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What is Apologetics?

What is Apologetics?

     Apologetics comes from a Greek word, apologia. It means to make a defense of. It’s a judicial term that illustrates a lawyer giving a rational defense of something. “Apo” means ‘away’ or ‘from’ while “logia” means a ‘speech’ or a ‘word’. So, apologetics is to speak away or speak in defense of something.

     The creative aspect of Christian apologetics means to offer evidence or proof that supports Christianity (Acts 1:3 & Luke 24:39 & Romans 1:19-20). The destructive aspect seeks to destroy arguments against Christianity (2nd Corinthians 10:3-5 & Titus 1:9-11). An example of this would be to point out the inconsistencies in a group like the Mormons or in evolutionary thinking.

                      The Biblical basis for Apologetics:

1) Apologetics is a biblical command & we are to give reasons for what we believe (1st Peter 3:15)
2) Believers are to contend for the faith (Jude 3)
3) We are to defeat arguments that are unbiblical (2nd Corinthians 10:3-5)
4) We are to defeat false doctrines and ideas (Titus 1:9-11)
5) God tells us to use reason (Isaiah 1:18)
6) Jesus, Paul and others engaged in apologetics (Matthew 22 & Acts 17 & Acts 18:24-28)
7) God says it’s unreasonable to believe without evidence (Hebrews 11:1 & 11:6)
8) He gave us evidence of His existence in nature & creation (Romans 1:19-20)
9) Paul & Barnabas gave the people of Lystra proof of God (Acts 14:8-20)



                          Apologetics in the early Church:

  1. A) Justin Martyr (100-167AD) wrote 3 books defending Christianity against paganism and argued against Judaism.
    B) Athenagoras (2nd century) wrote 2 books defending Christianity against charges of atheism, cannibalism and incest. He argues for the resurrection of the dead.
    C) Irenaeus (120-203AD) wrote “Against Heresies” where he successfully defeated Gnosticism and then defeated the current heresies infecting the church.
    D) Tertullian (155-235AD), a successful lawyer, wrote 4 major books vigorously defending Christianity against the charge of atheism while proving the existence and worship of the one true God thru the use of the bible, fulfilled prophecy and an appeal to the public historical records. He used both faith and reason in his defenses.
    E) Augustine (354-430AD) wrote 6 major books on apologetics covering the existence of God, morality, the nature of time, memory, sin, truth and salvation. He also wrote “The City of God”.
    F) There were many other apologists in the early Church that very successfully defeated heresies and proved God’s existence and other biblical doctrines.   


                     General Apologetic Systems:

     While there are several apologetic categories, depending on who you talk to, the major ones are:

Evidential…shows how proofs of Christianity make belief in it reasonable, rational and credible. This way makes use of archaeological proofs, history, science, bible manuscripts and prophetic probability.

Classical…starting with certain undeniable truths, like the laws of logic, and addressing philosophical questions, like what is reality, what is morality, etc., it helps the unbeliever understand reality undaunted by false assumptions. It also shows evidence of God by using manuscript, archaeological and historical evidence.

Presuppositional…It assumes that the bible is true and that it provides the only framework that successfully explains our world. It shows that all other worldviews are inconsistent and illogical.

Experiential…shows how the transformation of a person, thru the experience of God in their life, is proof of His existence. It claims that reason and logic cannot save a person.

As you have probably noticed, while you may use one of these systems more than others, there is significant overlap between them. While I am mostly evidential, I also use some of the other three systems also.

         Reasons for studying and applying Apologetics:

–The bible demands it (see above scriptures)
–Reason demands it. God made humans to reason things out (Isaiah 1:18 & Colossians 3:10). It’s by reasoning that humans are distinguished from animals (Jude 10). We’re to discern truth from error (1st John 4:6) and right from wrong (Hebrews 5:14).
–The world demands it. No rational person steps into an elevator without some reason to believe that it will work. People need belief that something is true (that the elevator will work) so they can believe in it for themselves (so they get in the elevator). People need evidence that God exists before they can put their faith in Him.


                        Objections to Apologetics:

–The bible doesn’t need to be defended. But this would disagree with 1st Peter 3:15. And if someone said that Mormonism is true, how would you respond? You’d have to use apologetics.
–God cannot be known by human reason. They’ll quote 1st Corinthians 1:21 which says, “For since in the wisdom of God the world thru its wisdom did not know Him…” But this cannot mean that there’s no evidence of God’s creation. Otherwise, why would Paul tell the Romans that the evidence for His existence is so obvious that they are without excuse (Romans 1:19-20)?
–Without faith, you cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6). True, but needing proof comes before faith. I can have faith because I have overwhelming proof of His existence. Faith is said to be “the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).
–Jesus refused to give signs to evil men. That’s not what the scripture says. Matthew 13:58 says that He refused to do miracles in His hometown because of their unbelief. Yet He still gave them one sign…the sign of His resurrection (Matthew 12:39-40). Jesus did many signs and wonders for everyone else (Matthew 11:4-5).
–Don’t answer a fool according to his folly (Proverbs 26:4).  But Proverbs 26:5 says we should. So, which is right? This is easy. There are times when we should answer them as it may get rid of some of the obstacles to their coming to the Lord. Then, there are times when we shouldn’t answer them because we’d be “casting our pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6). We have to depend on the Holy Spirit to lead us as to when we should or should not answer them.
–Apologetics is not used in the bible. Yes, it is! It’s used in many places but specifically in Acts 17, when Paul reasoned with the Greek philosophers on Mars Hill.
–You can’t prove that God exists by reason or logic. If by proof, you mean 100% certainty, then you’re right. But God’s existence can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. There are many things that cannot be proved 100%. Anything in history is only proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
–No one is converted thru apologetics. This is a straw man argument. Everyone is converted by the Holy Spirit by asking Jesus to forgive their sins and come into their heart. But apologetics can remove roadblocks or obstacles to a person’s coming to believe in Jesus.


