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The Berean Way

Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!


The Berean Way


Our Lord Jesus set Offices, which are different then gifts, The Apostle, The Prophet, The Evangelist, The Pastor and The Teacher, these cannot be given by Man nor by Satan. Even though there are False People in Offices among us. These Offices having an Anointing that the rest of the body cannot receive, having their purpose on a Specific Direct Path that Jesus has set them to do. In these Offices there are Two of them that the rest Stand Upon, they are The Apostle and The Prophet and their task was and is to build and guide all other Offices and the rest of the Body Of Christ to Walk in.


Today, in our World, Man and Satan have destroyed all but one Office, but in that Office it has not been the Office that Jesus set, but what Man has deemed correct in their own eyes, that is a pastor. Today many, many hundreds and thousands follow this One Office, whom most are set by a Board, not Jesus on What, How and Length of their position is.


The Original Office’s that Jesus Anointed still do exist, but most lie in silence in fear of being persecuted by those around them, for this cause, The Church is in a state of Heresy having every wind of doctrine to justify their actions.


2 Timothy 4:3 KJV

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"


Every Born Again, Blood Bought, should be as the Bereans are, for they would take anything that was being said about The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit and would Weigh that against The Scriptures to make sure they were true or a lie.


Act 17:10-11 KJV

10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming [thither] went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11  These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”


 Any Man, Woman, Child and Satan can Pick and Choose any Bible, any Scripture, any Interpretation and make claims that they Follow After Jesus. But Understand this Church, just because you are Following does not mean you are Obeying Jesus! The Scribes and Pharisees who had Our Savior and Lord Jesus Crucified! The Followed Jesus not to be in Obedience, but to make sure that Their Way was not destroyed.


Jesus did hundreds, if not thousands of Miracles proving Whom He Was and Is, but, by the Will Of Men and Satan many would not listen because they believed Tradition Of Men over The Truth. Too many today Stand Solely on Scripture’s not finishing what is being said in context. With that being said, there are many, many Scriptures that can stand alone and be correct in doing so. But Two Scriptures that the church of today Stands On, but in a Definition of their own making.


Matthew 5:44 KJV

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"


The “Love Your Enemies” has been taken out of context to a point that it has become “Accept Your Enemies”. If the church Accepts those who are contrary to Scripture then all Scripture is in vain! But the Love here is Not To Accept Your Enemies, but to show them The Love Of The Father by telling them The True of the matter. By Your Good Works that are built upon The Apostles and Prophets, but not to become figuratively, bed fellows. Thus meaning that You who have been Redeemed from The World should separate yourselves, being not tainted of The World’s Affairs Of Men, Walking only in Obedience to Jesus through the help of The Holy Spirit and Scriptures. You can Love Your Enemies as Jesus has commanded, but it is only in Deed, in Works, that Profess that Jesus Is both Savior and Lord over your life! Love Your Enemies comprises of Feeding Your Enemies, Clothing Your Enemies, Praying For Your Enemies, Ministering To The Broken Hearted of Your Enemies, but never Accepting them as one who has been Saved By Grace.


The second Scripture that many Stand On, but again a Definition of their own making.


Matthew 7:1-2 KJV

"1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."


Too many of you declare this Scripture but really do Not Understand what Jesus was speaking of. Jesus was calling out the Hypocrites. There are those who would Judge a person for something that was Unbiblical but they themselves were doing the same thing. They did it thinking to make themselves LOOK Clean, LOOK Holy, LOOK Perfect, LOOK Godly before others so Not to be Judged. The rest of what Jesus said is this…


Matthew 7:3-5 KJV

"3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."


The Premise behind both Love and Judging are of a World Mind Set to incorporate Sin into The Church. Here are some of the ways this is done, Love Homosexuals, Judge Them Not, Love those of Same Sex Marriages, Judge Them Not, Love those who Walk Against Scripture, Judge Them Not, and the list goes on until Death and Sin has entered with welcoming arms. All of this is caused because of False Doctrine, False Pastors, False Apostles, False Prophets, False Teachers and how do we know this? If anyone would really sit down and Read The Scriptures, not modern day false translation, but a true translation that is of the Original Tongue, you would find these mindsets to be False Doctrine.


Flesh and Satan have brought The Church down to Worldly Standards all because no one is Searching The Scripture For The Truth anymore, but are Trusting a False Pastor, False Church(denomination) believing them as though they were God! The main purpose that this has occurred is to bring Division among the Born Again, but instead of Judging we have Accepted the Worlds Doctrine!!


Romans 16:17 KJV

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them."


This Scripture is a Judging Scripture!!! If any Man, Woman, Child speaks differently than that which is in Scripture, having the correct interpretation, are to be Judged, are to be Marked, are to be Avoided. For I Stand Daily, by the hour, weighing all things against Scripture, readily to Correct that which is not in Agreement With Scripture. Now before I go any further, I am not perfect, but stride constantly to be Perfect, to be Holy as The Father has commanded. There are some things that I have allowed, that going against would have not corrected the issues at hand or a babe in Jesus has not the Understanding to receive the Meat, but only Milk, to the depth that I now know and have given Mercy and Grace are now abound to them.


If you truly Read The Scriptures, you will find that there are many, many Scriptures dealing with Judgment and a True Definition of The Father’s Love toward mankind. These things ought to be Taught in The Church, but many are only self pleasing to the flesh.


