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This article is first released on yiwuagt.com. Through this site, you can learn about many imports knowledge.

July 16, Ningbo and Yiwu's colleagues gathered together in the Oriental Hotel, carrying out the 2021 mid-year working meeting.
At the meeting, the winning department first brings a song. Next, awards were given to the individuals who won the prize, the department who won the prize, the new customer award and the new seedling award. In order to alleviate the exhaustion of everyone, a game was also arranged in the middle of the meeting.

The lower half is the focus of the meeting. The person in charge of the departments surrounded the work objectives of this department, summed up the work of the first half of the year, carefully found the shortcomings in the work, and conducted in-depth analysis of unfinished work, proposing the planning of the second half of the year. Our general manager and ceo finally published a speech. This meeting was perfect ending.


On the morning of July 17, all colleagues put on custom clothes and came to the venue again.
We have carried out the "Best Orchestra" team-building activities, which is divided into 6 bands. On-site learning instrument performance and complete a song show. The role played by the orchestra is very rich, guitar, ukri, keyboard, box drum, main singer, etc. Although many employees never learned a musical instrument, after a morning study, the final play of each orchestra is very wonderful. We have completed the performance of 6 songs, which constitute a small concert. Finally, after the "singing the motherland", the team-building activities were ended.


In the afternoon, we visited Ningbo Sellers Union's new building. Compare the Yiwu Sellers Union's Building, Ningbo's new building has added a lot of facilities. Such as gym, coffee bar, group history exhibition hall. With the development of the group, we are constantly expanding the scale. There are currently more than 1,200 employees, and have office in Yiwu, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Shantou, and Hangzhou.

In these 23 years, Sellers Union Group can get a good development is not only due to the professional and efforts of employees, but also can't leave our customers' trust support.

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How is Jesus Different from Other Religious Leaders?


      Many religions believe in Jesus. The Bible even says the demons believe in Jesus (James 2:29—“You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder”). But what we need to determine is :
– what do they mean by “believe”?
– how do they define Jesus? There is more than one Jesus (Matthew 24:23-26  “…For false Christs…will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect-if that were possible…”). I can say I believe in Dave Maynard who lives in Jackson, Michigan but there are 3 Dave Maynards who live in Jackson, Michigan and they are all quite different people. You need to be more specific.
– you need to determine if their definition of Jesus is correct. Three people may give you direction to a certain destination but if two of them are wrong and you believe them, you’ll never reach your intended destination.

     Now let’s look at the two different types of belief.
– one is just an acknowledgement of something. I believe the sky is blue but that doesn’t impact my life. I will not dedicate my life to proving the sky is blue. This type of belief or acknowledgement has no effect on my life. The demons believe that Jesus is Lord but they don’t allow that belief to transform them (James 2:29).
– the other belief is a transformational belief. Christians not only believe in Jesus, they have received Him into their life. He comes in and transforms our lives (John 1:12  “Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”).

     According to the most basic of laws, the law of non-contradiction says that “A” cannot be “non-A”. If Islam says Jesus is one thing and Christianity says He is something different, both cannot be right. Either they’re both wrong or one is wrong and one is right.
Now let’s look at how certain religions/belief systems define Jesus.

     Christianity…Jesus is God in the flesh, a part of the trinity, God the Son, who came down from heaven, died for our sins, rose from the dead for our justification and will come back to set up Kingdom for all eternity.

     Judaism…Jesus was just a human being, a Jew who some people mistakenly believed was the promised Jewish Messiah. He was a Jewish prophet who lived and died in 1st century Palestine. There is only one God, not a trinity, and Jesus is not Him.

     Islam…Jesus was a great prophet in a line of prophets (Moses, David, Solomon, Jonah, etc.) but Mohammed was the greatest prophet of all. Jesus lived and died in 1st century Palestine. To say Jesus is God is blasphemy. Jesus was only a human being. They don’t believe in the trinity  nor do hey believe he was crucified.

     Hinduism…God is an impersonal force, an undefinable thing. Hinduism recognizes thousands of lesser gods but they’re all part of one big impersonal force called Brahma. Jesus may be one of these lesser gods or just a human being. They don’t believe in the trinity. He lived and died in 1st century Palestine.

     Buddhism…most Buddhists are atheists. Some Buddhists believe that Buddha was a god. Jesus may have been a teacher who lived and died in 1st century Palestine. Jesus isn’t really much of a factor in Buddhism. Obviously, they don’t believe in the trinity.

     Transcendental Meditation…Jesus is not God Almighty. He had the divine essence as a man. Unlike most people, He discovered His divine essence. Each part of creation makes up “God”. God is in you and me and in that tree, the mountains, sky, etc. God is not personal. God is an “it”. They don’t believe in the trinity. Jesus, as an enlightened man, lived and died in 1st century Palestine.

