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When storing biological samples at cryogenic temperatures with liquid nitrogen, two primary options merit consideration. The initial choice involves vapour cryogenic phase storage, while the alternative entails directly placing the samples within the liquid phase of nitrogen.
Liquid nitrogen was initially utilized for cryogenic storage in the 1950s, enabling the preservation of samples at temperatures as low as -196°C. Since then, LN2 has been widely acknowledged as the benchmark for cryogenic storage. When it comes to the prolonged storage of samples below the glass transition point of water (-135°C), a critical threshold at which nearly all biological functions cease, a cryogen such as liquid nitrogen stands out as the sole viable solution.
Originally, the sole method involved immersing sample containers in the liquid phase. However, technological advancements soon introduced dry or vapour phase storage, where samples are stored above the LN2 rather than within it.
Both designs, involving the submersion of samples in the liquid phase or storing them in the vapour phase, continue to be utilized today, each presenting its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the optimal choice depends on the specific needs and requirements of the user.
cardboard cryo freezer box


This is where the advantages and disadvantages of each solution become most apparent. Both designs have their merits and drawbacks stemming from the distinct interior configurations of the freezers.
Both types of freezers incorporate liquid phase nitrogen. However, in vapour phase freezers, samples are stored in the vapour created above the liquid nitrogen, rather than being directly immersed in it. Some critics previously highlighted limitations in space for vapour phase storage freezers, citing the lower third of the freezer as unusable due to the liquid nitrogen base. It is essential to note that this criticism is outdated, primarily referring to modified liquid phase freezers for nitrogen vapour storage. Modern units specifically designed for this purpose do not typically encounter such storage limitations.
A crucial aspect universally acknowledged in the design of vapour phase cryogenic freezers is the minimization of contamination risk—a significant concern with liquid phase LN2 freezers. Vial explosion, a potential issue in liquid phase storage, is absent in vapour phase storage. This phenomenon can occur when even a single drop of LN2 enters a sample vial, leading to violent explosions upon warming, posing both potential danger and sample loss.
Improper storage in liquid nitrogen raises the risk of sample contamination, especially when valuable samples share storage with potentially infectious ones. Certain contaminants, such as Hepatitis B and Vesicular Stomatitis Virus, maintain high infectivity even when suspended in liquid nitrogen. Reports indicate that Hepatitis B retained infectivity after two years in liquid nitrogen.
Vapour phase LN2 freezers address contamination concerns by storing samples above the LN2, minimizing the risk of transmission through the liquid itself.
Additionally, the potential contamination of the outer layer of containers poses risks during retrieval. Unlike with liquid phase freezers, vapour phase freezers present a lower risk of user contamination or injury from splash-back, as they do not require direct contact with the liquid nitrogen. Ignoring the potential for contamination, LN2 drag out alone can pose a significant threat not only to operators but also to the surrounding area.


Liquid phase LN2 freezers are often preferred for extended sample storage durations, as direct submersion in the liquid is deemed more efficient and reliable over an extended period.
Conversely, freezers designed for vapour storage excel in sample accessibility. Retrieving samples from vapour suspension is notably easier. For instance, the HEco vapour phase freezer facilitates effortless sample access through its lid, offering high storage density without compromising hold time or sample security. The HEco also incorporates an internal carousel, bringing samples to the operator, thereby eliminating the need to struggle with reaching samples at the rear of the freezer—a potential hazard with liquid phase freezers.
Some argue that liquid storage consumes less LN2. However, highly efficient and purpose-built vapour storage freezers, such as the HEco, consume nearly 50 percent less liquid nitrogen than an equivalent capacity liquid storage freezer.

Temperature Control

While researchers were historically constrained in temperature control options, the introduction of vapour phase freezers has significantly enhanced temperature adjustment effectiveness.
Operators have harbored skepticism concerning temperature uniformity in vapour phase freezers, particularly in earlier versions that exhibited significant temperature variations between the top and bottom of the freezer. However, contemporary vapour phase freezers have addressed these initial challenges, with current models proficiently maintaining a temperature of -190°C in the top compartment. This achievement is noteworthy, especially when considering that modern vapour phase freezers, such as the HEco, can sustain cryogenic temperatures for several weeks even in the absence of the LN2 source.
In contrast, liquid phase freezers operate at a fixed temperature of approximately -196°C. Nevertheless, advancements in vapour storage, exemplified by the Variō freezer from Chart, now provide opportunities for temperature control. The Variō stores liquid nitrogen in a separate chamber rather than within the freezer itself. This liquid nitrogen is then propelled through a heat exchanger to generate vapour. Consequently, this unique freezer can operate across a broad temperature range, from -20°C to -150°C.


The decision-making process between liquid and vapour phase freezers may not be straightforward, as it involves considerations such as accessibility, temperature control capabilities, and storage needs tailored to the specific requirements of a cryo-room or facility.
Cardboard freezer boxes, a kind of vapour cryogenic phase storage method, are containers specifically designed for the storage of samples in freezers, particularly in laboratory and research settings. These cryo freezer boxes lab are constructed from sturdy and insulated cardboard materials that can withstand low temperatures, providing a cost effective and practical solution for organizing and protecting various samples.
Researchers commonly use cryo storage boxes to store and organize vials, tubes, or other sample containers in a systematic and efficient manner within a freezer. These boxes play a crucial role in maintaining sample integrity and facilitating easy access and identification during experiments or storage.
Yongkang Medical is a company that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of high quality cryogenic boxes for medical applications or labs. Contact us to order cardboard cryo freezer box.
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Drive Thru QSR Menu Boards Benefits From Voice AI

By implementing a voice activated AI ordering system, the restaurant aims to leverage the potential advantages that technology can offer to enhance its operational efficiency. Notably, the AI driven system successfully handled orders within approximately 60 seconds, achieving a remarkable 90 percent order completion rate, surpassing benchmarks set by traditional staff based methods.
The integration of AI into the drive thru operations contributes to heightened efficiency and improved order accuracy. This technological enhancement enables the in store staff to concentrate on serving customers inside the establishment, ensuring a more personalized experience, and maintaining a consistent standard in food preparation.
outdoor menu boards for restaurants

QSR Menu Boards Bring Great Convenience

Convenience is reshaping the consumer experience in quick service restaurants (QSR), with drive thru, delivery, and curbside pickup emerging as the favored methods in recent years. This shift is supported by data revealing a 30% increase in drive thru traffic from 2019 to 2022, coupled with a significant 47% decline in in person dining at fast food establishments during the first half of 2023 compared to the same period in 2019.
Curbside pickup, surpassing even drive thru in popularity, has become the preferred choice for 41% of U.S. consumers when ordering take out. Notably, customers opting for these convenience driven methods are often in a purchase ready mindset, potentially boosting additional purchase rates by up to 45%.
Given these trends, it is crucial for QSRs to deploy highly effective outdoor ready displays and menu boards. These tools play a pivotal role in guiding customers and encouraging additional purchases upon arrival, whether they choose the drive thru or curbside pickup options.

