.
– 123 wars have been religious in nature, about 7% of all wars.
– Islam has had 66 of those 123 wars, 53% of all religious wars or 3.7% of all wars.
– All other religions have accounted for 57 wars, or 46% of all religious wars or 3.2% of all

     “The Encyclopedia of War” edited by Gordon Martel confirms this data. William Cavanaugh’s book,  “The Myth of Religious Violence” explodes this myth. Atheism, not
religion, and certainly not Christianity, is responsible for far more deaths. R.J. Rummel’s work in “Lethal Politics” and “Death by Government” says the following about the number of deaths under these atheistic leaders;
– Stalin 42,672,000
– Mao 37,828,000
– Adolf Hitler 20,946,000
– Chiang Kai-Shek 10,214,000
– Vladimir Lenin 4,017,000
– Hideki Tojo 3,990,000
– Pol Pot 2,397,000
Total = 122,064,000 in the 20th century alone. Kind of puts a dent in Sam Harris’ argument, doesn’t it?
The historical evidence is quite clear. Religion, much less Christianity, is not the number one cause of war.

     What then is the cause of wars? We could say atheism and we’d be correct. But even more than that is what Jesus said in Mark 7:21-23…”For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean’. James 4:1-3 says, What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”

    Sin or our fallen nature is the #1 cause of wars. This is why when our sin nature is removed in eternity, there won’t be any more killings, death or wars. Psalm 46:9 says “He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth…” Isaiah 2:4 says “…They will beat their swords into plowshares…nor will they train for war anymore.”

     Won’t that be something to look forward to? For a glimpse of what that will be like, take my class “Heaven and Hell” on his website.


Book references: the above listed books plus “Christianity on Trial” by Carroll & Shiflett, chapter 4.


For His kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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Is there a war between Christianity and Science?

                                                          Is there a war between Christianity and Science?


     A little history lesson will help to answer this question. While some early Christian thinkers grew up with classical Greek thinking, mostly there was a wide gap between Christian and pagan thinking. Christianity did not just melt into the syncretistic hodge-podge thinking of the Roman Empire.

     To most residents of the Greco-Roman world, the supernatural world of gods, goddesses, omens, curses and astrology blended together. The common man lived his life under the constant danger of interference by these supernatural powers. They also believed in cyclical time, the conviction that history repeats itself in time periods. So, if a few good things happened to you, some bad things would happen also. The time period might be longer but the results would be the same. Some people also believed that the gods controlled everything. If you wanted a good crop the coming season, you’d offer a sacrifice of some kind to the god of agriculture. If you didn’t offer the right sacrifice, that god would be dis-pleased and you might have a bad crop. The problem was these gods were capricious. They got mad, often with other gods. They had human emotions, were lustful, etc., but they were much more powerful than humans. Many times the gods would war among themselves. Some pagans also believed that their life was already set out before them and they couldn’t change it. Their destiny was fixed by the stars (astrology). This belief is called determinism and it is very fatalistic.

     On the other hand, Christians worshipped a personal, rational, loving and consistent God. He wasn’t capricious. They also believed time was not cyclical but linear. It had a direction. Jesus had come once for our salvation. He didn’t need to come back several times for the same thing.  God was also separate from His creation. Christians appreciated nature but didn’t worship it. They also didn’t believe in determinism (astrology). They practiced personal responsibility because the bible taught it. They embraced progress because they saw it as being obedient to the creation mandate of Genesis 1, “to rule over creation”. They also believed that God takes a personal interest in His creation as this is what the bible teaches also. Eventually, Christianity came to believe in scientific progress. They posited that their rational God would create the universe according to rational laws. So they wanted to “think God’s thoughts after Him” according to Kepler.

     All of these things gave Christianity a huge edge over other civilizations in their pursuit of knowledge. Many other cultures (Greek, Muslims, etc.) indulged in scientific exploration, often with impressive results, but they’re efforts stagnated or got lost because of their views of God and creation. Within 3 or 4 generations, Europe (western civilization) with it’s Christian foundations left the other cultures far behind. It has never lost its momentum.

     The Middle Ages saw an explosion of knowledge in every area of life…machinery, medicine, farming, etc. Because of Christianity’s compassion and God’s command to care for and heal the sick, Christians started hospitals, schools, orphanages, soup kitchens, etc. for the poor and common man. Sexuality was elevated even if believers weren’t always consistent in it. The rights of women were elevated far above what they had been under Greeks, Romans, Egyptians or barbarians.
For more on this, read Dr. Alvin Schmidt’s book “How Christianity Changed the World”.
Also read http://www.faithfacts.org/christ-and-the-culture/the-impact-of-christianity.