                   The Value of Apologetics is Two-Fold:

1) To strengthen the faith of the believer. We need this, especially in times of severe testing of our faith.
2) To remove roadblocks or obstacles that are in the way of any unbelievers path to becoming a believer in Jesus.

“Apologetics and Christian Evidences” by House & Holden
“Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics” by Geisler
“Evidence that demands a verdict” by Josh McDowell
“Examine the Evidence” by Muncaster
“I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist” by Turok

In Christ for rationality, reason and facts,
Dave Maynard


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How To Make A Good Investment For God's Kingdom

In Luke 19 Jesus told a parable of a master giving each a pound of silver to 10 of his servants. The master said, Invest this for me while I am gone. What are you doing with the gifts and talents the Master has given to you to invest. Click on the link below to read today's post.



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How Easily We Get Stuck In A Detour In Life

How Easily We Get Stuck In A Detour In Life

Because of a famine that plagued the world and the fact that Joseph was alive, Jacob chose to move out of the promised land. It was a detour that was good in the beginning but, ended up enslaving Israel. How do detours in your life end up. Click below to read today's post.



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How To Trust God When You've Had More Than Enough

Sometimes we get in a fix that no matter what we decide, none of our choices work for us. Jacob found himself facing that very scenario. Click below to read today's post. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Discipleship #Genesis



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Spiritual Gifts

What spiritual gifts has God given you? What are you doing with these spiritual gifts? Most Christians have no idea what a spiritual gift is. According to Nelson’s Bible Dictionary, a spiritual gift is something bestowed by God the Holy Spirit upon Christians for the purpose of building up the Church. The 4 places they are listed in are Romans 12:4-8, 1st Corinthians 12:1-11, Ephesians 4:7-13 and 1st Peter 4:10-11. These 4 passages suggest that none of these lists are meant to be comprehensive.

     While some of the gifts are more visible (apostles, healing, teaching, etc.) than others (gifts of service, compassion, helps, etc.), they are all of equal value to God. We don’t get to choose our gift. It is given to us by God. We may also have more than one spiritual gift and our strongest ones may change over time.

Spiritual Gifts 1

     Do you know what your spiritual gifts are?  There are several ‘tests’ that can help you discover what they may be. One of them is at www.spiritualgiftstest.com. Scroll down and read the FAQ’s, then click on “Take our test”. There are other good ‘test’ sites also.  For a good description of spiritual gifts, go to www.ldolphin.org/rrrgifts.html.

     I knew some Christian brothers who were what we used to call ‘motorheads’ or ‘grease monkeys’. You’d prop open a car hood and these guys were in heaven. They decided to take their love of cars, use it to glorify God and build up the Church. They announced that they would be offering a free oil change to single moms on a particular Saturday afternoon. If people knew of any single moms, they could invite them. They had over 40 single moms show up. Talk about a blessing to those moms. These guys definitely had the gift of service.

     I knew of another couple that just loved cleaning things. Yes, you heard that right and NO I won’t give you their contact info. Every Saturday, they and their team would clean the church. Their service went very unnoticed by the average church member but it was noticed by God (Luke 8:17). Praise God for people like that.

     My spiritual gift is teaching. When I’m teaching, I’m on a spiritual high. There are few things more satisfying than the feeling you get when you’re using your spiritual gift.

Spiritual Gifts 2

     God has given you spiritual gifts. But like Christmas presents under the tree, they remain ‘wrapped’ until you decide to unwrap them. Even then, they’re not useful until you use them. One last thought…you will be accountable to God for what you have done with what He has entrusted to you (Matthew 25:14-30).

So what are your spiritual gifts. How are you or how do you plan on using them? Write and let me know.


For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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How To Set Your Mind On The Things Of Heaven

How To Set Your Mind On The Things Of Heaven

Each of our days are filled as we try to maintain busy schedules. But when was the last time you slowed down enough to set your mind on the things of heaven? That was what the apostle Paul told us to do in Colossians 3. Click on the link below to read the entire post.



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Are You A Friend Of The World?

Are You A Friend Of The World?

James says, Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? The last thing I want to be is an enemy of God. What is the line between being too heavenly minded and too attached to the world. Click below to read today's post. 



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What will Heaven be like?

What will Heaven be like?

     Many people are very fuzzy on what heaven will actually be like. Some of the questions they have are:
– are we just going to sit around on clouds playing harps all the time?
– is heaven just going to be a 24/7 praise & worship service?
– what could we do for an eternity that wouldn’t turn out to eventually be boring?
– will there be pets/animals in heaven?
– will we have bodies or will we just be ‘spirits’?

     I realize that there are many more questions than these few but let’s answer these first.
Actually, there are two heavens, the intermediate heaven and the eternal, final heaven.

     The intermediate heaven is where believers go when they die now. Our body goes into the grave and our spirit goes to be with God in the intermediate heaven (2nd Corinthians 5:8). Think of it as another dimension (2nd Kings 6:15-27 & Acts 7:55-56). We will have a spiritual body but it won’t be a physical body. This intermediate heaven will last until Jesus comes to set up His final, eternal kingdom. When He does come, there will be two resurrections. The 1st resurrection will be for believers only (Daniel 12:2 & Revelation 20:5-7). That’s when all of creation will be redeemed and changed (Romans 8:20-22). Our spirits will be reunited with our bodies. We will have resurrected, perfect bodies with our spirit and soul reunited with our physically perfect body. We will inherit a resurrected, perfect Earth and universe.

