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Just in Time for Thanksgiving

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Psalms of Thanks to the Lord

One of the best sacrifices you can offer to God is your THANKS!

• Psalm 138:1 A Lifetime Of Thanks And Heart Full Of Praise

• Psalm 8:10 God Delights In A Heart That's True And Right

• Psalm 32:11 What Is The Cause Of Our Great Joy

• Psalm 95:2 Come To The Lord With Thanksgiving In Your Heart

• Psalm 47:1 With Joyful Praise Offer New Shouts To The Lord

• Psalm 47:1 Make A Simple Sacrifice of Thanks to The Lord

• Psalm 68:3 How To Continually Rejoice And Be Glad In The Lord

• Psalm 136:26 His Faithful Love Endures Forever

• Psalm 145:10 Every Thing Gives Him Thanks, Great Is The Lord

• Psalm 138:1 Give God Thanks With All Of Your Heart

Free eBook with 10 devotional meditations on giving thanks!


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Are You Keeping Jesus From Moving

Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!


Hebrews 11:6

“But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."


Matthew 13:58

“And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief."


Brothers and Sisters do you really Believe that Our Lord Jesus CAN and WILL do Miracles in Your Life? Is what You Speak and Pray just Words Of Air having No Validity? Our Lord Jesus Demands that we whom He Saved, whom He Bought by His Blood to Walk contrary to the World, Believing in Him we have not seen.


If we do not have Faith, Believing that Jesus will do on Our Behalf then, why Seek, why Ask, Why Knock at all? I have seen Faith In Jesus and His Power and Authority move in ways that can only bring Him Praise. Jesus said that all it takes is the Grain Of A Mustard Seed to move a Mountain, so then, why is Your Mountain No Moving?


Matthew 17:20

“And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."


Jesus cannot, will not Move if Faith has No Action… I know some are saying, “I have Prayed…”, “I believe…”, but see these things are only the beginning of The Walk In Faith. Action is Required Emotionally, Physically, Acting Upon. Jesus Moves on My Behalf because I Emotionally and Physically Walk In What I Have Asked. Now, before I get too far, there are Principals that must be already in Action. We Must be Walking In Obedience, both to The Word and The Holy Spirit, Surrendering to The Will Of The Father. In other words, you cannot Ask, Seek and Knock for things Outside The Will Of The Father. I cannot ask to be a Millionaire and expect to be one just because I Prayed, but, if it is within The Will Of The Father, to bring Jesus Glory, then it will be done, even as I have asked. I am speaking at the simplest form of Faith, there are times when Faith is more complex in the Asking.


Elijah Spoke In Faith to bring fire down from Heaven, consuming the sacrifice, alter and those of unbelief, one man standing against 450 prophets of Baal. Noah for 120 years Spoke In Faith that a flood was coming and did but it took 120 Years Of Faith, Walking In Action. Daniel Spoke concerning affairs he was in, still fighting not seeing the victory, took 120 days of Fasting and Prayer before an answer came.


Sometimes Faith must have Evidence To Stand In before Faith can function as with Doubting Thomas who had to have Physical Understand before Faith could work, but, Thomas still had Faith that Jesus was the Messiah.


James 1:6-8

"6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. 8 A double minded man [is] unstable in all his ways."


The Wavering is Disbelief that Jesus is able to answer, there is No Faith, but just Words. Jesus cannot Move, will not Move under such Disbelief, because you do not really have Faith that He can.


If Jesus is Not going to be Gloried in what you have Prayed For, what you have Faith For then you have Asked  without Understanding to that in which you have Asked and Prayed For. In All Things Jesus must be Exalted as Savior and Lord.


Jesus said I will Move on Your Behalf but, you Must have Faith and Doubt Not…


Matthew 21:20-22

"20 And when the disciples saw [it], they marvelled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away! 21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this [which is done] to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. 22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."


Matthew 14:24-32

"24 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. 25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. 26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. 27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. 28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. 29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth [his] hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? 32 And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased."


Mark 4:37-41

"37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? 39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"


 Sometimes Our Lord Jesus must Move First in order for us to Move In Faith, it is to Cast Doubt Out in Whom Jesus Is and Can Do. They are Lessons that Solidify Faith For Greater Works to Glorify Jesus. There are many Lessons that Jesus had to teach in order for Faith to be Produced.


There are times when Faith, like with Noah, can be to a very weary travel before the Manifestation can come forth. There are those who are looking for Jesus to Move, for some, Jesus will not move because you do not Understand what you have asked for and in what you have asked for would bring No Glory to Him, but bring Disaster to you. For some you have not waited long enough, others you are at the finish line and are giving up.


Jesus will Move in His Time and in His Way but Faith and Obedience MUST be at Work. We Must Understand that when Jesus Moves it is to His Glory and is usually manifested for others to See and Believe Whom He Is.


Many like to quote the following Scripture…


Hebrews 11:1

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


The Substance is Walking forward Believing In Receiving Of Those Things We Ask… Before They Are Manifested In The Flesh!


So, in bringing this to a close, there are Two Main Things that will keep Jesus from Moving In Your Life, Disbelief and Disobedience, or three,  if you count Fleshly Desire. Jesus wants to Move in Your Life and will as long as His Principals are followed According To His Will.




The Movement Of Jesus Is To…


Psalm 46:10

“Be still, and know that I [am] God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."


Matthew 21:22

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."




Amen and Amen!!!


Email: godsonlyfoundation@gmail.com

Website: ApostleLee.com

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Lip Service

Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!


Lip Service


Isaiah 29:13-16

"13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near [me] with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: 14 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, [even] a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise [men] shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent [men] shall be hid. 15 Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? 16 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?"

 Brothers and Sisters there are some who Walk Among You, who Walk In Deceit who are Not Born Again that need to be dealt with and there are some who Walk Among You who Are Born Again who need to Repent, for their Heart belongs Not To Jesus!

 There are many who come for a Social Gathering, Self Esteemed in Hidden Works they think. They Seek Not Jesus as Lord, but Praise Him as Savior having No Fear of Him Who Sits Upon The Throne!

 2 Corinthians 2:17

“For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ."

 2 Corinthians 10:12

“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." 

Those of you who are in Leadership, How do you lead? Do you Lead in Obedience or that Grace Is Abound In Freedom? Salvation has a Price and it is Obedience To Jesus in All Things, All Areas Of Life! Are you Walking as the Scribes and Pharisees who gave to the people what would Satisfy Them, to Soothe Their Itching Ears! Jesus, Rebuked the Scribes and Pharisees for such things that brought Disobedience! 

Matthew 23:23

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier [matters] of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone."


There are too many of you who sit in the Council of the Ungodly, who do Works Of Darkness, believing that Grace Abounds and Mercy has No End! Jesus said that we NEED to Fear Him, because He is able to cast you into the Lake Of Fire For Eternity, but Fear is Not Taught Among You!!  

Matthew 10:28

“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

 Romans 6:1-4

"1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? 3  Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life."


Too many are Singing Songs, Speaking Words that seem Wise, Justifying Your Actions as Godly, Leading many in to Hypocrisy!  Jesus made a Statement that NEEDS to be HEEDED, that Not All who call Him Lord will be saved, yet, too many of you have made Him a Liar by your Words and Actions that Speak In Contradiction!!

 Matthew 7:21-23

"21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."


Understand this… I can Sing all the songs of Praise to Jesus…, I can Speak with Great Words…, I can Do Works that seem Godly, but if I Do Not Walk In Obedience to Jesus, which Requires Us to Make Him Lord Over All Things In Our Lives, Submitting to His Will, which is The Will Of The Father, then Jesus will cast those Who He Does Not Know, into The Lake Of Fire for Eternity. Understand This!!! Salvation, Obedience and Grace Walk as One In Jesus!!!

 We Must Walk according to The Word, giving No Place to those who do not, meaning this, that we Must All Walk with a Scale at hand always weighing what we Do and Say and it cannot be just going through the Motions, it Must be a Heart To Live according to The Will Of The Father, a Desire to be All That God Wants.