Too many of you look at Degrees Of Men, What Collage, What Denomination, What Beliefs Align With Yours and choose those leaders to the comforting of Your Sinful Flesh! Jesus, through The Holy Spirit, taught me one on one, meaning, I sat down opened my King James Bible and started digging, finding the Truth in both Greek and Hebrew Concordance’s, then having The Holy Spirit expound in Understanding. I have been in or apart of different Denominations, finding according to Scripture,  flaws to changed the Truth into a Lie, in so much, that I told Jesus I wanted No Part of such a heresy! I Stand upon Scripture in Love and Judgment, being called and set into an Office of Jesus choice. My purpose is not to the Lost, but to The Church, the description of my Calling is a Watchmen on the wall, a Repairer Of The Breach. I did not go looking for the Office I hold, nor did I desire it, but was Anointed and Called by Jesus, alone, in the early hours of morning. I will Live and Die for The Word, my Life, literally is in Jesus Hands from beginning of my day until I lay down to sleep my whole being is in direction of my Office, in The Will Of Jesus. The point is not me, but is that The Church needs to Repent and cast those out who would be contrary to Scripture and Destroy False Doctrine! One of the biggest blind spots The Church has today is that you cannot Separate Scripture from The Holy Spirit from The Fathers Will it is impossible to do so and remain in The Truth, to remain in The Light, the three must always be in Agreement. The Three are not going to tell one Denomination one thing and then tell a different Denomination something totally opposite, it is impossible! This Division is GREAT!!!


1 John 5:6-8 KJV

"6 This is he that came by water and blood, [even] Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. 7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one."


Don’t get me not wrong, those who are Truly Called By Jesus into one of His Offices, Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher are to be honored, are to be followed in obedience, for their purpose, they are the examples of living a Godly Life! But let us all take refuge in Scripture in finding the Truth on How we are to Live Our Lives and be not Persuaded by those who Walk Contrary to The Fathers Will and Jesus Commandments. We are to Use All Scriptures to conduct our daily lives, to Build a Relationship between us and Jesus, that when others Talk to us, Watch us, that by Our Good Works The Father and Jesus will be Glorified.


1 Peter 2:12 KJV

“Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by [your] good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation."


2 Timothy 3:16 KJV

“All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"


Ephesians 2:19-20 KJV

"19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner [stone];"


 Brothers and Sisters why is it so important to like the Bereans, why would it be so important for you, a Blood Bought, to search The Scriptures to see what is a Truth or if it is a Lie that is being presented to you? Does not The Scripture say that the way we are to Live should be like it is in Heaven?


Matthew 6:10 KJV

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven."


Jesus gave us Offices to insure that this is done, gave us Scriptures to Follow, gave us The Holy Spirit to Help Us Learn!


Ephesians 4:11-16 KJV

"11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 14 That we [henceforth] be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, [and] cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, [even] Christ: 16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love."


 Be like the Bereans, set your Heart, your Desire to Live as Jesus would have you, as The Holy Spirit would have you, to Be In The Fathers Will above all things! Do not be afraid of doing so, do not be afraid of Standing Up for The Truth In Scripture before those around you!


Luke 12:4-5 KJV

"4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him."


 If we do not Search The Scriptures, do not Seek Jesus Will, do not Walk In Obedience then You are welcoming Satan into Your Life as Master!


Amen and Amen!!!


Email: godsonlyfoundation@gmail.com

Website: ApostleLee.com

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The Joy Of The Lord

12332849888?profile=RESIZE_710xWhat is our source of joy? We read about it, talk about it, and we sing about it. The night Mary gave birth to Jesus, angels visited shepherds as they kept watch over their flocks. They came to announce the Lord's birth and revealed the source of our joy. Click on the link below to read about it. #1John #BibleStudy #Christmas #Devotions #worship


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As an experienced decoration supplier in China, we will discuss the key steps in choosing a Christmas decoration supplier, market overview and the importance of ensuring quality, especially helpful for importers who want to wholesale Christmas socks from China. Don’t blink and watch until the end.
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The SUNCOM Power Brand of Waterproof LED Drivers

In the pursuit of a well-lit and efficient environment, the choice of lighting system holds paramount importance. In outdoor or moisture-exposed settings like gardens or swimming pools, the silent champions ensuring reliable and enduring illumination are waterproof electronic LED drivers. SUNCOM recognizes the critical role of selecting the perfect waterproof electronic LED driver tailored to your specific lighting needs. This article delves into the essence of these drivers, their pivotal role in lighting systems, key considerations in their selection, and the exceptional benefits offered by SUNCOM's cutting-edge solutions.

Exploring the Essence of Waterproof Electronic LED Drivers

Waterproof electronic LED drivers stand as the backbone of lighting systems in environments susceptible to moisture and water exposure. These vital components supply power and regulate current, ensuring optimal functionality of LED lights. By converting and stabilizing electrical input, waterproof electronic LED drivers shield LEDs from power fluctuations, guaranteeing their longevity and consistent performance. The careful selection of a reliable and high-quality waterproof electronic LED driver is paramount for achieving efficient and enduring lighting solutions.

Key Factors to Consider when Choosing the Ideal Waterproof Electronic LED Driver

The selection of the right waterproof electronic LED driver demands meticulous attention to various factors. Compatibility with your LED lighting system is crucial to seamless integration and dependable operation. SUNCOM's diverse range of drivers offers versatile options compatible with various LED setups, ensuring flexibility and convenience. Additionally, considering the driver’s voltage and current output is essential, aligning them with the requirements of your LEDs. SUNCOM’s waterproof electronic LED drivers provide precise voltage control and constant current, delivering optimal power for your LEDs, ensuring consistent and flicker-free lighting.

The Exceptional Benefits of SUNCOM’s Waterproof Electronic LED Drivers

Opting for SUNCOM’s waterproof electronic LED drivers unlocks a myriad of advantages for your lighting system. Specifically designed to withstand moisture and water exposure, these drivers offer superior waterproof protection. This guarantees the longevity and reliability of your lighting system, even in challenging outdoor or wet environments. Moreover, SUNCOM’s drivers incorporate advanced safety features, including surge protection, overvoltage, overcurrent, and short circuit safeguards, ensuring utmost protection for your LEDs and peace of mind for your business.