     Unity School of Christianity…Jesus is only a man who gained a “Christ consciousness.” Jesus had been reincarnated many times and lived many lives before. Jesus didn’t die for our sins and will not return a 2nd time. God is an impersonal entity, a principle. They don’t believe in the trinity. Jesus was a human being who lived and died in 1st century Palestine.

      Mormonism…God is an office that you can be elevated to. Our God was once a man with a physic al body the same as ours. If you’re a good Mormon in this life, you may become a Jesus on another world. Eventually you may become God on another world also. Jesus was created as a spirit child of God the Father and the Heavenly Mother. His earthly body was created thru a sexual union of God the Father and Mary. Mormons don’t believe in the trinity.

     Jehovah’s Witnesses…There is one God called Jehovah. They do not believe in the trinity. Jesus is not God Almighty but he is a Mighty God, just lesser than God Almighty. Before He came to earth, he was Michael, the Archangel. Jesus is the first thing that Jehovah God created. Jesus’ body decayed in the grave but his spirit was resurrected. Their belief is similar to the Arian heresy of the 4th century that the early church condemned at the Council of Nicea (which is where we get the Nicene Creed from).

     Christian Science…Jesus was not God. God has never been a human. He didn’t die on the cross, wasn’t resurrected and isn’t coming back again. God is an impersonal life force. God is all that exists. Anything material (like you and me) is just an illusion. Jesus was just a man who displayed the Christ consciousness. Sin, evil, sickness and death are not real, only illusions. Jesus was a man who lived and died in 1st century Palestine.

     While there are many other religions, in all of them Jesus is either just a man who lived and died in 1st century Palestine or he is one of many “divine” people.
– in the Bible, Jesus claims to be God (John1:1, 8:58)
– that all other gods are false gods (Isaiah 44:6,8,9).
– He claims to be the only way to God (John 14:6)
Jesus claimed to be God and backed up those claims by fulfilling over 300 messianic prophecies, something that no one has come close to since. He also proved it by His resurrection from the dead. He left many historical proofs of this.

     Either Jesus is who He claims to be or He is not. There is no middle ground. Who your definition of Jesus is, is extremely important. He only leaves you with 3 choices. Either Jesus is who He says He is or He is not. If He is not, then He is either a liar or a lunatic. But Jesus told people not to lie. How could a lunatic or a liar give the world the highest ethical teachings the world has ever known, a fact endorsed even by His critics? Not many sane people would call Jesus a lunatic or a liar. That only leaves one choice…that He is God.
To those people who say He was only a good teacher, consider these claims of His;
-He told people that if they ate His flesh and drink His blood, they would have eternal life (John 6:53,54).
-He can give life to people after they die (John 11:25,26). In other words, He told people to trust Him with their eternal destiny.
-He is God (John 10:30)
– He will raise Himself from the dead (John 2:19-21)
If your science teacher said these things about himself, I’m sure you’d run for the door and never come back. Jesus did not leave the good teacher option open for us.

     All the other prophets or messiahs of other religions have died and are in the grave. Jesus is the only major religious figure to have conquered the grave. He is the only major religious figure to predict His own death….and resurrection. The bodies of all the other religious figures are in the grave. Jesus’ grave has been empty for 2,000 years.  Even the Jewish religious leaders of His day didn’t disagree that His grave was empty. They only tried to explain why it was empty. Their explanations fell flat (see “The Real Easter Story” on this website for verification of the empty grave).
Jesus was so different from all the other gods, guru’s, messiahs, teachers or founders of all the other religions. He is so popular that all the other religions try to incorporate Him into their religion. While his has happened with a few other religious leaders that were put into a few other religions, Jesus has been put into almost every religion. No other religious leader comes close to His popularity.

     Then there are these other milestones:
– the Bible is the best selling book of all time
– Christianity has stood the test of time despite periods of severe persecution
– the Bible is quoted more than  any other book in history
– our calendar is centered around this obscure peasant born in a remote backwater village
– His short 3 years of ministry has effected the world more than any other person’s entire life has.
– more people will willingly lay down their life rather than deny belief in Him
– more people have testified that He has changed their life for the better than any other person or god in the world throughout history.
– more books have been written about Him than any other person or movement in all of history.
– more compassionate ministries (Salvation Army, soup kitchens, orphanages, food pantries, medical care, grief care, etc.) have started and existed because of His command to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, etc.

     Yes, indeed, Jesus is far different from any other leader, religious or not, that world has ever known.
Who do you think Jesus is? Your eternal destiny hangs on your answer.

Recommended Resources:
“Kingdom of the Cults” by Walter Martin
“So What’s the Difference” by Fritz Ridenour
Plus many, many more that can be purchased at www.christianbook.com


For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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Doesn't the bible condone polygamy?