 Understand THIS… I can give a Godly Song to any singer who is not saved and they can seem as though they are. I can give Godly Wisdom to a sinner and they can seem as though they are wise. I can show people that they need to go to church and they can, being Unsaved, I can tell someone to read the Bible and they will SEEM GODLY. They  can do all these things and Jesus can still cast them in to The Lake Of Fire!!! It is All About Having A Relationship That Is TRUE With Jesus being Savior and Lord!!!

 You want to see Lip Service in Gross Darkness? The church of today is Divided because of Lip Service of Ungodly Proportions, calling Evil Good and Good Evil, following all forms of doctrine!

 Isaiah 5:20

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

 Some of you will say that the church is not doing this, but I tell you they are. If we, who claim Jesus as Savior, say we Agree With Him, yet by one subject alone is Evil Counted As Good, that is abortion. How can two people who say they are Born Again, Blood Bought, Disagree on this subject? Yet there are hundreds of other subjects that we Disagree with each other on, yet we call ourselves the church?

 But Praise be to Jesus who said that the Gates Of Hell will Not Prevail! There is the church, then there is THE CHURCH!!!

 Matthew 16:15-19

"15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed [it] unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

 The Difference between the church and THE CHURCH is Obedience To The Will Of The Father, not man. Man and Satan argues over the Righteousness Of The church having Lip Service weighing more than The Corner Stone.

 We, who are The Church, Must Agree, but in order for us to do so, All Lip Service Must Stop! It comes down to this, if The Word, The Bible says, then we who are Born Again, Blood Bought, must Stand and Be The Word regardless what the World would say. If The Word says that Jesus appointed the Offices of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher and that The Foundation is Built Upon The Apostles and Prophets, Jesus being The Chief Corner Stone, then who am I to say different? But it is Man and Satan through Lip Service that has all but destroyed what Jesus had set. If you think not, then where have The Apostles, Prophets, (true) Evangelist and (true) Teachers gone? All that remains is the Pastor and most are Shepherds Of Lies! The church is Governed by a Board Of Elected people that will do the Bidding Of those who have set them and not The Will Of The Father, else we would All Agree!

 Lip Service goes to the very Marrow Of The Bone, but, Praise Jesus His Word is sharper than any two edge sword and those who Stand With It can cut to the Root Of Evil that has overcome The Church

 Hebrews 4:12

“For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

 Matthew 7:14

“Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

 Matthew 22:14

“For many are called, but few [are] chosen."

 1 Corinthians 10:17

“For we [being] many are one bread, [and] one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread."

 Ephesians 4:4

“[There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;"


Repent church

And Become

The Church!!!



Amen and Amen!!!


Email: godsonlyfoundation@gmail.com

Website: ApostleLee.com

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Details Are In The Word


Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!


Details Are In The Word



Leviticus 19:35

“Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure."


 Brothers and Sisters, All Things have a Judgment, All Things have a Measuring Stick, All Things have a Weight, All Things have a Measure Of Weight dealing with Man and they are Judged According To The Will Of God, not Man nor Satan! Jesus, Our Lord and Savior looks at The Details, as He Is The Living Word Of The Father!


John 1:1-5

"1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."


John 1:13-14

"13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."


Hebrews 13:8

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."

 We have the Understanding that Jesus, The Son Of The Father, was with The Father when He Created All Things, that means that Jesus Knows Every Detail about All Things that was Created by The Father. We Must also Understand that The Father Knows the Beginning and the End of All Things, Great and Small! The Father Knows more than His Son Jesus in the very Detail Of Man.


Matthew 24:36-37

"36 But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noe [were], so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."


Matthew 11:27

“All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and [he] to whomsoever the Son will reveal [him]."


Understand this Detail, that is, the Return of Our Lord and Savior Jesus will NOT happen until The Father says for Him to do so, but Understand This, Jesus has been given All Power and Authority dealing with Man’s Destiny, either Heaven or The Lake Of Fire for eternity. Also Understand this Detail that we Do Not Know The Father and His Will, His Ways unless Jesus tells us, by and through The Holy Spirit and The Bible.

 Understand this, that Every Detail Of Your Life is Recorded in Heaven and how do we know this…


1 Corinthians 3:11-15

"11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; 13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire."

 Now there are many that Believe that all they have to do is Confess that Jesus is the Son Of The Father and they are Saved and that it is a One-N-Done deal. If that were the case the above Scriptures would be of No Affect on any man, but see there is a Clause, Details In The Word that says that it does matter what we Do, Say and Think.

 Matthew 7:21

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."


Matthew 5:28

“But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."


Matthew 5:44

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"


Romans 12:14

“Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not."


James 3:9

“Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God."

 Before any Women think different, these also Include You in All Areas Of Your Life also, as well as the Children.

 Now let us get to some of the Finer Details that Affect Your Life. There are many, many things that Man Thinks he knows and Thinks he Understands but most things are of the Understanding Of The Flesh, not God. Everything that has Life also has a Path, has a Beginning, has a Direction, in those things are where The Details lay. We Need to Understand that there are Distinct Paths for every Man, Woman and Child that has a Beginning, Direction. Before we Accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior our Beginning, Path and Direction were Destine to The Lake Of Fire because of Sin, which is Not Doing The Fathers Will. Once we Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior the First Beginning, Path and Direction were Covered By Jesus Blood washing us making us Clean From Sin in The Spirit, Not The Flesh. So, at the Acceptance Of Jesus as Savior we Must Choose to Make Jesus Lord over our Lives, the two go hand in hand, but some believe they can separate them, saying this, they Believe In Jesus, that He Is The Son Of God The Father and have been Washed Clean Of All Sin, Past, Present and Future making them think they are Safe and Saved! In that thinking, makes the above Scriptures a Lie!!!

 When we Accept Jesus as Savior Life’s Recordings Start Brand New! Our Accountability begins and the Details Of Our Life are Weighed against The Word, in which we will be Judged By.

 Moving on to Roots that are in Details.

  Romans 1:25-32

"25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."


Homosexual Def: (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex; a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.


Reprobate Mind Def: a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person, a drunken reprobate, a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation, morally depraved, unprincipled, bad, to disapprove, condemn, or censure, (of God) to reject (a person), as for sin, exclude from the number of the elect or from salvation.


Unrighteousness Def: not righteous; wicked.


Fornication Def: sexual intercourse between people not married to each other.


Wickedness Def: the quality of being evil or morally wrong.


Covetousness Def:   marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions, having a craving for possession, covetous of power, is an insatiable desire for worldly gain.


Maliciousness Def:  having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone, given to, marked by, or arising from malice

malicious gossip, the desire to do harm or mischief, evil intent.


Envy Def: a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck, desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to (someone else) Sin of jealousy over the blessings and achievements of others, especially the spiritual enjoyment and advance of the kingdom of Christ freely and graciously bestowed upon the people of God.


Murder Def:  the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another, kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation.


Debate Def:  a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward, argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner.


Deceit Def:  the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth. 


Malignity Def:  MALICE, MALEVOLENCE, ILL WILL, SPITE, MALIGNITY, SPLEEN, GRUDGE mean the desire to see another experience pain, injury, or distress. MALICE implies a deep-seated often unexplainable desire to see another suffer.  felt no malice toward their former enemies  MALEVOLENCE suggests a bitter persistent hatred that is likely to be expressed in malicious conduct.  a look of dark malevolence  ILL WILL implies a feeling of antipathy of limited duration.  ill will provoked by a careless remark  SPITE implies petty feelings of envy and resentment that are often expressed in small harassments.  petty insults inspired by spite  MALIGNITY implies deep passion and relentlessness.  a life consumed by motiveless malignity  SPLEEN suggests the wrathful release of latent spite or persistent malice.  venting his spleen against politicians  GRUDGE implies a harbored feeling of resentment or ill will that seeks satisfaction.  never one to harbor a grudge.

Whisperers Def:  a person who whispers, A whisperer, secret slanderer, detractor.

Backbiters Def: to attack the character or reputation of (a person who is not present), to speak unfavorably or slanderously of a person who is not present, belittle, disparage, deprecate; slander, libel, defame.


Haters Of God Def: As every covenant, or agreement, is made as in the presence of God, so he that opposes the being and doctrine of God is incapable of being bound by any covenant; he can give no pledge for his conduct.


Despiteful Def:  expressing malice or hate.


