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2peter (3)

Are You Called And Chosen By God?

11150557098?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Apostle Peter wrote an encouragement to those who are called and chosen by God. He said that those people must prove that they are among God's called and chosen. Who are these people and who do they have to prove it to? Click on today's post to read all about it. #2Peter #BibleStudy #Devotions


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A Warning In The Bible From Peter

11129711059?profile=RESIZE_710x2 Peter 3, began and ended with warnings to all his readers. That includes us as well. Because just like back in his day, people still try to dilute and twist God’s Word. Peter also wrote about God's patience. Click on the link below to read about it. #2Peter #BibleStudy #Devotions #Discipleship


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A Valuable Warning From Peter; Never Twist God's Word

2 Peter 3, began and ended with warnings to all his readers. That includes us as well. Because just like back in his day, people still try to dilute and twist God’s Word. Peter also wrote about God's patience. Click on the link below to read today's post. #2Peter #316 #BibleStudy #Devotions


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