But didn’t the Old Testament regularly include polygamists, like David (2nd Samuel 5:13) and Solomon (1st Kings 11:3)?

     First, let’s get our definitions straight. Polygamy is one person having several spouses. Polygyny is one husband having several wives. Polyandry is one woman having several husbands. Isn’t is funny how polygyny is far more common than polyandry?

     Second,the Bible mentions marriage only in regard to one man and one woman (Genesis 2:18-24). Jesus had a chance to include other arrangements in the definition of marriage but didn’t (Matthew 19:3-5). He referred back to the original definition of marriage in Genesis. Paul reiterates this in many places (1st Corinthians 6:15-17 & 7:2, 1st Timothy 3:2,12 & Titus 1:6; notice these scriptures refer to a husband’s wife, not wives).




Third,  polygamy was NEVER commanded by God. It was only tolerated, like divorce, because of the hardness of our hearts (Matthew 19:8). Because it is “described” in the Bible does NOT mean it is “prescribed”. For example, the Bible records David’s adultery but does not approve of it.

Fourth, the criticism of polygamy is expressed in Deuteronomy 17:17 when it says polygamy will lead your heart astray from God. This happened to Solomon in 1st Kings 11:4. His legacy of faithfulness was compromised because of his polygamous behavior.




Fifth, God’s disdain for polygamy is seen in its consequences. Every polygamist in the Bible paid dearly for his sin.

Sixth, So, no polygamy is not prescribed or approved of in the Bible. Marriage is only between one man and one woman. Any other arrangement is SIN.

     A biblical definition of marriage would be as follows;
Marriage is an exclusive heterosexual covenant between one man and one woman, ordained and sealed by God, preceded by a public leaving of parents, consummated in sexual union, issuing in a permanent mutually supportive partnership, and normally crowned by the gift of children.


Book References:
“Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary”, page 1,014
“Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics” by Norm Geisler, page 602
“Issues Facing Christians Today” by John Stott, page 359
“Christian Ethics: Options and Issues” by Norm Geisler, page 277
“The Complete Bible Answer Book” by Hank Hanegraaff, page 44

For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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Connecting Kids to Coverage Campaign Notes Header

Immunizing Children and Teens Helps Them Stay
Healthy and Protected Throughout the School Year 

Give children a shot to stay healthy by reminding parents to keep up with their child’s annual vaccinations. Vaccinations give kids extra protection and help reduce the risk of transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and mumps. Routine medical visits and childhood vaccinations also play an important role in safely returning to school and extracurricular activities this fall.

National Immunization Awareness Month each August provides a great opportunity for organizations to promote the vaccination and preventive benefits for children who have or may be eligible for free or low-cost health insurance under Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). With Medicaid and CHIP, families can access annual age-appropriate immunizations, booster shots, and flu shots for kids and teens up to age 19. A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the administration of key vaccines to children ages 2 to 17 declined between 60% and 70% from March to May of 2020 and that vaccine administration had not yet caught-up. That’s another reason it is especially important during the Back-to-School season this year to remind parents and caretakers about the importance of keeping up with childhood vaccinations.

The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign has a variety of resources to help parents rest easier knowing childhood vaccinations and booster shots are covered. Organizations can use the free customizable materials in their outreach efforts year-round, including digital videos, palmcards, posters, infographics, social media messages, graphics, and more. Be sure to explore the Outreach Tool Library for all Campaign resources.

A Note About the Child Tax Credit and Public Charge
Starting on July 15, most families are eligible to receive monthly child tax credits payments of up to $250 per child ages 6-17 and $300 per child under age 6. Receiving this tax credit does not impact a family’s ability to qualify for Medicaid or CHIP. More information can be found at childtaxcredit.gov.

And having Medicaid or CHIP won’t affect someone’s chances of becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident or U.S. citizen. The Department of Homeland Security will not consider applying for or receiving Medicaid or CHIP when making a “public charge” determination (except Medicaid for long-term institutionalization, such as nursing home care). To read a copy of the full Informational Bulletin, please visit: medicaid.gov/federalpolicy-guidance/downloads/cib072221.pdf.

New Videos Available
Did you know that the Campaign has a series of digital videos which your organization can use in Medicaid and CHIP outreach and enrollment? These new Campaign videos can be used to encourage parents and caretakers to enroll their children in Medicaid and CHIP year-round to access important benefits like routine well-child visits and dental care. Here a few examples of the videos:

Remind parents to call their child’s health care provider to schedule routine medical visits and vaccinations, especially if they missed any during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Let parents know about the oral health benefits covered by Medicaid and CHIP and why keeping up with their child’s dental health before school starts is so important.