Proud Def: feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated, having or showing a high or excessively high opinion of oneself or one's importance.


Boasters Def:  a person who boasts or brags, a statement expressing excessive pride in oneself, the act or an instance of boasting.


Inventors Of Evil Things Def:  a person who invented a particular process or device or who invents things as an occupation, an inventor, contriver, of a bad nature, not such as it ought to be, of a mode of thinking, feeling, acting,

base, wrong, wicked, troublesome, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful.


Disobedient To Parents Def:  refusing or neglecting to obey, Physically striking or verbally abusing a parent is no different to God than murder. They are capital crimes worthy of death, We can dishonor our parents through stubbornness, mocking, scorning, angrily talking back to them, thievery, and violence, shame, disgrace, darkness of understanding (ignorance), and destruction,  greedy human reasoning.


Without Understanding Def: not realizing, not understanding, without knowing, without realizing, been misunderstood, fail to understand, failing to understand, from understanding, have no understanding, never figure out, never realizing, never understanding, no understanding, not giving, not knowing, not noticing, not to understand, they did not understand, thoughtlessly, unconsciously, unknowingly, unwittingly.


Covenant Breakers Def: uncompounded, simple, covenant breaking, faithless.


Without Natural Affection Def: hard-hearted towards kindred:—without natural affection,.


Implacable Def: unable to be placated, relentless; unstoppable, without a treaty or covenant, of things not mutually agreed upon, abstinences from hostilities, that cannot be persuaded to enter into a covenant, implacable.


Unmerciful Def:  cruel or harsh; showing no mercy, without mercy, merciless.


Have Pleasure In Them That Do Them Def:  to be pleased together with, to approve together (with others),to be pleased at the same time with, consent, agree to, to applaud, to exercise, practice, to be busy with, carry on, to undertake, to do, to accomplish, perform, to commit, perpetrate, to manage public affairs, transact public business, to exact tribute, revenue, debts, to act,


Brothers and Sisters we Need To Learn the very Details Of The Word and How God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) look at these things. If you just Look at the Surface Meaning you will not really Understand the Roots, Understand The Details Of The Word. In Timothy it says that we Must Study to Show Ourselves Approved Of God…


2 Timothy 2:15

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."


 Many, many of you Study to Make Gain in The Flesh. You go to College, dedicate Your Life trying to be Approved By Man to make a place for yourself in this world, but when it comes to God, 20 minutes to 1 hour on Sunday and maybe another time in the week and you think you are Walking As God Says!!! Even those who Read The Word Daily, if they do not Seek, Knock, Ask and Live The Word then the Words they read are just that, “JUST WORDS”. When someone Accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, they become a Disciple, meaning to Follow After Someone’s Teachings, but many, many never make it past being a infant, a baby verily about to crawl!


Disciple Def: a personal follower of Jesus during his life, a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher.


There will be Three Entities that will be held Accountable for this ignorance, the Church Institute, the Leadership and you as an Individual. In The Word it says that We Must Change Our Thinking from a Fleshly Point Of View to a Godly Point Of View, it takes Dedication, Perseverance, Faith, Trusting and Studying.


Romans 12:1-2

"1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."


2 Corinthians 5:17

“Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."



The only way we are Acceptable and In Jesus, is by Studying To Become As God Is, As Jesus Is!!!


John 14:15

“If ye love me, keep my commandments."



Amen and Amen!!!


Email: godsonlyfoundation@gmail.com

Website: ApostleLee.com

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Praise With or Without Understanding

Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!


Praise With or Without Understanding



1 Chronicles 23:30

"And to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD, and likewise at even;"


Brothers and Sisters, too many of you only Praise Jesus at Two Conjunctions, at church or when something good has happened, but, I tell you that Jesus is to be Praised from the time we get up in the morning until we go to bed at night. Every day you should Start Your Day With Jesus in Prayer and Praise BEFORE you do anything! This means that Jesus Receives Praise before you make your morning drink, before you eat, before your family, before any work.


Brothers and Sisters you need to Learn to Praise Jesus In and Through Every Event Of Your Life, for some, you verily know why to Praise!


The Praising Of Jesus takes Commitment, it takes Understanding who Jesus is in Your Life.


Psalm 57:7

"My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise."


Our Hearts must be Fixed Upon Jesus continuously all day long.


To be Fixed Upon Jesus means: to be firm, be stable, be established, to be set up, be fixed, to be firmly established, to be established, be stable, be secure, be enduring, to be fixed, be securely determined, to be directed aright, be fixed aright, be steadfast (moral sense), to prepare, be ready, to be prepared, be arranged, be settled, accomplish, do, make firm, make ready, prepare, provide, provide for, furnish, to direct toward (moral sense), to arrange, order, be fastened, to constitute, make, be restored


It takes You to Establish Praise in Your Every Day Life, which means, you Must Look and even See the Greatness Of Our Lord In Your Surroundings. Praise is not just something that happens, that there must be a feeling of gratitude for an exchange of Good vs Bad, but Praise comes when you Truly Understand Jesus As Lord Over Your Life.


Praise is connected in many ways with Obedience, but it is not mechanical, going through the motions, but is with the Whole Heart given to Jesus In Love.


Psalm 30:12

“To the end that [my] glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever."


John 12:24

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."



In order for True Praise to be established in one’s Life, you Must Die To Self and LET Jesus Raise You Up IN HIM. I have Learned to Praise Jesus in the Good Times of my Life and I have had to Learn How to Praise Jesus in the Bad Times of my Life as well, even in Death… this Makes Jesus Lord!


Praise begins with Knowing Jesus, that in All Things He Is Lord over all! You can Praise Jesus in giving you strength to accomplish a task or in the food that you have been given to eat. You can Praise Jesus for a Breeze on a hot day or for the Rain that falls unexpectedly. You can Praise Jesus in the Death of a Loved One, knowing they are in His Care Now. Praise is a Must in Our Walk, but it is not just when you are in a church, it is a Core Part of Your Life, that in every situation you can Learn To Praise Jesus.


The World needs to know Whom Is Lord and How can the World know if I don’t ever Praise Jesus before them?


Isaiah 29:13

“Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near [me] with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:"


Psalm 26:7

“That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works."


Now, Brothers and Sisters, there is a Time to Praise Jesus in Thanksgiving without ever seeing the End Of A Thing. It is when we enter into Prayer, Asking, Seeking, Knocking for an Answer when there seems to Be No Answer. Too many of you Ask without Praise and Expect, Demand that Jesus Answers You and He will be Silent because you really do not Believe that Jesus Is Lord. You give Jesus No Praise, Thanking Him that He has Heard Your Prayer, that He Will Answer with His Answer, In His Time.


Sometimes Answers go Days, Weeks, Months, Years before you see them answered, but during that time of Endurance, Praise Must be at the Tip Of Your Tongue Continuously until the Answer Comes.


Hebrews 11:1

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


John 14:13-14

"13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do [it]."


Matthew 7:21

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."


Now, there are Two Requirements to the Answering that I must say, One you Must Believe and Two it Must be according to The Will Of The Father. In other words if you go to Jesus Asking and Praising Him for a Billion Dollars there is a likelihood you’ll never get an answer. Praise is according to The Will Of Jesus, that The Father says Jesus is Worthy Of All Praise during Our Life Time and in Heaven!


We Praise Jesus for Our Salvation, which we should do, but let Praise be Established in Your Lives that Jesus Is Lord Over Your Life in All Things, Great and Small, Good or Bad let us Praise Jesus!!!


I have Learned in my own Life that I am Established in this World, not only because of Jesus being My Savior, but because I also Walk In Obedience, Giving Jesus Praise even when I have No Understanding of why something’s take so long for an answer or why they don’t go my way that I have asked. Jesus Is Worthy Of All Praise!!!


Take not what Our Lord Jesus does for granted, but give Him Praise that is due…


Luke 17:12-17

"12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: 13 And they lifted up [their] voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. 14 And when he saw [them], he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. 15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, 16 And fell down on [his] face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. 17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where [are] the nine?"


Nine of the ten lepers did not Praise Jesus and Jesus paid Attention to whom Praised Him. The Scriptures tells us that in all of our ways we are to Acknowledge Jesus and that by doing so, He will Establish The Ways in which to Walk. Praising Jesus brings Direction In Our Lives.


