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Hasn’t the Bible been re-written so many times that it can’t be trusted?


     Most of the bibles written today are written from only a few manuscripts. Then why do we have all these different translations? We don’t have the original manuscript of any ancient historical document. All we have are copies of them. How do we know that Julius Caesar ever existed? We have copies of manuscripts that attest to his existence. But we only have a few copies and they are dated to several hundred to more than a thousand years after when he existed. Whereas we have thousands of New Testaments, some written from 50-100 years after Jesus existed. So, we have wayyyy more copies of the New Testament than any other ancient historical document. The time frame between the event and the earliest copies is way, way less than any other ancient document. For a more complete answer, please refer to our class “How We Got the Bible” at https://www.bsssb-llc.com/video-courses-overview/how-we-got-the-bible/. Teacher notes 07-11 or scroll down to video 3-HD.  So the bible documents are much more accurate than any other ancient document that we have.

When the King James bible (KJV) was written, scholars had New Testament copies that were only so old. When the slew of modern translations were written, they had older copies to translate from. But the most important thing to remember is this…no matter when the copy was written, they are almost completely identical. This can be said of no other ancient documents that we have. So, in practical terms, it really doesn’t matter too much what translation you read. They all say the same thing.

     But why are there so many modern translations? There are two ways to translate anything.
– word for word…this is the most accurate way but it’s not the most readable.
– thought for thought…this is the most readable but it’s not the most accurate.
Most people want a translation that is accurate and readable. The NIV is the best for accuracy and readability. See the table below that compares several translations. As you can see, it just depends upon which translation suits you best.
  You can now buy an NIV bible that has study notes geared to the subject of archaeology or apologetics (the defense of the faith) or life applications or teen-agers, etc. You can also buy large print bible or thin line bibles for traveling or bibles that have space for journaling or ones that are geared to men or women or children. There are bibles that list 4 different translations side-by-side on one page so you can compare different translations (parallel bibles). As with many things in America, there is a plethora of choices in bibles.

     As of October 2017, the full bible has been translated into 670 languages. The New Testament has been translated into 1,521 languages and bible portions or stories into 1,121 languages. But the bible is NOT available in 57% of the world’s 6,901 languages.
2,195 languages (26%) are in the process of getting the bible translated into their own language. But the bible is being translated into more languages and at a faster rate than ever before.

     Here are the bible translation designations:
NIV=New International Version                                    NLT=New Living Translation
ESV=English Standard Version                                      CEV-Contemporary English Version
NASB=New American Standard Bible                         MSG=The Message Version
KJV=King James Version                                                  TEV=Today’s English Version
NKJV=New King James Version                                     RSV=Revised Standard Version
HCSB=Holman Christian Standard Bible                    NRSV=New Revised Standard Version


 For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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7 Reasons to Celebrate Your Life in Christ.

7 Reasons to Celebrate Your Life in Christ.
This Free eBook is a study of the first 14 verses of Ephesians. The all-inclusive wording that Paul used tells us how our union with Christ brings us great joy. ALL PRAISE TO GOD . . . FOR EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING . . . Click below to get your copy


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The Three Most Asked Questions in Life

The Three Most Asked Questions in Life

     From time immemorial, people have asked these three questions:
– Who am I?
– Why am I here?
– What happens when I die?


     Four types of people attempt to answer these questions. These four types of people make up the entire human race.

  • Monotheists…people who believe in one God. These would include Christians, Muslims and Jews.
  • Polytheists…people who believe in many gods. These would include Hindu’s and many other Eastern religions.
  • Agnostics…people who aren’t sure or don’t believe that there is enough evidence to believe in any god.
  • Atheists…people who don’t believe in any God at all. These people can be called naturalists, materialists and some evolutionists like Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris.

         Since most agnostics would answer these questions like atheists, we’ll count them as atheists for the purpose of our discussion.