Upcoming Observances
To help prepare for the 2021-2022 school year, the Campaign has a variety of Back-to-School resources that can help get the word out to parents and caretakers about Medicaid and CHIP.

Additional observances in September - October include:

  • Baby Safety Awareness Month (September)
  • National Preparedness Month (September)
  • National Suicide Prevention Week (September 5-11)
  • National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15)
  • Children’s Health Month (October)
  • National Primary Care Week (October 4-8)
  • National Health Education Week (October 18-22)­­

Stay Connected with the Campaign 

  • Share our Campaign materials. Our ever-growing, multi-lingual Outreach Tool Library features a variety of targeted resources to use in your outreach and enrollment efforts, available in multiple formats.
  • Contact us. To get more involved with the Campaign, contact us via email at ConnectingKids@cms.hhs.gov.
  • Follow the Campaign on Twitter. Remember to re-tweet or share our messages from @IKNGov with your social network and be sure to use our #Enroll365 and #KidsEnroll hashtags in your posts.

Subscribe to the “Campaign Notes” eNewsletter
The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign eNewsletter “Campaign Notes” is distributed throughout the year and provides updates on Campaign activities. If a friend or colleague forwarded this email to you, we invite you to sign up to receive this eNewsletter directly to your inbox.

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Legal scholar disputes resurrection of Jesus

Legal scholar disputes resurrection of Jesus

     He was the greatest legal mind in American history. He helped to found and put Harvard Law School on the map. His 3 volume “A Treatise on the Law of Evidence” is still regarded as the greatest single authority in the entire literature of legal procedure. The USA judicial system still operates on rules of evidence established by him.


     While teaching at Harvard, one day he told his class that the resurrection of Jesus Christ was nothing more than a myth. You see, he was an atheist. Three of his students asked him to apply his own rules of evidence to the resurrection account. He agreed to do so but thought he would easily disprove it. Yet the more he investigated it, the more stunned he was at the undeniable evidence that Jesus really did rise from the dead. He was unable to explain many things but specifically the behavior of the disciples. Not just a few of them, but ALL of them. Many of them died violent deaths because they believed Jesus had risen from the dead.



     He wrote another book, called “The Testimony of the Evangelists” that documented the evidence that caused him to change his mind. He became a believer based on the irrefutable evidence of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.His book still influences people today even though it was written more than 120 years ago. People like Josh McDowell and Lee Strobel. His name is Simon Greenleaf.

     Have you looked at the evidence for the resurrection? If Jesus really did conquer death, shouldn’t that make everything else He said about life and life after death of paramount importance to us? Jesus said He left many infallible proofs for us to consider. What have you done with these proofs?

 Reference for the resurrection….y-jesus.com/body_count1/


With you on the journey,
Dave Maynard

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Would you die for Christ?

Would you die for Christ?

He was freezing, out in the middle of a frozen lake with nothing on. No shoes, no clothes, no coat, nothing. He and 39 other members of the elite Thundering Legion of the Roman Empire.  The year was 320A.D. Emperor Licinius had demanded that all Roman soldiers worship him as a god. This was nothing new but it wasn’t enforced all that much. All his life, he had wanted to be a soldier and serve his emperor. He would die for him. He considered it to be a great honor to be in this very decorated Thundering Legion. But the last few years, he had come to know Jesus as his Messiah.He could no longer worship anybody except Him. But he still wanted to serve in the Roman army.

At first, Governor Agricola of Sevaste (in modern day Turkey) spoke mildly but firmly to the men in their barracks. “I am told you refuse to offer the sacrifice ordered by Emperor Licinius”. One of his friends said, “We will not sacrifice. To do so is to betray our holy faith”.The Governor replied, “But what about your comrades?….Think of the disgrace you bring upon your legion”. His friend replied, “To disgrace the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is more terrible still”. The Governor promised promotion to all who does his duty. No one stepped forward. The Governor said, “Then prepare for torture & death”. The 40 soldiers stood firm. They were flogged in the freezing cold. The whips tore into their flesh, bloodying them but they stood firm.

Eventually, they were taken down to a frozen lake & stripped completely naked. The Governor could hardly believe his eyes. The men ran unto the freezing lake shouting, “We are soldiers of the Lord and fear no hardship. What is our death but entrance into eternal life?” Baffled, the Governor posted guards around the lake. He then heated large tubs of water to entice the men to come in from the freezing lake.

One of the guards said, “Look (pointing to the sky), doesn’t anyone see them?…spirits hovering with golden crowns over these men’s heads, holding out rich robes for them”. No one but this one guard saw this. But it was too much for one soldier. He came in and was immediately put into one of the hot tubs. But the shock was too much for him. He went into convulsions and died. The guard who had seen the vision of crowns, shucked off his clothes and ran unto the lake saying that they would be 40 again as he just accepted the Lord.

