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atheism (3)

Is Religion the Cause of Most Wars?

                                                                                                                         Is Religion the Cause of Most Wars?

     “Religion is the most prolific source of violence in our history”. So says atheist Sam Harris (his book “The End of Faith”, page 27).
“More people have been killed in the name of Jesus Christ than any other name in the history of the world” says author Gore Vidal.
“Religion causes wars” says atheist Richard Dawkins.

     But are these statements true? What proof do these atheists have to back up their statements? Actually, they have none. Or at least none that stand to scrutiny.
Let’s consider the following;
– it’s a fallacy to say all religions contribute equally to warfare. They just don’t. Islam
has a history of converting at the point of a sword, Christianity doesn’t.
– in the past, its pretty clear that some countries used religion to justify their own
– do the core beliefs of the religion actually advocate violence?
– just because a person is part of a religion doesn’t mean they speak for that religion
or that they are really true believers in that religion.
– secular or atheistic beliefs, like those of Stalin or Mao need to be challenged every bit as
much as religious views are.
– yes, its true that religions, including Christianity, have had wars. But this doesn’t mean
that they are the cause of a majority of all the wars.

     Phillips and Axelrod’s 3 volume “Encyclopedia of Wars” lays out the following facts:
– 1,763 wars have occurred in human history.
– 123 wars have been religious in nature, about 7% of all wars.
– Islam has had 66 of those 123 wars, 53% of all religious wars or 3.7% of all wars.
– All other religions have accounted for 57 wars, or 46% of all religious wars or 3.2% of all

     “The Encyclopedia of War” edited by Gordon Martel confirms this data. William Cavanaugh’s book,  “The Myth of Religious Violence” explodes this myth. Atheism, not
religion, and certainly not Christianity, is responsible for far more deaths. R.J. Rummel’s work in “Lethal Politics” and “Death by Government” says the following about the number of deaths under these atheistic leaders;
– Stalin 42,672,000
– Mao 37,828,000
– Adolf Hitler 20,946,000
– Chiang Kai-Shek 10,214,000
– Vladimir Lenin 4,017,000
– Hideki Tojo 3,990,000
– Pol Pot 2,397,000
Total = 122,064,000 in the 20th century alone. Kind of puts a dent in Sam Harris’ argument, doesn’t it?
The historical evidence is quite clear. Religion, much less Christianity, is not the number one cause of war.

     What then is the cause of wars? We could say atheism and we’d be correct. But even more than that is what Jesus said in Mark 7:21-23…”For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean’. James 4:1-3 says, What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”

    Sin or our fallen nature is the #1 cause of wars. This is why when our sin nature is removed in eternity, there won’t be any more killings, death or wars. Psalm 46:9 says “He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth…” Isaiah 2:4 says “…They will beat their swords into plowshares…nor will they train for war anymore.”

     Won’t that be something to look forward to? For a glimpse of what that will be like, take my class “Heaven and Hell” on his website.


Book references: the above listed books plus “Christianity on Trial” by Carroll & Shiflett, chapter 4.


For His kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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Why does God seem “hidden”?


     One of the most common complaints that atheists use against the existence of God, is known as ‘why is God so hidden from us? Why doesn’t He make Himself more known? Why doesn’t He make His existence undeniably obvious? We Christians believe in Him, yet atheists do bring up a good point. Why isn’t God more obvious in providing proof of His existence?

     Let’s consider the following:
1) Is there ANY evidence of God’s existence? First off, evidence doesn’t prove anything. It has to be interpreted. And any interpretation by us humans may lead to different answers depending on the information available, the person’s life experiences, their worldview, their biases, etc.
Just because God hasn’t made His existence undeniably obvious doesn’t mean that there’s no evidence of His existence at all. We Christians and atheists simply disagree over the interpretation of the available evidence.
2) Is there enough evidence of God’s existence? Some atheists say that there’s not enough evidence of God’s existence, especially if a person’s eternal destiny depends on it.  But ‘enough’ is a relative term. What might be enough for one person may not be enough for an another. The problem is, are atheists being consistent in their demand for ‘enough’ proof? Are they demanding a lot more than, they would for, say, Julius Ceasar’s existence? My guess is that they demand way more proof of God’s existence than anyone else’s in history. This just isn’t fair.
When God doesn’t reveal Himself like an atheist may want Him to, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t “sufficient” evidence to prove His existence.