     The 2nd resurrection will be for unbelievers (Daniel 12:2 & Revelation 20:11-15). Their spirits will be resurrected with their bodies. They will have their forever bodies reunited with their spirit and soul but they’ll be in hell forever.

    So, what will a resurrected universe look like? What will our perfected bodies look like?
The creation mandate in Genesis, chapters 1 & 2, was never removed. So, we will start to have dominion over all of creation but in a perfected state.
We will not know everything as only God is omniscient (1st John 3:20). But our learning won’t be hindered by our old sin nature, which we won’t have anymore. Sin deadens everything, including our ability to learn. Learning will be a lot easier.

     Will we explore a redeemed outer space? Probably! The universe is big and getting bigger all the time. We’ll have an eternity to explore God’s incredible creation. We’ll be in awe of His handiwork.

     Will we write stories and new songs? Probably! God is a creative God and we’re made in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). Our creativity won’t be hindered by our old sin nature anymore. Some of the best stories and the most beautiful songs are yet to be written. The new stories and songs will praise God, His people and creation even more. Some professions won’t exist anymore in heaven, like doctors and dentists, as there will be no injuries or death.

     But I thought we were going to praise and worship God for all eternity? It’s a narrow definition of praise and worship to think it’s only a church service. We will praise and worship by doing what He made us to do. We will be using our spiritual gifts to their fullest, unhindered by our old sin nature. Everything we do will be to the praise and worship of God. We won’t be bored because there will always be new challenges and new ways to praise and worship Him.

     Will there be pets/animals in heaven? There were animals in Eden (Genesis 1:24-25). And none of them were carnivorous. Think of it. Maybe we’ll be able to play with lions and tigers without ever getting hurt.

     What about entertainment in heaven? Wouldn’t it be great to see movies (or something like it) with wonderful values? Wouldn’t it be great to interview some of the great Christians of all time? Like Peter or DL Moody or Jim Elliott? Or maybe see their stories on some type of film? You want to climb a high mountain on Earth? Or maybe on a redeemed Mars? Maybe we’ll be able to swim with the whales and dolphins. Wouldn’t it be great to time travel and solve some of the great mysteries or see the great moments in history? Maybe we’ll be able to see the people’s inner thoughts as they were sacrificing for God. Or maybe we’ll see events thru God’s eyes?

     Relationships will exist in heaven. We don’t know exactly what they will look like, but they’ll be great. No more pettiness, jealousy or gossiping. We’ll get along with everyone. They’ll be no more envy. We’ll be blessed when we see other people getting their rewards. We’ll celebrate with them and they with us.

     We’ll not only talk about adventures that we’d like to do around a campfire with friends, we’ll go out and do them. I think anything would be allowed if it brings praise to God. Does this kind of heaven sound boring to you or does it sound AWESOME?
If you know Jesus as your Savior, we’ll see you there!

The free online course and videos “Heaven and Hell” at https://bsssb-llc.com/video-courses-overview/heaven-and-hell/.
The book, “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn

For the sake of His Name,
Dave Maynard

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meglio delle occasioni nel primo

Maglie Calcio Poco Prezzo

meglio delle occasioni nel primo

Coppa Carabao dopo aver battuto ai rigori il

Seconda Maglia Roma, Magliette Ufficiali Juventus

dopo otto tiri riusciti, lo maglie da calcio wanderers 0, barnsley

Il Bolton è passato al secondo turno della Coppa Carabao dopo aver battuto ai rigori il Barnsley, squadra del campionato, dopo un pareggio a reti inviolate.
Dopo otto tiri riusciti, lo sforzo dell'attaccante Tykes Devante Cole è stato salvato da Joel Dixon e Josh Sheehan ha segnato il vincitore per la squadra di League One.
Gli ospiti hanno avuto la meglio delle occasioni nel primo tempo, ma Victor Adeboyejo ha mandato il suo tiro fuori dal palo quando è ben posizionato per segnare.
Bolton ha quasi vinto nell'ultimo minuto quando Sheehan ha costretto un salvataggio da Jack Walton, ma Amadou Bakayoko poteva solo il rimbalzo di testa sopra la traversa.
seconda maglia roma Obiettivo! Bolton Wanderers 0(5), Barnsley 0(4). Josh Sheehan trasforma il tiro dal dischetto un tiro di destro sotto la traversa.
Rigore parato! Devante Cole spreca una clamorosa occasione un tiro di destro e' stato parato palla indirizzata nel centro della porta.
Obiettivo! Bolton Wanderers 0(4), Barnsley 0(4). Elias Kachunga trasforma il tiro dal dischetto un tiro di destro palla indirizzata nel centro della porta.
magliette ufficiali juventus Obiettivo! Bolton Wanderers 0(3), Barnsley 0(4). Jordan Williams trasforma il tiro dal dischetto un tiro di destro sotto la traversa in alto a sinistra.
Obiettivo! Bolton Wanderers 0(3), Barnsley 0(3). Amadou Bakayoko trasforma il tiro dal dischetto un tiro di sinistro palla indirizzata nell'angolino in basso a sinistra.
Fußballtrikots Obiettivo! Bolton Wanderers 0(2), Barnsley 0(3). Michal Helik trasforma il tiro dal dischetto un tiro di destro palla indirizzata nell'angolino in basso a destra.
Obiettivo! Bolton Wanderers 0(2), Barnsley 0(2). Lloyd Isgrove trasforma il tiro dal dischetto un tiro di destro palla indirizzata nell'angolino in basso a sinistra.
Obiettivo! Bolton Wanderers 0 (1), Barnsley 0 (2). Herbie Kane trasforma il tiro dal dischetto un tiro di destro sotto la traversa.
Obiettivo! Bolton Wanderers 0 (1), Barnsley 0 (1). Antoni Sarcevic trasforma il tiro dal dischetto un tiro di destro sotto la traversa in alto a sinistra.
Obiettivo! Bolton Wanderers 0, Barnsley 0 (1). Josh Benson trasforma il tiro dal dischetto un tiro di destro palla indirizzata nell'angolino in basso a destra.