Choosing the right waterproof electronic LED driver is pivotal for creating a robust and efficient lighting system, especially in moisture-prone environments. SUNCOM’s range of waterproof electronic LED drivers stands out for exceptional reliability, efficiency, and safety features. Illuminate your space with confidence, knowing that SUNCOM’s waterproof electronic LED drivers will empower your lighting system to thrive in even the most challenging conditions. Experience the excellence of SUNCOM’s solutions and witness the transformative impact on your lighting environment.

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Pet cats have become an integral part of the family. To ensure their happiness and health, choosing the right cat tree is crucial. This article will introduce you to 12 interesting and practical China cat trees to help you choose an ideal place for your cat.
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The angle grinder is a versatile tool that has become a staple in the toolkit of many DIY enthusiasts and professional craftsmen alike. One of its most challenging applications is cutting through thick steel, a task that demands precision, skill, and the right techniques. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the art of cutting thick steel with an angle grinder, exploring the necessary tools, safety precautions, and step-by-step procedures to ensure a successful and safe cutting experience.


I. Choosing the Right Angle Grinder and Disc

Before embarking on the task of cutting thick steel, it’s crucial to select the appropriate angle grinder and cutting disc. Angle grinders come in various sizes, typically ranging from 4.5 inches to 9 inches. For cutting thick steel, a grinder with a larger disc diameter, such as 7 or 9 inches, is recommended, as it provides more power and a greater cutting depth.

Additionally, selecting the right cutting disc is essential. There are various types of discs designed for different materials, such as metal, concrete, or masonry. For cutting thick steel, opt for a high-quality, reinforced abrasive cutting disc specifically designed for metal. A diamond blade can also be used for cutting hardened steel, providing a cleaner and more precise cut.


II. Safety Precautions

Safety should always be a top priority when working with power tools, especially when cutting through tough materials like thick steel. Follow these essential safety precautions to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Wear appropriate PPE, including safety glasses, ear protection, a dust mask, gloves, and long-sleeved clothing. Steel cutting can produce sparks, hot metal fragments, and dust, so protection is crucial.
  • Secure Work Area: Ensure that your work area is well-ventilated and free from flammable materials. Secure the steel piece to a stable work surface using clamps to prevent movement during cutting.
  • Read the Manual:Familiarize yourself with the angle grinder’s user manual and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper usage and maintenance.
  • Power Source: Check the power source and ensure that the angle grinder is properly grounded. Avoid using damaged power cords, and never operate the grinder in wet conditions.
  • First Aid Kit:Have a first aid kit readily available in case of minor injuries.


III. Marking and Preparing the Steel

Before making any cuts, mark the cutting line on the steel using a straight edge and a pencil or marker. Double-check the accuracy of your measurements to ensure precision in the cutting process. Once marked, consider these additional steps:

  1. Protective Coating Removal: If the steel has a protective coating, use a wire brush or abrasive pad to remove it from the cutting area. This helps in achieving a cleaner cut.
  2. Secure the Steel: As mentioned earlier, securely clamp the steel to a stable work surface to prevent movement during cutting. This stability is crucial for both accuracy and safety.


IV. Setting Up the Angle Grinder

Properly setting up the angle grinder is crucial for achieving a successful cut. Follow these steps to ensure the grinder is ready for the task:

  1. Install the Cutting Disc: Make sure the angle grinder is powered off and unplugged. Install the appropriate cutting discby following the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring it is securely tightened.
  2. Adjust the Guard: Position the adjustable safety guard to provide maximum protection while allowing a clear view of the cutting area. The guard should be positioned between you and the cutting disc.
  3. Handle Positioning: Adjust the side handle of the angle grinder to provide a comfortable and secure grip. This helps in maintaining control during the cutting process.


V. Cutting Thick Steel

With everything set up and safety measures in place, it’s time to proceed with cutting the thick steel. Follow these steps for an effective and precise cutting process:

  1. Starting the Angle Grinder: Put on your PPE, switch on the angle grinder, and allow it to reach its maximum speed before engaging with the steel.
  2. Approach the Steel:Approach the steel at a slight angle rather than head-on. This minimizes the risk of the cutting disc binding and reduces kickback.
  3. Begin the Cut:Gently lower the spinning cutting disc onto the marked cutting line. Allow the weight of the angle grinder to apply the necessary pressure, and avoid forcing the tool through the steel.
  4. Maintain a Steady Pace: Move the angle grinder along the cutting line at a steady pace, allowing the cutting disc to work through the steel gradually. Applying excessive pressure can lead to overheating and premature wear of the disc.
  5. Cooling Breaks: If cutting through thick steel, take periodic breaks to allow the steel and the cutting disc to cool. This helps prevent overheating and ensures a more efficient cutting process.
  6. Adjust the Cutting Angle:For optimal results, adjust the cutting angle as needed. This is particularly important when cutting curves or following intricate patterns.


VI. Finishing Touches and Safety Checks

After completing the cut, follow these steps to wrap up the process and ensure safety:

  1. Power Off: Switch off the angle grinder and allow the cutting disc to come to a complete stop before setting it down.
  2. Inspect the Cut:Examine the cut for smoothness and accuracy. If necessary, use a file or grinding wheel to refine the edges.
  3. Safety Check:Before packing up, conduct a final safety check. Ensure that the angle grinder is unplugged, and inspect the tool and cutting disc for any signs of damage or wear.