Proverbs 3:5-6

"5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."


Praise is Conditional, but it is Not Conditional To Jesus, but to us. The closer you get to Jesus the more you will Understand that Praise Is A Must that flows Unconditionally to Jesus! Our Walk in Obedience, Love and Praise Establishes our Future, it can Extend Our Lives or Cut Short Our Life as we know it!



Amen and Amen!!!


Email: godsonlyfoundation@gmail.com

Website: ApostleLee.com

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cnc machining can make raw materials or semi-finished products more perfect by using scientific production technology on the basis of making raw materials or semi-finished products into finished products. Under normal circumstances, the parts produced by machining of large heavy parts mainly refer to the parts that can be assembled into machines, instruments and various The basic components of this equipment. Starting from the outline of the cnc machining and manufacturing process of large-scale heavy parts, this paper briefly introduces several important construction processes of the machining and manufacturing process of large-scale heavy-duty parts, and explores in detail from the improvement points of the machining and manufacturing process of large-scale heavy-duty parts and its Analysis of improvement measures is only provided as a reference for the industry of mechanical processing and manufacturing processes.

Key Words: large and heavy parts; machining; manufacturing process

Introduction to the machining and manufacturing process of large heavy parts


From the current development situation in China, it can be seen that social technology is constantly developing, the production technology of various industries is constantly improving, and the machining and manufacturing process of large-scale heavy parts is one of the important foundations of China's industrial system. Therefore, it is necessary to timely pile up China's machinery manufacturing industry. Carry out reforms, so as to achieve innovation, and can actively promote the development of China's national economy. Judging from the current situation, the traditional mechanical manufacturing process has been unable to meet the basic requirements of the current manufacturing, so there must be certain improvements and innovations in technology. In order to innovate better and put it into production, it is necessary to integrate new computer technology, information processing technology, and advanced automation control technology. The common applications of large and heavy parts are metallurgical equipment, cement equipment, mining equipment, and large and heavy equipment in thermal power and nuclear power industries. The machining equipment commonly used in the machining and manufacturing process of large and heavy parts can be selected according to the processing requirements of different types of large and heavy parts. requirements and standards.

The main processing stages of the machining and manufacturing process of large heavy parts


Under the background of globalization, China's economic situation has also made great progress, especially in the field of machinery manufacturing. , so that enterprises can get better development space, it is necessary to scientifically and reasonably control the processing links of the manufacturing industry. At present, whether on the domestic stage or on the international stage, the development status and technological level of the machinery manufacturing industry are directly related to the country's market competition. Strictly supervise and manage each step of the manufacturing process, and at the same time improve the technological level, professional technology and proficiency of each manufacturing process, in order to optimize each processing process and step, and improve its overall manufacturing level and quality.

1. Product design stage

The product design stage is the first and most important stage in the machining and manufacturing process of large and heavy parts. Whether the overall design method of the product and the construction process conform to the standard will have a certain impact on the overall quality of the large-scale heavy-duty machining. In addition, the design of the large-scale heavy-duty product can also show the development direction and competition of the enterprise. Therefore, the relevant management personnel of the enterprise should pay attention to the above problems, strengthen the supervision during the product design process, strictly require the relevant designers, avoid major errors in the design process, and strictly check the design process and results. In the early stage of design, designers should also study the actual application of heavy machinery in order to better develop and plan the design scheme. In the process of obtaining various benefits, enterprises should not forget to pursue technological advancement and production process innovation. Only through continuous technological innovation can enterprises obtain long-term development space and social status. The design work of large-scale heavy machinery design mainly includes three major links, namely improved design, total deformation and innovative design. When designing and large cnc machining products, there are many factors that need to be considered for changes in the size and weight of the product, especially the impact on machining and manufacturing, which must be included in the design impact effect to ensure the scientificity of product design. accuracy.

2. Process design stage

The process design stage is the second stage of the large-scale heavy-duty machining and manufacturing process. When the design drawings of the large-scale heavy-duty products are completed, it is necessary to start a reasonable selection of machining and manufacturing companies to standardize the processing of large-scale heavy-duty products and make the products more in line with Customer and design requirements. The process design stage is mainly to determine the process documents required for processing and manufacturing large and heavy products. Since the process design stage is relatively complex, some difficult problems will be encountered during the design process, especially the machining of large and heavy parts. Therefore, attention should be paid to the process design stage, and the formulation of product plans should meet the requirements of customers and design as much as possible.

The main points of improvement in the machining and manufacturing process of large and heavy parts


1. Machining and manufacturing process specification

The important technical document of the machinery factory is the machining and manufacturing process regulations. In the process of formulating the machining and manufacturing process regulations, the principles of high yield, high quality and low cost must be followed to maximize the benefits under the premise of ensuring product quality. The machining and manufacturing process of large and heavy parts needs to ensure the advancement of technology. From the perspective of cost saving, it is necessary to choose a scientific and reasonable design scheme to reduce the cost of the enterprise. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the overall accuracy of the design, and on the basis of meeting the relevant requirements of the design, it can reduce the various costs of the enterprise and ensure the economic benefits of the enterprise.

2. The main points of blank selection in machining manufacturing process

Both the machining and manufacturing process and the quality of machining are affected by the blank, so the structure and type of the blank must be carefully and scientifically selected to make it conducive to the improvement of the machining and manufacturing process.

3. Selection of blank types

The more common blanks in the machining and manufacturing process mainly include castings, forgings, profiles, welded parts, etc., as well as some other blanks, such as cold extrusion parts, stamping parts, plastic pressing parts, etc. The type of blank is directly related to its performance and greatly affects the functioning of the hydraulic system. Therefore, in order to improve the machining of large and heavy parts, it is extremely necessary to select the correct type of blank, and it is also the primary consideration in the process of machining heavy machinery and equipment. For the selection of blank types, the following aspects should be considered: First, castings are mainly used for blanks with overly complex shapes. Such blanks need to be manufactured by casting. The commonly used casting manufacturing method is sand casting. Secondly, forgings are usually used for steel components, because forgings can have uniform and continuous metal fibers after forging, and this mechanical property can meet the complex stress requirements of steel components.

4. Several points to pay attention to when selecting the blank

In the selection of blanks, it is necessary to pay attention to some selection points. In terms of production program, some parts have higher requirements on the selection of blanks, and require blank manufacturing methods with high productivity and precision, which will cause the problem of high blank manufacturing costs. The method to solve the machining cost. In terms of material manufacturability, the appropriate blank manufacturing method is selected according to the manufacturability of different parts materials. Only by ensuring the rationality of blank selection can effectively improve the performance of the hydraulic system, improve the structure and function of the hydraulic system, and then improve the machining process of large and heavy parts.

Measures to improve the machining and manufacturing technology of large heavy parts


1. Optimize the design scheme

The design plan of the machining and manufacturing process for large and 3d printing metal parts is to draw drawings according to the needs of the finished product, and formulate the best product processing plan. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the design scheme, proofread the drawings in time, ensure the accuracy of the drawings, and improve the scientificity of the manufacturing scheme.

2. Select the blank

The blank mainly refers to the finished product and semi-finished product that has the required shape and needs to be processed again. The machining process and processing quality have high requirements on the blank. Therefore, the blank must be selected and carefully selected according to the material and type of the blank. pick.

3. Optimize the hydraulic equipment system

Because the mechanical processing and manufacturing are inseparable from the assistance of hydraulic equipment, the traditional hydraulic equipment system can no longer meet the requirements of modern mechanical processing and manufacturing, so it is necessary to optimize the hydraulic equipment system and improve the quality of the hydraulic press.

Conclusion: China's industrial technology has entered an era of rapid development, and traditional processing technology has been replaced by high-efficiency processing technology under the new situation. To ensure long-term progress and improvement in the field of China's large-scale heavy machinery processing and manufacturing, we must do a good job in the initial design work, ensure the overall quality of the design process, enhance the reliability of products, and reduce various risks in the production process. problem arises. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the use and innovation of mechanical processing equipment. While improving the current large-scale heavy-duty mechanical processing and manufacturing technology and design technology, it is necessary to learn from countries with more advanced technology in the world, and constantly introduce new technologies and new technologies. Process methods, continuously improve and promote the progress and innovation of China metal cnc machining machinery processing and manufacturing processes, lay a certain foundation for the development of China's machinery field, and can promote the development of enterprises and society, so that the development of China's machinery industry can be more Good service to people.

