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creationism (2)

The Death of Evolution

After more than 100 years of Darwinian evolution’s nearly complete dominance in our public schools, the most popular theory of origins for Americans is…. creationism. According to Gallup, 38% believe God created humans in their present form & 38% believe humans evolved but with God guiding the process. Only 19% believe humans evolved from molecules-to-man with God having no part in the process (Darwinian evolution). Read http://news.gallup.com/poll/210956/belief-creationist-view-humans-new-low.aspx

Even among college graduates, only 45% believe in Darwinian evolution. 51% believe in… creationism (24%) or a God guiding process (27%).

Darwinian evolution is a dying theory. It will take it a long time to expire, but it is dying. Even among scientists, many are questioning it. Thousands of scientists have signed “A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism” (www.discovery.org/scripts/viewDB/filesDB-download.php?id=660).

With so many people either not believing it or expressing doubt about it, it should be very easy to at least remind students that it’s just a theory. Not so! A suburban Atlanta school board put a sticker on their biology textbooks that said Darwinian evolution was just a theory. The evolutionists went berserk. They went to federal court and had a judge (who was not a scientist) tell the school board to remove the stickers because it was ‘religious’Unbelievable! You know your theory is dying when you have to go to those lengths to protect it.

Unfortunately, theories always take a long time to die. Darwinian evolution will be the dominant theory in public schools for quite some time. But, as time rolls on, the inconsistencies continue to pile up.

Below are some quotes from scientists and websites & books expressing various other theories of origins. I’ve grouped the websites & books according to their particular theories and then by
easy, medium & advanced reading levels.

“The probability of life originating from accident is compatible to the probability of the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop.”
-Dr. Edwin Conklin, evolutionist, professor of biology, Princeton University, Quoted in: Cliffe Knechtle (1986) Give Me an Answer, p. 70

“We have not the slightest chance of a chemical evolutionary origin for even the simplest of cells.”
-Dr. Dean Kenyon, professor emeritus of biology, San Francisco State University, At 4:39 in video at https://www.allaboutscience.org/dna-double-helix-video.htm

“I am convinced…that Darwinism, in whatever form, is not in fact a scientific theory, but a pseudo-metaphysical hypothesis decked out in scientific garb.”
-Dr. Wolfgang Smith, reentry physicist, former professor of mathematics, MIT & UCLA, Wolfgang Smith, “The Universe Is Ultimately to Be Explained in Terms of a Metacosmic Reality” in Margenau and Varghese (eds.), Cosmos, Bios, Theos, p. 113

“Suspicions about Darwin’s theory arise for two reasons.  The first: the theory makes little sense. The second: it is supported by little evidence.”
– Dr. David Berlinski, mathematician & philosopher, David Berlinski, The Devil’s Delusion, p. 187

Other quotes about evolution can be found at https://bsssb-llc.com/quotations-from-scientists-evolutionists-about-darwinian-evolution/.




The Non-Darwinian forms of the origin of the universe/life are:

YEC…young earth creationism (6 day earth creation, about 10,000 years old for human/earth/universe creation)
OEC…old earth creationism (called various names like progressive creation, day age theory, gap theory, ruin-reconstruction theory…it teaches recent human creation but an old earth & universe)
ID…(Intelligent Design…can encompass almost all of non-darwinian theories, it claims that since there is great design in the universe, there must be a great designer without specifying who that designer is. Covers YEC, OEC & non-darwinian evolution theories)
Theistic evolution…(God guided evolution, it teaches old ages of humans, earth & universe)

YEC:  creation.com,  answersingenesis.org,  creationscience.com,  trueorigin.org,  trueorigin.org/camplist.php, ICR.org & rae.org
OEC: godandscience.org & reasons.org
ID:  uncommondescent.com & discovery.org
Theistic evolution:  biologos.org

Books (check out most of these under my Recommended Resources link… I classify the books as easy, medium or advanced knowledge required for reading):

General books;
The Death of Evolution by Dr. Jim Black—easy
The Case For A Creator by Lee Strobel—easy/medium
Darwin, Then & Now by Dr. Richard William Nelson—medium
YEC;  Dismantling the Big Bang by Dr. John Hartnett—medium/advanced    Starlight, Time and the New Physics by Dr. John Hartnett—advanced
AIG Answers Books 1-4—easy/medium    In The Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown—medium

ID;  The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design by Dr. Jonathan Wells—medium/advanced
The Privileged Planet by Drs. Gonzalez & Richards—advanced
Evolution: A Theory Still in Crisis by Dr. Michael Denton—advanced
Darwin’s Black Box by Dr. Michael Behe—advanced
Darwin On Trial  and Defeating Darwinism, both by Philip Johnston—easy/medium

Progressive Creationism;  Who is Adam by Drs. Fazale Rana and Hugh Ross—advanced
Origins of Life by Drs. Fazale Rana and Hugh Ross—medium/advanced

There are many, many other good websites & books out there.
But tell me, what do you think?

With you on the journey,
Dave Maynard

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How I became a Young Earth Creationist (YEC)

How I became a Young Earth Creationist (YEC)


I knew I wanted to major in physics and astronomy since the 9th grade. Mind you, I wasn’t a Christian until age 24. In high school, I had to take biology, chemistry and math. In biology, there was only one view of origins ever taught, that of evolution. No other view was allowed. This was in 1965.