     Atheists believe that mankind evolved from chemicals randomly combining together to produce humans. That we’re just “accidents of nature”. That there is no reality outrside of the physical world. That there is no ultimate purpose in life. That our morality is just an agreed upon set of behaviors. That these behaviors can, do and will change with time. That our morals are nothing more than preferences that help us to survive. Read “Is Morality Relative or Absolute” at https://bsssb-llc.com/is-morality-absolute-or-relative/.
Philosopher Michael Ruse says that “…ethics, as we understand it, is an illusion fobbed off on us by our genes to get us to cooperate…ethics is a shared illusion of the human race.”
Philosopher William Provine says that “There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning for life, and no free will for humans either (because our genes determine our actions)”.
Atheists believe that we’re born, we live, we die and that’s it. There is no afterlife. When we die, we just cease to exist. There’s no ultimate purpose in life. Any human desire for a better life is just our brain chemicals reacting in a certain way. There is no absolute right and wrong.

Atheists would answer these three questions like this:
– Who am I? Nobody special. You’re just a conglomeration of chemicals.
– Why am I here? There’s no special purpose for your life at all. You’re just one out of several billion people on one planet out of trillions in the universe.
– What happens after I die? You cease to exist. There is no afterlife.


Polytheists believe in many gods that all merge into one god. This god is not a “he”, it’s an “it”. It is not a personal god but an impersonal one. You have somehow inherited a lot of bad deeds or bad karma. Because most polytheists believe in reincarnation, you must go thru several lifetimes where your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds. When you finally work off all of your bad deeds or your bad karma, your consciousness gets absorbed into “god”. Many polytheists describe it as a drop of water added to the ocean. Your individuality is gone. You don’t exist anymore.
Polytheists would answer the three questions as follows:
– Who am I? Your physical body is an illusion. Your consciousness is the real you. You are a part of god, you just don’t realize it yet.
– Why am I here? To work off your bad karma. They don’t explain how or why you got these bad deeds or bad karma.
– What happens to me when I die? You become part of the universal, impersonal “it”. Your consciousness gets absorbed into the universal, impersonal consciousness.
They don’t believe in an absolute right or wrong as one guru teaches one set of morals and another guru teaches another set.

Monotheists, who believe in one God, answer these three questions in a variety of ways:
– Islamists
Who am I? You’re a creation of Allah (Quran 95:4).
Why am I here? To obey and serve Allah and to fulfill the five pillars of Islam, which are-
Shahadah – declaring and believing in one God, Allah.
Salah – Praying 5 times a day.
Zakah – giving money to Allah
Sawm – Fasting during Ramadan.
Hajj – Going to Mecca at least once in your lifetime.
Life is a test to show us who are the best in deeds (Quran 49:13 & 67:2)
What happens when I die? If your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds (and you won’t know this until you die), you’ll be welcomed into Islamic heaven. If not, you’ll go to hell (Quran 3:115-116).

– Jews
Who am I? A creation of God, usually by evolution, to teach the world about God by loving Him and observing His commandments.
Why am I here? To fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13) . To believe in a future Messiah sent by God who will deliver the Jews.
What happens when I die? Jews believe in an afterlife. There will be a final judgement where everyone receives a forever physical body. Some people will go to heaven (if they are good Jews in this life) and others will go to a place of torment (Daniel 12:2 & Isaiah 25 & 26).

– Christians
Who am I? We are people designed in the image of Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe (Genesis 1:28). We have infinite worth because God says we do. Our worth is not based on anything we have done. It is based on the word of the God who created us.
Why am I here? What is the reason for my earthly existence?  He made us to freely choose to have a relationship with Him because He loves us. We’re free to have this relationship with Him, to tell other people about Him and to rule over His whole creation as He originally wanted us to (Genesis 1:28). In the meantime, we live as He instructed us to.
What happens when I die? Your body goes into the ground. Your spirit goes up to heaven to be with God. When Jesus returns to this Earth, everyone will be physically resurrected into a new, non-perishable body. Then God will judge everyone. If your sins have been forgiven, while you were alive, you’ll go to heaven for an eternity. If not, you’ll go to hell for an eternity. Either way, God will honor the choice you made in this earthly life.
In  heaven, we’ll spend an eternity exploring the resurrected universe and using the talents God had given us to glorify Him. For specifics, take/watch my class entitled Heaven & Hell at https://bsssb-llc.com/video-courses-overview/heaven-and-hell/.