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UHMW-PE Machining

UHMWPE sheet is widely used in various fields such as fenders, carriage slides, coal bunker linings, roller skates, railway, highway and bridge bearing gaskets; Cnc Machining UHMWPE profiles can be prepared by machining the sheet, or obtained by injection molding

5.1 Compression molding

(1) Compression molding process

Compression molding is the earliest processing method for UHMWPE machining, and the process flow is shown in Figure 12. The method is not affected by the molecular weight and fluidity of the resin raw materials, and produces products with small internal stress and warpage deformation, simple equipment, low production cost, and low production efficiency.

In addition to the traditional compression molding process, the preparation methods of the sheet include:

  • Extrusion molding. Use a plunger extruder for reciprocating batch extrusion or a screw extruder for continuous extrusion;
  • Gas-assisted extrusion molding. During the screw extrusion process, a stable gas is injected between the die and the melt material to provide full-slip boundary conditions on the wall surface and reduce the frictional resistance between the melt and the flow channel;
  • Ultrasonic powder molding method. Use ultrasonic vibration to quickly heat and plasticize the powder itself and then mold it;
  • High-speed impact molding. At the temperature near the melting point, the mold filled with powder is subjected to high-speed impact and then sintered.

All of the above methods can improve the production efficiency of plates, but they are not easy to form larger products, and are limited in actual production.

(2) Plate modification technology

UHMWPE sheet has low surface hardness, easy fatigue wear, poor heat resistance and creep resistance, which restrict its application in some specific environments. In order to improve these deficiencies, domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research on molding resin or product modification, the main methods are polymerization modification, filling modification, cross-linking modification and so on.

Using new catalysts or in-situ polymerization to modify UHMWPE resin from the catalytic polymerization stage can prepare resins with specific molecular chain structures or compound modified resins that are uniformly mixed at the molecular scale, but the technical barriers are high; filling modification is simple and easy to implement However, there are problems of filler agglomeration or poor compatibility; cross-linking modification can better improve wear resistance and heat resistance. Among them, chemical cross-linking is more sensitive to the amount of cross-linking agent, and the residual instability after radiation cross-linking The degradation of free radicals and oxidative components has an effect on the properties of composite materials.

The author’s research group in this paper prepared UHMWPE composites with good self-lubrication, thermal conductivity, wear resistance, creep resistance and load-bearing capacity through solid-phase grafting, organic-inorganic hybridization and other methods. The large amount of frictional heat accumulated in the friction process cannot be conducted and plastic deformation occurs, which brings about potential safety hazards. Successfully prepared high wear resistance, high load bearing, and long cumulative displacement that can meet the needs of highway and railway bridge bearings. UHMWPE profiles.

5.2 Injection molding

(1) Injection molding process

Injection molding is the most efficient production method for large-scale preparation of various UHMWPE wear-resistant profiles. Compared with ordinary plastics, UHMWPE injection molding has the following difficulties: resin is difficult to feed, difficult to plasticize; melt viscosity is large, easy to block; injection molding is difficult to compact; product cooling is easy to deform.

Japan’s Mitsui Petrochemical Company realized the injection molding and commercialization of UHMWPE in the 1970s. Its injection molding technology is actually a combination of plunger injection and compression molding, which has the defects of poor plasticization, slow heat transfer and long molding cycle. ; Later, the reciprocating screw injection molding technology was developed, and the melt was sheared and stretched by the reciprocating screw, which solved the problems of poor plasticization.
In the 1980s, Beijing Plastics Research Institute improved the reciprocating screw to complete UHMWPE injection molding using high pressure and high speed injection technology. However, due to the low clamping force of domestic injection molding machines and the backward operating system, the stability of injection molding products was poor. In addition, UHMWPE injection molding is carried out by plunger push injection machine, multi-plunger injection machine, and plunger stamping injection machine, but there are disadvantages such as poor plasticizing effect, long molding cycle, and small melt amount.

In recent years, some companies have used reciprocating screw injection molding machines to inject flow-modified UHMWPE, but so far, injection molding technology has not been applied on a large scale in the field of UHMWPE.

The research shows that the screw groove of the feeding section is of equal depth, the screw groove of the compression section is gradually shallower, the homogenization section is divided into two sections, the deep screw groove and the shallow screw groove, and the nozzle is divided into a cylindrical cavity, a conical cavity, a nozzle hole and an inverted conical cavity. The design of the machine can promote the material to be gradually plasticized in the barrel and achieve smooth injection. The movable cavity technology is adopted, the cavity is expanded when filling the mold, and the cavity is compressed when the mold is clamped, so that the melt compaction can effectively improve the shrinkage problem of the product. . The order of the influence of various process parameters of the screw injection molding machine on the tensile properties of the product is injection pressure > injection speed > temperature in the metering section > screw speed.

The author of this paper believes that UHMWPE is easy to slip and can be fed with a deep screw groove design; a reasonable distance between the screw and the barrel can achieve full shear melting of high-viscosity melt and avoid screw locking; appropriate nozzle diameter can provide sufficient shear And avoid poor discharge; appropriate injection pressure and clamping force can ensure that the mold cavity is filled without overflowing; the variable mold temperature technology of high mold temperature filling and gradually decreasing mold temperature and pressure can also effectively solve the problem of product shrinkage.

(2) Modification technology of injection molding raw materials

Much of the focus on modification of injection-molding grade resins is to improve fluidity, including polymerization modification and blending modification. For example, bimodal polyethylene, solvent oil-containing resin, lubricating modifier-containing resin, etc. are prepared by new catalysis and polymerization processes; in addition, the processing performance of 3d printing and UHMWPE materials is improved by blending with components that improve the fluidity of the matrix.

HDPE and UHMWPE have good compatibility, UHMWPE/HDPE blending is a more convenient and effective method for UHMWPE flow modification; nanoparticles make composite materials have the characteristics of organic, inorganic and nanomaterials, and nanoparticles are introduced by in-situ polymerization , which can prepare injection-molding grade composite materials with uniform dispersion; use new catalytic polymerization technology such as single active center to develop new resins with both narrow molecular weight distribution and long-chain branched structure and low entanglement degree, which can solve the problem of processing performance and mechanical properties. The contradiction between them is also a research direction worth looking forward to.

Improving the fluidity of the resin can avoid problems such as melting glue and injection difficulties. The filling method also needs to solve the problems of loose product structure and serious shrinkage. Only when the fluidity modification is matched with the injection molding process and equipment can the final injection molding products with stable comprehensive performance and excellent quality be formed.

5.3 Artificial joints

At present, more than 90% of the artificial joint materials on the market are made of UHMWPE material. There are about three million joint replacement surgeries in the world every year. The wear and damage of UHMWPE components are the main factors affecting the life of artificial joints.

(1) Preparation process

UHMWPE artificial joints can be prepared by two methods of plunger extrusion and molding, and then modified and processed to obtain artificial knee joints, hip joints and other products. Compression-molded UHMWPE has an isotropic crystal orientation, while plunger extruded material has a slightly different crystal morphology with distance from the centerline. These crystal morphology differences can lead to subtle differences in fatigue crack growth behavior, Thereby affecting the phenomenon of osteolysis. Therefore, the use of molded UHMWPE molding or pom cnc machining is currently the mainstream of artificial joints.

(2) Research progress

UHMWPE was first used to make artificial joint liners and pads in 1960. At present, the wear resistance of UHMWPE base resin cannot fully meet the long-term use of joints. Research institutions and enterprises such as Massachusetts General Hospital have developed cross-linked UHMWPE, which greatly reduces joint wear and tear. FDA (FDA) approved for clinical use.

Subsequently, European and American countries invented vitamin E polyethylene, which has both anti-oxidation and wear resistance properties, and was approved by the FDA for clinical use in 2009. my country has gradually used UHMWPE to make joint liners since 1990, but the molecular weight, molding process and joint manufacturing process of domestic UHMWPE are relatively backward, the clinical life of artificial joints is short (about five years on average), and complications caused by wear and tear serious.