Putting Outdoor Screens To Work

The surge in drive thru orders and curbside pickups has prompted many Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) operators to expand their offerings, introducing dual lanes, order ahead lanes, and designated parking spaces for curbside pickup. In this landscape, the role of super bright outdoor displays becomes pivotal in influencing profit margins. QSRs employing drive thru lanes utilize outdoor signage to showcase new items and specials as drivers approach the order station. The same holds true for curbside pickups, where customers, upon encountering these signs, may be prompted to make additional purchases.
It is crucial that outdoor displays, are meticulously engineered, designed, and certified to operate effectively in diverse weather conditions. They must also ensure readability even under direct sunlight glare, a factor that gains significance when considering the need for speed in the process. This is underscored by research from Bluedot, revealing that 85% of consumers may consider or abandon a drive thru with a long line, and 6 in 10 might opt for a coffee chain over fast food drive thrus if the latter experience delays.
High quality outdoor ready drive thru digital menu boards play a pivotal role in enhancing speed and efficiency by guiding customers to the shortest line, conveying information clearly, illustrating available options and add ons, updating item availability, and promoting meal deals and bundles.

Choosing Outdoor Menu Boards For Restaurants

Outdoor displays, particularly top notch drive thru menu boards, significantly differ from their counterparts used inside Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) buildings. The distinctions lie in several key aspects:
Brightness Requirements:
Indoor menu screens behind order counters typically require a brightness rating of around 500 nits or even less.
In contrast, outdoor screens necessitate a brightness rating of 3,000 nits or higher to effectively counteract the impact of direct sunlight and ensure menu readability. Displays with lower brightness ratings may appear satisfactory in showrooms but struggle to compete with sunlight in real world conditions.
Heat Management:
Outdoor displays must be engineered to dissipate and withstand heat. The heightened brightness and nits required for readability in daylight generate substantial heat, further intensified by the thermal load from direct sunlight, especially during midday.
Well designed outdoor enclosures incorporate sophisticated internal systems to exhaust heat before it accumulates and affects the screen and electronics. In contrast, outdoor displays with flawed engineering may experience rapid failure or degradation, including isotropic failures—unsightly black blotches resulting from excessive internal heat buildup.
Durability and Weather Resistance:
Outdoor displays need robust engineering to withstand various weather conditions. They should be sealed against the ingress of rain, snow, and dust.
Structural designs should ensure that the units remain upright even in extreme weather conditions, such as hurricane force winds.
In summary, outdoor drive thru menu systems, especially those optimized for drive thru menu boards, demand superior engineering to address brightness challenges, effectively manage heat, and ensure long term durability in diverse environmental conditions.
Reduced Costs And Targeted Impacts
QSR fast food drive thru menu boards are opting for digital menus both inside and outside their establishments for valid reasons. The transition from traditional printed menus to dynamic digital signage offers cost saving advantages, reducing expenses associated with printing and shipping. Unlike paper or plastic menus that take days or even weeks to update, digital menus can be modified in a matter of seconds.
One notable feature driving this shift is the ability to implement dayparting, where menus can be scheduled to change based on the time of day. This allows for the seamless transition of menu items, such as breakfast sandwiches disappearing at a specified time, and the adjustment of promotions and specials according to specific times and dates. Furthermore, owners and operators appreciate the flexibility to fine tune menu options based on real time customer buying habits and profiles. This customization can adapt throughout the day or week, facilitated by a content management system.
The integration of a cloud based content management system for digital signage provides QSRs and restaurant owners with remote access to their displays. This remote capability empowers them to swiftly update content at a single restaurant location or across an entire chain, contributing to heightened brand awareness and increased sales. Additionally, this technology facilitates proactive monitoring of displays, enabling quick response and issue resolution even when managing multiple locations from off site locations.
As the technology continues to evolve, outdoor QSR drive thru digital menu boards are poised to play an increasingly integral role in shaping the future of navigation for restaurants. If you have any request, please contact EKAA!!!
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Top Kitchen Hardware Trends for 2024

The focal point of any household is the kitchen, and its layout is continually evolving. As we progress, numerous trends are leaving their imprint on the realm of kitchen design. Popular kitchen modern cabinet hardware for 2024 that will complement the style of your kitchen while being strong and durable enough to withstand regular use.
Numerous design trends offer enhanced functionality and an improved quality of life, without favoring a single designer's aesthetic preferences. Nevertheless, our panel of creatives holds contrasting views on the anticipated evolution of kitchens in 2024. The positive aspect is that you can customize and adapt these trends to align with your unique creative vision, shaping a personalized cooking space that authentically mirrors your household's character and complements your surrounding environment. Hre are 9 kitchen trends as follows:
kitchen cupboard handles

Quiet Luxury

The quiet luxury trend is here to stay.
Exploring midnight blues and deep blacks that harmonize seamlessly with striking raw marbling, we're delving into sensuous and atmospheric environments complemented by a touch of metallic brilliance. Additionally, spaces adorned with opulent browns, such as Bay Brown, embody the prevailing trend of understated luxury and the allure of subtle neutrals.

Out of the Box Storage

Several designers emphasized the significance of expanding kitchen storage possibilities, whether through the design of purposeful and adaptable drawers and cabinets or by opting for more expansive scullery-style pantry spaces—an enduring trend that continues to captivate our attention.

Fluted Texture

The rising popularity of fluting and texture is evident, and I anticipate these elements will take center stage in 2024. Fluted materials not only provide a timeless design but also introduce depth and dimension into spaces, making them a prominent feature in upcoming trends.

Tile Everywhere

In the coming year, we anticipate the emergence of patterned tiles that not only introduce vibrant colors but also elevate visual interest in kitchen design. The resurgence of color in kitchens is evident, and the appeal of a fully tiled kitchen reminiscent of a classic scullery is gaining popularity. Tiles are currently in vogue, providing an opportunity to infuse bold colors and a sense of drama into kitchen spaces.

Saturated Hues

As we approach 2024, an emerging trend in kitchen design is the fusion of contrasting colors with neutral tones. Among the designers we surveyed, a notable preference was expressed for saturated hues on kitchen cabinets, reflecting the current surge of British inspired interiors gaining popularity.

Inspiration from Nature

The trend of incorporating outdoor elements into kitchen design, prevalent in recent years, is reaching new heights, quite literally. Anticipated for the upcoming period is a heightened emphasis on eliminating upper kitchen cabinetry to enlarge window dimensions, maximizing natural light infusion into cooking spaces. Furthermore, designers are increasingly adopting a shift towards more layered lighting in the kitchen, departing from singular or harsh overhead fixtures to create a more ambient atmosphere. A noteworthy surge in the use of green paint colors is observed, ranging from rich, forest inspired tones to more subdued grayish hues. Importantly, this inclination towards the natural world is not solely rooted in aesthetics but extends to broader considerations.

Designated Beverage Areas

According to the 2024 Kitchen Trends Report, there is a growing interest in establishing dedicated beverage areas, accompanied by an increased focus on incorporating more beverage-centric storage space in both refrigerators and pantries. Whether your morning routine involves a multitude of coffee gadgets or a single, impressive espresso machine, if you're envisioning a home smoothie bar, or if you're setting aside space for an elegant kitchen bar setup, now is an opportune moment to customize your cooking area to align with your lifestyle.
Many designers are observing a trend where the kitchen's design seamlessly integrates with the home's architecture, expanding into larger spaces. In this context, creating a dedicated bar space could be a strategic move to maximize your square footage for entertaining purposes.