     Now, I’d like to ask you the following questions:
1…Which belief system is more appealing?
2…Which belief system is true and matches up with reality?

Atheists say when you die, you cease to exist. Unless you’re an Einstein or Napoleon, you’ll be forgotten in a couple of generations. Your body will decay in

the grave.

Polytheists believe you’ll be absorbed into the great god, Brahma. Your body will decay in the grave. Your individuality will be gone. “You” will be gone. You’ll become like a drop in the ocean.

Monotheists believe in an after-life but only one guarantees a perfect life in heaven.

     Atheism doesn’t match up to reality. Any ultimate purpose for our lives is illusory. We’re just one out of billions of people on this planet in this time period. Our planet is just one of trillions of planets circling other stars in billions of years. Sometime in the distant future, our universe will die a “heat death” where nothing can exist. Morality just becomes “preferences”. What’s moral in one time period may not be moral in another. There’s no purpose in our life, no reason for us to exist and when we die, we cease to exist.

Polytheists don’t explain where our bad deeds (karma) come from or why we must work it off.  There is no absolute system of morality. Guru’s (polytheists holy men) often contradict each other. They cannot explain the human desire for a better life or where this desire comes from. They cannot explain why humans feel like individuals.

Only Christianity can be proven to match up with reality and is true. Read/watch my class on “Prove to me that God exists” at https://bsssb-llc.com/video-courses-overview/prove-to-me-that-god-exists/. Only Christianity compellingly answers all of these questions. We do have purpose in our life. Our “personality” and our resurrected body will exist for all eternity. We will be rewarded for what we have done in our Earthly life (Revelation 22:12). Our life has purpose and meaning and we live like it does.

     Most people don’t think thru these 3 questions. But when they do, it becomes apparent that Christianity answers them compellingly and correctly.


Book reference:
“Reflections on the Existence of God” by Richard E. Simmons III


Here’s to a GREAT eternity,
Dave Maynard

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What Is More Important Than Your Commitment To The Lord?

Psalm 106 starts with these words. Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Most of the rest of it revealed how unfaithful God’s people were in the past. Click below to read this inspiring post.



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Prove to me that the Bible is accurate

Prove to me that the Bible is accurate



     OK! Let’s give it the same tests for reliability as any other historical document. There are four such tests:

1…bibliographic – since we don’t have the original documents, how reliable are the copies we have in regard to the number of manuscripts we have and the time interval between the original and the earliest copies? The closer the time interval, the more accurate the documents tend to be.

2…internal evidence – are there contradictions or known historical errors in the documents?

3…external evidence – do other historical materials confirm or deny the documents events?

4…archaeological evidence – do archaeological studies agree with or disagree with the documents?

In fact, the Bible encourages testing. In 1st Thessalonians 5:21, it says to test everything and hold unto that which is good. Let’s look at just the New Testament for now.

Regarding test#1, the bibliographic test, let’s look at some of the most authenticated ancient documents and compare them to the New Testament.


Document:                         # of documents:                             Years since original:

Homer – Illiad                               643                                                      400
Herodotus-History                             8                                                    1350
Thucydides – History                         8                                                    1300
Plato                                                7                                                    1300
Demosthenes                                200                                                    1400
Caesar – Gallic Wars                        10                                                    1000
Tacitus – Annals                              20                                                    1000
Pliny – History                                  7                                                      750
New Testament in Greek               5700                                                 50-225
New Testament in other
languages than Greek        about 19000

     The more documents that we have of a work, the more chance there is that there will be disagreement between the various copies. This is NOT true of the New Testament copies. They are about 99.5% in agreement. This can be said of no other ancient document.
The closer the time interval between the original & the earliest copy of a document, the more accurate the document tends to be. As you can see,the time interval for the New Testament is far less than the other ancient documents above.
It is apparent that the New Testament stands head-and-shoulders above all the other most authenticated ancient documents.    

