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god (26)

Cecil Addison was born on May 16, 1985 in Milwaukee, WI. This soulful young man has always enjoyed singing, and most importantly, singing for the Lord. About eight years ago, God placed a calling on Cecil's life. This calling is now coming to pass.

In the fall of 2011, God started revealing songs to Cecil. This birthed The Cecil Addison Ministry, which was formed to spread the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, while giving back to God. The goal of the ministry is to gain exposure locally, nationally, and internationally while inspiring youth to follow their dreams, and answer their calling from the Lord no matter what obstacles they may face.

The ministry is currently working on its very first cd project! It plans for the single to drop within the next month! To learn more about The Cecil Addison Ministry and to hear a couple samples of Cecil singing, please visit the ministry's facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/thececiladdisonministry

There are a few links also to check out the ministry's website, youtube channel, and make a donation. Please don't forget to "LIKE" the ministry on facebook!

The ministry is based out of the Milwaukee, WI and Chicago, IL areas. If you would like Cecil to perform at an event please contact the ministry at thececiladdisonministry@yahoo.com

For distances more than 200 miles please contact the ministry at least two months in advance.

Cecil looks forward to hearing from you. Thank you and God bless!

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Wrapped Up In "church"!

We are so wrapped up in “church”.  We go to church, we have church, we had church, but we never become the “Church”.  We raise our kids in “church”, but not in God.  We make sure the “church” is clean, swept, and garnish yet we don’t put the same effort in making sure our true “temples” are clean, swept, and garnished by the Holy Ghost.

We cringe when someone put their finger prints on our fine brass around the pulpit, but we don’t cringe when we are using profanity, for it is what comes out of the man that defiles him.

We are sure to make sure that the sanctuary is clean and free of debris, but we are not sure to clean the debris of sexual impurities, perversions, and fornication that line the walls of our “Temples” (bodies) which houses the Holy Ghost.

We make sure the bathrooms of our “church” are clean and free of smells, and dirt.  We make sure we can see ourselves through the mirrors, and the sink is spotless.  Yet, we allow the Holy Ghost to move and walk in our bodies with filth all around in side of us.  We make a Holy God move inside of our filthy minds without being cognitive of the fact he is constantly living with us, and needs a holy environment in which to live.

Women allow men who are not their husbands to enter their temples (have sex with them), so full of lust that they forget they are “The Temples of a Living, Holy God”.  The Holy Ghost does not take a vacation from living inside of you, he is constantly there beholding your order.  He is there when you are engaging in sin.  He is there when you allow men to touch something so valuable.  You don’t make sure they are worthy to touch the “Temple of God” they are eying, lusting after, and craving sexually.  It is time we put more stock in the true “Temple of God”.

We need to take the same care of our living “Temples” as we take of the physical building that we call the “church” for it is we who house the Spirit of God

We are the tabernacle in the wilderness and as the priest carried the Ark and was required to be holy and clean, so must we be holy and clean while we carry the same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave within us.  There should be a great fear for someone to touch our “Temples” and they are not clean, or they are approaching us inappropriately. We should carry ourselves in such a way that causes God to want to protect us from the uncleanliness of men (universal), as he killed the man for touching the Ark of the Covenant which housed the Spirit of God.

The physical building we worship in is not the house of God.  God does not live there when we go home, for God does not live in temples made with hands, but has created himself a body in which to live; your body.  Walk and live as if you have a living God living inside of you.

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Oprah Winfrey Said it!

By Phenola Moore


I developed earlier than most girls my age. In the 5th grade, I was 5’2” and had the adult physique to go along with the height. Don’t worry, my parents kept a watchful eye on me to make sure my womanly body didn’t rob me of my childhood innocence. :>) Eventually, I would reach 5’8”and my body continued to develop with my height.


Needless to say, children aren’t too kind to others who look outside what they perceive as normal. The taunting and isolation from the popular groups played a toll on my self-esteem that made an indelible mark on my soul. But I didn’t realize the depth of it until I reached adulthood.


In order to release this pain, I wrote down my experiences and how I felt through writing. First, I was inspired to write articles and poems that developed into an online magazine, Press On! Webzine, www.pressonwebzine.com.


And later, I compiled my poems in Reveal the Real You Poetry Collection. There it was in black and white, my internal struggles expressed in poems.


Poems like “Can You Handle the New Me?“ reflects me embracing my self worth as I learned to accept the internal and external me. “A Conversation With Survival,” addressed the inner war I went through after my eldest sister suddenly passed away. “Destiny” reminds us that we are on a journey. And when we think we can’t go any further, “Strength” reminds us of the inner force that pushes us forward. These are just a few of the poems that will inspire you to look within yourself to reveal the real you.


Oprah said during the final episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” that everybody has a calling and our job is to find out what it is and get to doing it. Writing is my calling and I hope these poems in Reveal the Real You Poetry Collection,” encourage you to push past any obstacles and walk in yours.


Order the book at http://www.amazon.com.


Visit the author website http://www.pressonwebzine.com.