Almost all the Middle Age scientists were priests, clerics or Christians. Monasteries had been keepers of ancient scrolls. Universities grew out of monasteries. Unlike in centuries past, anyone could attend these schools. Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, Copernicus and Galileo were all clerics. Almost all scientists, thru the mid-1800’s expressed their scientific discoveries in religious terms.

     Here’s a partial list of scientists who were Christians:
Robert Grosseteste                      Galileo                                   John Dalton
Roger Bacon                                   William Harvey                 Andre Ampere
Nicholas Copernicus                   Blaise Pascal                       Georg Ohm
Leonardo da Vinci                        Robert Boyle                       Michael Faraday
Andreas Vesalius                           Isaac Newton                      Louis Pasteur
Tycho Brahe                                    Antoine Lavoisier              Lord Kelvin
Johann Kepler                                Alessandro Volta              Joseph Lister
George Washington Carver


     Were there vigorous debates on certain subjects? Of course there were. And there were Christians on both sides. Unfortunately, some people, including a Pope or two, made some stupid statements and did some stupid things. But science advanced more, by far, under Christendom than any other system. The case of Galileo is often trotted out by atheists and secularists to prove that Christianity is anti-science. But the facts show no such thing. Galileo’s problem was more political than scientific. Yes, he was arrested and put under house arrest, but he was given a good amount of freedom. His crime? Basically, he publicly dissed the Pope. For details on this, check out “Christianity on Trial” by Shifflett and Carroll, pages 54-56, 73-76 and “What’s So Great about Christianity” by D’Sousa, pages 103-111. Here is a catholic response from their own archives…
And one from a non-catholic source…


     More than 90 years ago, the great mathematician and philosopher of science, Alfred Lord Whitehead, said that modern science came from the Medieval’s insistence on the rationality of the Christian God. Medieval cathedrals were transformed into the most sophisticated solar observatories in the world. The Catholic church gave more financial and social support to the study of astronomy for over 6 centuries than any other institution. Pope Alexander VIII (1610-1691) became the major patron of scientists. Isaac Newton, thought to be the greatest scientist who ever lived, wrote way more on biblical and theological topics than he did on science, even though he had misgivings about Jesus’ divinity later in his life. The usual reaction of these early scientists, most of whom were Christians, was to marvel at the orderliness of God’s creation. The first and most prestigious society of science in the world, The Royal Society of London (founded in 1645), consisted of 10 members, 7 of which were Puritans. Yes, that’s right, those Puritans who later emigrated to America.

     But by the mid-1800’s, things became to change. There were 4 men who turned the sciences against Christianity. Charles Darwin, Thomas Huxley, John William Draper and Andrew Dickson White. John William Draper wrote a book in 1874 entitled “History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. Andrew Dickson White, first President of Cornell University, wrote a 2 volume “A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom” in 1896.  The source documents for both books have been discredited. Historians are virtually unanimous in saying that the whole science versus religion story is a 19th century fabrication. But these books were popular with the common person. To this day, many people believe the Medieval church taught that the Earth was flat until science showed an uneducated clergy that the Earth was round, Forget the fact that the ancient Greeks proved the Earth was a sphere, that anyone could see the Earth’s shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse and that anyone could see ships sailing over the horizon would disappear. The Flat Earth theory was a late 19th century fabrication attributed to creationists to make them look foolish. Creationists have NEVER believed this.

     Draper and White’s fictitious war between science and religion made it into American textbooks, despite the protestations of historians. Americans were being brought up on lies about science and religion. The old saying that “a lie in the morning makes it half-way around the globe before the truth has put it’s shoes on” came true.