     Even if we didn’t have any copies of the New Testament, we could virtually reconstruct it from the early church fathers quoting of it. Again, this can be said of no other ancient document in existence.




Regarding test#2, the internal test about contradictions and errors in it, this can be said about it..
Dr. Gleason Archer learned over 30 languages (most of them from the Middle Eastern ancient world), taught for over 30 years in the field of biblical criticism and earned a law degree (giving him a thorough grounding in the field of legal evidences) said this…
“I have dealt with one apparent discrepancy after another and have studies the alleged contradictions between the biblical record and the evidence of linguistics, archaeology and science, my confidence in the trustworthiness of Scripture has been repeatedly verified and strengthened…There is a good and sufficient answer in Scripture itself to refute every charge that has ever been leveled against it.” The allegations of errors are usually based on a failure to recognize basic principles of interpreting ancient literature.



Regarding test#3, the external evidence about other historical materials confirming or denying the biblical events or people…

There are many non-Christian writings that confirm New Testament history, such as
1..Tacitus, a Roman considered one of the accurate 1st century historian
2..Suetonius, chief secretary to Roman Emperor Hadrian
3..Josephus, a Jewish priest, general and historian who confirms many, many Bible people and events including stating that Jesus was the Messiah who rose from the dead.
4..Thallus, who talks about the “darkening of the skies” and an earthquake when Jesus was crucified.
5..Pliny the Younger, a Roman administrator
6..Trajan, a Roman Emperor
7..Jewish Talmud, saying Jesus was crucified at Passover
8..Lucian of Samosata, a Greek writer who was very critical of Jesus, His crucifixion and Christianity
9..Mara Bar-Serapion, a Syrian writer
10..The Gospel of Truth, a gnostic document that confirms that Jesus was a historical person
11..The Acts of Pontius Pilate, an apocryphal document describing Jesus crucifixion.
12..All of the gnostic, pseudepigraphon and apocryphal writings. Who would write about a person that didn’t exist?
13…the Dead Sea scrolls



There are also many Christian writings…
The many early church fathers who kept very detailed records, which can be verified by other ancient documents. Church fathers like Ignatius, Polycarp, Tatian, Clement of Rome, Irenaeus & Papias. Most of these early church fathers were martyred for their beliefs. Who would die for a lie, knowing it was a lie?




Regarding test#4, archaeological evidence…
Whole books are not large enough to contain all the archaeological finds that have bolstered confidence in the historical reliability of the Bible.
Nelson Glueck, the great, late 20th century archaeologist said “It may be categorically stated that no archaeological discovery has EVER controverted a biblical reference.”
W.F. Albright said “Discovery after discovery has established the accuracy of innumerable details, and has brought increased recognition to the value of the Bible as a source of history….Archaeological discoveries of the past generation in Egypt, Syria and Palestine have gone far to establish the uniqueness of early Christianity as an historical phenomenon.”
Sir William Ramsey said “Luke’s history is unsurpassed in respect to its trustworthiness.”
Roman historian A.N. Sherwin-White has said “For (the book of) Acts the confirmation of history is overwhelming…Any attempt to reject its basic historicity must now appear absurd.”

There have been so many archaeological discoveries that it would be too numerous to list here. Suffice it to say we have an embarrassment of the amount of proof. For a smattering of this archaeological proof, go to https://bsssb-llc.com/archaeological-confirmations-of-the-bible/
Please check out the referenced material below.

The same can be said about the Old Testament.

So if you believe anything about ancient history, like that Julius Caesar existed, etc., logically you have to believe the Bible.
All of these tests are to say that the Bible is the most historically accurate ancient book we have in our existence.