Leaning Into a Wider Variety of Materials

Significant advancements have been achieved in the realm of solid surfaces and porcelain materials for countertops, and as a result, I anticipate a surge in creative applications of these materials in 2024. This includes a greater incorporation of stone and metal detailing directly into kitchen cabinetry, moving beyond their traditional roles as mere trims or tops. The expectation is a heightened demand for this trend, accompanied by an emphasis on seamlessly integrating hardware and the overall kitchen into the larger spaces of the home. Additionally, there is a noticeable rise in the demand for more sustainable materials, with a particular focus on responsibly sourced wood featuring natural finishes.

Mixed Metals

Satin nickel is making a comeback, surpassing brass in popularity for finishes. However, there is an anticipation of a growing trend in the use of mixed metals, allowing clients to incorporate beloved elements with new additions.
Embrace the combination of gold, silver, and brass without hesitation—as demonstrated in this kitchen by Jason Arnold, where they harmoniously coexist, creating a vintage inspired warmth. Feel free to experiment with the interplay of these metals for a personalized and stylish touch.

Choosing the Most Popular Kitchen Handles for You

If you wish to refresh the appearance of your kitchen, an effortless and budget friendly approach is to update the cabinet handles. Kitchen cabinet handles come in diverse styles and sizes, offering a convenient match for your kitchen. For a guaranteed popular style, consider the enduring appeal of stainless steel pulls or knobs.
Kitchen pulls and knobs impart a sophisticated, contemporary look to your home that will endure the test of time. Known for their durability, they withstand daily usage without displaying signs of aging, making them perfect for bustling households where cabinets are frequently accessed.
The recognizable style and adaptability of kitchen cabinet handles extend beyond the kitchen, finding a place in various settings, both indoors and outdoors. This versatility makes them suitable for diverse decor styles,.
When selecting the ideal cabinet door handles, consider factors like size, shape, and color. With options ranging from small knobs to larger pulls with handles, it's crucial to account for the space between the handle and the cabinet door. Choosing the right shape and color contributes significantly to the overall aesthetic appeal of your kitchen.
We have a fantastic selection of kitchen cabinet handles and pulls that cater to various entry systems. If you’re ready to embrace the advantages of using this gold kitchen handles and pulls, check out Filta for a world of possibilities. Your future door handle is just a click away!
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The Throne Room In Heaven

12389731073?profile=RESIZE_710xIn the 4th chapter of Revelation, the Apostle John described the Throne Room in Heaven by painting a word picture of its brilliance. It must be the most spectacular place in the entire universe. Click on the link below to read all about it. #BibleStudy #Devotions #EndTimes #Revelation #worship


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The application of expanded metal, or sheet metal cut and stretched into a diamond-shaped pattern by cutting and stretching it, can be found in a wide variety of industries, from consumer products to construction projects. The product is available in a variety of variations, with each version having a different size, strand width, and pattern in order to meet the needs of different customers. When choosing expanded metal for an operation, it is important to consider the following design elements, in addition to determining whether standard or flattened expanded metal is the best choice for that operation.
Here is an article that will help you to understand the differences between flattened and standard expanded metal in order to assist you in making a decision.

All About Standard Expanded Metal

Expanded metal comes straight off the expanding press in standard expanded metal form.
In contrast to its flattened counterpart, expanded metal strands are angled, rather than fixed, in a horizontal plane.
Standard expanded metal sheets exhibit different characteristics depending on how much expansion is applied, the pattern size, and the thickness of the base sheet. It is, however, possible to use the uneven surface to enhance structural strength and grip. In addition to directing light, air, fluids, and solid materials, the material is also capable of directing flow based on its pattern design.

All About Flattened Expanded Metal

Initially, flattened expanded metal is constructed using standard expanded metal, but it will be subjected to a milling process to smooth the horizontal surfaces of the metal.
As a result of these processes, expanded metal surfaces become flatter and smoother, eliminating the ridges characteristic of standard expanded metal.
Flattened expanded metal weighs approximately 5% less than standard expanded metal because it is thinner, flatter, wider, and longer. As a result of this characteristic, as well as the finished surface, it is ideal for applications that require reduced abrasion risk and an aesthetic appearance.
There are two types of flattened expanded sheets, namely short way of design (SWD) and long way of design (LWD). The dimensions of flattened expanded sheets can vary from one expansion operation to another based on how the material passes through the rolls. It is difficult to estimate the exact size and pattern of a finished sheet in light of both of these qualifiers.

Expanded Metal Solutions From Huijinmaterials

There are many different applications in which expanded metal is highly versatile, in that it can be manufactured using a variety of different base metals—both ferrous and non-ferrous—and in many different mesh sizes, patterns, and finishes that suit the needs of many different industries.
The Huijin Materials team takes great pride in offering the highest quality expanded metal solutions, including standard and flattened versions. You can count on our company to provide you with all the materials you need to make any expanded metal project a success, whether you need industrial grates, construction mesh, or anything else. With decades of experience, our expert design and engineering teams are knowledgeable about all things expanded metal, allowing them to provide informed material recommendations and solutions.
Please feel free to contact the experts at Huijinmaterials today if you have additional questions about our expanded metal products and services or need assistance with your upcoming project.
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Not To Remain

Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!


Not To Remain


Romans 12:16 KJV

"[Be] of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits."


Brothers and Sisters we, who have Chosen Jesus as Savior and Lord, are Not To Remain the same as before we Chose Jesus. There MUST be a Transformation, that is, you Looked and seen as a Man In The Flesh, but now, you are to Look and See as Jesus Sees. You Heard of what Men Say and Believed but now you MUST Hear what The Holy Spirit says and Believe. Your Actions were those things that Satisfied The Flesh, but now Your Actions are to Please Jesus in Walking In The Spirit. There MUST be a Transformation in Your Whole Life!


In this Transformation from Flesh to Spirit, it is Equal To All who Accept Jesus as Savior and Lord and in this Transformation Become The Will Of The Father. Understand this, we are ALL TO CHANGE, go through a TRANSFORMATION, both Old and Young, Man, Woman and Child, they are to be Equal in this Transformation!!!


Ephesians 4:4-6 KJV

"4 [There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all."


With this being said, we, The Born Again, The Blood Bought, are to be in Total Agreement in All Things dealing with God and How We Are To Live! For Jesus would not say to John it is okay to be  this way, then at the same time tell Mary to live the opposite, this would make Our Lord Jesus, The Father and The Holy Spirit Lunatics and would cause Great Chaos within The Body Of Christ!!! In order for The Born Again, The Blood Bought, to NOT to be making Our God out to be a Lunatic and NOT Creating Chaos, then we would have to Agree and be in One Accord!!!


For it is the Interpretation of The Flesh, not that Of God, that has brought forth Division, Lunatics, Chaos that calls themselves a Christians. It is by having tens of thousands of Bibles, Doctrine that has not cause a Transformation into Holiness but has Transformed you into a House Of Ruin!


Does NOT the Scripture below Beg us for a Godly Transformation…


Romans 12:1-2 KJV

"1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."