maglia inter bambino personalizzata

maglia lazio bambino

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The Jewish Feasts and the benefit they have for Christians today


     Jesus was Jewish. There’s no doubt about that. God told the Jewish people years ago what to look for in their Messiah. Two pictures immerged. One was of a Suffering Messiah. The other one was of a Kingly Messiah. What most Jews didn’t understand was that it would be the same person at two different times. The 1st as a suffering servant dying for the people’s sin. The 2nd as a king, reigning over everyone.


But God’s central message was that a Messiah would come to save us from our sin, to reconcile us to God, and to give us eternal life with Him. To continually remind people of this, God instituted Jewish Feasts (Deuteronomy 6:1-9). By participating in these “Feasts”, they give us visual and experiential reminders of the Lord’s presence in our lives. All the specific ways to celebrate these feasts, including menu’s, are in the wonderful book, “Celebrating Biblical Feasts: In your Home or Church” by Martha Zimmerman, available thru Amazon or Christian Book Distributors.  These are living, joyous events. So, let’s dig in and discover what these feasts are all about.

     Sabbath – This English word comes from the Hebrew word ‘Shabbat’. It means ‘rest’. The Sabbath was instituted as a memorial to God’s creating the world in six days. On the seventh day, He rested. Not because He needed to rest but because He didn’t want us to work all the time. He wanted us to take one day every week to remember that He is our Creator. He also wanted us to re-create time with our family, to recreate with them so they would have good memories of our family time together.

Exodus 20:8-11 encourages us to ‘remember’ God.
Deuteronomy 5:12 says to ‘observe’ this day.

     Sabbath is a weekly time to remember what God has done for us and to prepare ourselves and plan for what He will do in the coming week. While the preparations for celebrating the Sabbath are specific, its important to remember that it’s made for us. So, don’t be legalistic about it. It’s a time to rest and recreate. It’s from sundown every Friday to sundown Saturday.

     Passover commemorates God’s deliverance of Israel out of Egypt (Exodus 20:1,2). The Jews had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. God sent Moses and Aaron to Egypt to ask Pharaoh to free the Jews (Exodus 5:1). Pharaoh didn’t recognize Moses’ God and said no (Exodus 5:2) and treated the Jews even worse (Exodus 5:7-18). God gave Pharaoh nine signs that proved He is God and should be listened to (Exodus 7:14 – 10:29). Pharaoh didn’t listen to any of them (Exodus 10:27) but just further hardened his heart toward God. Then God told Moses that He was going to kill all the first-born sons in the land of Egypt (Exodus 11:1-10 & 12:29-30). For the Jews to protect their first-born sons, God instructed them to do certain things with their family on the night the death angel would pass thru Egypt killing all the first-born sons (Exodus 12:1-13, 21-28). If they did these things, the death angel would ‘pass over’ their house and not kill their first-born son. This night and everything God had them do would forever more be called “Passover”.

     After that night, Pharaoh relented and freed the Jews. Pharaoh’s first-born son had died and his god could not bring him back to life. The Jews left Egypt, bound for the Promised Land. Everything the Jews did that night was symbolic of what God would do thru Jesus, their real Messiah.

Here are just a few of the similarities between the Passover and Jesus:
Passover;                                                                             Jesus;
1 )A perfect, spotless lamb (Exodus 12:5)               Is the perfect lamb (John 1:29, 1st Peter 1:29)
2) Kill the lamb (Exodus 12:6,21)                            Jesus is killed (Matthew 27:22-25)
3) Put the blood of the lamb on the side                  This traces out the sign of the cross
and top of the door posts
(Exodus 12:7, 13, 22, 23)
4) Jews were delivered from slavery                        People are delivered from sin
(Exodus 13:16)                                                          (Romans 5: 6-8)
5) None of the lamb’s bones will be                          Jesus’ bones weren’t broken (John 19:36)
broken (Exodus 12:46)
6) The Passover dinner                                              The Last Supper was a Passover dinner
7) The three pieces of bread with the                       Jesus said “This is my body, broken for you”
middle piece being broken                                         (Luke 22:19)
8)The 3rd cup is the cup of redemption                     Jesus said this cups His blood, which is shed
                                                                                     for us (Luke 22:20).

     There are many, many more similarities in the actual Passover Seder meal itself. Each year we look forward to when we will celebrate it with Jesus (Luke 22:18).
To host a Passover Seder meal and service, read the book by Martha Zimmerman. She includes everything in it from how to do the service to how to prepare the recipes.

     The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:6-8 & Exodus 12:15-20) and the Feast of First Fruits (Leviticus 23:9-14) have been incorporated into Passover.