By morning 39 of them had died but the young man was still barely alive. The guards told his mother about her son. They told her they would look the other way if she wanted to come and get him. “What kind of talk is this” said his mother. “Would you cheat him out of his crown? I’ll never let that happen”. As the wagon of dead bodies pulled away, she cradled her son’s head and said, “Go son,,,go to the end of this happy journey with your comrades so that you won’t be the last to present yourself to God”. The guards were astonished. They couldn’t believe their ears & eyes. The bodies of the 40 were burned and their ashes cast into a river. Christians collected what they could of their ashes & bones and preserved them as the honored remains of these 40 brave Christians who wouldn’t deny their Lord & Savior. The next time you have to make a decision that may cost you something, remember these brave believers. Philippians 3:8 “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ…”

40 martyrs2



For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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God Is The Creator Of Everything That Exists

God Is The Creator Of Everything That Exists

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. It looks like this post is about creation, but it’s really about worship. Since God is the creator of everything that exists, why would we want to worship anyone else? Click on the link below to read today's post.



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Prostate Cancer Awareness Month


Men’s Health Network invites you to collaborate with us during Prostate Cancer Awareness month in September. At MHN, we strive to spread knowledge and awareness on many issues surrounding men’s health. We will be hosting multiple events throughout the month, and it would be tremendous if we can count on you to be a part of one or more of them. Collaboration with you will allow us to expand our reach and spread potentially life-saving news.

Prostate cancer is a leading cause of death in men which is why this awareness period is so important to us. Cancer.org estimates almost 250,000 men will get prostate cancer this year, with just over 34,000 men dying from the disease in 2021. 

On September 1st, MHN will be releasing a press release kicking off the month, which will outline our plans to host a Twitter Chat around prostate health on September 22, 2021, at 2 PM EST. Currently, we are looking for partners and sponsors to either participate or co-host this chat with us. Interested? Please let us know!

Looking for social media messaging throughout September? Check out our free and comprehensive toolkit here: https://www.prostatehealthguide.com/awareness/digital-media-toolkit/

Other events in September may include: interviews with prostate cancer survivors, meetings on capitol hill, and much more. Stay tuned and reach out if you'd like to be involved.

With your help, it gives all of us the chance to spread more awareness and reach out to men about getting checked, getting help, and living with prostate cancer.

We hope you consider collaborating with us this September for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me below. We look forward to your response and hope to be in touch soon.

Stay safe and healthy!

Best regards

Brandon Ross

Head of Communications & Outreach

Men's Health Network

(O): 202-543-6461, ext. 109

(C): 714-788-9631



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CMS National Training Programs - Free









2021 Virtual Workshops: Register today

virtual workshopRegistration is still OPEN for our upcoming virtual workshops!  Select the hyperlinked event title(s) below to register for those you’re interested in attending. You’ll be prompted to login to the CMS National Training Program (NTP) virtual workshop webpage. To login, use the same email address and password you use to register for all NTP webinars. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one before registering. After you register for an event, you’ll get an email confirmation and calendar appointment. Please email NTPHelp@cms.hhs.gov if you need help with your account or registration. Sessions will start at 1pm and conclude no later than 3:30pm (ET). Session materials will be available for download at the time of the events and sessions will be recorded for later viewing.

17th – Medicare Coverage for Services Related to COVID-19

18th – Medicare Coordination of Benefits

19th – Medicare Plan Finder

24th – Medicare Current Topics

25th – Preventing Fraud, Waste, & Abuse in Medicare and Medicaid

26th – Where Do I Find? (Online Resources)

31st – Medicare Scenarios (Casework Session)

September 2021

1st – Medicare Rights & Protections

2nd – Social Security Benefits

NOTE: Registration requests will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis until each session reaches capacity. The number of attendees from the same organization may be limited. If any session reaches capacity, we’ll work to schedule an additional offering for a later date.

NTP Webinar Recordings

CMS NTP Virtual Workshop: Original Medicare (Recorded July 27, 2021)

CMS NTP Virtual Workshop: Medicare Drug Coverage (Recorded July 28, 2021)

CMS NTP Virtual Workshop: Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) (Recorded July 29, 2021)

To view our other webinar recordings, please visit the NTP website.

Did You Know?

·       There's a new blog, Prevention is key—protect yourself with vaccines.

·       The Medicare Open Enrollment Period begins October 15 and ends December 7, 2021. 

  • You can find the latest news about Medicare by visiting the CMS Newsroom.




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In the case of tight sea and air transportation capacity, the Yiwu to Madrid railway line has become the choice of more and more people. It is the seventh railway connecting China and Europe and is part of the New Silk Road.