…and if these Scriptures do in fact tells us that Transformation MUST happen in order to Prove, again TO PROVE what is Good, Acceptable and Perfect Will Of God The Father, there has to be a change, from Flesh to Spirit and we are to Desire such changes. But Understand this, anyone can CHOSE to Live however they want, however a Man or Woman may say and in doing so, do not Live Out The Fathers Will in Their Lives!


How do we Know that we are to be in One Accord, to Live as God Demands…


Galatians 2:20 KJV

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."


This Scripture does not say I am Crucified with Catholics, Baptist, Protestant, and the list goes on, but does say that IF, IF, IF I have Accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, then I am Crucified With Him, that is, My Flesh must come under control of The Spirit Of Jesus, through The Holy Spirit so that it is No Longer I, but Jesus who Lives IN ME and THROUGH ME to Prove what is that Good, Accepted and Perfect Will Of The Father IN, IN, IN, IN MY LIFE…WHOLE LIFE UNDIVIDED!!!


Jesus, The Living Word of The Father, has not, did not, will not change!!! So that means that The Word, which came from The Father has Not Changed, did Not Morph into the Desires Of The Flesh, but has Remained Holy even unto the very moment that The Father Spoke It in to Existence!


Hebrews 13:8 KJV

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."


Brothers and Sisters UNDERSTAND THIS, if you belong to some Organized Denomination that is NOT First Glorifying Jesus AS LORD, then you are NOT Hearing from God. If you belong to some Organized Denomination that is NOT Pointing The Finger AT SIN, then you are NOT Hearing from God. If you belong to some Organized Denomination that is NOT Teaching you How to Live a Godly Life, then you are NOT Hearing from God. If you belong to some Organized Denomination that is NOT Standing Against The World, then you are NOT Hearing from God. We Brothers and Sisters are to be, Are To Be, ARE TO BE in ONE ACCORD, Obeying the Same Word, the Same Spirit, the Same God, we are Not To Remain in Fleshly Sin as we were once found in, but Live According to The Fathers Will!!!


Does Not the below Scripture tell us to Live as though we are In Heaven…


Matthew 6:10 KJV

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven."


We, Brothers and Sisters, are to  Live, Breath, Act as though we are in Heaven and in Heaven there is No Division, No Chaos, No Other Doctrine but one. Satan and Man has Divided, caused Chaos, use False Doctrine to bring forth The Church Of Today, NOT GOD!!! We should be able to sit with any Brother, any Sister, and Agree On Every Point Of View, Agree On Every Scripture… because in Heaven they do!!!


For me, for you, to Remain the same, to Do the same things, to Speak the same things as we did in The Flesh is Unacceptable to Jesus, Unacceptable to The Father, Unacceptable to The Holy Spirit in ALL THINGS!!!!


Jesus NEVER said “Once Saved, Always Saved”, He NEVER uttered such a phrase, but what Jesus did utter is that unless we Live According To The Fathers Will, we will NEVER SEE HEAVEN!


Matthew 7:21 KJV

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."


So, WAKE UP, Brothers and Sisters, The Will Of The Father has never changed, will not change, we MUST NOT REMAIN the same, we have to be in One Accord, Living By One Word, Under One Doctrine to Live in The Fathers Will.


I see in a lot of Post asking what would Paul do or what would Jesus do or what would John The Baptist do if they were here today, this very hour, they would first be saddened to where we have come to, then they would Rebuke us all, then like Elijah would call from Heaven fire to destroy us! This is how bad The Church is today. My Calling is to be the Restorer Of The Breach, to Bring forth the Days Of Old, to Bring Repentance to The House Of God before the Great and Terrible day Of Our Lord Jesus to come.

Below is one of the Scriptures of many that The Lord gave me when He Set my feet on the path that I am on…


Isaiah 58:12 KJV

“And [they that shall be] of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in."


I am not here to satisfy the flesh, nor to make people like me or to have people agree with me, but that all would Obey The Will Of The Father as He has spoken, not as Man and Satan have manipulated. There are yet many things that must come to pass before Jesus Returns, but,  Jesus will Return and will gather those who are Walking In Obedience, Doing The Fathers Will…make no mistake about it!


We can Not Remain the same, we have to change if we are to be Accepted By Jesus, to be Accepted By The Father. It has Not Changed since the beginning of time, that is, to Walk as God Walks, to Do as God Does, to Speak as God has Spoken. The hour is short, the season is almost upon us, persecution will happen to all those Who are In Jesus, doing The Fathers Will and for those who are not, you will die in your sins of the flesh and will have No Excuse before Jesus…You Have Been Warned!!!



Not To Remain

The Same


Your Choice

Not Gods



Amen and Amen!!!


Email: godsonlyfoundation@gmail.com

Website: ApostleLee.com

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The End Is Coming

12388586100?profile=RESIZE_710xEzekiel said. "The end has come. It has finally arrived. Your final doom is waiting!" When the end comes, everyone on the face of the earth will have something in common. Click on the link below read this eye-opening post and find out what they have in common. #BibleStudy #Devotions #EndTimes #Evangelism #Ezekiel


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The Ultimate Guide: Active Mixer vs Passive Mixer

Mixers play a crucial role in a wide array of RF/microwave applications, ranging from military radar systems to cellular base stations and beyond. Functioning as three-port devices, mixers can be either passive or active, with the primary capability to modulate or demodulate signals. Their key objective is to alter the frequency of an electromagnetic signal while endeavoring to maintain the original signal's essential characteristics, such as phase and amplitude. This frequency conversion is particularly vital for amplifying received signals at a frequency different from that of the RF.

The decision between active mixers and passive mixers holds significant implications for the performance of communication systems, electronic devices, and diverse applications. Within this comprehensive guide, we aim to untangle the complexities surrounding active mixers and passive mixers. We'll delve into their functionalities, applications, and provide valuable insights to assist you in making well-informed decisions when selecting the ideal mixer tailored to your specific needs.

What Is an Active Mixer?

An active mixer is a type of electronic device used in signal processing and communication systems to modulate or demodulate signals. Unlike passive mixers that rely solely on passive components, active mixers incorporate active electronic components, such as transistors or operational amplifiers, to actively manipulate the input signals.

What Is a Passive Mixer?

A passive mixer is an electronic device used in signal processing and communication systems to combine or separate different input signals without the use of active electronic components. Unlike active mixers that employ amplifying elements like transistors or operational amplifiers, passive mixers rely solely on passive components such as resistors, capacitors, and transformers.

How Does a Passive Mixer Work?

