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evangelism (72)

Everyone In The World, Pay Attention

13031340657?profile=RESIZE_710xPsalm 49 starts with the following statement, "Listen to this, all you people! Pay attention, everyone in the world!" The Psalmist laid out the message of redemption. Click on the link below and let today's post encourage your heart. Also share it with someone else. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Psalms


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God Called Us To Be His Holy People

12984224463?profile=RESIZE_710xIn Romans 1, after encouraging his readers to live unashamedly by faith, Paul talked about God's anger against sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. He said God abandons people when they partake of their shameful desires. When those desires are accepted by society, click on the link below to read about other sinful activities they spark. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Romans


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The Lord Is My Rock And My Savior

12860123879?profile=RESIZE_710xDavid was credited with writing Psalm 18 in response to the day God rescued him from his enemies and from Saul. In this Psalm David painted a picture of how God delivered him from his enemies and why He did it. To get the details click on the link below and you can also read how this psalm relates to you. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Psalms


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12761805857?profile=RESIZE_710xIn Psalm 22, God gave David insight into the day when Jesus felt forsaken by God. He didn’t sin, but we get an idea of the consequences we create for ourselves when we sin. Click on the link below to read what those Consequences are. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Psalms #sin


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Blessed Are Those Who Delight In The Lord

12757576858?profile=RESIZE_710xPsalm One clearly defines the difference between the godly and the ungodly. Recently, a life insurance policy advertisement was built around the phrase "would have, could have, should have." No one will be able to stand before the Lord in eternity and say those words. Click on the link below to check out the benefits of those who go into eternity knowing Jesus. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Psalms


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Free From Sin In Christ Jesus

12741285083?profile=RESIZE_710xMany people around the world are bound as slaves. Yes, the Bible says they are slaves to sin. There is, however, another kind of slavery in the kingdom of God. Paul told us in Romans that we must be slaves to righteousness. Click on the link below to read how to be free from the bondage of sin. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Romans #SetFree #sin


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God Is Kind and Also Severe

12705195901?profile=RESIZE_710xRomans 11:22 says God is both kind and severe. "Severe" is a strong word and many don't want to hear about it. God wants as many as will to join Him in heaven. But, those who refuse to choose Jesus will spend eternity separated from Him. Also, click on the link below to see the difference between repenting and salvation. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Romans


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The Story of the Unforgiving Servant

12427422062?profile=RESIZE_710xHow important is forgiveness? After reading what Jesus had to say about it, I believe it should be a priority in every Christian's life. Also, click on the link below to read which part of the Lord's Prayer Jesus considered the most important part. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Forgiveness #Matthew #Stories


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Obedience To God Is Important

12293523700?profile=RESIZE_710xAs Pharaoh stood in the way of releasing the Israelites from slavery, God sent ten plagues upon the Egyptians. Their preparation to leave Egypt became an annual feast called Passover.  Click on the link below to read why this historical event is important to us. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Exodus


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Are You Religious Or Spiritual?

10468617876?profile=RESIZE_710xWhat comes to your mind when you think of the term “a religious person?”What does that person look like to you? Is that term a positive or negative one to you? This post also contains a short testimony of a time in my life. Click on the link below to read about it. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Luke


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The End Is Coming

12388586100?profile=RESIZE_710xEzekiel said. "The end has come. It has finally arrived. Your final doom is waiting!" When the end comes, everyone on the face of the earth will have something in common. Click on the link below read this eye-opening post and find out what they have in common. #BibleStudy #Devotions #EndTimes #Evangelism #Ezekiel


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Lazarus And The Rich Man

12384979670?profile=RESIZE_710xIn the story of Lazarus and the rich man, Jesus named two people, Lazarus and Abraham. With that said, was this a true story or a parable? Either way the lessons we can learn from it are real and evangelistic. Click on the link below to read what those lessons are. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Luke


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Paul And Silas In Prison

12364350497?profile=RESIZE_710xPaul and Silas ended up in a Philippi jail after being lied about, stripped, and beaten. One may have thought they missed God's will altogether. But in response to their bad treatment, they did something extraordinary. Click on the link below to read about it. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Discipleship #Evangelism #Stories


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The Day Of Judgment Is Coming

Happy New Year

12343725689?profile=RESIZE_710xIn Malachi we are told that the day of judgment is coming. Will that day affect Christians? Or maybe we should ask that question a different way. Should Christians be concerned about the day of judgment? It's something to think about as we enter a new year. Click on the link below to make sure you are ready. #BibleStudy #Devotions #EndTimes #Evangelism


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The Plan Of God Revealed

12342215080?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Apostle Paul said these words in Ephesians 3:6, "And this is the plan of God." The Lord kept His plan of salvation a mystery throughout the Old Testament. Jesus, however, understood it, and He revealed it to Paul. Click on the link below to read today's post. I believe it will make your day! #BibleStudy #Devotions #Ephesians #Evangelism


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Lord Where Are You?

12311179052?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Israelites couldn't find God so they blamed Him for their direction in life and for the stubbornness of their hearts. By the end of the conversation, God told them and us who will receive His blessings and who won't. You'll want to click on the link below to read this powerful devotional post. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Isaiah


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Death Is Defeated

12308496100?profile=RESIZE_710xJesus died as a sacrificial lamb and rose again. He made a way for us to avoid the second death spoken about in Revelation. When He calls the church home, these mortal bodies will be transformed to immortal ones. Click on the link below to read more about living forever. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Genesis


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