Book references:

“New Evidence That Demands a Verdict” by Josh McDowell
“Examine the Evidence” by Ralph O. Muncaster
“The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible” by Robert J. Hutchinson
“Baker Encyclopedia of Apologetics” by Norm Geisler

For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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Who is the Messiah?

Who is the Messiah?

     Messiah is a Hebrew word that means “the anointed one”. When translated into Greek (the common language for most of the ancient world), it becomes “Christos”. This is where we get the English word “Christ” from.  To the Jews, Messiah would be someone empowered by God to save people and establish God’s Kingdom on Earth.

     The problem was that the Jews saw two very different pictures of the Messiah in their scriptures (the Christian Old Testament). One picture was of a Kingly Messiah who would come and set the Jews free. The other was of a suffering servant.

The Kingly Messiah (or the Son of David) is seen in scriptures like
Isaiah 9:6-7 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.
Isaiah 11:1-10 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him… They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious.



But the suffering servant Messiah (or the Son of Joseph) is seen in scriptures like Isaiah 53:1-5 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed…

For the Son of Joseph comparison, this is taken from https://jesusplusnothing.com/studies/online/thetwocomings.htm:
-Joseph, like Jesus, was his father’s beloved son.
-Joseph was despised by his brothers.
-Joseph was betrayed for silver coins after his brethren plotted, betrayed and sold him.
-Joseph was falsely accused and imprisoned.
-Joseph was imprisoned with two criminals; one lives, one dies! Likewise Jesus was crucified with two criminals – one who found spiritual life and one didn’t.
-Joseph was then exalted to the right hand of Pharaoh, authority given to Him over all Egypt. Likewise, —Jesus was exalted to the right hand of the Father and given all authority.
-Joseph then took a gentile bride. Like Jesus took a bride (spiritually) for Himself predominantly from the gentile nations.
-Later, during 7 years of hard famine, Joseph’s brothers were forced to come to him. In the future, there is still seven years of hardship (called the day of Jacob’s trouble) that Israel as a nation will have to go through. They will at this stage be brought to the place where they will acknowledge Jesus!
-At first they don’t recognize Joseph, and he treats them harshly to bring repentance.
-Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and they are reconciled amongst many tears. Likewise, there shall be great weeping once Israel finally acknowledges their Messiah Jesus. See Zech 12:10-11.
-Joseph treats his brothers with kindness saying ‘What you meant for evil, God meant for good, to accomplish… the saving of many lives.’ What a great picture of Jesus!


     The Jews of Jesus’ time were confused as to how their Messiah would appear.Some believed that one person would fulfill both pictures at one time. Others believed that two people would fulfill these pictures separately. What they didn’t see was that one person would fulfill these pictures at two different times. In other words, they didn’t see one person fulfilling the suffering servant picture, then waiting a time (what we Christians call the church age), then coming back to fulfill the Kingly Messiah.

     While Jesus partially fulfilled the Kingly Messiah at His 1st coming (He told of and introduced God’s Kingdom), He will completely fulfill it at His 2nd coming. But He did completely fulfill the suffering servant Messiah at His 1st coming. And that is what this study is about. To the skeptic, many of our proofs will be explained away. But when we compute the probability of one person, out of a population of the entire world, fulfilling all of the suffering servant prophecies, that is convincing to all but the hardest skeptic. In other words, there are some people, that no matter how much proof you give them, they will not be convinced.