A passive mixer works by utilizing passive electronic components to combine or separate different input signals without the use of active amplification. The primary components involved in a passive mixer include resistors, capacitors, transformers, and diodes. Unlike active mixers that use active components like transistors for signal amplification, passive mixers rely on the inherent properties of these passive components to perform signal manipulation.
Here is a general overview of how a passive mixer operates:
1.Input Signals
A passive mixer typically takes multiple input signals that need to be combined or processed. These signals can come from different sources or may represent different frequency components.
2.Combining Signals
The passive mixer combines these input signals using passive components. Common configurations involve the use of resistive networks, transformers, or diode-based mixers. The specific arrangement depends on the application requirements.
3.Frequency Conversion
In some cases, a passive mixer may perform frequency conversion, changing the frequency of an input signal. This process is often achieved through the use of nonlinear devices like diodes, which generate new frequency components through the mixing of input signals.
4.Signal Summation
Passive mixers sum the input signals together, creating a combined output signal. The summation process can be achieved through resistor networks or transformer windings, where the voltages of the input signals add up.
5.Signal Splitting
Alternatively, passive mixers can be designed to split a single input signal into different paths. This is useful in applications where signal distribution is required.
Passive mixers may provide some level of isolation between input signals to prevent interference. This is especially important when combining signals from different sources to ensure that each input signal remains relatively unaffected by the others.
7.Linear Signal Processing
Passive mixers perform linear signal processing, meaning that the input-output relationship is proportional and does not introduce active amplification. This is advantageous in applications where maintaining signal linearity is crucial.

What Is the Difference Between Active and Passive Mixers?

Active mixers and passive mixers are two distinct types of electronic devices used in signal processing and communication systems. The primary difference between them lies in how they manipulate input signals, involving the use of either active or passive components. Here's a breakdown of the key distinctions between active and passive mixers:
1. Active Mixers
  • Components: Active mixers incorporate active electronic components like transistors or operational amplifiers.
  • Amplification: They actively amplify the input signals during the mixing process, providing gain to the signals.
  • Signal Modulation/Demodulation: Active mixers are capable of both modulating and demodulating signals, altering their characteristics based on specific requirements.
  • Frequency Conversion: Achieves frequency conversion by changing the frequency of an input signal, allowing further processing or transmission at a different frequency.
  • Performance: Generally offers higher gain, better linearity, and increased dynamic range compared to passive mixers.
  • Complexity: Can be more complex due to the inclusion of active components.
  • Power Consumption: Tends to have higher power consumption compared to passive mixers.
  • Applications: Widely used in applications where signal amplification, modulation, and complex signal processing are required.
2.Passive Mixers
  • Components: Passive mixers rely solely on passive electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, transformers, and diodes.
  • Amplification: Do not actively amplify signals; they rely on the inherent properties of passive components for signal manipulation.
  • Signal Modulation/Demodulation: Primarily used for combining or splitting signals without active modulation or demodulation.
  • Frequency Conversion: Can achieve frequency conversion using nonlinear devices like diodes to mix input signals and generate new frequency components.
  • Performance: May have limitations in terms of insertion loss and signal isolation compared to active mixers.
  • Complexity: Generally simpler in design due to the absence of active amplification components.
  • Power Consumption: Typically has lower power consumption compared to active mixers.
  • Applications: Commonly used in applications where simplicity, lower power consumption, and linear signal processing are priorities.

Selecting a Mixer

Mixer selection depends on many factors and, most of all, on the requirements of an application. Determine the LO, RF, and IF frequency ranges involved as well as the LO drive required. Some applications require a specific amount of harmonic distortion. Finally, determine the type of packaging the mixer will have.

A wide selection of mixers can be found on the Joinwinchips site.

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Everything You Need to Know About Thoracic Trocar

When it comes to minimally invasive thoracic surgeries, thoracic trocars play a pivotal role. These specialized instruments have revolutionized surgical procedures, offering numerous benefits such as reduced scarring, quicker recovery times, and enhanced precision. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into everything you need to know about thoracic trocars, from their purpose and design to their applications and the latest technological advancements.

What Is Thoracic Trocar?

A thoracic trocar is a specialized surgical instrument designed for use in minimally invasive thoracic surgeries. This instrument is an essential component of the trocar system, which allows surgeons to gain access to the thoracic cavity with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues. Thoracic trocars are particularly designed for procedures involving the chest or thoracic region.

Structure of a Thoracic Trocar

The structure of a thoracic trocar consists of several key components designed to facilitate its use in thoracic surgery. While specific designs may vary among different manufacturers, a typical thoracic trocar includes the following elements:
  • The main tube-like structure of the trocar.
  • Provides a pathway for other instruments to enter the thoracic cavity.
  • Comes in various lengths and diameters depending on the surgical procedure.
  • A pointed, removable instrument inserted into the cannula during initial insertion.
  • Facilitates the creation of an opening through the chest wall.
3.Trocar Tip
  • The pointed end of the obturator or cannula that pierces the tissue.
  • Designed to minimize trauma during insertion.
4.Valve System
  • Some trocars have a valve mechanism to prevent air or fluid leakage during the procedure.
  • Enhances the stability of the surgical environment.
5.Sealing Mechanism
  • In some designs, a sealing mechanism ensures a secure closure around instruments passing through the trocar.
  • Prevents air leaks and maintains the integrity of the thoracic cavity.
6.Port for Additional Instruments
  • Many thoracic trocars have additional ports or channels to allow the introduction of other instruments, such as endoscopes or graspers.
  • Enables a multidirectional approach to the surgical site.
7.Handle or Grip
  • Located at the proximal end of the trocar for easy manipulation by the surgeon.
  • Ergonomically designed for a secure and comfortable grip.
  • Typically made of medical-grade materials such as stainless steel or specialized polymers.
  • Should be biocompatible and sterilizable to ensure safety in surgical use.

Benefits of Disposable Thoracic Trocar

Disposable thoracic trocars offer several benefits in the field of thoracic surgery:

1.Reduced Risk of Cross-Contamination

Disposable trocars eliminate the need for reprocessing and sterilization, reducing the risk of cross-contamination between patients.

2.Enhanced Infection Control

Since disposable trocars are used only once, the potential for infections associated with inadequate sterilization practices is minimized, contributing to improved infection control in healthcare settings.

3.Time and Cost Efficiency

Eliminating the sterilization process saves time for healthcare professionals and reduces overall costs associated with reusable trocars, including labor and equipment expenses.

4.Consistent Performance

Disposable trocars are manufactured with precision and consistency, ensuring that each instrument performs optimally without the variability that may occur with repeated use and sterilization of reusable trocars.

5.Convenience and Accessibility

Healthcare facilities can maintain a ready supply of disposable trocars without the need for extensive sterilization infrastructure, making them convenient and readily accessible for surgical procedures.

What Is a Thoracic Trocar Used For?

A thoracic trocar is a medical instrument used in the field of surgery. Specifically, it is employed in thoracic surgery, which involves procedures within the chest cavity. The thoracic trocar is a pointed, tube-like instrument that is inserted through the chest wall to provide access to the thoracic cavity.
During thoracic surgery, the trocar is used to create a pathway for other instruments, such as endoscopes or laparoscopic devices, to enter the chest. This allows surgeons to perform minimally invasive procedures within the thoracic cavity, which includes the lungs, heart, and other structures in the chest.
The use of thoracic trocars is common in procedures like thoracoscopy, where surgeons can visually inspect and treat conditions within the chest without the need for large incisions. Minimally invasive techniques using trocars often result in shorter recovery times and reduced postoperative complications compared to traditional open surgeries.