     The Feast of Pentecost or Weeks (Shavout) is mentioned in Leviticus 23:15-22.
For the Jew, it’s a time to offer thanks to God for the abundance of the food harvest that is  to come later in the year. Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Passover. The ‘50th day’ in Greek is ‘pentecost’.
Jews also believe that this is the time that God gave Moses the Law on Mt. Sinai. Rabbis have said that there is no liberty without law and self-discipline. A train needs rails and a river has banks.
     For the Christian, Pentecost is the birthday of the church. God came and filled all believers with His Spirit (Acts 2). This was fulfilling the prophecy in Joel 2:28-32. This is the Promise of the Father (Acts 1: 4-5) that Jesus talked about. This is the New Covenant prophesied in Jeremiah 31;31 and talked about in Hebrews 9:11-15. We are free ‘from’ the Old Covenant so we can be free ‘to’ the New Covenant. But we become free to not do as we please but as God pleases. We are no longer slaves to sin (Romans 6:6) but are slaves to God (Romans 6:22-23). We are no longer under the Law but are under Grace (Romans 6:14-18).
They looked forward to the great harvest of souls that was to come. The first fruits of this greater harvest came when 3,000 people were saved on that 1st Pentecost  (Acts 2:38-41).
Each year when we celebrate Pentecost, we now look forward to the harvest of souls that are yet to come. How to celebrate Pentecost, read the referenced book by Martha Zimmerman. Pentecost is celebrated in May/June.

     Rosh HaShanah or the Feast of Trumpets is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. The Hebrew word ‘Rosh’ means ‘beginning’. ‘HaShanah’ means ‘year’. Ezekiel 40:1 uses the word Rosh HaShanah. It translates into English as ‘at the beginning of the year’. On September 20, 2020, it will be the start of the Jewish year 5781. Jews believe that the Creation was 5,781 years ago on this date. Obviously, Jews go by our regular calendars also, but spiritually some Jews (though not all) believe that the world was created 5,781 years ago. Rosh HaShanah is the start of the “High. Holy Days”. It is the beginning of 10 days of repentance. The 10th day culminates with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
     Rosh HaShanah starts with the blowing of the trumpet (Leviticus 23:23-25 & Psalm 150:1-3 & Numbers 29:1-6). The trumpet was blown to call all of Israel to repentance by saying “You who are asleep, wake up. You who are in a trance, arise. Search your doings and repent. Remember your Creator…” The apostle Paul echoed these words in Romans 10:13 (“…it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep, for salvation is nearer to us than when we believed”) and in Ephesians 5:14 (“Awake sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”)
     One of the traditions is to throw rocks, representing our sins, into a river or lake that carries them away with the current. Micah 7:19 says that God will cast all of our sins into the sea. Psalm 103:12 says, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” Rosh Hashanah is for remembering and repenting. It is celebrated in September/October.

     Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement and comes 10 days after the start of Rosh HaShanah. The Hebrew word “Yom” means ‘day’ and “Kippur” means ‘atonement’ or ‘covering’.
Atonement means that God and man are now reconciled. There is no longer any separation between them. But, according to the Jews, this reconciliation had to be done once year. You name would be written in God’s Book of Life for the coming year (Leviticus 16:29-34 & 23:26-32). It looked forward to a time when the final sacrifice would be made by instituting a New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Isaiah 53 talks of a suffering servant who will be the final acrifice. Hebrews 10:1-22 explains it perfectly by saying that if the sacrifice of bulls and goats had been enough, they wouldn’t have needed to be repeated every year. That these yearly sacrifices looked forward to a once-for-all final sacrifice that Isaiah 53 talked about. The Old Testament yearly sacrifices never washed away the people’s sins. They just covered them up.
     The Jewish High Priest would go into the Most Holy Place in the Temple once a year. He would place the blood of an innocent, perfect lamb on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant between the two angels. The Ten Commandment tablets, along with Aaron’s rod, were in the Ark. The mercy sea was the top covering of the Ark. This blood would cover the mercy seat, so when God looked down on it, He wouldn’t see the people’s sins that the ten commandments below would illuminate. He would see the blood of the innocent, perfect lamb and not our sin. But this blood covering was only temporary. It covered but it didn’t wash away the people’s sins. Which is why it had to be repeated very year. When the blood of the Messiah, God’ perfect lamb, was poured on the mercy seat, it washed away our sins permanently. This is why the Temple veil, that separates the Most Holy Place (the presence of God) from the Holy Place was torn in two (Matthew 27:51). Its God’s way of saying that the final sacrifice has been made. There is now nothing that separates us from God’s presence.Instead of the High Priest going into God’s presence once a year, all believers can come into His presence whenever we want to.  We can come boldly into His presence any time (Hebrews 4:16). Our names are now written in God’s Book of Life (Revelation 20:15 & 21:27).
     Since the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70A.D., Jews could no longer offer biblical sacrifices for atonement of their sins.  How could they have their sins forgiven for the coming year? Their rabbi’s have said that by doing good works, praying and making charitable donations that these things make up for it. But that is not what God says.
So Yom Kippur is a day of prayer and fasting for the Jews but a day of celebration for Christians because Jesus was our once-for-all, final sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 9:11-28). When Jesus returns, the remaining Israelites will look on Him whom they have pierced and repent (Zechariah 12:10).  Yom Kippur is celebrated in September/October, 10 days after Rosh HaShanah.

     Sukkoth, or the Feast of Booths (or huts or Tabernacles), was the first place the Jews stopped at when they left Egypt with Moses at the time of the Exodus. The name is explained in Genesis 33:17 when it says that Jacob/Israel journeyed to Sukkoth and built for himself a house and made booths for his livestock. Therefore, the place is called Sukkoth. The Hebrew word Sukkoth means huts, booths or tabernacles. It is a celebration of the fall harvest. It’s a time to remember that God cared for them when they left Egypt and their slavery and wandered in the Sinai desert for 40 years (Nehemiah 8:14-17). They celebrate by building and living in temporary huts for eight days (Leviticus 23:39-43).
     In New Testament times, a special part of this festival was when a priest would go to the Pool of Siloam and draw out water with a golden pitcher. He then poured the water into a bowl at the altar in the Temple. This visually demonstrated God’ faithfulness in sending rain to Israel to water their crops. This was a demonstration of Israel’s hope that the Messiah would come and pour out His Holy Spirit on people (Isaiah 44:3 & Joel 2:28-32). It reminded the Jews that God would provide for them like He did in that desolate wilderness of Sinai (Isaiah 55:1 & 58:11).
     Jesus celebrated this feast in John 7:2-14 when He taught in the Temple. People were amazed that He, a carpenter’s son, had become such a learned man. In John 7:37-38 He said, “If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the scripture said, ‘From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water”. 
     Sukkoth also represents the final harvest when all nations will celebrate the blessings of God’s eternal kingdom, heaven (Zechariah 14:16-19). Sukkoth is celebrated in September/October.