Cutting thick steel with an angle grinder is a challenging yet achievable task with the right tools, techniques, and safety precautions. By carefully selecting the angle grinder, cutting disc, and following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can master the art of cutting through thick steel with precision and confidence. Always prioritize safety, wear the appropriate PPE, and take the time to familiarize yourself with the equipment and cutting techniques before tackling your steel cutting projects.

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Mary Visited Elizabeth

12327997472?profile=RESIZE_710xMary visited Elizabeth just a few days after the angel Gabriel told her that God chose her to give birth to Jesus. What was the purpose of this visit with her cousin? Was it a successful trip? And how can we benefit from reading this biblical story? Click on the link below to get the answers to those questions. #BibleStudy #Christmas #Devotions #Luke


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Hope For A Better Tomorrow

Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!


Hope For A Better Tomorrow


Psalm 71:14 KJV

“But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more."


We, Brothers and Sisters, need to Walk In Hope and be a Hope Messenger to those who do not know Jesus. We fill our lives with things that have No Spiritual Value, cling to them as though it is in those things that bring Hope for something better. But Our Hope is and should be in the Coming of Jesus Our Savior and Lord. Our Hope should be that when we pass from this Life to the next that we can Stand Worthy before Jesus in the Account of Our Lives, that Grace is given to be able to enter into The Kingdom Of Heaven


Brothers and Sisters there are millions of people who have little or no Hope For A Better Tomorrow and most of that Hope is in the Flesh. We are to bring Hope into people’s lives all around us, the Hope Of Jesus as Savior and in Teaching them to make Jesus Lord Of Their Lives. This is The Hope For A Better Tomorrow!


Hebrews 11:1 KJV

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


In this season, this time of year, most are Hoping that someone cares enough about them to give them a gift of kindness, of love wrapped up in Material Things. But Our Hope is Eternal that gives Life for the Living and the Dead. We, Brothers and Sisters are The Evidence of Tomorrow, that is, if we have Learned to build a Relationship With Jesus in Making Him Lord.


Yes, we can Hope for a new car, a new job, for a wife, a husband, for children, for friends or anything else that would be godly, but let Our Hope not remain in these things, but in Jesus who is the Supplier Of All Our Needs.


Philippians 4:19 KJV

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."


With that being said, Hope is not Equivalent to Greed. Some of you Ask and Hope for things that you should not, but only those things that would be Consumed With Your Flesh, an Ungodly Pleasure do they seek.


Our Hope should be to Seek those things that are Godly, that Praise, Honor and Glory that truly belong to Jesus. We must understand that Jesus already knows what we Hope For, what Our Needs are and even Our Greed’s.


Matthew 6:31-34 KJV

"31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof."


James 4:3 KJV

“Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume [it] upon your lusts."


Our Hope is Learning to Trust Jesus that All Things are in His Hands. That Jesus is Our Hope For Tomorrow and that we Live each day in Receiving that which we Hope For, awaiting the Manifestation of His Glory in Our Lives!

If that in which we Hope for, will not bring us Closer to Jesus or bring others Closer to Jesus, then what does it profit? If I Hope For A Better Tomorrow how will it bring Praise, Honor and Glory to Jesus Our Lord? If I give a gift, feed a person and do it not because of Jesus, then it is OF THE FLESH, bring No Hope to those whom seek! How to those whom you give a Gift, Feed a Person do they KNOW the Hope that is in you…unless You Tell Them.


Many give to different organizations because they See To The Flesh and not to The Spirit. Many think that by giving, their Conscience is Clean, but Who brought the Cleansing? You can say all that you want that the things that you do are in The Name Of Jesus, but if Jesus is NEVER Spoken In Hope, then YOU or SOMEONE Else receives the Glory!!!! The message of Hope to all mankind, cannot be in a gift or food, but must be spoken, The Hope Of Glory!


Acts 2:38 KJV

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."


I tell my neighbors all the time when they thank me, that they need to Thank Jesus and it is Because Of Jesus that I do what I do and not for the sake of my flesh.


Too many of you think well I give Hope by what I do or say without saying The Name Of Jesus, so then, Who receives the Glory In Hope? Did not Our Lord say that the Light that is us is to be Shown to all mankind of His Hope given to everyone?


Matthew 5:14-16 KJV

"14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."


 Too many of you are doing Works but it is to the Satisfaction Of Your Flesh, it makes you Feel Good and by Your Flesh Jesus receives only a False Glorification! If you think that is “Just Okay”, because you, within yourself Thank Jesus, then consider these Scriptures…


Isaiah 29:13 KJV

"Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near [me] with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:"


Matthew 7:21-23 KJV

"21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."


Romans 10:9 KJV

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."


Brothers and Sisters be not like the World who think that Good Deeds is all that is necessary, but in Your Good Deeds Jesus MUST be Spoken in Hope of Eternal Life, in Hope of Salvation, in Hope For A Better Tomorrow through Jesus!

We have The Answer and that Answer should not be hidden in gifts or food. There is a dreadful day coming and in some parts is already here, that we will be Persecuted because of Our Faith, because of Our Hope, that even speaking the Name Of Jesus could bring death, so then, if you cannot do it now where we have peace, then what are you going to do when Death is at the door?


You can give a thousand gifts, feed millions of people, but unless they Know without a doubt that it was because of Jesus, then all these things are done in vain, to the glory of the flesh. Too many of you do not open your mouth except in the shadows where no one knows, that Jesus Is The Hope Of Glory…because Jesus is not really Your Hope, except that you believe that you are saved because you once confessed that Jesus was your savior. But as Jesus said, the Tree, the  Branch MUST Bear Fruit and that Fruit only comes from Hope In Jesus As Lord over someone’s Life


John 15:1-4 KJV

"1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every [branch] that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me."