Poetry reading from \”Reveal and Real Poetry Collection\” titled \”A Conversation With Survival\”

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Heart of God Orphanage - Please Help

Heart of God Orphanage

Heart of God Orphanage - The needs of the children are great, failure is not an option, the results would be horrific and heart breaking.

This is East Africa, where famine stalks the land. It's a difficult part of the world in which to survive, especially as an orphan living on the street. Please help rescue these precious children.


James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.



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FBI Alert

3For we [Christians] are the true circumcision, who worship God in spirit and by the Spirit of God and exult and glory and pride ourselves in Jesus Christ, and put no confidence or dependence [on what we are] in the flesh and on outward privileges and physical advantages and external appearances—”

(Philippians 3:3, Amplified Bible)

The Apostle Paul was not ruled by things like an addiction to the approval and appreciation of people. No, he was an FBI Christian. That is he was a Firm Believer In God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit (1 X 1 X 1 = 1) no matter what someone thought about him or how they treated him. This does not mean that he was nasty. It means that he didn’t define “nice” as pleasing people in a way that contradicted the purposes of God. Paul dared to care for people while staying true to Biblical teachings.

God developed him, so that he could take it when people became more and more stubborn speaking evil of and living contrary to the Way of the Lord because some thought that Paul did not have the right background or credentials to do what he was doing. The Apostle Paul's identity was not tied to the flesh, outward privileges, physical advantages and external appearances. Try though they might to stop the Apostle Paul and to shift his direction to Satanic ways, they couldn’t. An attack on Paul is the same as an attack on God. That doesn’t mean that Paul didn’t have shipwrecks, but it does mean that God made sure that Paul sailed through all the seas of life, succeeded in the plans God made for him before the foundation of the world and stayed anchored in his relationship with God first and people second. Some practices of FBI Christians are:

· Praise God for the progress He has accomplished in your life. If the Holy Spirit is so strong in you that you can put down a sin stronghold in a day. Praise God. If it takes longer. Praise God. For example, say you smoked five cigarettes a day five years ago, but today you only smoke two cigarettes a day. One day you will not smoke. (See Romans 7:15-25).

  • If God chose you and called you, never give up. The righteous are bold as a lion. The righteous are not sinless; their sins are washed away by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ who is transforming them daily into an ever more accurate reflection of who He is.

· Put the devil in his place; that is behind you. Reject shame, condemnation and any apology for where you are at provided you are in Christ and seeking Him and His ways. Someone said: "I'm okay, and I am on my way." God will get you to the final destination. The truth is you will battle some sin until the grave or rapture. Conviction and cleansing in one area means it’s time for God to convict and cleanse you in another area. Isn’t God so good that He doesn’t show us all our problems in a day?

  • Press past distraction and discouragement and attempts to silence your voice and destroy you. The enemy is trying to intimidate you. Disobey the devil and his demons. If your Master is Christ, why bow down to the prince of this world? It doesn’t matter what resources the kingdom of darkness has. Greater is the God inside of Christians than the whole wide world.
  • Put on the full armor of God (See Ephesians 6:10-18). The devil is going to expose your relatively little errors while covering up the extensive errors of his people.
  • Refuse to be paralyzed by the attacks of the kingdom of darkness. In a way it’s a compliment; if you had no value in the kingdom of God, there would not be any vigorous attack against you.
  • Pursue peace, but don’t accept peace at any price. If you are in a long-term, non-familial relationship full of strife, seek God for permission to separate. Living in strife and division saps your strength.
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Have You Ever Seen A Dead Man Angry?

This is an article written by a dead man after he realise he was dead. It was written to all those who are still alive to themselves.If you want to be delivered from you, read on.If you want to be mortified instead of edified, read on.If you think the way up is down, read on.For all those who are still hiding themselves from themselves, less at the sight of themselves they sickned themselves.I urge you to change your name to Mr./Mrs. Pride and your address to 123 Destruction Ave. Going Nowhere,? 00000Have you ever seen a dead man angry?Have you ever heard a dead man complain?Have you ever heard a dead man say, "I can't do this?"Have you ever seen a dead man put himself first?Are you more concern about yourself than others?Then you haven't died yet.Are you more concern about making money than making friends?Then you haven't died yet.Are you more concern about getting what you want then helping others get what they want?Then you haven't died yet.Do you get angry when your dowline don't produce or order for the month?Then you haven't died yet.Are you spending more time on your MLM than your FAMILY?Then you haven't died yet.Are you offering a product than a solution?Then you haven't died yet.Are you working on being rich than being better?Then you haven't died yet.Is your favorite holiday your birthday?Then you haven't died yet.If you ask the mirror on the wallwho is the fairest of them allWill it replyMe, Myself, and I?Then you have'nt died yet.***** I wrote this because I'm dead. You are reading this because maybe you are dying.*****I keep my friends rather they join my program or not.Because I'm dead to my feelings.I don't jump on every new hot deal that comes along.Because I'm dead to my impulses.I own things, but things don't own me.Because I'm dead to my possession.Put others first and myself last.Because I'm dead to pride.Except a seed fall into the ground and die, it abide alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.Have you died yet?To all who read this, may your ego rest in peace.Sincerely yours,HardinA dead man
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