     God starts out by telling us that He will provide us with a Savior (Genesis 3:15). I will now quote you the Old Testament scripture and it’s New Testament fulfillment. Then God gets more specific and says…
-that He will be an Israelite (Israel didn’t exist at this time) from the tribe of Abraham (Genesis 22:18 & Galatians 3:16)
-He will be a descendent of Isaac, not Ishmael (Genesis 21:12 & Luke 3:23-34)
-He will be a descendent of Jacob, not Esau (Numbers 24:17 & Luke 3:23-34)
-Of Jacob’s 12 sons, He will be a descendent of Judah (Genesis 49:10 & Luke 3:23-34)
-He will be a descendent of Jesse’s (Isaiah 11:1-5 & Luke 3:23-34)
-Of all of Jesse’s sons, He will be a descendent of David (Jeremiah 23:5-6 & Luke 3:23-31)


             Things going on around His birth:

-He will be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14 & Luke 1:26-35)
-He will be born in a certain city, a little town called Bethlehem (Micah 5:2-5 & Matthew 2:1-6)
-Kings will bring Him gifts and worship Him (Psalm 72:10-11 & Matthew 2:1-11)
-Children will be massacred when He is a young child (Jeremiah 31:15 & Matthew 2:16-18)
-At some point in His young life, He will come out of Egypt, not other nearby countries like Lebanon, Syria, Jordan or the Sinai (Hosea 11:1 & Matthew 2:13-15 and 19-212)


                                      His adult life:

-A messenger come before Him, to prepare the way and announce His coming (Isaiah 40:3 & Matthew 3:1-3)
-He will begin His ministry in a particular area, Galilee. Not in Samaria, Judah, Moab, Ammon, Gilead, Edom or Aram  (Isaiah 9:1 & Matthew 4:12-17)
-He’ll be rejected by the people He grew up with (Psalm 69:8 & John 7:3-5 and Matthew 13:54-58)
-Leaders will oppose Him (Psalm 2:1-2 & Matthew 12:14 and 26:3,4)
–He will be rejected as God’s Messiah (Psalm 118:22-23 & Matthew 21:42)
-He will teach in many parables (Psalm 78:2 & Matthew 13:34-35)
-He will perform many miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6 & Matthew 9:35)
-He will suddenly and forcefully enter the Temple (Malachi 3:1 & John 2:15-16)
-He will come into Jerusalem riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9 & Matthew 21:1-5)
–He will enter Jerusalem as a King exactly 483 years after the declaration of Artaxerxes to rebuild the Jewish Temple (see 
-His message will be for everyone (Isaiah 49:6 & Acts 26:23)
-He will be a ‘stone of stumbling’ to the Jews. They will not embrace Him as their Messiah (Isaiah 8:14 & Romans 9:31-33)
-He will heal the deaf and the blind (Isaiah 35:5 & Matthew 11:5)
–He will make a new, everlasting covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34 & Hebrews 10:15-20)
-He will be a prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15, 18, 19 & Acts 3:18-22)
-He will be hated without good reason (Psalm 35:19 and 69:4 & John 15:24-25)
-He will do the will of God (Psalm 40:6-8 & Hebrews 10:5-9)
-He is ‘anointed’ by God (Psalm 45:6, 7 & Hebrews 1:8, 9)
-He will care for the poor and needy (Psalm 72:12-14 & Luke 7:22)
-He will speak to people in parables (Psalm 78:2 & Matthew 13:10-16, 34-35)
-He will pray for His enemies (Psalm 109:4 & Matthew 5:44)
-His Spirit will be poured out on believers (Joel 2:28-32 & Acts 2:16-23)
-A new priesthood is established (Zechariah 3:8 and Isaiah 61:6 & 1st Peter 2:5, 9)


   In one day, He will fulfill no fewer than 28 prophecies:   