Brothers and Sisters people are not going to know Why you do what you do unless you tell them and it has to be YOU, not a church, not a pastor or someone you feel is better at it then you. Salvation, Hope, is not a college degree, nor is it an ordination, but it is in the Lives that we Live, with, again I say WITH the Confession Of Jesus As Lord!!!


Too many of you hold to the Scripture that James said that Faith without Works is dead, but see the Nugget of that Scripture is the Faith Producing Works, that Our Confession is not only Seeing Works, but that within those Works, we, with our mouth’s do Confess Jesus to those whom Works are seen of, else they are Only Works that any flesh can do!!!


James 2:17-20 KJV

"17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. 18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"


 So then, in conclusion, Our Faith must produce Hope for those around us, not just in deeds, but also with the Confess that Jesus is Savior and Lord over Our Lives, else how is anyone to know? They will conclude within themselves that we do what we do because we are “Good People” and Jesus is Not Glorified.  Tell people the WHY, that Hope is knocking on Their Door for a Better Tomorrow!



Amen and Amen!!!


Email: godsonlyfoundation@gmail.com

Website: ApostleLee.com

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The Birth Of John The Baptist

12326419076?profile=RESIZE_710xThe angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah, the priest, announcing the Birth of John the Baptist. During the conversation, Zachariah created a problem for himself with Gabriel. He made a mistake that we can avoid. Click on the link below to read about it. #BibleStudy #Christmas #Devotions #Discipleship #Luke


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Porcelain tiles have become a popular choice for flooring and wall applications due to their durability, aesthetic appeal, and resistance to water and stains. However, cutting through these dense and hard tiles requires specialized tools and blades. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics of porcelain tiles and explore the various types of blades available for cutting them, helping you make an informed decision on the best blade for your specific needs.

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Understanding Porcelain Tiles:

Porcelain tiles are made from a mixture of fine clay and other materials that are fired at high temperatures, resulting in a dense and hard material. This composition gives porcelain tiles their unique properties, including resistance to moisture, durability, and a smooth, polished finish. Cutting through porcelain tiles demands precision and the right tools to avoid chipping or cracking.


Factors to Consider When Choosing a Porcelain Tile Blade:

  1. Diamond Blades:

The most effective blades for cutting porcelain tiles are those embedded with diamonds. Diamond blades are renowned for their hardness and ability to cut through tough materials. The diamonds on the blade’s edge are what enable it to grind through the hard surface of porcelain tiles.

  1. Continuous Rim vs. Segmented Rim:

Diamond blades come in two main types: continuous rim and segmented rim. Continuous rim blades have a smooth, continuous edge, providing a cleaner and smoother cut. They are ideal for making precision cuts, such as when creating notches or curves. Segmented rim blades, on the other hand, have gaps between the diamond segments, allowing for faster cutting through tough materials. They are suitable for straight cuts but may leave a rougher edge compared to continuous rim blades.

  1. Blade Size:

The size of the blade is another crucial factor. Blades come in various diameters, and the right size depends on the size of the porcelain tiles and the type of cut you need. Smaller blades are suitable for intricate cuts, while larger blades are better for straight cuts on larger tiles.

  1. Wet vs. Dry Cutting:

Diamond blades can be used for both wet and dry cutting. Wet cutting involves using water to cool the blade and reduce dust. This method is preferable for larger projects as it helps prevent overheating and prolongs the life of the blade. Dry cutting, on the other hand, is quicker and more convenient for smaller projects but may generate more dust, necessitating proper safety measures.

  1. Hardness of Porcelain:

The hardness of the porcelain tile itself is a critical factor in blade selection. If you are working with particularly hard porcelain, a blade with a higher concentration of diamonds may be necessary to ensure efficient cutting.


Types of Diamond Blades for Porcelain Tiles:

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Turbo rim blades are designed for fast and aggressive cutting. They have a serrated rim that allows for quick material removal. These blades are suitable for both wet and dry cutting and are effective for straight cuts on porcelain tiles.

Sintered diamond blades are made by blending diamonds with metal powders and then sintering them at high temperatures. This process results in a blade with a high diamond concentration, making it suitable for cutting hard materials like porcelain. Sintered blades are known for their durability and longevity.

Electroplated blades have a single layer of diamonds attached to the blade using a nickel plating process. While these blades are not as durable as sintered blades, they are highly effective for cutting softer porcelain tiles. They are also more affordable, making them a suitable choice for occasional use.

As mentioned earlier, continuous rim blades provide a smooth and clean cut. They are ideal for precise cutting tasks, such as creating curves or notches in porcelain tiles. These blades work well for wet cutting applications.


Tips for Cutting Porcelain Tiles:

  1. Mark Your Cut Lines:

Before cutting, use a pencil or marker to mark the cut lines on the surface of the tile. This ensures accuracy and helps prevent mistakes.

  1. Secure the Tile:

To prevent the tile from shifting during the cutting process, secure it firmly in place using clamps or another suitable method.

  1. Wear Safety Gear:

Whether you choose wet or dry cutting, porcelain tile cutting generates dust and debris. To protect yourself, wear safety glasses, a dust mask, and ear protection.

  1. Choose the Right Speed:

Adjust the speed of your saw or cutting tool according to the blade’s specifications and the hardness of the porcelain. Using the correct speed helps optimize cutting performance and blade life.



Selecting the best blade for cutting porcelain tiles involves considering factors such as blade type, rim design, size, and the hardness of the porcelain itself. Each type of blade has its advantages and is suitable for specific applications. Whether you opt for a turbo rim, sintered, or electroplated diamond blade, ensuring that it matches your project’s requirements will result in clean, precise cuts without compromising the integrity of the porcelain tiles. By understanding these factors and following the recommended tips, you can confidently choose the ideal blade for your porcelain tile cutting needs.