     Charles Darwin published his “Origin of Species” in 1859. He presented natural selection as a patient process by which such marvels of “design” could happen without a Designer as the cause.  While Darwin stressed the similarities between species, creationists stressed the differences. At first, some scientists took a wait and see attitude towards evolution. But many Christians and some scientists opposed it. Other scientists (including some Christians) and the “free thinkers” (the atheists and agnostics) seized on the opportunity and launched a frontal assault on religious belief. Thomas Huxley, a biologist and atheist, lead the charge. He wasn’t called “Darwin’s Bulldog” for nothing. While Darwin’s theory of evolution was interesting and did make some valid comparisons, it had some valid opposition to it. It had also predicted that we would find thousands of transitional fossils. Darwin even said if they didn’t find these thousands of transitional fossils, his theory would be proven wrong. Guess what? We haven’t found any! Oh, there have been that have claimed to be transitional fossils, but they have all been disproven. The fact that in over 160 years, we haven’t found any is a serious blow to evolution. The evolutionists battle cry 100 years ago was to teach evolution alongside creationism in the public schools. Now that they have gained near dominance, they won’t allow creationism or intelligent design to be taught in the public schools. 100 years ago, they recognized creationism as a valid scientific theory. Today they don’t. The hypocrisy of this is amazing.




     But the tide may be slowly turning. Two discoveries have brought this about. One is the realization that our universe is expanding. This has lead scientists to say hat the universe had a beginning from which to expand. The second is the absolutely fantastical fine-tuning of the universe’s physical constants. For example, if the force of gravity had been a little stronger, most stars would have burned out long ago, including our own Sun. If gravity had been a little weaker, galaxies, stars and planets would never have formed. English physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose estimated the odds of our physical constants being exactly balanced by random chance, it would be one chance in 10300 power. That’s the number 1 followed by 300 zeros. This number is wayyyy beyond impossible. To get around this impossibility, a few scientists have posited the multi-verse theory. This says that there is a universe-making “machine” that makes trillions upon trillions of universes. One of them is bound to have the right physical constants for life. To exist. This is insane to come from normally intelligent scientists. Of course, we cannot observe these other universes, so their existence is merely speculation. This alone takes it out of the realm of science. I guess people, even a few scientists, will go to any length to get away from the possibility of a Creator. Let’s hear from a few other scientists…


“Scientists are slowly waking up to an inconvenient truth – the universe looks suspiciously like a fix. The issue concerns the very laws of nature themselves. For 40 years, physicists and cosmologists have been quietly collecting examples of all too convenient “coincidences” and special features in the underlying laws of the universe that seem to be necessary in order for life, and hence conscious beings, to exist. Change any one of them and the consequences would be lethal. Fred Hoyle, the distinguished cosmologist, once said it was as if “a super-intellect has monkeyed with physics”. Physicist Paul Davies

“Scientists who utterly reject Evolution may be one of our fastest-growing controversial minorities… Many of the scientists supporting this position hold impressive credentials in science.” Larry Hatfield, “Educators Against Darwin,” Science Digest Special (Winter 1979), pp. 94-96.

“Darwinism has never had much appeal for science outside of the English-speaking world, and has never appealed much to the American public (although popular with the U.S. scientific establishment in the past). However, its ascendancy in science, in both Britain and America, has been waning for several decades as its grip has weakened in successive areas: geology; paleontology; embryology; comparative anatomy. Now even geneticists are beginning to have doubts. It is only in mainstream molecular biology and zoology that Darwinism retains serious enthusiastic supporters. As growing numbers of scientists begin to drift away from neo-Darwinist ideas, the revision of Darwinism at the public level is long overdue, and is a process that I believe has already started.” Richard Milton, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism (Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, 1992, 1997), p. 277.

“…A tidal wave of new books… threaten to shatter that confidence – titles like Darwin Retried (1971), Macbeth; The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong (1982), Hitching; The Great Evolution Mystery (1983), Taylor; The Bone Peddlers: Selling Evolution (1984), Fix; Darwin Was Wrong – A Study in Probabilities (1984), Cohen; Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth (1987), Lovtrup; and Adam and Evolution (1984), Pitman. Not one of these books was written from a Christian-apologetic point of view: they are concerned only with scientific truth – as was Sir Ernst Chain when he called evolution ‘a fairy tale’.” Richard Milton, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism (Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, 1992, 1997), p. 12.

Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic and physicist/astronomer): “For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

Ed Harrison (cosmologist): “Here is the cosmological proof of the existence of God � the design argument of Paley � updated and refurbished. The fine tuning of the universe provides prima facie evidence of deistic design. Take your choice: blind chance that requires multitudes of universes or design that requires only one…. Many scientists, when they admit their views, incline toward the teleological or design argument.”

For more quotes, go to http://BSSSB-LLC.com/quotations-from-scientists-evolutionists-about-darwinian-evolution/.