Hot-Selling High-Quality Disposable Thoracic Trocar

thoracic trocar
Product Features
  • The trocar comprises a blunt-tipped obturator and a threaded, flexible sleeve featuring a protective shroud at its proximal end. This shroud serves to prevent the entry of foreign materials into the chest cavity and aids in stabilizing instruments.
  • The elliptical blunt tip is designed to enhance safety by minimizing the risk of injuring tissues and viscera.
  • With diameters of 6, 10 and 12 mm, the trocar is versatile and well-suited for accommodating a range of general laparoscopic instruments.
  • The special threaded design of the sleeve ensures stable fixation, enhancing its reliability during surgical procedures.
  • For added convenience during operations, the removable seal allows for the easy withdrawal of specimens.

Why Choose Disposable Thoracic Trocar from Kangji Medical?

1.Comprehensive Expertise

Hangzhou Kangji Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. is a leading high-tech enterprise dedicated to the professional research, development, production, and marketing of medical hardware and endoscopic surgical instruments. Our extensive product line encompasses laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, electrichysterectomy series, ENT endoscopy series, and urology endoscopy series. With comprehensive product types and specifications, coupled with a contemporary design and excellent after-sales service, our products are widely distributed and trusted by major hospitals nationwide.
2.70% Penetration in Grade IIIA Hospitals
In the domestic market, our commitment to high product quality, a comprehensive portfolio, effective academic promotion, and an extensive network of distributors has resulted in significant success. With competitive pricing, we have achieved over 70% penetration in Grade IIIA hospitals in China with advanced minimally invasive surgery capabilities. This accomplishment underscores our dedication to providing top-notch medical instruments and establishing a strong presence in the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
3.Cutting-Edge Technology
Embracing innovation, Kangji Medical incorporates cutting-edge technology into the design and production of disposable thoracic trocars. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements ensures that healthcare professionals receive instruments that meet the evolving demands of modern medical practices.
4.Stringent Quality Control
We take pride in our international accreditations for quality control, including EN ISO 13485:2016, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, and CE(93/42/EEC). Kangji Medical ensures that every disposable thoracic trocar adheres to rigorous quality standards, providing healthcare professionals with reliable and safe instruments.
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Top 5 Polymer Clip Applier Suppliers in China

Polymer clip appliers can be used in all kinds of laparoscopic surgery, including minimally invasive surgery, minimally invasive gynecological surgery, thoracic surgery, urology, endoscopic surgery. In the ever-expanding market of China, several suppliers stand out for their commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the top five polymer clip applier suppliers in China.

What Is a Polymer Clip?

A polymer clip refers to a type of clip or fastener made from polymer materials, which are high-quality, durable, and often biocompatible synthetic substances. Polymer clips find applications in various industries, including medical, packaging, and manufacturing, due to their versatility and advantageous properties.

In the medical field, polymer clips are commonly used in surgeries and medical procedures. Specifically, they are utilized in minimally invasive surgical techniques, where surgeons require tools that are lightweight, easy to handle, and compatible with medical imaging technologies. These clips are designed for tasks such as ligation or closure of blood vessels, tissues, or other structures during surgical procedures.

Are Polymer Clips Absorbable?

Polymer clips can be both absorbable and non-absorbable, depending on the specific type of polymer used in their construction. Absorbable polymer clips are designed to degrade or be absorbed by the body over time, eliminating the need for removal after a certain healing period. These clips are often used in medical applications where a temporary closure or ligation is required.

Common materials for absorbable polymer clips include polymers such as polylactic acid (PLA) or polyglycolic acid (PGA). These polymers are known for their biocompatibility and ability to break down into non-toxic byproducts that the body can naturally absorb.

On the other hand, non-absorbable polymer clips are made from materials that do not break down within the body and are intended for long-term use. They are often used in situations where a permanent closure or ligation is required. Common non-absorbable polymers used for clips include polyethylene and polypropylene.

In medical procedures, absorbable polymer clips are typically used in applications where the closure or ligation is temporary, and the clips will naturally degrade as the tissues heal. Non-absorbable polymer clips are used when a more permanent solution is needed, such as in certain types of surgeries where long-term support or closure is required.

It's essential to note that the choice between absorbable and non-absorbable polymer clips depends on the specific requirements of the medical procedure and the expected healing timeline. Surgeons will consider factors such as the type of surgery, patient condition, and the duration of clip retention when selecting the appropriate type of polymer clip for a particular application.
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3 Ways Jesus Was a Marketing Genius

For those who work in marketing, whether in a church related role or otherwise, it can be tempting to separate our Christian beliefs from our occupation. But what if we could find an intersection between Jesus’ ministry and our marketing efforts? In fact, Jesus was a marketing genius. Check out how in this article written by Daniel Burk.

For those who work in marketing, whether in a church related role or otherwise, it can be tempting to separate our Christian beliefs from our occupation. But what if we could find an intersection between Jesus’ ministry and our marketing efforts? In fact, Jesus was a marketing genius.

There are three ways marketing and Christianity intersect; three ways that Jesus was a Marketing Guru, and how as someone in marketing you actually have an even greater opportunity to reflect who he was in your work and profession.

1. Marketing Strategy: Go “to the lost sheep of Israel” Matthew 15:24
What was Jesus’ primary objective? To forgive sins, and to spread his message and teaching to the ends of the earth, to “every nation” like the Bible says in Matthew 28:19.

But how did he do that?

He targeted a specific subgroup of people within a specific ethnic group with specific occupations and lifestyles.

When reading the gospel books in the New Testament, Jesus often went far out of his way to target a specific type of person in a very specific region or area of town. He knew who his target audience was, and he went to their mediums (fishing docks, water wells, synagogues, temple courts, etc.) to present “his offer”.

He extensively researched his target audience.

Luke 2:46-47: “After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.” For Jesus, targeting Jewish people who were on the fringe was not only about being humble and stooping down as God in the flesh; it was also strategic.

His core marketing team were the twelve apostles.

Their primary objective in Jesus’ ministry: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.” (Matthew 10:5-6). Still in line with Jesus’ strategy and intent to go to this very specific people group at this moment in time.

(Of course later his marketing strategy changes in Matthew 28:18, when his subgroup opens to a greater group of people: all nations, not just the lost sheep of Israel).

2. He Didn’t Water Down His Offer 

Jesus knew what he had to offer: life to the full, salvation, forgiveness of sins. And he knew what the price of his offer was (1 Corinthians 6:20: “you were bought at a price”). We were “bought at a price”.

The Price: “Follow Me”

What is the price of discipleship? Following Jesus. "And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” - Luke 14:27

Overhead Cost: Jesus Dying on the Cross

He didn’t water down his offer, he had no discounts or sales or promotions. The price was the price. The cost was the cost. The offer IS the promotion. The fact that we even have the opportunity to choose his offer is in itself a miracle, and due to God’s grace.

For us, of course, giving promos and freebies is good and helpful for business. But in doing so it’s still a helpful dynamic for us to understand what we’re giving away: “something AWESOME, and WORTH much much more."

3. He Served First

1. Phiippians 2:1-7: “Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”

2. "Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28

Marketing Practicals

1. When we have the perfect target group, even as few as 12 people will word-of-mouth our offering to the ends of the earth.

2. The solutions and tools we have to offer churches are ground breaking, and churches want them and need them. We can be confident of that. We are offering something great.

3. Even in the thick of grind time, imitating the heart of Jesus in our thoughts and attitudes will not only serve our customers better, but will create a greater bond here in this marketing group and in our lives beyond.