1. Overview of the route from Yiwu to Madrid

The Yiwu to Madrid Railway opened on November 18, 2014, with a total length of 13,052 kilometers, which is the longest freight train route in the world. The route departs from Yiwu China, passes through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, France, and finally reaches Madrid, Spain. It has a total of 41 carriages, can carry 82 containers, and has a total length of more than 550 meters.
Every year, the Yiwu to Madrid route carries nearly 2,000 products including daily necessities, clothing, luggage, hardware tools, and electronic products from Yiwu to countries along the route. The products leaving Madrid are mainly agricultural products, including olive oil, ham, red wine, pork products, skin care products, and nutritional health products. If you want to easily import all kinds of products from China, then finding a professional Chinese sourcing agent is your best choice.


2. Why choose Yiwu and Madrid as the starting and ending points

As we all know, Yiwu is China's wholesale center, has the world's largest small commodity wholesale market. 60% of Christmas ornaments in the world come from Yiwu. It is also one of the main purchasing centers for toys and textiles, electronic products and auto parts, which can meet the needs of customers for centralized purchasing. In addition, Yiwu skilled shipping workers can create more benefits for you. For example, the volume of a container is 40 cubic meters. In other places, workers can load up to 40 cubic meters of goods. In Yiwu, professional and skilled workers can load 43 or even 45 cubic meters of cargo.
At the end of the route, Madrid Spain, has a large number of overseas Chinese business resources to support the supply of this train. As many as 1.445 million overseas Zhejiang merchants know the Yiwu market very well and are an important force in the import and export of Yiwu market. Three-quarters of the small commodities sold in the Spanish market are from Yiwu. Madrid is also known as the European Commodity Center.
China is Spain's main business and economic partner in Asia, and it is also the main destination for Spain's exports in the region. Choose Yiwu and Madrid as the starting and ending points to better connect the world's largest consumer goods wholesale market with European commodity centers.


3. Achievements and significance of the route from Yiwu to Madrid

The Yiwu to Madrid Railway is an important carrier and platform of the “Belt and Road” initiative. In addition to greatly stimulating the import and export trade between Yiwu and the countries along the route, it also shines as a "green channel" on the global anti-epidemic arena. The traffic green channel is conducive to alleviating traffic pressure, speeding up customs clearance, reducing customs clearance procedures, and playing a key role in the process of transporting medical supplies and other goods to Spain.
From January to May of 2021, China shipped a total of 12,524 tons of anti-epidemic materials to European countries by train. In 2020, Yiwu handled 1,399 China-Europe freight trains via the freight route connecting Xinjiang in northwestern China with Europe, a year-on-year increase of 165%.


4. Advantages of Yiwu to Madrid route

1. Timeliness: It only takes 21 days to go directly to Madrid, Spain, with fast customs clearance, and customs clearance can be completed within 1 to 2 working days at the fastest. By sea, it usually takes 6 weeks to arrive.
2. Price: In terms of price, it is slightly higher than sea freight, but it is nearly 2/3 cheaper than air freight.
3. Stability: Maritime transportation is greatly affected by weather conditions on sea routes, and there are often various unexpected factors. Other conditions, including port conditions, may cause cargo delays. China-Europe Express train transportation can better solve this problem.
4. High service flexibility: China-Europe Express provides door-to-door service across the EU, as well as FCL and LCL, classic and dangerous goods, and accepts more types of goods than sea and air. It is very suitable for transporting high-value industrial products such as auto parts, electronic products and computer equipment. It is also suitable for promotional and seasonal products that need to reach their destination as soon as possible.
5. Environmentally friendly, less pollution.
6. The railway transportation is stable and sufficient, and the transportation cycle is short. Compared with sea containers, which are “difficult to find”, air transportation is “fuse”, and railway transportation can control the time. Yiwu to Madrid has 1 to 2 columns per week, and Madrid to Yiwu has 1 column per month.
7. Can increase the selectivity of supply. Because the Yiwu-Madrid route passes through many countries, it is more convenient to purchase specialty products from these countries.
Note: Due to incompatible gauges, the goods have to be transshipped 3 times during the journey. Locomotives must also be replaced every 500 miles. The train changed three times along the way due to different gauges in China, Europe and Russia. Each container transfer only takes one minute.

The speed of customs clearance of China-Europe Express is faster than that of ocean freight, but in the same way, you also need to submit customs clearance information:
1. Railway waybill, a freight document issued by the railway carrier.
2. Goods packing list
3. One copy of the contract
4. Invoice
5. Customs declaration documents (specification/packing list)
6. One copy of the power of attorney for inspection application

Next are several factors that may affect the speed of customs clearance:
1. After preparing the corresponding customs clearance information, fail to fill in the consignee and harvest information truthfully
2. The contents of the packing list are not consistent with the contents of the waybill
(Including: shipper, consignee, loading port, destination/unloading port, mark and part number, cargo name and customs code, number of pieces, weight, size and volume of a single piece of cargo, etc.)
3. The goods are seized
4. There are prohibited products in the goods
(A, IT products such as mobile phones and computers
(B, clothing, shoes and hats
(C, cars and accessories
(D. Grain, wine, coffee beans
(E, material, furniture
(F, chemicals, machinery and equipment, etc.