Increasing the entanglement density of UHMWPE by melt annealing can improve its amorphous region microstructure, thereby reducing the osteolysis of UHMWPE (i.e., grinding slag due to wear); however, the effect of melt annealing is limited and cannot effectively maintain high entanglement. state, the use of radiation crosslinking to reduce the chain mobility required for large-scale plastic deformation can slow down the formation of surface debris; however, secondary thermal processing after or during radiation melting can lead to oxidative degradation of the material , causing a decrease in crystallinity and strength, and using vitamin E as an antioxidant for medical-grade UHMWPE can eliminate residual free radicals in highly cross-linked UHMWPE artificial joints.

Recently, researchers found that the flavonoid natural antioxidants rutin, quercetin and tea polyphenols are more antioxidant than vitamin E. The author’s research group cooperated with key domestic artificial joint research units and enterprises to first obtain UHMWPE resin with reasonable molecular weight, distribution, particle size and distribution, and metal residue and comprehensive properties that meet the requirements of implant-grade standards; Research on modification of cross-linking, antibacterial and anti-oxidation.

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What is lost wax casting

What is investment casting?Use a mold to shoot wax to make a wax pattern in the shape of a spare part; then apply it with a refractory material, then heat to remove the wax in the middle; then use it as a mold shell and inject molten metal iron. Wax casting (also called investment casting, lost wax casting). This casting method is extremely cost-effective when used to manufacture products such as complex and three-dimensional shapes.

1) Drawing
First of all, it is necessary to fully discuss various conditions such as the concept, purpose, and size of the product. In order to produce a product that pays attention to product economy and operability, it is necessary to conduct thorough communication and negotiation in all aspects such as shape and material.

2) Mold making
Secondly, the mold making of the forming wax mold is based on the pre-agreed design drawings, and the mold design of the neutron is carried out to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost.

3) Wax mold making
Wax is injected into the mold to make a wax pattern. The shape of this wax mold solidifies into the shape of the casting.

4) Group tree
The wax module of the product is welded to the casting rod and assembled like a branch, this state is called a group tree. Multiple castings can be produced at one time.

5) Shell making
The assembled wax mold is dipped into the slurry (binder), and the surface is coated with refractory material and allowed to dry. This operation is then repeated until it finally reaches a suitable thickness.

6) Dewaxing
The shell is heated with high temperature and high pressure steam, and the wax in the prototype of the product is dissolved and flowed out. The melted part becomes the cavity, which becomes the base of the shell.

7) Roasting
The firing of the shell is to improve the strength of the shell. In addition, it also has the effect of removing impurities in the shell by heat.

8) Casting
Dissolved metal steel water is injected into the fired mold.

9) Vibration shell cleaning
After casting, the outer shell is removed by sand cleaning of the vibrating shell, and the casting containing the casting rod product is taken out.

10) Cutting
The casting of the product is removed by laser cutting from the casting rod, and a prototype of the casting is completed at this stage.

11) Heat treatment
After heat treatment, the mechanical properties of the casting products are adjusted to achieve suitable properties.

12) Check
Inspection of appearance, shape, size, and inspection of casting defects are carried out. In addition, depending on the product, mechanical
Workmanship, surface treatment and other requirements.

13) Packing for delivery

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VALTECCN VALVE, a high quality butterfly valve manufacturer in China, has just what you need. We offer wafer type butterfly valves along with other industrial butterfly valves in various material body, disc, seat, and end-type connection designs. For more information, you can explore our website(https://www.valteccn.com) or reach out to us.
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How To 3D Print

3D printing is the inverse process of tomography. Tomography is to "cut" something into countless superimposed pieces. 3D printing is to print pieces of pieces, and then superimpose them together to become a three-dimensional object. Using a 3D printer is like printing a letter: Tap the "print" button on your computer screen and a digital file is sent to an inkjet printer, which sprays a layer of ink onto the surface of the paper to create a copy 2D image. In 3D printing, the software uses computer-aided design (CAD) technology to complete a series of digital slices and transmits information from these slices to a 3D printer, which stacks successive thin layers until a solid object takes shape .
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Lug-style butterfly valves are usually composed of metal such as ductile iron or steel. They feature threaded tapped lugs positioned on the valve flanges for bolt connections.

Lug-style butterfly valves are suitable for end-of-line service but a blind flange is always recommended. Lug-style butterfly valves are manufactured to be compatible with either pneumatic or electric actuation. Disc and seat material should be determined based on application and flow media.


Industrial Applications

  • Oil and gas
  • Chemical processing
  • Water and wastewater processing and transportation
  • Food processing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Manufacturing
  • Shipbuilding and shipyards
  • HVAC

VALTECCN VALVE, a high quality butterfly valve manufacturer in China, has just what you need. We offer Stainless Steel Lug Butterfly Valve along with other industrial butterfly valves in various material body, disc, seat, and end-type connection designs. For more information, you can explore our website(www.valteccn.com) or reach out to us.

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The drive shafts used by agricultural machinery such as rotary tillers are used for the power transmission of modern agricultural machinery. The most common is the power transmission between the tractor and the agricultural machinery or between the power output and input of the agricultural machinery itself. The effect of the work, and the agricultural machinery needs continuous high-intensity operation, so the transmission Shaft must meet the conditions of strong durability and high bearing capacity. Here Pintejin wants to mention the precision die forged steel transmission Shaft used in the agricultural machinery. As the name suggests, the whole Shaft is made of Precision forging, in automobile manufacturing, the proportion of forgings in automobiles is 17% to 19%, such as the crankshaft and connecting rod used in the engine, the front axle of the front axle, the half axle of the rear axle, and the half axle bushing Or the transmission gears in the axle box are inseparable from the forgings.

The forgings in the transmission shaft mainly include six categories of products: spline shaft fork, spline shaft, welding fork, flange fork, spline sleeve and sliding fork. On the steel forging press, upsetting and then fine forging or direct horizontal rough forging and fine forging are used for traditional forging. For example, the shaft parts commonly used in the production of transmission shafts are 35, 45, and 50 high-quality carbon steel. No. 45 steel is Carbon structural steel is generally rolled forged steel raw materials. In addition to precision forging drive shafts, another common drive shaft is carbon steel drive shafts, also known as cast steel drive shafts. So what is the difference between precision forging and carbon steel?

Cast steel is the steel used for casting castings and is a kind of casting alloy. Cast steel is divided into three categories: cast carbon steel, cast low alloy steel and cast special steel. It refers to a kind of steel casting produced by casting method. It is mainly used to manufacture some parts with complex shapes, which are difficult to be forged or formed by cutting and require high strength and plasticity. Forged steel is a variety of forging materials and forgings produced by forging methods. Precision forging is a forming technology that makes the size of the parts meet the accuracy requirements through a small amount of machining or no machining after the parts are forged.

There are two main ways to achieve precision forging:

  • ① Refining the blank, that is, directly forging a blank that meets the requirements of precision machining.
  • ②Precision stainless steel castings or forgings, the whole or some parts of the parts are directly processed by the precision metal forging process, thereby reducing the amount of machining.

Next, Pintejin summarizes the advantages of precision forged drive shafts over carbon steel drive rotary tiller agricultural machinery precision forged steel drive shaft in the following points.

  1. The precision forging process reduces the deformation problem of the components in the heat treatment, improves the wear resistance and stability, and increases the service life of the carbon steel drive shaft.
  2. The structure of the drive shaft is improved, the mechanical properties and bending fatigue life are improved, and its mechanical properties such as plasticity and toughness are higher than those of carbon steel parts.
  3. The production efficiency and material utilization rate are improved. The precision of the six types of precision forgings used in the precision forging steel drive shaft all meet the tolerance standard, the shape and position precision are high, and the productivity and utilization rate are high.
  4. The surface of precision forged steel drive shaft is smoother and more beautiful.

Precision forged steel drive shafts can not only be used in agricultural machinery and agricultural equipment, but also in commercial vehicles, special vehicles, modified vehicles, construction machinery and so on. Precision forged steel drive shafts have obvious advantages. Material include steel,brass,aluminum machining and more;Because of this, industrialized countries attach great importance to the production of automobile forgings, and use the production process of automobile forgings to mark the development level of their technology. Pintejin has also processed and produced precision forged steel drive shafts recently, striving to manufacture high-quality drive shafts with high quality, long service life and good durability.

