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Spirit Alive Magazine-August 2013 Issue

Spirit Alive Magazine-August 2013 Issue

Spirit Alive Magazine- Engaging, Informative and Powerful magazine for Christians.

Find out more on MagCloud

Spirit Alive Magazine is on the MOVE Transforming Lives for Christ.  We are gaining momentum in the Christian Media arena.  If you are interested in advertising your business, ministry or event in our magazine please contact us via email at spiritalive12@gmail.com For special price rating type in HeyPapi in the text area 
We look forward to advertising your ministry, business, event or talent.
Dr. Lila Robinson
Spirit Alive Magazine
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Black Author's Media Group Presents the Author's Lounge Tonight Dr. Ray Ransom discusses his provocative new book The Illusion of Being A Black Man :Behind the Smoke & Mirror he answers the questions of the Crisis of Absent Fathers, Violence, The Respect Me Movement and the "N" Word!

Listen to internet radio with Spirit Alive Ministries on Blog Talk Radio
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Director of Education Lester Carver brings forth biblical teachings and principles to help you understand the Word of God and how to apply the Word to your life daily.. Tuesday Teaching airs every week at 7am on Blog Talk Radio's Spirit Alive Network..

Listen to internet radio with Spirit Alive Ministries on Blog Talk Radio
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Kingdom-preneur's Road To Wealth ~ Kingdom Wealth: Join host Coach Carmen founder of the ChristianJVNetwork.com, and her very special guest David Schirmer from the block buster movie and bestselling book The Secret (David was the checks in the mail and parking spots guy) as they discuss Kingdom Wealth, and how to obtain it in spite of the world’s economy.

Listen to internet radio with Spirit Alive Ministries on Blog Talk Radio
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Check Out our New Website at blackauthorsmediagroup.com.. If you are a writer, author, poet or black business contact Black Author's Media Group! Distribute, Promote and Communicate Your Book to the World...

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Are You A Christian Author or Business and wants some exposure? Do you want to get the Word out to the masses in a major Christian Magazine? How about an interview on a Christian Radio Show with over 40,000 listeners? B-Blast on over 100 blog sites? E-Blast to major media networks? Then Contact Spirit Alive Network at 423-665-9247 or email us at spiritalive12@gmail.com.. To Get Your Book and/or Business in Front of the Masses...Go to blackauthors.com Your New Media Resource

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Engaging Bible Study Teaching with Lester Carver Director of Education of Spirit Alive Network and certified Bible Study Teacher. Brother Carver brings you the Word of God in a powerful illustrations and topics for believers seeking a deeper walk in the Lord

Listen to internet radio with Spirit Alive Ministries on Blog Talk Radio
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Taking It To The Streets

Join Bishop Shirleen Cook on this constant journey to discover our God-given purpose in life, and live that life to the fullest in Christ. We must revolutionize our thinking, and we get up out of the pews, and start demonstrating the love and life of Christ by taking Him to the streets!

Listen to internet radio with SpiritAliveNetwork on Blog Talk Radio
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Taking It To The Streets

Join Bishop Shirleen Cook on this constant journey to discover our God-given purpose in life, and live that life to the fullest in Christ. We must revolutionize our thinking, and we get up out of the pews, and start demonstrating the love and life of Christ by taking Him to the streets!

Listen to internet radio with SpiritAliveNetwork on Blog Talk Radio
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