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A wooden deck provides an inviting and relaxing outdoor space, but over time, exposure to the elements can take a toll, causing the wood to lose its luster and become rough. Sanding your deck with an orbital sander is an effective way to restore its beauty and create a smooth surface for staining or sealing. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best sander for the job, the different types of random orbital sanders, sandpaper grits, considerations for sanding, common mistakes to avoid, signs you should sand your deck, the step-by-step process of sanding, the benefits of deck sanding, and address some frequently asked questions.


Selecting the Ideal Sander for Deck Sanding

When it comes to sanding a wooden deck, the best tool for the job is a random orbital sander. Random orbital sanders are designed to provide a perfect balance between aggressive material removal and a smooth finish, making them ideal for deck sanding tasks. Unlike traditional sanders that move in a circular pattern, random orbital sanders rotate in an elliptical motion while also oscillating in small circles. This motion prevents swirl marks and ensures even sanding across the deck surface.


Distinguishing between Types of Random Orbital Sanders

Random orbital sanders come in two primary types: electric-powered and battery-operated. Electric sanders are suitable for larger projects and continuous use, as they offer constant power supply without needing recharging. On the other hand, battery-operated sanders provide portability and convenience, making them great for smaller decks or areas with limited access to power outlets. Both types are effective, so the choice depends on your specific needs and the scale of your project.


Understanding Different Sandpaper Grits

Choosing the right sandpaper grit is crucial for achieving the desired results during deck sanding. Grit refers to the coarseness of the sandpaper, and different grits are suitable for various stages of sanding. Common sandpaper grits for deck sanding include:

  • Coarse Grits (60-80):Used for initial sanding to remove old finishes, paint, or deeply ingrained dirt and stains. It helps level the surface quickly but may leave noticeable scratches.
  • Medium Grits (100-150): Suitable for intermediate sanding after the coarse grits. It smoothens the surface and removes the scratches left by the coarse grits.
  • Fine Grits (180-220): Used for finishing sanding to achieve a smooth, ready-to-stain surface. Fine grits help to eliminate any remaining imperfections and create a polished look.


Key Considerations before Sanding a Deck

Before you begin sanding your deck, there are some important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Safety Gear:Wear appropriate safety gear, including safety goggles, a dust mask, and ear protection, to shield yourself from potential hazards and dust particles during sanding.
  • Weather Conditions:Check the weather forecast before starting. Avoid sanding on extremely hot or humid days, as it can affect the quality of the sanding and the drying time of finishes.
  • Preparation:Clear the deck of any furniture, plants, or obstacles. Inspect the deck for loose nails or screws and replace or reattach them as necessary.
  • Clean the Deck:Sweep or wash the deck to remove debris, dust, and dirt before sanding. This prevents the sander from clogging and ensures a more even finish.
  • Deck Stain and Finish: Decide whether you want to remove the old stain and finish entirely or just sand the surface to prepare it for a fresh coat.


Common Mistakes to Avoid during Sanding

Sanding a wooden deck might seem straightforward, but there are some common mistakes to avoid to achieve the best results:

  • Skipping Grits: Failing to sand progressively through different grits can leave visible scratches and ruin the final appearance of the deck.
  • Using Excessive Pressure: Let the sander do the work. Applying too much pressure can lead to uneven sanding and might damage the wood.
  • Not Sanding Along the Grain: Always sand in the direction of the wood grain to prevent cross-grain scratches.
  • Neglecting Edges:Don’t forget to sand the edges and corners of the deck, as they are often overlooked but equally important for a uniform finish.
  • Neglecting Regular Maintenance: After sanding, apply a protective finish or stain to prolong the life of your deck and maintain its appearance.


Signs Indicating the Need for Deck Sanding

Knowing when it’s time to sand your deck is essential to keep it in top condition. Signs that indicate your deck needs sanding include:

  • Splintered Wood: If the wood surface feels rough and splintered, it’s time for sanding.
  • Fading and Discoloration: If the color of the deck has faded or if there are unsightly stains, sanding can help restore its original look.
  • Flaking Finish: If the finish or stain is peeling or flaking, sanding will remove the old layers and prepare the deck for a fresh application.
  • Water Absorption: If water is no longer beading on the surface and instead gets absorbed, it’s time to sand and refinish the deck.


The Step-by-Step Process of Deck Sanding

Now that we understand the basics of deck sanding, let’s delve into the step-by-step process:

  1. Preparation:As mentioned earlier, clear the deck of all furniture and debris. Check for any loose nails or screws and tighten or replace them. Sweep or wash the deck to remove dirt and grime.
  2. Initial Sanding: Begin with a coarse grit sandpaper(around 60-80) to remove old finishes, paint, or deep stains. Sand along the wood grain to avoid damaging the surface.
  3. Intermediate Sanding: Move on to a medium grit sandpaper (around 100-150) to smoothen the surface and remove scratches left by the coarse grit. Sand in the direction of the grain.
  4. Fine Sanding:Use a fine grit sandpaper (around 180-220) for the final sanding. This will create a polished and even surface that is ready for staining or finishing.
  5. Edge Sanding: Don’t forget to sand the edges and corners of the deck using a sanding block or a smaller orbital sander.
  6. Remove Dust: After sanding, clean the deck thoroughly to remove all the sanding dust. A shop vac can be handy for this task.
  7. Staining or Finishing: Once the deck is clean and dry, apply the desired stain or finish according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Allow it to dry completely before placing furniture back on the deck.


Benefits of Sanding a Deck

Sanding your wooden deck offers several benefits:

  • Enhanced Aesthetics:Sanding removes imperfections, stains, and discolorations, giving your deck a fresh and appealing appearance.
  • Longevity: Sanding helps maintain the structural integrity of the wood by removing surface damage and preventing rot and decay.
  • Improved Safety: A smooth deck surface reduces the risk of splinters and tripping hazards.
  • Better Stain and Finish Adhesion: A properly sanded surface allows stains and finishes to penetrate evenly and adhere better, ensuring longer-lasting results.