      So where does all of this leave us?
– evolution cannot explain how life began or how it went from non-living chemicals to humans. It doesn’t seem reasonable to assume that random combinations of chemicals could have produced such a marvelously complex thing like a living cell.  Recently we have seen that a single living cell is more complex than all of the world’s factories. And those were intelligently designed.
– evolution cannot explain what consciousness is or how it came about. Virtually nothing is known about the functioning microcircuitry of the brain nor can it explain emotions.
– evolution cannot explain human rationality, the ability to perceive something as true or false.
– evolution cannot explain our morality. It cannot explain why we feel something is morally right or wrong. It cannot explain why we “ought” to feel a certain way.

     So, evolution cannot explain:
-the origin of life
-the origin of consciousness
-the origin of human rationality
-the origin of morality
-the process of how the human body came to be

Any theory that cannot account for these basic things can hardly claim to be a theory of origin.  There are some things about evolution that are right, there are some things that are wrong. But the theory just doesn’t explain enough. Yet the proponents of evolution are blind to the theory’s weaknesses.


     So, after reading this, do you really think there’s a war between science and religion? I think there’s a war alright, but it’s between good science and bad science.

“Christianity on Trial” by Carroll & Shiflett
“What’s So Great about Christianity?” by Dinesh D’Souza
“How Christianity Changed the World” by Alvin Schmidt



For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard



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What is the meaning of life?

                                            What is the meaning of life?




   You live 70-80 years if you’re lucky, then you die. Unless you’re a handful of famous/infamous people, after a couple of generations, nobody remembers you anymore. So, what is the real purpose of your life?
If you’re an atheist, there is no real purpose. You may say that you want to make the world a better place. But you’re just a bunch of electrons, protons and neutrons randomly thrown together. Where did this idea of making the world a better place come from? Certainly not from a bunch of matter randomly thrown together.
In fact, you act the way you act because your genes (which are just a bunch of electrons, protons and neutrons) tell you how to react. Atheist philosopher Michael Rise says “…ethics, as we understand it, is an illusion fobbed off on us by our genes, to get us to cooperate…ethics is a shared illusion of the human race.” One wonders how our genes know how to get us to cooperate.
Atheist philosopher William Provine says, “There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning for life, and no free will for humans either (because our genes determine our actions).”
Atheist filmmaker Woody Allen says in a Newsweek magazine article, “I make movies not to make any type of grand statement but simply to take my mind off the existential horror of being alive.” Allen numbs this bleakness with humor.
Atheists say that;
– you’re nobody special. You’re just a conglomeration of chemicals.
– there’s no special purpose to your life. You live, you die, you cease to exist. There is no afterlife.
– there’s no right and wrong. Just an agreed upon set of morals to live by that can and will change over time.


Yet humans do have a universal morality. Its expressions may vary but there are certain universals. Where did these morals come from? Humans are a hopeful group. Where does this hope come from? Why do we consider suicide an unfortunate option, one that is looked with pity on? Why do we look on adultery as wrong? Because we violated our promise to another person, you say. But if there are no absolute morals, why is adultery wrong? So you temporarily changed our mind, so what? But we do feel guilty when we commit adultery. Any morality atheists have is borrowed from other religions.

     If you don’t believe in God, there is nothing to live for, no afterlife to look forward to, no reason to live a good life because there are no absolute morals, only an agreed upon set of opinions. Its all vanity of vanities (Ecclesiastes 1:2-11). But you say, mankind is getting better. There are brighter days ahead. What makes you say that? Its just the chemicals in your brain saying that. But what makes chemicals think? After observing the 20th century where more people were killed than in any other century, what makes you think so positively about our chances of survival? Humanity’s actions speak otherwise. Your heart’s desire that humanity will get better but why do you think that? If there is no God, where does that thought come from?  If there is no purpose in life, after a devastating event (like the death of a spouse), then suicide becomes a rational option.

     Any way you look at it, atheism doesn’t square up with reality on just about anything.