     As Christians, we can celebrate these Jewish feasts because we can see how God protects and provides for His people. All these festivals point toward what our Messiah has done for us, what He is doing for us now and what He will do for us in the future.
So, have fun celebrating Jesus thru these Jewish festivals. 


     Two additional feasts that the Jews celebrate, although not commanded to by the Lord, are Purim and Hanukkah.

     Purim, or the Feast of Lots, commemorates the deliverance of the Jews (who were exiled in Persia at the time) in the Old testament book of Esther. Esther was the Jewish wife of the Persian King Xerxes. Her cousin, Mordecai, uncovered a plot by one of Xerxes’ officials named Haman, to kill all the Jews living in Persia. Purim celebrates God’s faithful protection of the Jews in Esther 9:18-32. Purim means “lots”. It refers to the lot that Haman cast to decide the day of destruction that the Jewish people were supposed to be killed (Esther 3:7). God’s name is not mentioned at all in Esther but His presence is obvious. Purim is celebrated in February/March.

     Hanukkah, or the Festival of Dedication or Lights, celebrates the Maccabee’s victory over the Greeks. The Seleucid King Antiochus Epiphanes ruled Israel at the time. He mocked and defiled the Jews by sacrificing, not an unblemished lamb in the Temple, but a pig (considered an unclean animal by the Jews). He then poured out the pig’s blood on the bible scrolls. The Maccabee’s were a prominent Jewish family. They rose up and defeated the King in about 165 B.C. The reason it’s called the Festival of Lights is because after the Jews cleansed the Temple of the pig, they found that there was only enough oil to last one night. The lit oil lamp represented the very presence of God. But miraculously, the oil lamp stayed lit for eight days. The Jews saw this as a reminder of those who courageously remain faithful to God in the face of persecution. Jesus celebrated this festival in John 10:22-23. Hanukkah is celebrated in November/December.


     The festivals are celebrated in this yearly order:
Sabbath – every week
Purim – February/March
Passover (including the festivals of the Unleavened bread and First Fruits) – March/April
Pentecost – May/June
Rosh HaShanah – September/October
Yom Kippur – September/October
Sukkoth – September/October
Hanukkah – November/December

The reason we put February/March or September/October is because the Jewish year is not quite equal to our regular calendar year. So, the dates of these festivals change every year according to our regular calendar.


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How I became a Young Earth Creationist (YEC)

How I became a Young Earth Creationist (YEC)


I knew I wanted to major in physics and astronomy since the 9th grade. Mind you, I wasn’t a Christian until age 24. In high school, I had to take biology, chemistry and math. In biology, there was only one view of origins ever taught, that of evolution. No other view was allowed. This was in 1965.

     In my nuclear physics class in college, I remember asking the professor about radioactive dating. What if a rock didn’t start out with zero particles of the “daughter” isotope and 100% of the “parent” isotope? Wouldn’t that throw the dating process off? Yes, it would he replied. But I figured that professors were a lot smarter than I and that I should just accept what they said.



     In college, a few Christians I knew couldn’t answer the most basic questions about God and the bible that I had. I began to look on them as intellectual weaklings. But a few years later, thru a personal tragedy, I became a believer at age 24. My 2nd prayer was for God to objectively prove Himself to me so that I could effectively serve Him my whole life. It is something that He started back then and continues to do today. These proofs about God and the bible were out there all along. My Christian friends and I just didn’t know about them.

     With my new Christian friends, when the subject of origins came up, I just spouted off the standard evolutionary line. One of my friends asked me if I had read anything about creationism. I hadn’t, so I went to the local Christian bookstore and bought some books on creationism. As I read these scientists and the accounts of their views, it began to make sense. I was impressed by their answers and began to think that maybe these creation scientists weren’t intellectual weaklings after all. I was shocked by most of their answers. They were using standard methods of proof to arrive at their conclusions. They were also pointing out the flaws in evolutionary thinking. Flaws that none of my teachers had ever pointed out. To not critique a theory that you’re teaching is unacceptable for college professors. Yet here they were doing just that.

     Over the next 2 years or so, I became convinced that 6 day creationism was a legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in public schools. The late Dr. Henry Morris even wrote a high school textbook for this very purpose called “Scientific Creationism: the public school edition.”

     Since that time, scientists have found much more evidence that brings into question the evolutionary theory. Much of that new information supports the creationist theory. Even secular scientists are beginning to doubt evolution. Read https://bsssb-llc.com/quotations-from-scientists-evolutionists-about-darwinian-evolution/

Here are a few of the recent examples:
– dinosaurs with intact cells and intact DNA whereas if they were millions of years old, neither one should still exist…
– Carbon-14 found in million year old soil when if should have dissipated a long time ago, plus a lot of other young earth observed facts.
– the amount of salt in the oceans should be a lot more if evolution is true.
– the amount of sediment on the sea floor should be a lot more if evolution is true.
– the decay of earth’s magnetic field.
– recession of the moon from the earth.
– the presence of a significant magnetic field around Mercury that shouldn’t be there if Mercury was as old as evolutionists say it is. The same goes for Uranus, Neptune and the Jupiter moons of Ganymede, Io and Europa.
– the faint Sun paradox.
– the whole theory of solar system formation. The discovery of new planets totally blew this theory out the window.
– the ageing of spiral galaxies. They should be completely wound up if they were as old as cosmic evolutionary theory suggests.