     Atheists should ask themselves 2 questions:
1) Is their standard of proof reasonable? Are they being consistent in applying their standard of proof or are they demanding a lot more proof of God’s existence?
2) What is the best explanation for the evidence that we DO have? The question is not the amount of evidence that we would LIKE to have but what decision can we make with the evidence that we DO have? We often make decisions on much less evidence than what we have for God’s existence. Things like the origin of the universe, how gravity works, where do our emotions or our morality come from?

     But the question remains as to why wouldn’t God make His existence more obvious, especially since our eternal destiny may depend on it. The answer may surprise you. It’s because God gave us free will. If He hadn’t, we’d be nothing more than robots, programmed or forced to love Him. Forced love is rape and God is not a divine rapist. If God gave undeniably obvious proof of His existence that we couldn’t deny, that would be the same thing as being forced to love Him, which would be a violation of our free will. He would be forcing us to accept His existence. Rather than coerce us into belief, He gives us the freedom to accept or reject Him. We have sufficient evidence to make a decision without being forced to make only one decision.

     What about those who say that there’s just not enough evidence to convince them of His existence? The bible says that when we seek God, we’ll find Him (Deuteronomy 4:29). Romans 1:18-20 says that there will never be enough evidence for some people. In reality, there’s enough evidence to make a decision on God’s existence but they just won’t believe in Him, no matter what.
Aldous Huxley said that there’s enough evidence but he will not believe it because it interferes with his sexual lifestyle. The ancient Israelite’s witnessed all kinds of supernatural miracles, like the parting of the Red Sea, yet some of them still didn’t believe. Jesus performed miraculous signs, yet many people still didn’t believe Him (John 12:37). If God wrote about His existence in the sky supernaturally, there would still be people who wouldn’t believe Him.
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) said that there is enough light for those with a desire to believe in God, but enough obscurity for those who will NEVER believe in Him. So, the amount of evidence is not the problem. It’s a heart problem. Some people just won’t believe no matter how much evidence they have. But it’s the Christian apologist job to provide the other people with the evidence that we do have.

For the sake of His Wonderful Name,
Dave Maynard
Author of “Random Thoughts on Life, Love, Laughter and Living for Jesus”, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Christian Book Distributors.

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The Three Most Asked Questions in Life

The Three Most Asked Questions in Life

     From time immemorial, people have asked these three questions:
– Who am I?
– Why am I here?
– What happens when I die?


     Four types of people attempt to answer these questions. These four types of people make up the entire human race.

  • Monotheists…people who believe in one God. These would include Christians, Muslims and Jews.
  • Polytheists…people who believe in many gods. These would include Hindu’s and many other Eastern religions.
  • Agnostics…people who aren’t sure or don’t believe that there is enough evidence to believe in any god.
  • Atheists…people who don’t believe in any God at all. These people can be called naturalists, materialists and some evolutionists like Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris.

         Since most agnostics would answer these questions like atheists, we’ll count them as atheists for the purpose of our discussion.

     Atheists believe that mankind evolved from chemicals randomly combining together to produce humans. That we’re just “accidents of nature”. That there is no reality outrside of the physical world. That there is no ultimate purpose in life. That our morality is just an agreed upon set of behaviors. That these behaviors can, do and will change with time. That our morals are nothing more than preferences that help us to survive. Read “Is Morality Relative or Absolute” at https://bsssb-llc.com/is-morality-absolute-or-relative/.
Philosopher Michael Ruse says that “…ethics, as we understand it, is an illusion fobbed off on us by our genes to get us to cooperate…ethics is a shared illusion of the human race.”
Philosopher William Provine says that “There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning for life, and no free will for humans either (because our genes determine our actions)”.
Atheists believe that we’re born, we live, we die and that’s it. There is no afterlife. When we die, we just cease to exist. There’s no ultimate purpose in life. Any human desire for a better life is just our brain chemicals reacting in a certain way. There is no absolute right and wrong.

Atheists would answer these three questions like this:
– Who am I? Nobody special. You’re just a conglomeration of chemicals.
– Why am I here? There’s no special purpose for your life at all. You’re just one out of several billion people on one planet out of trillions in the universe.
– What happens after I die? You cease to exist. There is no afterlife.


Polytheists believe in many gods that all merge into one god. This god is not a “he”, it’s an “it”. It is not a personal god but an impersonal one. You have somehow inherited a lot of bad deeds or bad karma. Because most polytheists believe in reincarnation, you must go thru several lifetimes where your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds. When you finally work off all of your bad deeds or your bad karma, your consciousness gets absorbed into “god”. Many polytheists describe it as a drop of water added to the ocean. Your individuality is gone. You don’t exist anymore.
Polytheists would answer the three questions as follows:
– Who am I? Your physical body is an illusion. Your consciousness is the real you. You are a part of god, you just don’t realize it yet.
– Why am I here? To work off your bad karma. They don’t explain how or why you got these bad deeds or bad karma.
– What happens to me when I die? You become part of the universal, impersonal “it”. Your consciousness gets absorbed into the universal, impersonal consciousness.
They don’t believe in an absolute right or wrong as one guru teaches one set of morals and another guru teaches another set.