     It is universal that everyone has a yearning to feel that they matter, that their life and what they did with it matters. We all want meaning and purpose in our lives. Where does this yearning come from? We have a desire for our children to live a good, productive life. Parents are protective of their children. We will sacrifice for them. Why? Where do these feelings come from? If our spouse or child is drowning, why would you try to save them? Where does this feeling come from? We have an innate desire to be productive. Work satisfies this. We desire friendship and being part of a good community of friends. Why do we have these desires? Where do they come from? Atheism has no answer for these yearnings, but Christianity does.
Christianity says we’re made in the image of God, that we’re made with eternity in our hearts. That’s why we look forward to a better world here and now but also in the afterlife. It’s also why we don’t consider suicide a rational alternative. We love other people because God loves us and we’re made in His image. We sacrifice for our loved ones because God sacrificed His son, Jesus, for us. We have hope because He instilled it in us. We have a certain morality because we’re made in His image and He’s a moral God. We feel bad when we fall short of His morality. Only when we repeatedly violate His morality on a constant basis can our consciousness become “seared”. This is what happens to serial killers and people like Stalin, Mao and Hitler. We are protective of our spouse and children because He is protective of us and He sacrificed His only son to be in a relationship with us.
We want to learn and advance our society because God gave us dominion over the created cosmos (Genesis 1:26-28) and wanted us to rule it according to His standards. But because we are fallen human beings, we fall short of this mandate. Yet we still strive for it.
Christianity squares up with reality. Atheism doesn’t.

For the sake of the Name,
Dave Maynard


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The Three Most Asked Questions in Life

The Three Most Asked Questions in Life

     From time immemorial, people have asked these three questions:
– Who am I?
– Why am I here?
– What happens when I die?


     Four types of people attempt to answer these questions. These four types of people make up the entire human race.

  • Monotheists…people who believe in one God. These would include Christians, Muslims and Jews.
  • Polytheists…people who believe in many gods. These would include Hindu’s and many other Eastern religions.
  • Agnostics…people who aren’t sure or don’t believe that there is enough evidence to believe in any god.
  • Atheists…people who don’t believe in any God at all. These people can be called naturalists, materialists and some evolutionists like Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris.

         Since most agnostics would answer these questions like atheists, we’ll count them as atheists for the purpose of our discussion.

     Atheists believe that mankind evolved from chemicals randomly combining together to produce humans. That we’re just “accidents of nature”. That there is no reality outrside of the physical world. That there is no ultimate purpose in life. That our morality is just an agreed upon set of behaviors. That these behaviors can, do and will change with time. That our morals are nothing more than preferences that help us to survive. Read “Is Morality Relative or Absolute” at https://bsssb-llc.com/is-morality-absolute-or-relative/.
Philosopher Michael Ruse says that “…ethics, as we understand it, is an illusion fobbed off on us by our genes to get us to cooperate…ethics is a shared illusion of the human race.”
Philosopher William Provine says that “There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning for life, and no free will for humans either (because our genes determine our actions)”.
Atheists believe that we’re born, we live, we die and that’s it. There is no afterlife. When we die, we just cease to exist. There’s no ultimate purpose in life. Any human desire for a better life is just our brain chemicals reacting in a certain way. There is no absolute right and wrong.

Atheists would answer these three questions like this:
– Who am I? Nobody special. You’re just a conglomeration of chemicals.
– Why am I here? There’s no special purpose for your life at all. You’re just one out of several billion people on one planet out of trillions in the universe.
– What happens after I die? You cease to exist. There is no afterlife.


Polytheists believe in many gods that all merge into one god. This god is not a “he”, it’s an “it”. It is not a personal god but an impersonal one. You have somehow inherited a lot of bad deeds or bad karma. Because most polytheists believe in reincarnation, you must go thru several lifetimes where your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds. When you finally work off all of your bad deeds or your bad karma, your consciousness gets absorbed into “god”. Many polytheists describe it as a drop of water added to the ocean. Your individuality is gone. You don’t exist anymore.
Polytheists would answer the three questions as follows:
– Who am I? Your physical body is an illusion. Your consciousness is the real you. You are a part of god, you just don’t realize it yet.
– Why am I here? To work off your bad karma. They don’t explain how or why you got these bad deeds or bad karma.
– What happens to me when I die? You become part of the universal, impersonal “it”. Your consciousness gets absorbed into the universal, impersonal consciousness.
They don’t believe in an absolute right or wrong as one guru teaches one set of morals and another guru teaches another set.

Monotheists, who believe in one God, answer these three questions in a variety of ways:
– Islamists
Who am I? You’re a creation of Allah (Quran 95:4).
Why am I here? To obey and serve Allah and to fulfill the five pillars of Islam, which are-
Shahadah – declaring and believing in one God, Allah.
Salah – Praying 5 times a day.
Zakah – giving money to Allah
Sawm – Fasting during Ramadan.
Hajj – Going to Mecca at least once in your lifetime.
Life is a test to show us who are the best in deeds (Quran 49:13 & 67:2)
What happens when I die? If your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds (and you won’t know this until you die), you’ll be welcomed into Islamic heaven. If not, you’ll go to hell (Quran 3:115-116).