Common Questions about Deck Sanding

  1. How Often Should I Sand My Deck? It depends on the condition of your deck and the amount of foot traffic it receives. Generally, sanding every 2-3 years is recommended for regular maintenance.
  2. Can I Use a Belt Sander Instead? While a belt sander can be used for deck sanding, it is more aggressive and may leave visible marks if not handled carefully. An orbital sander is better suited for a smooth finish.
  3. Can I Rent an Orbital Sander? Yes, many hardware stores offer orbital sander rentals for DIY projects.
  4. Do I Need to Sand Between Coats of Stain? It depends on the stain’s instructions. Some stains require sanding between coats to achieve a smooth finish.
  5. How Long Should I Wait After Sanding Before Staining?Allow the wood to completely dry after sanding, typically 1-3 days depending on weather conditions.


Rely on Binic Abrasives for Deck Sanders and Supplies

For high-quality deck sanders and sandpaper, rely on Binic Abrasives. They offer a wide range of abrasives designed for various sanding applications, including deck restoration. Their random orbital sanders and premium sandpaper will help you achieve outstanding results in your deck sanding project.



Sanding a wooden deck with an orbital sander is an essential step in maintaining its beauty and extending its life. By choosing the right sander, using the appropriate sandpaper grits, avoiding common mistakes, and following the proper sanding process, you can achieve a smooth and attractive deck surface that enhances your outdoor space for years to come. Remember to prioritize safety, take your time, and invest in quality sanding equipment and supplies for the best results. Happy sanding!



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Top 10 Bag Manufacturers in China

Are you planning to establish your own bag business or wholesale bags? If so, exploring handbag manufacturers in China is your best bet for a successful venture. Compared to other countries, China offers numerous advantages, including competitive pricing, large-scale manufacturing capabilities, a skilled workforce, and efficient transportation networks. To help you make an informed decision, we have carefully evaluated and compiled our top eight guides. These guides offer a quick comparison and in-depth review of each bag manufacturer in China. By reading our comprehensive guide, you can make the smartest business decision and pave the way for a thriving bag enterprise.

1. Dongguan Xinhui Accessories Co., Ltd

cnxh-bag logo
Dongguan Xinhui Accessories Co., Ltd. is a reputable bag manufacturer established in 2006, boasting over 16 years of expertise in the industry. Based in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, the company enjoys strategic proximity to two international airports and two major shipping ports, facilitating efficient logistics. With a skilled workforce of over 80 professionals, including dedicated design and sales teams, Xinhui excels in producing a wide range of high-quality bags, including fashion handbags, messenger bags, cosmetic bags, travel bags, jewellery bags, cooler bags, mummy bags, shopping bags, purses, and more. The company prides itself on providing customized solutions and has extensive experience in OEM and ODM projects.


honeyoungbag logo
Established in 1998, Anhui Honeyoung Enterprise Co., Ltd. is a leading Chinese company specializing in exporting bags, stationery, exercise books, and cultural & educational products. In 2008, the company expanded its operations with the establishment of Anhui Honeyoung Travelling Products Co., Ltd., dedicated to manufacturing backpacks, traveling bags, promotional bags, school bags, rucksacks, and various other types of bags. With over 300 advanced production machines and a team of 300+ professionals, including skilled designers, researchers, and inspectors, the company ensures high-quality products. Their annual gross revenue has reached an impressive 20 million, and they boast various departments such as Design, Marketing, Sales, Finance, Quality Control, and Documentation.


orientbag logo
Established in 1983, Orient is a renowned bag manufacturer (OEM) with its roots in China. Founded by Ricky Li, a determined Hong Kong businessman, the company started in Fujian with 50 employees and a small rented space near a local high school. Today, Orient has grown into a multinational manufacturing group with six plants spanning China, Cambodia, and Myanmar. With a dedicated workforce of 1000 employees, the production area now spans an impressive 46,000 square meters. Throughout its journey, Orient has maintained its commitment to producing quality bags at competitive prices, serving clients from small businesses to multinational corporations. Orient is not just a bag manufacturer but also a trustworthy partner and caring employer, upholding values of quality, integrity, and employee well-being.


isocoolbag logo
Xiamen Goldenway Garments & Bags Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of garments and bags with an impressive experience of over 20 years. With a self-built factory spanning 18,000 square meters and a dedicated workforce of around 100 skilled workers, the company enjoys better control over cost, quality, and delivery time. Situated in the Hai Cang area, the factory benefits from its strategic location, being just 20 minutes from the Subway station and 30 minutes from Xiamen Airport. The company operates four efficient production lines and specializes in outdoor sports bags, laptop bags, school bags, canvas bags, Kraft paper bags, cooler bags, and more. With a monthly capacity of 80,000-150,000 pieces, Xiamen Goldenway's factory has passed rigorous audits like Sedex 4.0 and Disney.


jdhandbagfactory logo
J.D. Handbag Factory, a branch of J.D. Leather Goods, is a prominent handbag manufacturer in China known for crafting fashionable and superior-quality handbags. With a professional management and development team, the company produces a monthly output of 80,000 units. Committed to providing exceptional customer service, J.D. Handbag Factory offers a wide range of exquisite handbags and tailors solutions to meet individual customer needs. Their dedication to personalization extends to private custom services, enabling each customer to create their unique brand of handbags. With a focus on quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, J.D. Handbag Factory stands as a leading name in the handbag manufacturing industry.


