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1peter (6)

13403889700?profile=RESIZE_710xRighteousness comes by maintaining a relationship with God through Jesus. A worldly person, on the other hand, cannot be righteous unless they give up their worldliness by receiving Jesus as their Savior. Click on the link below to see how righteousness and goodness work together. #1Peter #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism


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We Are Living Stones

12178377479?profile=RESIZE_710xIn his first epistle, Peter used the metaphor of a building to describe the church. He said Jesus is the cornerstone and we are living stones. He wrote many encouraging words to his readers but he didn't stop there. Click on the link below to read about the warnings he issued as well. #1Peter #BibleStudy #Devotions #Discipleship


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God Gives Grace To The Humble

10646719674?profile=RESIZE_710xGod Gives Grace To The Humble

Both Peter and James included the following statement in their epistles. "God opposes the proud, but He gives grace to the humble." The Lord does something special for us when we are humble before Him. Click on the link below to read about it. #1Peter #BibleStudy #Devotions #Grace


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Focus On Ways To Do Good And To Be Right


Focus On Ways To Do Good And To Be Right

In our verse for today, Peter said, But do this in a gentle and respectful way. After you read today's post, make a comment on the post or here. To tell me how you would do this in a gentle and respectful way. Click on the link below to read the post. #1Peter #316 #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism


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