– Jews
Who am I? A creation of God, usually by evolution, to teach the world about God by loving Him and observing His commandments.
Why am I here? To fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13) . To believe in a future Messiah sent by God who will deliver the Jews.
What happens when I die? Jews believe in an afterlife. There will be a final judgement where everyone receives a forever physical body. Some people will go to heaven (if they are good Jews in this life) and others will go to a place of torment (Daniel 12:2 & Isaiah 25 & 26).

– Christians
Who am I? We are people designed in the image of Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe (Genesis 1:28). We have infinite worth because God says we do. Our worth is not based on anything we have done. It is based on the word of the God who created us.
Why am I here? What is the reason for my earthly existence?  He made us to freely choose to have a relationship with Him because He loves us. We’re free to have this relationship with Him, to tell other people about Him and to rule over His whole creation as He originally wanted us to (Genesis 1:28). In the meantime, we live as He instructed us to.
What happens when I die? Your body goes into the ground. Your spirit goes up to heaven to be with God. When Jesus returns to this Earth, everyone will be physically resurrected into a new, non-perishable body. Then God will judge everyone. If your sins have been forgiven, while you were alive, you’ll go to heaven for an eternity. If not, you’ll go to hell for an eternity. Either way, God will honor the choice you made in this earthly life.
In  heaven, we’ll spend an eternity exploring the resurrected universe and using the talents God had given us to glorify Him. For specifics, take/watch my class entitled Heaven & Hell at https://bsssb-llc.com/video-courses-overview/heaven-and-hell/.


     Now, I’d like to ask you the following questions:
1…Which belief system is more appealing?
2…Which belief system is true and matches up with reality?

Atheists say when you die, you cease to exist. Unless you’re an Einstein or Napoleon, you’ll be forgotten in a couple of generations. Your body will decay in

the grave.

Polytheists believe you’ll be absorbed into the great god, Brahma. Your body will decay in the grave. Your individuality will be gone. “You” will be gone. You’ll become like a drop in the ocean.

Monotheists believe in an after-life but only one guarantees a perfect life in heaven.

     Atheism doesn’t match up to reality. Any ultimate purpose for our lives is illusory. We’re just one out of billions of people on this planet in this time period. Our planet is just one of trillions of planets circling other stars in billions of years. Sometime in the distant future, our universe will die a “heat death” where nothing can exist. Morality just becomes “preferences”. What’s moral in one time period may not be moral in another. There’s no purpose in our life, no reason for us to exist and when we die, we cease to exist.

Polytheists don’t explain where our bad deeds (karma) come from or why we must work it off.  There is no absolute system of morality. Guru’s (polytheists holy men) often contradict each other. They cannot explain the human desire for a better life or where this desire comes from. They cannot explain why humans feel like individuals.

Only Christianity can be proven to match up with reality and is true. Read/watch my class on “Prove to me that God exists” at https://bsssb-llc.com/video-courses-overview/prove-to-me-that-god-exists/. Only Christianity compellingly answers all of these questions. We do have purpose in our life. Our “personality” and our resurrected body will exist for all eternity. We will be rewarded for what we have done in our Earthly life (Revelation 22:12). Our life has purpose and meaning and we live like it does.

     Most people don’t think thru these 3 questions. But when they do, it becomes apparent that Christianity answers them compellingly and correctly.


Book reference:
“Reflections on the Existence of God” by Richard E. Simmons III


Here’s to a GREAT eternity,
Dave Maynard

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The Seasons of Our Love

The Seasons of Our Love:


People often relate seasons of the year to seasons of a marriage. While each marriage is unique, I have noticed similarities. My wife and I just celebrated our 43rd anniversary in 2019, so indulge me for a few minutes.


     The springtime of our love was our meeting, our courtship and the early years of our marriage. While not stress-free, it was remembered as young love, passions, can’t-wait-to-see-each-other, not-wanting-to-say-goodnight-to-each-other and just wanting to be together all the time. When we were married, it was a magical time of seeing your best friend and lover all the time while trying to learn to blend two lives together.