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Theory of Operation Gem polariscope

Ordinarily, a beam of light is vibrating in all directions. perpendicular to its line of travel (chelsea filter). A Polaroid acts as a selective filter, passing only that portion of the incident light which may be considered as vibrating in the plane of polarization .


Use of polariscope
In order to determine the optical characteristics of a gemstone in the gem testing polariscope, the analyzer is first turned to the dark position. The stone may be placed on the polarizer, as illustrated in Figure I or held either in a pair of tweezers or in the fingers between the polarizer and the analyzer.

An optic-axis direction is characterized in the polariscope's dark position by the presence of rainbow colors associated with an interference figure. The cause and analysis of interference figures by the polariscope is discussed in part B of the polariscope work later in the course. The observation of bright colors in a limited number of directions suggests optic axes and double refraction.


Biaxial stones seldom show any relation between the plane of the girdle and the optic axis.

The normal tendency for a person with little experience in the use of the polariscope is to drop any stone to be examined in the most convenient position (table down) and rotates it in that position. There is no particular objection to this, if several other positions are also used for the examination. The most serious danger concerns well-cut stones, particularly those that have a high R.I., such as diamond or zircon.

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Internationally renowned worship leader Eric Reverence reconnects with his West African roots on his new single, ‘Oluwa’, out now.

It’s a simple one-word title, but it says a lot. ‘Oluwa’ (the Yoruba word for God) is an exuberant, joyful Afrobeat Gospel tune, designed to usher in 2022 on a note of thanksgiving and expectation. Eric wrote and recorded the song during a successful tour in Nigeria in November 2021.

The making of ‘Oluwa’ marks a sort of homecoming in Eric’s own personal journey. British Ghanaian-born Eric moved to Canada in 1991 and eventually to the UK in 1992, but his memories of childhood in Ghana weren’t particularly happy ones. “Life in Ghana was a huge struggle as I was always told by my teachers and headteacher that I was useless and worthless,” he recalls. Eric’s ministry as a worship leader and Gospel artist has taken him across the UK and to the USA, Ghana, Netherlands, and Latvia, but it’s always been with a more western pop sound. And then in 2020 Covid-19 struck and George Floyd was murdered. Both those events got Eric thinking that it was time for him to return to his African roots - musically at least. A tour of Nigeria followed, and the concept for ‘Oluwa’ was born. Produced by Tobass Adolphus, the song combines the sounds of the various tribes of both Nigeria and Ghana. The joy and vibrancy of the song are expressed beautifully in the accompanying video, with its breath-taking choreography, made by the Nigerian production company Justice DH Films and creative director Austine Holy.

“God has seen us through a lot in the last year,” Eric says. “Oluwa’ is a song of thanksgiving to God for what he’s brought us through, and of anticipation for what he has in store for us next.”

‘Oluwa’ is out now. For further information or to arrange interviews, contact Eric Reverence at:
• Email: reverencee@gmail.com
• Social Media: @ericrevrence
• Website: https://www.ericreverence.com




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Press Release

Former Council Member and State Delegate Tony Knotts Announces His Candidacy for the Council District 8 Special Election

Experienced Public Servant Offers Stability, Accomplished Leadership, and a Steady Hand in a Time of Public Health and Economic Challenges

Oxon Hill, MD – Tony Knotts, who served as the District 8 Council Member from 2002 to 2010 and Maryland State Delegate for District 26 from 2014 to 2018, today is announcing his candidacy for the District 8 Special Election and is also filing his candidacy for the 2022 regular District 8 Primary to be held in June. Yesterday, District 8 County Council Member Monique Anderson-Walker announced her intent to resign her office, which, if effective before December 7, 2021, will trigger a special primary and general election in the early months of 2022. 

Today, Council Member Knotts issued the following statement:

"From my time as a U.S. Marine to my service to the residents of District 8 as County Council Member, including serving as Council Chairman, and representing District 26 as a State Delegate, I have dedicated my life to the cause of public service and, specifically, to improving our quality of life in Prince George's County. I am proud of the tremendous progress that I helped District 8 and our County realize during my tenure as County Council Member, including the development of our County's signature economic development achievement -- the National Harbor Project, building the Southern Area Technology and Recreational Complex in Fort Washington, and establishing the new Oxon Hill High School in Oxon Hill. In the wake of the most serious public health crisis in our lifetime, the COVID-19 pandemic, the residents of District 8 need an experienced, steady, and accomplished hand to lead our communities into the future, not on-the-job training or instability. I fully understand the need to establish smarter development and environmental policies, increased infrastructure investments in Maryland 210 and Southern Maryland Light Rail, new investments in our public schools, and more direct support and services for our seniors, veterans, minority-owned businesses, and returning citizens. Most of all, I understand that a County Council Member cannot get anything done for the residents of District 8 without knowing how to work as a team with his or her colleagues on the County Council and with the County Executive. I am ready on day one to lead as the next County Council Member for Councilmanic District 8."

Tony Knotts is a lifelong resident of Prince George's County. He is a Vietnam War Veteran having served his country in the United States Marine Corps. Knotts is married to Wanda Knotts and currently resides in Oxon Hill, Maryland. He is a graduate of Fairmount Heights High School, where he was a substitute teacher while pursuing a Master’s Degree. Knotts earned an Undergraduate Degree in Political Science and a Master’s Degree in Administrative Management from Bowie State University. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, College Park. Knotts worked for the Washington Suburban and Sanitary Commission (WSSC), one of the largest public utilities in the nation, as a Budget Analyst, Minority Business Enterprise Officer and finally retiring as a Strategic Management Specialist. Knotts maintains membership in a host of civic associations and an active membership in the Ebenezer AME Church in Fort Washington. Knotts’ professional affiliations include the Coalition of Concerned Black Christian Men and the South County Economic Development Association among many others.




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Today we’d like to introduce you to Akiva McClam. 

Hi Akiva, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
For a person who never took any classes in playwrighting or directing I realize now it is a God-given gift. Able to articulate line by line for actors/actresses, making sure the storyline flows from the beginning, middle, and the end, researching the right background music that enhances the scenes, etc. 

When I think back, I saw the pieces planted in me at an early age, during my adolescents and now adulthood. When I was little, I would spend hours in my room playing with my GI Joe toys, Transformers, etc. In my little room, I lived in a rhombus imagination. I created scenes for my toys to act in. I was the actor and director. 

Approaching my teen years, I lost my mom and dad a year apart from one another. At this point the writer in me begins to write down feelings, things I wish I had, things I experienced, saw in my family, among my peers, and in society. I would begin to write short skit in my journals. Now around this time, I am also a star athlete at Westminster Academy named All-County in Broward (Fort Lauderdale, Fl) for Wide Receiver. I was heavily recruited to play baseball after high school. After being timed as one of the fastest running the bases; they compared me to the next fastest ever ran that fast was MLB Otis Nixon of Atlanta Braves. I was for sure I was going to play in Major League Baseball especially playing against Alex Rodriquez (New York Yankee) and Danny Kanell (ESPN Sports Analyst and New York Giant). But God has something else planned for me. 

After graduating from Bethune Cookman University with a BS in Sociology. Another piece to the puzzle that I realized I needed later with my writing/directing. I worked three years with the Department of Juvenile Justice as a Group Treatment Counselor for youth first-time offenses in the judicial system. I also got married in June 1998. 

I will have to say while in college I became a Tyler Perry fan. I remember not having too much money as a college student purchasing a ticket to one of the plays he was producing in Orlando, Fla. Since then, I followed and watched Tyler. One thing I can learn from him is that he never gave up. It took that one experience of people wrapped around the building to kick start his career. My people wrapped around the corner to get in is coming. I had one experience in 2013 for Cain N Abel. What happened I got distracted after losing my job. I really felt that was the year I was supposed to have left the workplace of a 9 to 5. 

In 1999, I decided to enlist in the United States Air Force which brought me to the DMV area. I was stationed in Andrews AFB, MD for 9 years and 5 months receiving an honoring separation in 2008, but later in 2015 the USAF medically retired me. 

My first stage play. 