-He will be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41:9 & Matthew 26:49)
-The cost of this betrayal will be 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12 & Matthew 26:15)
-The 30 pieces of silver will be thrown down unto the Temple floor (Zechariah 11:13 & Matthew 27:5)
-This money will be used to buy a potter’s field (Zechariah 11:13 & Matthew 27:7)
-He will be deserted by His disciples (Zechariah 13:7 & Mark 14:50)
-False witnesses will level accusations against Him (Psalm 35:11 & Matthew 26:59-60)
-He won’t say anything in His defense (Isaiah 53:7 & Matthew 27:12)
-He will be beaten up severely (Isaiah 53:5 & Matthew 27:26)
-He will be hated without reason (Psalm 69:4 & John 15:25)
-He will be hit and spit on (Isaiah 50:6 & Matthew 26:67)
-He’ll be laughed at, ridiculed and rejected (Isaiah 53:3 & Matthew 27:27-31)
-He’ll faint from weakness (Psalm 109:24-25 & Luke 23:26)
– They hurled insults at Him ( Psalm 22:6-8 & Matthew 27:39-43)
-They scorned Him (Psalm 109:25 & Matthew 27:39)
-They’ll stare in pity at Him (Psalm 22:17 & Luke 23:35)
-He’ll be executed with other criminals (Isaiah 53:12 & Matthew 27:38)
His hands and feet will be pierced (Psalm 22:16 & uke 23:33)
-He’ll pray for His persecutors (Isaiah 53:12 & Luke 23:34)
-His friends and family will not interfere with His crucifixion (Psalm 38:11 & Luke 23:49)
-His robe (the only piece of clothing that He owned) will be cut up and gambled on ( Psalm 22:18 & John 19:23-24)
-He’ll be thirsty (Psalm 69:21 & John 19:28)
-They’ll only give Him gall and vinegar (Psalm 69:21 & Matthew 27:34)
-He’ll commit His soul to God (Psalm 31:5 & Luke 23:46)
-Unlike all other crucifixion victims, no bones of His will be broken (Psalm 34:20 & John 19:33)
-His heart will rupture (Psalm 22:14 & John 19:34)
-His side will be pierced (Zechariah 12:10 & John 19:34)
-At midday, the skies will become dark (Amos 8:9 & Matthew 27:45)
-He will be buried in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:9 & Matthew 27:57-60)
-He will be lifted up just like Moses was lifted up (Numbers 21:8-9 & John 3:14-15)
(the above is taken from the McDowell’s book “77 FAQ’s about God and the Bible”)


                                                                                           His Resurrection:

–He will be raised from the dead (Psalm 16:8-11 & John 20 & Acts 1:3 and 2:32 and 13:34-37)
-He will ascend on high (Psalm 68:18 & Luke 24:51 and Ephesians 4:8)
-Death is swallowed up in victory (Isaiah 25:8 & 1st Corinthians 15:54-57)

     It’s possible that one man could fulfill several of these prophecies. It’s impossible that one man could fulfill every single one of these prophecies. Because the Jewish Temple was destroyed in 70AD, the Jewish Messiah had to come before then. Otherwise, they would have no way to trace His lineage (all the lineage records were kept in the Temple. Since then, only 1 or 2 tribes can be traced and they are not the tribe of Judah) and for Him to fulfill the prophecies pertaining to the Temple. The only person before 70AD that could fulfill all of these suffering servant prophecies was Jesus. Read about the Messianic prophecies probabilities on https://www.bsssb-llc.com/prophecy-probability/.
For someone to deny that Jesus fulfilled the suffering servant prophecies would be irrational. Such a person cannot be reasoned with.

     God did indeed, provide us with not only a road map to the Messiah but with an exact map to who, when and where that Messiah would appear in human history. Therefore, humanity is without excuse as to who, when and where God’s Messiah is. He has made it very clear that who His Messiah is and why He came down to Earth. All we have to do now is to accept Him into our hearts. May you have the joy of knowing Him.

“77 FAQ’s about God and the Bible” by Josh & Sean McDowell, pages 117-120
“The Case for the Real Jesus” by Lee Strobel, pages 189-225
“The New Evidence that demands a Verdict” by Josh McDowell, pages 164-202
“100 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus” Rose Publishing pamphlet


For God’s Messiah,
Dave Maynard


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God Is Still Out There, No Matter What Others Say

God Is Still Out There, No Matter What Others Say

In many of the Psalms that David wrote, he often asked questions like, “Lord where are you?” But he always came back to a statement of victory or praise. What David understood and what we need to understand is,  God is always there. Click below to read today's post.



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Why are bathroom mirrors better than ordinary mirrors?