Many of the above things and much more can be found at https://creation.com/age-of-the-earth.

     Even today, evolutionary scientists are trying to come up with answers to these problems. They’re trying to fit these “observations” into the evolutionary theory. Rather than letting these “observations” speak for themselves, and show the weakness of the evolutionary theory, they’re trying to cram these facts into the theory. Eventually, these scientists will realize that you can only have so many exceptions to a theory before you have to admit that your theory is wrong. This is starting to happen already… https://christiannews.net/2017/09/18/biologist-acknowledges-rising-number-of-publications-calling-for-major-revision-of-standard-theory-of-evolution/


     The challenge is not just coming from creationism. Its coming from intelligent design (ID) and other secular scientists who see the weakness of evolutionary theory. While these are both legitimate lines of study (especially ID), we won’t be going into them here. For the most part, the evolutionists line of defense has been to ignore the ID theory and to attack the ID scientists credentials. When you have to resort to ad hominem attacks, you know your argument is weak. I have always wondered why, if creationism and ID are such weak theories, evolutionists fight so hard to keep them out of the classrooms. You’d think they’d love to expose ID and creationism weaknesses by teaching them. Maybe they’re afraid that by exposing students to them that they’ll believe them. After almost 100 years of absolute control in public schools, they still haven’t convinced Americans of their view… https://news.gallup.com/poll/210956/belief-creationist-view-humans-new-low.aspx.
The current theory of evolution has been changed so many times, its incredible that it still has supporters.

     Finally, after researching the science behind creationism, I looked at the biblical evidence. I studied all the different “Genesis” theories. They are listed at https://bsssb-llc.com/how-did-we-get-here/The only one that made sense to me was the 6 day creationism theory. I mean, how more exact can you get when it says “And there was evening and morning and it was the 3rd day?” You really have to twist the scripture to get anything but a 24 hour day. And remember, Genesis is written in narrative, not poetic, form.

     So, here’s what I have come to believe…
– no one theory will answer all objections to it. Every theory has its weaknesses.
– that the theory of evolution, 6 day creationism and ID are all scientific theories with their strengths and weaknesses.
– that you shouldn’t teach only one theory, evolution, in the classroom. That’s not education, it’s indoctrination.
– all theories have their weaknesses and they shouldn’t be ignored or covered up.
– you should NEVER try to cram observational facts into any theory. Let the facts speak for themselves.
– never ever attack a scientist personally. Always be willing to look at their point of view.
– I personally lean very strongly toward the 6 day creationism theory.

The New Answers Books (1-4) from Answers in Genesis
The Death of Evolution by Jim Black
Dismantling the Big Band by Dr. John Hartnett and Alex Williams
Darwin, Then and Now by Richard Nelson
In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown
The Genius of Ancient Man by Don Landis
A Flood of Evidence by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge
Questioning Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell



For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard


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Astrology: Is Your Future in the Stars?

Astrology: Is Your Future in the Stars?


      What the heck is astrology and is there any reason to believe it?

Astrology is the belief that the position of the stars & planets somehow influence human lives. It begins at a person’s birth and continues throughout their life.
Important note: Astrology is NOT astronomy. While they were in the same category for much of recorded history, astronomy broke from astrology in the 1500’s. Astronomy is the scientific study of the universe. It makes no statement about affecting or predicting about peoples lives.

     How does astrology work? A chart called a horoscope calculates the exact position of the heavenly bodies at a baby’s first breath. This permanently determines the baby’s character and destiny.

     Basic astrological terms:
A)  Zodiac…an imaginary 360 degree circle in the sky which contains the 12 zodiac ‘signs’. Each sign is 30 degrees. These signs are and the birth dates that they represent…
Aries…3/20-4/19                                                               Libra…9/23-10/22
Taurus…4/20-5/20                                                            Scorpio…10/23-11/21
Gemini…5/21-6/20                                                            Sagittarius…11/22-12/21
Cancer…6/21-7/22                                                            Capricorn…12/22-1/19
Leo…7/23-8/22                                                                  Aquarius…1/20-2/18
Virgo  …8/23-9/22                                                             Pisces…2/19-3/20


                                                       The sign you are is determined by your birth date.



  1. B) The “houses” are 12 other sections of the Zodiac that the planets move thru. As a planet moves thru a house, it further influences your life.

     So your personality and your life is influenced by the zodiac sign you were born under and the particular planets, moon & sun moving thru the various ‘houses’ right now.
This is astrology in general. There are slightly different forms of it and some additional minor terms, depending on what astrologer you’re talking to.

     From all of these things, an astrologer can work up a horoscope for you that will guide you in making decisions about your present and future life.

      Where did astrology start?
There are some evidences of it in Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkad, Assyria & ancient Babylon), especially during the reign of King Sargon of Akkad in 2334-2279 BC. But Babylon was the first place that had an organized system of astrology in about 1800 BC.

     Does astrology work?
A) According to scientists….NO! There is absolutely no proof that the heavenly bodies affect your life in any measurable way. In 1975, 192 leading scientists, including 19 Nobel prize winners, publicly disavowed astrology.
B) There was a test done on 2,978 couples who got married and 478 couples who got divorced in 1967-1968. It compared couples who married under compatible signs and incompatible signs. It did the same for couples who got divorced. It found no correlation at all.Those who got married under compatible signs had the same divorce rate as those who got married under incompatible signs.
C) John McGerry did a study between a person’s sign and their chances of success in their chosen profession. His research was 2-fold. He compared 16,634 scientists and 6,475 politicians.  There was no correlation between what astrologers said were career successful signs and how successful those people really were.
D) Another test involved 1,000 people who were examined for 33 variables including physical attractiveness, leadership ability, personality traits, social and religious beliefs, etc.
Their conclusion was that the test failed to show any correlation to their astrological signs versus these 33 traits.