Daniel Berk is the Managing Editor at Tithely. A student and teacher of the Bible, he is a lover of theology, church history, and... TV. Daniel and his wife Courtney reside with their Bernedoodle in Charleston, SC.

Reference website at https://get.tithe.ly/blog/3-ways-jesus-was-a-marketing-genius

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Hair clippers are invaluable tools for maintaining well-groomed hair at home or in a professional setting. However, over time, the blades can become dull, leading to ineffective cuts and an unpleasant grooming experience. Rather than replacing the entire clipper, you can often rejuvenate its performance by sharpening the blades. In this article, we will explore a cost-effective method using sandpaper to sharpen hair clipper blades, providing you with a step-by-step guide to achieve optimal results.


Hair Clipper Blades

Before diving into the sharpening process, it’s essential to un derstand the anatomy of hair clipper blades. Blades consist of two parts: the stationary blade and the moving blade. The stationary blade remains fixed in place, while the moving blade oscillates rapidly back and forth, capturing and cutting hair. Over time, the sharp edges of the blades can wear down due to friction and prolonged use, leading to a decrease in cutting efficiency.


Materials Required

To sharpen your hair clipper blades using sandpaper, gather the following materials:

  • Sandpaper: Choose a high-quality fine grisandpaper, such as 400 or 600 grit. It is crucial to use a consistent and even grit for optimal results.
  • Screwdriver: Depending on the clipper model, you may need a screwdriver to remove the blades from the clipper housing.
  • Cleaning Brush: A small cleaning brush will help remove debris and hair particles from the blades during the sharpening process.
  • Lubricating Oil: To maintain blade performance and prolong their lifespan, use clipper oil or lubricating oil specifically designed for hair clippers.


Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Disassemble the Clipper

Before sharpening the blades, it’s important to disassemble the clipper carefully. Refer to the clipper’s user manual or manufacturer’s instructions for guidance. Usually, you will need a screwdriver to remove the screws securing the blade assembly.

Step 2: Clean the Blades

Once the blades are removed, use a cleaning brush to gently remove any hair, dust, or debris that may have accumulated. Ensure the blades are free of any obstruction before proceeding.

Step 3: Prepare the Sandpaper

Cut a piece of sandpaper that is slightly larger than the blade size. The sandpaper should cover the entire length of the blade to ensure consistent sharpening. If necessary, affix the sandpaper to a flat surface using double-sided tape or any other suitable adhesive.

Step 4: Sharpen the Blades

Hold the blade at a slight angle, with the cutting edge facing downwards. Begin by sliding the blade back and forth across the sandpaper. Make sure to apply consistent pressure and maintain the same angle throughout the sharpening process. Continue this motion for approximately 10-15 strokes, or until you observe a noticeable improvement in sharpness.

Step 5: Check and Repeat

After the initial sharpening, carefully inspect the blade for any signs of improvement. Gently run your finger along the cutting edge to ensure it feels smooth and sharp. If necessary, repeat the sharpening process for an additional 5-10 strokes until the desired sharpness is achieved.

Step 6: Reassemble and Lubricate

Once you are satisfied with the blade’s sharpness, reassemble the clipper using the reverse steps of disassembly. Ensure that all screws are securely fastened. Before using the clipper, apply a few drops of lubricating oil along the cutting edge to reduce friction and enhance performance.


Maintenance and Care Tips

To keep your hair clipper blades in optimal condition, it is essential to follow these maintenance and care tips:

  1. Regular Cleaning:After each use, remove any hair and debris from the blades using a cleaning brush.
  2. Lubrication: Apply a few drops of lubricating oil to the blades before and after each use to minimize friction and prolong their lifespan.
  3. Blade Alignment: Periodically check and adjust the alignment of the blades to ensure optimal cutting performance.
  4. Professional Servicing: If you encounter persistent issues or extreme dullness, consider seeking professional servicing or blade replacement.



Sharpening hair clipper blades using sandpaper is a cost-effective way to restore their cutting efficiency and extend their lifespan. With the step-by-step guide provided, you can easily master this process and enjoy a more effective grooming experience. Remember to exercise caution while disassembling and reassembling the clipper, and always prioritize safety. Regular maintenance and care will ensure that your hair clipper blades stay sharp, providing you with precise and effortless haircuts.



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7 Top China Umbrella Manufacturers

As a Chinese sourcing agent with 25 years of experience, we have helped many customers wholesale high-quality umbrellas from China. Today, we will focus on 7 top Chinese umbrella manufacturers, revealing their company background, product series, manufacturing processes, and influence in the international market.
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Induction Stove Power Consumption & Wattage

People switch to induction stoves due to two main reasons - faster cooking and higher energy efficiency. Induction cooktops are 80% efficient, which is 20-30% higher than gas or electric stoves.

However, what is the power consumption of an induction stove? What is the wattage of an induction stove?

Choosing the right cooktop or optimizing the settings on your existing cooktop requires knowing the wattage and electricity usage as well as energy efficiency.

In this article, I will discuss how to calculate induction cooking power consumption and electricity bill in depth. 

How Much Electricity Does an Induction Cooktop Use?

The amount of electricity consumed by an induction cooktop depends on various factors such as the power rating of the cooktop, the duration of use, and the specific cooking settings used.

Induction cooktops typically have power ratings ranging from around 1,200 watts to 3,700 watts per cooking zone. When in use, they draw electricity to generate magnetic fields that induce heat in the cookware, leading to efficient cooking.

To estimate the electricity consumption, you can use the formula:

Electricity Consumption (kWh) = Power Rating (kW) × Time Used (hours)

For example, if you have a 2,000-watt (2 kW) induction cooktop and you use it for 1 hour, the electricity consumption would be 2 kW × 1 hour = 2 kWh.

When compared to gas stoves, induction stoves cook food in less time because they are highly efficient. You must understand some basic terms before you can understand how it changes energy consumption. For example, a cooktop with a lower wattage will consume less power but will take longer, while an induction stove with a higher wattage will consume more power for a shorter time.
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In general, the term trocar refers to an entire assembly of devices, but the actual trocar is actually a stylet that is introduced through a cannula, but it is not the entire apparatus that is described as a trocar. These trocars come with a variety of tips. They can either have a three-edged pyramid tip, or a flat two-edged blade tip. It is believed that conical trocars are less traumatic to the tissue, because of the shape of their tips. As a result of the tip's capability of penetrating through the parietal wall without cutting, a decreased risk of herniation or hemorrhage has been reported.
Generally, cannulas are made of plastic or metal. Plastic devices need to be designed in a way that minimizes reflections from telescopes, whether they are transparent or opaque. Metal and plastic are combined to make reusable and disposable trocars. Disposable trocars have a two-edged blade at the tip of their blade, which penetrates the abdominal wall and cuts the tissue as they pass. The sharp tip of most disposable plastic trocars is withdrawn immediately after they pass through the abdominal wall to reduce the chances of visceral injury. There are different sizes and diameters of trocars and cannulas depending on the instrument for which they are used. Cannulas vary in diameter from 3 to 30 mm; the most common sizes are 5 and 10 mm. A metal trocar has different types of tips depending on the surgeon's experience, such as pyramidal tips, eccentric tips, conical tips, and blunt tips.