2009, I was attending Lighthouse Baptist Church; at the time the church wanted to do something different for the Christmas celebration. My wife at the time volunteered my name to write them a stage play. Yes volunteered. She reminded me that all the years in college I would write skits and always talk about production. For some reason, I stopped thinking about performance arts. I decided to say yes to the opportunity. As soon as I said yes, I began to have visions. I saw characters for the play, a storyline, supporting songs, etc. Next, I began to people watch; I personally chose everyone who I thought was qualified to play the roles I was writing. The play was called, “My Christmas Story.” The play received a standing ovation. At that point, I realized the gift God gave me is for real. 

I begin to write more plays that were dear to me because there were stories of mine hidden in different characters. A lot of people review my plays like an emotional rollercoaster. You will get your laughs, thrills, suspense, teaching, and a lot of tears. 

My motto is to provide high-quality stage plays that focus on the following cores from the play: comedy, teaching, drama, and ministry. 

The following stage plays I have written over time: 

2010, 2013 Cain N Abel; A grandmother took on a job to raise two of her grandsons. One grandson chose God and the other one chose the streets. It took the grandmother and her god-fearing grandson to go pull the other brother out of the darkness. I wrote this play to show how the effects of favoritism would do among family members, especially siblings. 

2015 Deep Cover Stage Play Production – A pastor lost his first love in Jesus Christmas. He was more worried about expanding the church. He was losing his identity until an invited Bishop for the revival called him out on his behavior. 

2016 Answering His Call Stage Play Production; An honor roll student finds herself In School Restriction. While in restriction the students opened up on personal things they were going through. At this point, she understood why she was there as she helped and encouraged each student that was going through depression, lack of confidence, and dealing with pregnancy. 

2018-2019 I’ll Be Home For Christmas (Dinner Theater) 

2019 Deep Cover “Let Your Light Shine in Dark Places” Pastor Wilson is challenged by his son to use his platform and speak out against police brutality, racism, and social injustice. 

2019 Deep Cover “Let Your Light Shine In Dark Places” Panel Discussion at Anacostia Arts Center, DC- food, live entertainment, and a panel discussion on police/community relations, racism in society and the church, social injustice, and rights to vote 

2020 Hired to write a book into a stage Play Production. The Storm Has A Ministry Stage Play Production. A mother’s story recovering from breast cancer, two divorces but wasn’t prepared to lose her son to violence in the streets of Atlanta, Ga. Instead of being bitter, she turned her pain into a ministry to teach others how to get through their pain. 

2021 Life N Music web series Musical Drama series; Season One Episode one will begin March of 2022. 

2023 Upcoming Stage Play Production, When Two Storms Collide. 

After putting all the pieces together, I can walk boldly that I am a playwright, director, and now a screenwriter. Life and other experiences have made me the writer I am today. 

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
A smooth ride not at all. I was raised by my grandmother. I never understood why I wasn’t living with my mother and my brother. My grandmother felt my mom was too young to raise me at the time. After some disagreement between mother and daughter my mother left and gave birth to my brother a year later. 

I spent some time with my mother when I guess I was allowed. I remember spending the night at her apartments and or even going to work with her. My mom was hard work. She kept a job. One of the hardest things as a young man is to see his mother get beaten by her boyfriend. One night my brother and I were locked in a room as we can hear our mom being tossed to the walls and punched by her boyfriend. I wish I could have done something but I was paralyzed with fear. I wasn’t used to seeing that living with my grandmother. I actually shared about that abusive night in my play, Cain N Abel. 

My mom received some bad news in 1986 that she had cancer. I think it was high in stages as she did not last long after going through chemotherapy. Jan 1996 my mom died in my room. For a long time, I couldn’t sleep in my room. 

My dad was always in prison during my growing up. When describing my dad, I tell people I saw him three times: 1. Visiting him in Radford Fl prison when I was very young. 2. In my senior year in high school, my dad came to visit me at my grandmother’s. We talked briefly. He promised to be the dad I wanted in my life. 3rd. Six months later from the conversation at my grandmother’s living room my father was murdered in Miami Beach, Fla. I stood before him as he laid stiff in the casket. I looked at him remembering our conversation and seeing our resemblance. 

Worked multiple jobs to take care of my family. I always had two jobs until 2008. I believe in taking care of my family by all means. That was a challenge especially on days I didn’t feel like going. 

Being a full-time student attending night classes to receive my Masters in Information Network Systems. The money I would receive from the military for being a full-time student I would use to finance my stage plays for years until the money ran out. 

Marital Problems- while writing my plays I experience some marital issues. The way I was able to handle it I developed a lot of characters in different plays. I was able to share how I felt through my actors. A lot of that was in I’ll Be Home For Christmas. It was my way of talking to my daughters and well to my wife. July 29th, 2020 received a divorce. 

September 2020 learned I had chronic leukemia after going through some testing and biopsy. I was torn in pieces. I wasn’t for sure how long I had to live. I went back to holding my mom’s hand while she was dying. Remembering how much she went through with chemo. I always feared having cancer all my life. 

In February of 2021, I did a short film with Kevin Simmons (Intentional Vision Filming). The short film was therapeutic for me. Kevin felt I was the best person to play me. I decided to come out of the director and become an actor. The film focused on me packing giving a sigh I lost my family and now dealing with the news of having leukemia. I called it “Faith Walk” 


During these trying times, I was about to be blessed to write my first song called “Time After Time”, co-writer Burnie Stevenson. 

More of the challenges now besides my health is trying to find sponsors and investors. I truly feel once I’m able to gain more help in that department we can reach out to some big-name actors, actresses, and or artists to appear in the plays I have already written. 

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about McClam Enterprise Productions?
McClam Enterprise Productions was founded in 2010. We are a faith-based production company that believes in creating believable scenes on stage where everyone from all ages and races can relate. We turn biblical scriptures and or parables into modern-day stage plays. One of the first ones that people still talk about is Cain N Abel's 2010 and 2013 productions. 

We are rapidly growing; our organization consists of the following: Casting Director, Stage Crew Director, Operation Manager, Transportation Operator, and Project Manager. In the beginning, I wore all those hats but over time I found the right people to trust to perform the work. Their main objective is to keep me busy focusing on production and execution with the cast, etc. 

Currently, we specialize in one-on-one consultation on how to put a production together and acting, review scripts, stage crew assistant, work for hire turn your book into a script. 

Our professionalism and high-quality productions set us apart from others. Our main objective to make sure our audience remember their experience with McClam Enterprise Productions. It reminds me when you ask a person how was church? Oh it was good, I can’t remember what the Pastor said but I tell you everything else was great!!! They are saying for that 2 hrs. their experience was great!!! That is what we want our viewers to experience!! The fun they remembered having. 

Planting seeds wherever we go is our branding. We want to use our platform to plant good seeds in the lives of the people. If a community is having a police relation issue; our plays know how to target that situation in an entertainment setting but at the same time we are providing a solution and creatively show the audience both sides of the situation where people can see the Officer as a human and the Officer (s) can see the citizen as a human. I call this both sides meeting in the middle. 

Our services are open to anyone! We ask you to have good energy and a passion to learn and take directions. 

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
We are always looking to work with other people or businesses that share the same vision to help our community. We are currently collaborating with Assured Business Organization Services (SheAbos) founded by Angela Middleton. Angela Middleton after attending one of my productions sat me down and showed me how she can help me free up more of my time. 

Since the coloration, we now work together in a group we called Network Link. We bring CEOs of other businesses in the community and give them the platform to share more about their organization. The main thing is to share, support, and network with one another. 

Anyone from the community ever attends our event we teach them how to start their business and educate them on the purpose of networking. 

You can reach us at mcclamenterpriseproductions@gmail.com or subscribe on mcclamenterpriseproductions.com 

Contact Info:

  • Website: mcclamenterpriseproductions.com
  • Instagram: akiva_mcclamenterpriseproductions mcclamenterpriseproductions lifenmusic_webseries
  • Facebook: McClam Enterprise Productions
  • Youtube: McClam Enterprise Productions


Nina Fowler

To read the full interview and press release, please visit the website at https://voyagebaltimore.com/interview/inspiring-conversations-with-akiva-mcclam-of-mcclam-enterprise-productions/

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