9571590271?profile=RESIZE_710xIf your bathroom environment is dim, then you need a smart mirror even more. Sometimes girls are anxious to make makeup in the bathroom, but the light in the bathroom is not enough, but all the skin care products and makeup are in the bathroom. At this time, you only need to turn on STANHOM. The light of the bathroom mirror can quickly apply makeup. Natural light simulates the real light source. You are not afraid of the color difference of the base makeup. You can see the true state of the makeup. The white light simulates the strong light environment, such as a spotlight or a stage, and you can clearly see the face. For blemishes and acne, the eyeliner can also be very clear. The warm light creates an atmosphere. When you come home from work and take a bath to relax, the yellow light has a warm feeling and makes you feel very comfortable.

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9571590271?profile=RESIZE_710xIf your bathroom environment is dim, then you need a smart mirror even more. Sometimes girls are anxious to make makeup in the bathroom, but the light in the bathroom is not enough, but all the skin care products and makeup are in the bathroom. At this time, you only need to turn on STANHOM. The light of the bathroom mirror can quickly apply makeup. Natural light simulates the real light source. You are not afraid of the color difference of the base makeup. You can see the true state of the makeup. The white light simulates the strong light environment, such as a spotlight or a stage, and you can clearly see the face. For blemishes and acne, the eyeliner can also be very clear. The warm light creates an atmosphere. When you come home from work and take a bath to relax, the yellow light has a warm feeling and makes you feel very comfortable.

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How To Continually Rejoice And Be Glad In The Lord

In Psalm 68, David demonstrated how we can continually rejoice and be glad in the Lord. In this post we'll examine how this can happen for us through all of our daily activities every day. Click the link below to read today's post.



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Will people go to hell because they haven’t heard about Jesus?


     Some people ask this question to cast doubt on whether God is fair. But it is a legitimate question, so let’s explore it.

  • The bible is very clear that no one comes to God except thru Jesus (John 14:6, Acts 4:12)
  • 1st Timothy 2:4 declares that God “…desires all men to be saved.” 2nd Peter 3:9 says that God desires that “…no one should perish but that all should come to repentence.”
  • Job 34:12 says that God is fair & just
  • Acts 8:26-35 describes a sincere person seeking to know the truth. So God sent him a missionary, Philip, to explain everything to him.


Another good example of this is Helen Keller. She was blind & deaf. When she finally learned to communicate with the outside world, someone told her about Jesus. Her response was…So that’s His name. I’ve known Him for years, I just didn’t know His name. God had revealed Himself to her even though she was blind & deaf.

  • Finally, all people know instinctively, that there is a God. But some of these people won’t believe in God no matter what. They are without excuse (Romans 1:18-20 & 3:11)

     So it’s not the case of God not getting His message to someone who is seeking after the truth (Acts 10:34,35). To anyone who honestly desires to know God, He will somehow reveal Himself to them. He gives everyone some light. If they want more, He will give them more. If they don’t want more, He will honor that also. Will people go to hell because they haven’t heard of Jesus? No! God will reveal Himself to everyone that wants to know. What they do with it is up to them.


For His kingdom,
Dave Maynard


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The Mind Of Christ

Those who have the mind of Christ are able to discern spiritual things that the natural man (or the unbeliever) cannot understand or see.  1 Corinthians 2:16

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2). Our minds need to be consistently renewed, moving away from the mind of the flesh and into the mind of Christ. 

Having the mind of Christ means we “look at life from our Saviour’s point of view, having His values and desires in mind. It means to think God’s thoughts and not think as the world thinks.” 

The Bible teaches us that we must first trust Christ as our Savior to receive the Holy Spirit who enables us to have the mind of Christ. Having the mind of Christ gives the ability to understand and know the deep things of God, which will help us have victory in our life and have confidence that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us Philippians 4:13.

Philippians 4: 3- 9. Lord is near. Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].

Finally believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. The things which you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things [in daily life], and the God [who is the source] of peace and well-being will be with you.


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