If taxes and fees are incurred, they need to be paid in time. Otherwise, the goods will not be transported and need to be confirmed and processed in time. You can also confirm whether the tax and fee processing services are included when the entrusted freight forwarder is suitable.
Relatively speaking, generally larger freight forwarding companies will have more guaranteed service, but relatively small freight forwarding companies also have its advantages. They may have a relatively high cost performance. This depends on your choice. You can choose from service and transportation cycle. And the customs clearance ability and the price are considered in many aspects.

Good packaging is a prerequisite to ensure the safety of goods
Next, classify according to carton goods, box goods, and special goods
I have sorted out the packaging requirements for cargo transportation through China-Europe Express trains.

1. Carton packaging standard:
1. There is no deformation, no damage, and no openings in the carton rules;
2. The carton is free from dampness or dampness;
3. No pollution or greasy outside the carton;
4. The carton is completely sealed;
5. The carton is clearly marked, indicating the nature of the goods and packing requirements;

2. Packing standard of wooden box pallet goods:
1. The tray has no legs, deformation, damage, wetness, etc.;
2. No damage, leaks, oily pollution, etc. on the outside;
3. The load-bearing weight of the bottom support exceeds the weight of the cargo;
4. The outer packaging and the bottom support or the goods are firmly reinforced and self-contained;
5. The goods are completely sealed;
6. Reasonable placement of internal goods, effective reinforcement, and avoid shaking in the packaging;
7. The nature of the goods shall be indicated on the wooden box or pallet, including the following points:
1) Limits on the number of stacked layers and weight;
2) The position of the center of gravity of the cargo;
3) The weight and size of the cargo;
4) Whether it is fragile, etc.;
5) Cargo hazard identification.

It is especially important to note that if the packaging of wooden boxes and pallets is unqualified, it will affect the entire transportation and loading and unloading process. It needs to be inspected from the beginning of the product delivery, and then loaded and transported if it is qualified.

3. Overweight cargo (goods weighing more than 5 tons) packaging and packing requirements
1. The cargo bottom support adopts a four-channel structure, and the cargo pallet meets the requirements of container weight (the maximum load-bearing capacity of a 40-foot container floor is 1 ton square meter, and the maximum load-bearing capacity of a 20-foot container floor is 2 tons/square meter);
2. The strength of the outer packaging is sufficient to support cargo loading and unloading (unloading by crane with bandage) and packing requirements.
3. The strength of the pallet is sufficient to support the weight of the goods, and the wooden strips will not be broken during the unloading and packing process.
4. The bottom of the pallet is flat and there are no screws, nuts or other protruding parts to avoid damage to the container.
5. The packaging of goods meets the packaging standards of wooden box and pallet goods.

Note: If the packaging of the goods is fragile or cannot be stacked, you need to fill in the relevant information truthfully when booking to avoid loss of goods caused by packaging problems. The loss caused by packaging problems will be borne by the shipper.

6. About us

We are a sourcing agent company in China Yiwu, China, with 23 years of experience and familiarity with the entire Chinese market. Provide the best one-stop service to support you from purchasing to shipping. Welcome to contact us.

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Who are you to judge others?

Doesn’t the Bible say we shouldn’t judge others? The scripture you’re probably thinking of is Matthew 7:1-5. It says, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged…” Seems pretty clear, doesn’t it? But take another look at the next three verses, especially the last verse which says, “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” In other words, we shouldn’t be hypocritical. We shouldn’t tell a brother to stop committing adultery if we’re committing adultery ourselves. A good example of this was when the Reverend Jesse Jackson was counseling President Bill Clinton after his affair with Monica Lewinsky came to light. Years later, we found out that Jackson was having his own affair at that very time. Matthew goes on to say that when we’re not being hypocritical we can remove the speck from our brother’s eye. Heck, a few verses later, Jesus judges people (Matthew 7:6, 15).

      Jesus tells us in John 7:24 to “Judge rightly” and not by mere appearances. Ephesians 5:11 tells us to expose the ‘deeds of darkness”. How can we do that if we don’t judge those deeds first? Any act of church discipline (1st Corinthians 5:5) and rebuking false teachers (1st John 4:1) requires judgment. Being in disagreement with someone or considering someone to be wrong is not judgmentalism but it does make a judgment about their ideas. What Jesus condemns is a critical and judgmental spirit, an inappropriate sense of moral superiority over someone because of their moral failures.