     The summer of our love was having and raising kids. At first, to see birth was magical…each time. But it quickly gave way to middle-of-the-night feedings and long walks burping the babies. Suddenly, there were little human beings interfering with our time together. Then, as the kids got older, we discovered that our ideas on discipline were different. That was fun (NOT)! School, sports, youth group and a myriad of other things all took time. Having time together with my lover and best friend took planning. The spontaneity was gone. And our finances got a lot tighter. Sacrifices had to be made. We seemed to argue more about everyday things. The heat of summer seemed to wither our love. It wasn’t dying, it was just changing form. It was deepening and maturing. Love making was no longer spontaneous and wildly passionate. It had to be planned and was more predictable. But sweet and very fulfilling nonetheless.

     We didn’t want to make the mistakes that our parents made. We were going to do a better job. But as time went on, we realized that we were making our own mistakes. We also realized that our parents did some really good things. And we understood them better and appreciated them more. We really wanted the best for our kids. We wanted them to learn the lessons that took us so long to learn. We also learned that God loves our kids more than we do and His love can cover a multitude of sins.

     In the fall of our love, we became empty-nesters. Once again, it was just the two of us. Best friends and lovers but older, wiser and a little more sag in our bodies. But the sparkle in the eye is still there. She can still melt me with her smile. We began to exercise the gifts God has so graciously given us. She to a ministry to women. Me to being an adult bible teacher in our church. Time together is easier to plan. We see our friends more often. Our boys bring their friends over to spend time with us. They start asking us for advice every now and then (surprise)! Then they enlarge our family by getting married and having kids of their own. We have daughters-in-love, not daughters-in-law, something my parents modeled for us. We include their parents and siblings in family get-togethers. God has created our own little family dynasty. Tough times still happen but we’ve learned to seek God’s guidance thru them. Our life isn’t perfect but its pretty darn good. Finances aren’t so tight. We can go on date nights again.



     Now is the winter of our love. We’re retired and busier than ever. Our individual ministries keep us running. We have a church small group of friends that are our age that we’ve walked thru life with for the last 10 years or so. Precious friends that we’ve laughed, cried and prayed with thru life’s experiences. We’re blessed with great grandkids that we’re very involved with. We’re passing on what we’ve learned in 43 years of marriage by teaching our church’s pre-marital class. We travel more.  We love each other more deeply. Patti walked with me thru throat cancer, just as we will walk with each other thru death’s door into the loving arms of Jesus when He calls us home.

     Our winter is the reward of walking with Jesus thru all the ups and downs of life. Our seasons of love have layered upon each other, like building floors on a foundation. There were times when the floors weren’t finished and didn’t look so good. The storms came and damaged the floors. Sometimes rebuilding needed to happen. But the foundation (Jesus) stood firm. And now, the building is finished. It looks great and is functioning well. And it’s all because of the foundation.

     These are the seasons of our love. No matter how your seasons have worked out, if you know Jesus when your seasons end, you’ll be welcomed into a new season of unimaginable joy that will never end.


For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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In this book we take a journey into the greatest and most transforming Truth that has ever been revealed to humankind! Most Christians do not have a solid foundation of understanding in the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. They know the facts, but not what happened behind the scenes. That’s truly the meat of God’s Word! Calvary was the most awesome demonstration of God’s unconditional love and grace for humanity that we will ever know! We delve into seven areas of our redemption. We were crucified with Christ. We died, were buried, made alive, conquered hell, were resurrected and seated in Him at the Father’s right hand in Heaven. This is the foundation of Christianity; and the spiritual vehicle we will travel in for our studies is called (In Him or In Christ).
So, let’s go together; back to the future! Back to Calvary! (This book has 330 pages and 21 chapters, and you can also get the Mystery Study Guide as well, thanks and enjoy. I also have 20 video messages entitled "Back To The Future Pts. 1-20" on our Youtube channel (which is called Dwayne Norman Victory In The Word).https://www.amazon.com/Power-Christian-Leader-Recognizing-Leadership-ebook/dp/B088GVJGTX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2MQVRN92O7ETU&dchild=1&keywords=dwayne+norman+the+power+of+the+christian+leader+book&qid=1623263797&sprefix=Dwayne+Norman+%2
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Together as the Body of Christ

This quote often attributed to Abraham Lincoln is actually a word from Jesus:

"And if a kingdom be divided against itself,
that kingdom cannot stand. 

And if a house be divided against itself,
that house cannot stand
Mark3:24-25, King James Version (KJV.)

Regardless of our political preferences and despite our worse fears, God's people can become one Body of Christ! Until the Lord comes again, the Family of God is the hope and the hands-on instrument of healing unity for individuals, the church, our country, and, indeed, the world. So, let's agree to:
Pray for wisdom!
Pray for the Lord's power to flow through us - mightily.
Pray for the Kingdom of God!
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Can Blessings come out of Irritations?