     In my nuclear physics class in college, I remember asking the professor about radioactive dating. What if a rock didn’t start out with zero particles of the “daughter” isotope and 100% of the “parent” isotope? Wouldn’t that throw the dating process off? Yes, it would he replied. But I figured that professors were a lot smarter than I and that I should just accept what they said.



     In college, a few Christians I knew couldn’t answer the most basic questions about God and the bible that I had. I began to look on them as intellectual weaklings. But a few years later, thru a personal tragedy, I became a believer at age 24. My 2nd prayer was for God to objectively prove Himself to me so that I could effectively serve Him my whole life. It is something that He started back then and continues to do today. These proofs about God and the bible were out there all along. My Christian friends and I just didn’t know about them.

     With my new Christian friends, when the subject of origins came up, I just spouted off the standard evolutionary line. One of my friends asked me if I had read anything about creationism. I hadn’t, so I went to the local Christian bookstore and bought some books on creationism. As I read these scientists and the accounts of their views, it began to make sense. I was impressed by their answers and began to think that maybe these creation scientists weren’t intellectual weaklings after all. I was shocked by most of their answers. They were using standard methods of proof to arrive at their conclusions. They were also pointing out the flaws in evolutionary thinking. Flaws that none of my teachers had ever pointed out. To not critique a theory that you’re teaching is unacceptable for college professors. Yet here they were doing just that.

     Over the next 2 years or so, I became convinced that 6 day creationism was a legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in public schools. The late Dr. Henry Morris even wrote a high school textbook for this very purpose called “Scientific Creationism: the public school edition.”

     Since that time, scientists have found much more evidence that brings into question the evolutionary theory. Much of that new information supports the creationist theory. Even secular scientists are beginning to doubt evolution. Read https://bsssb-llc.com/quotations-from-scientists-evolutionists-about-darwinian-evolution/

Here are a few of the recent examples:
– dinosaurs with intact cells and intact DNA whereas if they were millions of years old, neither one should still exist…
– Carbon-14 found in million year old soil when if should have dissipated a long time ago, plus a lot of other young earth observed facts.
– the amount of salt in the oceans should be a lot more if evolution is true.
– the amount of sediment on the sea floor should be a lot more if evolution is true.
– the decay of earth’s magnetic field.
– recession of the moon from the earth.
– the presence of a significant magnetic field around Mercury that shouldn’t be there if Mercury was as old as evolutionists say it is. The same goes for Uranus, Neptune and the Jupiter moons of Ganymede, Io and Europa.
– the faint Sun paradox.
– the whole theory of solar system formation. The discovery of new planets totally blew this theory out the window.
– the ageing of spiral galaxies. They should be completely wound up if they were as old as cosmic evolutionary theory suggests.

Many of the above things and much more can be found at https://creation.com/age-of-the-earth.

     Even today, evolutionary scientists are trying to come up with answers to these problems. They’re trying to fit these “observations” into the evolutionary theory. Rather than letting these “observations” speak for themselves, and show the weakness of the evolutionary theory, they’re trying to cram these facts into the theory. Eventually, these scientists will realize that you can only have so many exceptions to a theory before you have to admit that your theory is wrong. This is starting to happen already… https://christiannews.net/2017/09/18/biologist-acknowledges-rising-number-of-publications-calling-for-major-revision-of-standard-theory-of-evolution/


     The challenge is not just coming from creationism. Its coming from intelligent design (ID) and other secular scientists who see the weakness of evolutionary theory. While these are both legitimate lines of study (especially ID), we won’t be going into them here. For the most part, the evolutionists line of defense has been to ignore the ID theory and to attack the ID scientists credentials. When you have to resort to ad hominem attacks, you know your argument is weak. I have always wondered why, if creationism and ID are such weak theories, evolutionists fight so hard to keep them out of the classrooms. You’d think they’d love to expose ID and creationism weaknesses by teaching them. Maybe they’re afraid that by exposing students to them that they’ll believe them. After almost 100 years of absolute control in public schools, they still haven’t convinced Americans of their view… https://news.gallup.com/poll/210956/belief-creationist-view-humans-new-low.aspx.
The current theory of evolution has been changed so many times, its incredible that it still has supporters.

     Finally, after researching the science behind creationism, I looked at the biblical evidence. I studied all the different “Genesis” theories. They are listed at https://bsssb-llc.com/how-did-we-get-here/The only one that made sense to me was the 6 day creationism theory. I mean, how more exact can you get when it says “And there was evening and morning and it was the 3rd day?” You really have to twist the scripture to get anything but a 24 hour day. And remember, Genesis is written in narrative, not poetic, form.

     So, here’s what I have come to believe…
– no one theory will answer all objections to it. Every theory has its weaknesses.
– that the theory of evolution, 6 day creationism and ID are all scientific theories with their strengths and weaknesses.
– that you shouldn’t teach only one theory, evolution, in the classroom. That’s not education, it’s indoctrination.
– all theories have their weaknesses and they shouldn’t be ignored or covered up.
– you should NEVER try to cram observational facts into any theory. Let the facts speak for themselves.
– never ever attack a scientist personally. Always be willing to look at their point of view.
– I personally lean very strongly toward the 6 day creationism theory.

The New Answers Books (1-4) from Answers in Genesis
The Death of Evolution by Jim Black
Dismantling the Big Band by Dr. John Hartnett and Alex Williams
Darwin, Then and Now by Richard Nelson
In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown
The Genius of Ancient Man by Don Landis
A Flood of Evidence by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge
Questioning Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell



For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard


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