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A Christmas present

Here's an idea for a Christmas present. My book, 9866829898?profile=RESIZE_710x"Random Thoughts on Life, Love, Laughter and Living for Jesus". See it at http://covenantbooks.com/books/?book=random-thoughts-on-life-love-laughter-and-living-for-jesus.


From a friend's book review...

"I received his book about a week ago.

I started reading it and was enthralled.

I was halfway through it before I realized it. I had bible study homework and chores that took some precedence for a few days. And recovery from a bad cold.

I picked the book up again at about 1:00 am and was just going to read a couple of the sketches.

It is now 5:24 AM and I just finished it.

I can’t say enough good things. I plan on giving copies to several friends and family for Christmas.

The book is a series of sketches including all kinds of subjects relevant to believers. Some are personal; some biographical; some just a lot of fun facts. I laughed, rejoiced, cried and thanked God.

This book is available on Amazon.

Buy it, you won't be sorry."

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He earned a Michigan provisional teaching certificate and a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in physics and minors in astronomy, chemistry & mathematics. He has done graduate work in astro-physics, worked as a physics graduate teaching assistant and taught college astronomy. He has worked as a research & development laboratory manager at a plastics company, an automotive engineer, a chemist and a public & private high school teacher in math, physics & chemistry.He is currently retired from his own advanced materials tooling company. He has taught Christian adult education since the mid 1990’s at 2 churches. He was Director of Adult Education at one church and is now a teacher of Adult Education at his present church.
Since becoming a Christ-follower in 1974, he has been an avid student of the Bible, with a special emphasis on apologetics (rationally defending the faith).He & his wife, Patti, have been married about 45 years and have 3 adult sons, 3 daughters-in-love and 9 wonderful grandchildren.

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