In cannulas, air seals allow instruments to move in and out without losing the pneumoperitoneum. They can be oblique, transverse, or piston-style.

A trumpet type valve provides excellent seals during instrument passage, but it is not as practical as some of the other valves. These valves can be manually or automatically retractable during instrument passage. This may explain why they are less commonly used in advanced laparoscopic procedures because they require both hands during instrument insertion. Whatever the diameter of the instrument used, the flexible valves will limit carbon dioxide leakage during work.

Sharp trocars, even though they look dangerous, are actually safer than blunt ones because they require less force to enter the abdominal cavity and there is a lower chance of an inadvertent forceful entry of the trocar. A cannula's marked exterior diameter differs from its interior usable diameter. The cannula ends are either straight or oblique. An oblique tip is felt to facilitate the passage of the trocar through the abdominal wall. A trocar and a cannula should be held properly in the hand so that the head of the trocar rests near the eminence, the middle finger rests over the gas outlet, and the index finger rests over the sharp end.
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What Type of LED Driver Should I Use?

If you're embarking on a project to create a custom LED lighting system or seeking a replacement power supply for an existing setup, you're likely pondering over the question: which LED driver is suitable for my needs?

However, delving into this decision reveals that selecting the appropriate driver entails more than just aligning wattage and voltage specifications. Factors such as the intended environment for the driver's use, including the necessity for additional protective features like waterproofing, as well as preferences for dimming capabilities and remote monitoring, all come into play.

Navigating through these considerations might seem daunting, but fear not. The team at Guangdong Suncom Power is at your service. Renowned for our expertise in ACDC power supplies, we offer a comprehensive range of efficient, dependable, and adaptable LED driver power supplies sourced from esteemed manufacturers. By the end of this discourse, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to confidently choose the optimal option for your requirements.

Before we delve into assisting you in selecting the ideal LED driver, let's first explore the pivotal role these components play in your LED lighting system.

LED Driver Overview

LED drivers function as power-supply units designed to convert incoming AC current into the DC current utilized by most LED lighting systems. Essentially, they operate similarly to standard AC DC power supplies used for various equipment. However, LED drivers are tailored specifically for LED lighting, which relies on a distinct power supply.
The complexity lies in the fact that each LED light necessitates a specific voltage and wattage combination to function optimally, with requirements varying significantly between different lights. Moreover, certain lights may require additional functionalities such as waterproofing or dimming capabilities. Therefore, selecting the appropriate driver for each application is crucial to ensuring the proper functionality of your system.
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What Is Reflow Soldering

Solder reflow stands as a pivotal procedure within the electronics sector, primarily serving to affix surface-mount components onto printed circuit boards (PCBs). This intricate process entails the precise application of solder paste onto designated areas of a PCB, followed by the placement of components atop the paste. Subsequently, the assembly undergoes heating in a reflow oven. As the solder paste liquefies, it forms a dependable electrical and mechanical bond between the component and the PCB, crucially impacting the performance and reliability of the final electronic product.

Throughout the solder reflow process, numerous factors come into play, influencing the quality of the solder joint. These factors include the composition of the solder paste, the specifications of the reflow oven, and the temperature profile utilized. A comprehensive comprehension of these elements and their interplay proves essential for attaining optimal soldering outcomes. This article aims to delve deeply into the solder reflow process, meticulously examining its diverse facets, challenges, and recommended strategies. By furnishing readers with an extensive grasp of the techniques and principles involved, it empowers them to make informed decisions when navigating the intricacies of solder reflow.

What Is Reflow Soldering?

Reflow soldering involves attaching surface mount components to a circuit board (PCB) using solder paste, a mixture of powdered solder and flux. The solder paste is melted by controlling the heat until it forms a permanent solder joint; this is accomplished by reflowing it into a molten state. To achieve this high heat, use an infrared lamp or a reflow oven. Solder individual solder joints with a hot air pencil.
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How to Choose the Best Security Camera Housing

In outdoor applications, security camera housings are becoming increasingly important for preventing rapid deterioration and premature replacement of security cameras. In order for your security cameras to perform effectively and last for a long time, they must be protected properly. The right housing provides weatherproof and vandal-proof protection.

What Is Housing and Enclosure for Security?

A security enclosure, also known as a "security housing and enclosure," serves as a protective casing designed to house and safeguard various security-related devices and components. These enclosures shield sensitive equipment from environmental factors, physical damage, tampering, and unauthorized access. They find applications in housing surveillance cameras, sensors, alarms, access control systems, intercoms, and other security devices.

Key features of security enclosures include weatherproofing, impact resistance, tamper-proof locks, ventilation for heat dissipation, and sometimes heating or cooling mechanisms to maintain optimal operating conditions. These enclosures play a vital role in ensuring the reliability, functionality, and longevity of security systems by protecting critical components.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing the Security Camera Housings

It's important to consider the following factors when choosing a CCTV enclosure for your surveillance technology. Whether you're protecting your outdoor or indoor security cameras, knowing what to look for is crucial.

Rugged Construction

When choosing a security camera housing, you'd want to choose one that is made entirely from stainless steel or aluminum, and that is a heavy-duty housing made of industrial stainless steel. Security cameras should be designed and installed in a way that makes it easy to install and maintain them. The right housing should provide a high internal useful area and access to the camera and lens from a working position. Rugged construction ensures reliability in any circumstance.

Weatherproof and Vandal-Proof Rating

Depending on your surveillance needs, it's crucial to select CCTV enclosures with top-tier weatherproof and vandal-proof ratings. For outdoor cameras enduring exposure to rain, snow, ice, wind, dirt, dust, acids, debris, salt sprays, humidity, and chemicals, prioritize security camera housings with IP66/IP67 weatherproof ratings for optimal protection.

Heating and Blowing Features

When choosing housing for cameras operating in extreme temperatures, it's essential to prioritize features like internal heating and blowing. These features ensure smooth camera operation even in the most challenging environments, where standard aluminum and plastic enclosures could be susceptible to damage from corrosive elements and heat. This is particularly crucial for commercial indoor and outdoor installations.
Security camera housings with advanced features often include:
  • A cooling tube positioned at the rear of the camera housing, which circulates cold air to maintain optimal temperatures within the enclosure.
  • Several exhaust valves integrated into the front housing cover, allowing hot air to escape and preventing overheating of internal components.
  • An air nozzle designed to cool and clean the housing glass, ensuring clear visibility by removing dust and dirt buildup on the surface.

Movable Mounting Options

Effective mounting is essential for the functionality of CCTV enclosures. When selecting a housing for your professional box cameras, bullet cameras, or dome cameras, it's crucial to assess the provided mounting equipment. Seek enclosures equipped with sturdy brackets featuring swivels, crafted from robust materials like stainless steel for long-lasting durability. For pan-tilt-zoom cameras, prioritize housings with movable mounting brackets to accommodate their functionality.
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Lazarus And The Rich Man

12384979670?profile=RESIZE_710xIn the story of Lazarus and the rich man, Jesus named two people, Lazarus and Abraham. With that said, was this a true story or a parable? Either way the lessons we can learn from it are real and evangelistic. Click on the link below to read what those lessons are. #BibleStudy #Devotions #Evangelism #Luke


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