Monotheists, who believe in one God, answer these three questions in a variety of ways:
– Islamists
Who am I? You’re a creation of Allah (Quran 95:4).
Why am I here? To obey and serve Allah and to fulfill the five pillars of Islam, which are-
Shahadah – declaring and believing in one God, Allah.
Salah – Praying 5 times a day.
Zakah – giving money to Allah
Sawm – Fasting during Ramadan.
Hajj – Going to Mecca at least once in your lifetime.
Life is a test to show us who are the best in deeds (Quran 49:13 & 67:2)
What happens when I die? If your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds (and you won’t know this until you die), you’ll be welcomed into Islamic heaven. If not, you’ll go to hell (Quran 3:115-116).

– Jews
Who am I? A creation of God, usually by evolution, to teach the world about God by loving Him and observing His commandments.
Why am I here? To fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13) . To believe in a future Messiah sent by God who will deliver the Jews.
What happens when I die? Jews believe in an afterlife. There will be a final judgement where everyone receives a forever physical body. Some people will go to heaven (if they are good Jews in this life) and others will go to a place of torment (Daniel 12:2 & Isaiah 25 & 26).

– Christians
Who am I? We are people designed in the image of Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe (Genesis 1:28). We have infinite worth because God says we do. Our worth is not based on anything we have done. It is based on the word of the God who created us.
Why am I here? What is the reason for my earthly existence?  He made us to freely choose to have a relationship with Him because He loves us. We’re free to have this relationship with Him, to tell other people about Him and to rule over His whole creation as He originally wanted us to (Genesis 1:28). In the meantime, we live as He instructed us to.
What happens when I die? Your body goes into the ground. Your spirit goes up to heaven to be with God. When Jesus returns to this Earth, everyone will be physically resurrected into a new, non-perishable body. Then God will judge everyone. If your sins have been forgiven, while you were alive, you’ll go to heaven for an eternity. If not, you’ll go to hell for an eternity. Either way, God will honor the choice you made in this earthly life.
In  heaven, we’ll spend an eternity exploring the resurrected universe and using the talents God had given us to glorify Him. For specifics, take/watch my class entitled Heaven & Hell at https://bsssb-llc.com/video-courses-overview/heaven-and-hell/.


     Now, I’d like to ask you the following questions:
1…Which belief system is more appealing?
2…Which belief system is true and matches up with reality?

Atheists say when you die, you cease to exist. Unless you’re an Einstein or Napoleon, you’ll be forgotten in a couple of generations. Your body will decay in

the grave.

Polytheists believe you’ll be absorbed into the great god, Brahma. Your body will decay in the grave. Your individuality will be gone. “You” will be gone. You’ll become like a drop in the ocean.

Monotheists believe in an after-life but only one guarantees a perfect life in heaven.

     Atheism doesn’t match up to reality. Any ultimate purpose for our lives is illusory. We’re just one out of billions of people on this planet in this time period. Our planet is just one of trillions of planets circling other stars in billions of years. Sometime in the distant future, our universe will die a “heat death” where nothing can exist. Morality just becomes “preferences”. What’s moral in one time period may not be moral in another. There’s no purpose in our life, no reason for us to exist and when we die, we cease to exist.

Polytheists don’t explain where our bad deeds (karma) come from or why we must work it off.  There is no absolute system of morality. Guru’s (polytheists holy men) often contradict each other. They cannot explain the human desire for a better life or where this desire comes from. They cannot explain why humans feel like individuals.

Only Christianity can be proven to match up with reality and is true. Read/watch my class on “Prove to me that God exists” at https://bsssb-llc.com/video-courses-overview/prove-to-me-that-god-exists/. Only Christianity compellingly answers all of these questions. We do have purpose in our life. Our “personality” and our resurrected body will exist for all eternity. We will be rewarded for what we have done in our Earthly life (Revelation 22:12). Our life has purpose and meaning and we live like it does.

     Most people don’t think thru these 3 questions. But when they do, it becomes apparent that Christianity answers them compellingly and correctly.


Book reference:
“Reflections on the Existence of God” by Richard E. Simmons III


Here’s to a GREAT eternity,
Dave Maynard

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