     There is no contradiction between holding firmly to your convictions and treating
those who you disagree with dignity and respect. Living harmoniously with people you disagree with is a sign of maturity. This is what Ephesians 4:15 means when it says to “speak the truth in love”. Sometimes people who are good at civility lack strong convictions and those with strong convictions lack civility. We Christians need to possess both qualities.

     Finally, someone who says you shouldn’t judge others is making a judgment themselves. They’re doing what they don’t want you to do. They’re being hypocritical. In a conversation like this, make these points;
– what do they mean by ‘judging’?
– point out that they’re judging you for judging someone else…hence, they’re being
– point out the difference between being judgmental and judging someone.
– point out that you can strongly disagree with someone without being ‘judgmental’.
– point out that making a judgment is the same as having an opinion.
– if they say you shouldn’t impose your morals on other people, read our FAQ about
“You can’t legislate morality”.

     We can make judgments on other people, but we must do it with civility, humility and a desire to seek the other person’s betterment.


Book references:
“True For You, But Not For Me” by Paul Copan
“Jesus is involved in politics” by Neil Mammen

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This article is first released on yiwuagt.com. Through this site, you can learn about many imports knowledge.

As the market grows on freight demand, the team of China-Europe Railway Express is also constantly expanding. Yiwu to London Railway opened on January 1, 2017, the whole journey was approximately 12451 km, which is the world's second long railway freight route only after Yiwu to Madrid Railway.

1. Yiwu to London Railway Overview

The route starts from China Yiwu, passing through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Belgium, France, etc. After the Channel Tunnel, finally arrived in London, UK, which took about 18 days.
This railway from Yiwu to London is China's Article 8 International Railway Line. London has also become the 15th European city which have railways connect with China. (Other European cities with China-Europe Railways include Hamburg, Madrid, Rotterdam, Warsaw, etc.).


2. The advantages of Yiwu to London Railway

As we all know, the time of sea shipping is very long, and the price of air transport is very expensive. In the case of tension of logistics and freight, China-Europe Railway Express play an important role in stabilizing international freight. China-Europe Railway transportation speed is about 30 days faster than the ship, and the cost is much cheaper than air transport, and it is more stable and safe.
Take Yiwu to London Railway as an example, there are trains to London every week, and 200 containers can be loaded at a time, and it is small Influence by the weather. The sea shipping needs to pass the Channel Tunnel. There are many ships, and the channel crowded is easy to accident, sometimes there is a serious delay, so the railway freight is relatively safe. In addition, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions emissions from railways only accounts for 4% of the air transport, which is slightly higher than the sea shipping, in line the vision with China and EU to build a sustainable and green environment.
Note: Due to the difference orbital in the countries along Yiwu to the London Railway, its locomotives and compartments need to be replaced on the way.


3. Yiwu to London route market demand

Yiwu to London
Mainly carrying products from Yiwu market, including luggage, household items, electronic products, etc.
London to Yiwu
Mainly food, including soft drinks, vitamins, drugs and baby products, frozen meat, etc.
Although the railway isn't a feasible transportation of all types of products, but they have played an important role in high-value products that need to transport as soon as possible, such as electronic products, fashion items, automotive parts, agricultural products and fresh meat.
During the past two years, China Trade is seeking to bypass the transportation delays through land export goods. The wave of European demand has further promoted the growth of freight through the internationality railway, China is also planning other European railway freight routes.

4. The significance and achievement of Yiwu to London Railway

Yiwu to London Railway is part of the North Line of "One Belt", which is designed to strengthen China's trade relationships with Europe, and revive the past Silk Road. It is also very good to achieve its value, making it more convenient to import and export between Yiwu and London. Current Yiwu to London Railway has become one of the important logistics channels connected to European countries in the Yangtze River Delta region.
Yiwu is a small commodity center in eastern Zhejiang Province, is one of the many cities benefited from this service. According to Yiwu Customs, the total value of Yiwu foreign trade import and export has reached 31.295 billion yuan in 2020. The total value of the cargo in China-Europe Railway Express import and export reached 20.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 96.7%.
Last year, China exceeds the United States to become the largest commodity trading partner in the EU, which is a historic turning point. In addition to better playing the role of Yiwu Commodity City, the United Kingdom has further enhanced its global trade qualifications.


About us

We are Sellers Union Group-Sourcing Agent in China Yiwu, with 23 years of experience, provide one-stop service, support you from purchasing to shipping. If you want to import products from China  profitable,  please feel free to contact us.

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Everyone Knows The Lord, From The Least To The Greatest

Wouldn't that be a great testimony? Well, everyone will know Him. The sad thing is many will know Him too late. Everyone will bow their knee to Him. So bend your knee to Him now, because if you do it first in eternity it will be too late. Click on the link below to read today's post.


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