     There are also problems with astrology:
1…even among the best astrologers, there is little agreement as to the interpretation of a person’s horoscope chart. That’s because while there are some very general rules, there are no specific rules as to what a particular horoscope means. It just depends on which astrologer is interpreting it.
2…In fact, people cannot tell the difference between an astrological horoscope and one that has been deliberately reversed.
3…when astrology was invented, several thousand years ago, the signs contained certain constellations in them. These signs have never changed. But because of the earth’s precession of its axis, these constellations have changed. They have moved thru one whole sign. So someone who was born in August 2017 was not born under the same constellations as someone who was born in August 2,000 years ago. Since astrology has not changed signs, astrologers claim they were born under the same sign as someone born 2,000 years ago, but they really weren’t.
4…shouldn’t twins have the same personality, according to astrology? My Mom was an identical twin but her and my Aunt were very different personalities. Most twins do have different personalities.
5…many astrological predictions are so general that they’re almost meaningless. Very few predictions are negative. They’re almost all positive. Some are like fortune cookies. Who wouldn’t want to hear “You’re strong, you’re insightful, you’re highly intelligent, etc.” How many want to hear “You’re narrow-minded, negative and you hold a grudge?”
6…astrology cannot explain mass tragedies, like 9/11. People with a wide variety of horoscopes all perished on 9/11.
7…Even King Nebuchadnezzar’s astrologers realized the impotence of their craft in Daniel 2:10,11. Astrology subverts the natural use of that God intended them to be…to separate day from night and to mark the seasons, days & years (Genesis 1:14 and Isaiah 47:13-15 “All the council you have received has only worn you out. Let your astrologers come forward, those star gazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame…”).

     Why do people like astrology?
– it offers people hope
– it offers them positive feedback
– it offers a way to manipulate people or events to get a desired outcome
– sometimes it gives somewhat specific council for what to do….like “Today is not a good day to travel”
– it offers hope that doesn’t require your changing anything about you…like not dealing with your anger problem or your patience problem or giving up a vice. It offers you hope without transforming or growing you.
– it wants you to look for guidance rather than look to God. It is a God-substitute. This makes it divination (looking to something other than God) and that makes it idolatry.

     How popular is astrology today?
Very popular!  According to a Harris poll…
– in 2009, 26% of Americans believe in it
– in 2013, 29% of Americans believe in it
– in 2009, 21% of born again Christians believed in it
– in a 2010 poll, 65& of Americans said astrology wasn’t scientific
– in a 2012 poll, 55% of Americans said it wasn’t scientific

Countries where astrology is most popular:
India, South Africa, Singapore, Canada, USA, Australia & Britain in this order.

Cities in the USA where astrology is the most popular:
Pleasanton, CA
Irvine, CA
New York, NY
Portland, OR
Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA
Seattle, WA
Denver, CO
Phoenix, AZ
Austin, TX
It’s interesting that all of these, except the 1st one, are all big cities that have universities in them.



     What does the bible say about astrology?
– it condemns it (Isaiah 47:13-15)
– it says their predictions are worthless and will not substitute for God (Deuteronomy 4:19  17:1-5  18:9-11  2nd Kings 17:16  23:5  Jeremiah 8:2  9:13  Ezekiel 8:16  Amos 5:26,27
– God forbids occult practices as it leads to contact with evil spirits. Astrology is divination and that is occultic (Deuteronomy 18:9-13  1st Corinthians 10:20)
– it leads people away from looking to & trusting the Creator to trusting the creation. This is a form of idolatry
– astrologers teach many views of Christ, all of which are false. They may be sincere in their beliefs but they are sincerely wrong.


     Were the Magi in Matthew 2:1-12 astrologers? How does that square with the bible’s condemnation of astrology?
Yes, the Magi or wise men, were astrologers. But we need to understand who ‘astrologers’ were in ancient times. Ancient astrologers were educated men that Kings employed. They were scientists, government officials, astrologers (in the modern sense), and emissaries of Kings. Remember astronomy didn’t become separate from astrology until the 1500’s AD. So some ancient astrologers were what we would call astronomers.
Daniel, from the biblical book of Daniel, was a ‘wise man’ in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court (Daniel 1:1-5, 17-21) but it’s obvious that he wasn’t an astrologer. He was a man of science & learning (Daniel 1:3,4). Since God gave Daniel supernatural dreams and visions, could He have given him what the night sky would look like when the Messiah would be born?
There was a sizable Jewish population in Babylon in Daniel’s day. Could Daniel have passed on this information to his Jewish friends who worked with him? This information could have been passed down thru the generations to the wise men that Matthew mentioned? And Babylon is east of Israel. This would mean that Matthew’s wise men were Jewish or at least they believed what Daniel had passed down about the birth of a Jewish King. At least one bible scholar believes this may have happened….William Barclay.
This would explain how ‘astrologers’ could have announced the birth of God’s Messiah without practicing what God condemns so often in the bible.
Variations of this theory are at the following websites:
www.qty.org/library/sermons-library/2182/who-were-the-wise-men   this is a long but very good article.

Astrology fails as a scientific method of giving people any sort of rational guidance. It is not rational or logical.
We don’t need to look to the stars for guidance when we can look to the One who created those stars.

 For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard

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