It had been a lonnggg Sunday in October of ’87. Our boys of 7,8 & 9 had provided us with many irritations & frustrations. My wife and I collapsed on our living room couch, too tired to make dinner or go out for it.

     At this point, our boys announced that they were going to make us dinner. The initial look of horror on our faces prompted them to reassure us that they really wanted to bless us this way. Our oldest son, Bryan, came over to us with a dish towel over his forearm, like a hi-class waiter. He asked us what we would like for dinner. Patti & I looked at each other, then back at him and said,” What do you have?” His eyes got really big and he rushed into the kitchen to consult with his brothers. We heard them frantically talking….buzz, buzz, buzz.  He came back and said, “Chocolate covered peanuts, apple sauce, Timmy’s salad (our 7 year old), hot dogs, ham sandwich and turkey. We ordered it all.

     Our middle son, Chris, came out with the same towel wrapped over his forearm and asked us what we wanted to drink. We looked at each other, then back at Chris and said, “What do you have?”. His eyes got really big and he rushed into the kitchen to consult with his brothers….buzz, buzz, buzz. He came back out and said, “Milk, Kool-Aid and wa-ter”, in his best French accent. We went with the water for obvious reasons.

     Our youngest son, Timmy, brought out the wa-ter in 2 wine glasses on a silver platter that he single-handedly came out swinging, dipping and dancing with (and nearly causing us to have heart attacks).   Miraculously, the wa-ter made it to us without being spilled. Then they all brought us dinner on the same silver platter, without all the swinging, dipping and dancing. During dinner, Chris turned the lights down low while Bryan softly played the piano.

     After dinner, Chris announced that dessert would be ice cream or something like that. We pointed out that we didn’t have ice cream or something like that. His eyes got really big. He rushed back into the kitchen to consult with his brothers….buzz, buzz, buzz. All 3 boys came back out and announced that dessert would be hot dogs and turkey.

     After dessert, we read to you boys and put you to bed. As Mom and I came back downstairs, we looked at each other, thinking “Dare we go into the kitchen?” We opened the kitchen door and saw….the love that our boys had shown us. We decided to clean it up the next morning. We had a wonderful sleep that night.

     I guess that I shouldn’t be surprised. If God can make life-giving water come out of a rock (Numbers 2:2-11), He can make blessings come out of irritations and frustrations.

For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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In the news...

We've had a record number of new memberships to our global Christian social media network.

For the month of July we've had a total of 79 people to join our network,

this brings our total membership to 3051 people!!


Our new members are from the countries of China, Papua New Guinea, India, Nigeria, Brazil, Canada, Swaziland, Zambia, and the United Kingdom.

Within the United States members have joined from the following states; Virginia, Georgia, New York, Florida, Maryland, Texas, Delaware, Tennessee, Wisconsin, California, Maryland, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.

Please help me welcome our new members to the Network Family!
Below is the link to see all new members https://heypapipromotions.com/profiles/members/

Here are some other links so members can fellowship and support each other.

Chat Room:
Recent News (Blogs)
Prayer Request:

Share the news, invite your family and friends to join our Network!

Membership is always FREE and all our welcome!
Have a blessed week!


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Faith And Salvation

Romans 10:9-10, 17


So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God


Much have been written and discussed regarding faith and its essentiality to salvation and the Christian life, but for today's discussion our focus is on the word, work, and walk of faith.

Let's examine faith from the three perspectives:

(1) The word of faith is the hearing of the gospel of Christ and believing that Christ is God's Son who died for the sins of the world (you and I) and on the profession of that faith/belief we then are saved. How does one hear the gospel message? The gospel is spread through preaching, teaching and witnessing Christ (Acts 11:14; Matthew 25:18-20).

(2) The work of Faith is the convicting work of the Holy Spirit who convicts the unbelieving heart of the need for salvation and the promise of  God that all believers will be partakers in His divine nature-righteousness (2 Peter 2:4). Christians then are born again into the body of Christ through His atoning work and convicting work of the Holy Spirit.

(3) The walk of faith is made possible by the word and work of faith which allows all believers to walk this Christian journey (2 Corinthians 5:7). How is this so? The Christian prospect must first hear God's Word then believe in his or her heart what he or she has heard while allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way, and then the faith walk journey begins.

Without faith there is no salvation.


Your comments are welcome

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