beanbing logo
Established in 2015, Guangzhou Zhongding Bag Company is a reputable manufacturer located in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Specializing in women's and men's bags, as well as various leather accessories like small leather goods, leather labels, crossbody bags, gift bags, shopping bags, totes, wallets, clutches, and cosmetic purses. The company offers a diverse range of materials, including vegan leather, genuine leather, nylon, canvas, PVC/TPU, and chrome-tanned leathers. With a focus on high-quality customized bag services, Guangzhou Zhongding has emerged as a leading bag company in China. They serve independent fashion brands, large companies, and e-commerce retailers by managing the entire supply chain process, from design to delivery.


tkstarbag logo
Founded in 1995, Quanzhou Twinkling Star Handbag Co., Ltd is situated in Quanzhou, a crucial city on The Belt & Road with excellent infrastructure and convenient transportation links. From its humble beginnings, the company has evolved into a leading bags supplier in China. Twinkling Star's success is fueled by a united team with a common goal – to achieve growth and prosperity for both workers and the enterprise, ensuring a happier life for all employees. With a focus on top-quality bags, the company specializes in R&D, production, and marketing of business and travel bags, fashion and leisure bags, and recycled bags. Adhering to the principle of "Quality First and Customers First," Twinkling Star offers customization options in materials, logos, colors, sizes, and packaging. 


totebagfactory logo
This customer-centric company was founded with the mission of providing convenience to its clients. Catering to companies, small businesses, and hardworking individuals, they offer a wide range of quality items at wholesale prices. Their passion for the business goes beyond routine; they live and breathe their work, dedicated to supplying top-notch products. From Cotton Canvas Tote Bags to Drawstring Bags - Backpacks, Wine Bags, Laundry Bags, and more, this company takes pride in offering diverse options to meet every need. Committed to serving their customers with excellence, they find joy in delivering exceptional service and products, making them a reliable and preferred choice for wholesale purchases.


9. Slbag

slbag logo
The company has been in business for more than 16 years and has 20 factories in Guangzhou, producing around 500,000 bags per year. If you are looking for ladies’ leather handbag manufacturers in China, SLBAG can provide you with wholesale leather bags at affordable prices. Besides offering OEM and ODM services, they can also provide you with samples based on your preferences. 

In addition to their customized leather bags, they also offer customized packaging. On their website, you can find information about the various leather bag materials and logo options. SLBAG manufactures both genuine and vegan leather bags. Leather types include vegetable-tanned leather, crocodile leather, and pebbled leather. In addition to embroidery logos, metal logos, embossed logos, and more, SLBAG offers more than 3,500 styles. Customized logos and packaging require a minimum order quantity of 500 pieces.

10. Sitoy

sitoy logo
Sitoy Group, a famous Chinese bag manufacturer, has been listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2011. They specialize in crafting bags for renowned designer brands like Guess and Prada. Sitoy Group, along with its associated companies, holds a significant position in China's market for branded bridge to luxury items, small leather bags, and travel accessories. Their reputation is built on delivering quality, flexibility, efficiency, and innovation to some of the world's top fashion brands.

The group operates through two primary business segments. The manufacturing segment is responsible for producing handbags and various products for brands owned by other companies. They maintain a strong retail presence, with nearly 100 points of sale across Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China. Furthermore, they are continually expanding their operations into other cities and exploring e-commerce opportunities. Their online and offline sales points are on the rise. If you're interested in importing fashionable handbags from Sitoy Group in Guangzhou, it's advisable to consider a trusted sourcing agent like MatchSourcing to ensure the products reach you in pristine condition.
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In industrial and commercial settings, safety is paramount. The choice of flooring or grating plays a crucial role in preventing accidents and ensuring a secure working environment. Perf-O Grip Safety Grating is a trusted solution that excels in offering an optimal balance between slip resistance, durability, and versatile applications. In this guide, we'll delve into the key features and benefits of Perf-O Grip Safety Grating, shedding light on why it's a top choice in various industries.

Perf-O Grip Safety Grating

The Perf-O Grip grating is a single-piece metal plank that is made of a single sheet that has formed side channels at its edge. A perforated button surface provides a slip-resistant walking surface that is accessible in all directions. There is an open area of approximately 35% which allows fluids, ice, and mud to move freely through the grating. Consequently, the walking surface of Perf-O Grip is flexible and cushioned, which in turn reduces worker fatigue and increases plant productivity.

Benefits of Perf-O Grip

Perf-O Grip is a specialized safety grating known for its remarkable features and advantages. Its benefits extend to various industries and applications, making it a preferred choice for enhancing workplace safety. 
1.Exceptional Slip Resistance:
Perf-O Grip is designed to provide unmatched slip resistance. Its pattern of small, round holes and raised perforated buttons creates a textured surface that enhances traction. This quality is particularly valuable in environments where the risk of slips and falls is a concern, especially in wet or oily conditions.
2.Durability and Longevity:
Perf-O Grip is constructed from durable materials like steel, aluminum, or stainless steel. This robust construction ensures the safety grating can withstand the test of time and resist wear, corrosion, and impact. It's well-suited for both indoor and outdoor applications, including those exposed to harsh weather conditions.
3.Versatile Applications:
Perf-O Grip's adaptability and versatility make it suitable for a wide range of applications. It can be used in construction sites, transportation hubs, manufacturing facilities, utilities, offshore platforms, and more. Its customization options, including material, size, and finish, allow it to be tailored to specific project requirements.
4.Comfort and Safety:
In addition to providing slip resistance, Perf-O Grip offers a comfortable and secure walking surface. Its perforations allow for drainage, reducing the risk of standing water, which can lead to slips and falls. This combination of comfort and safety is highly valued in environments with high foot traffic.
5.Compliance with Safety Standards:
Perf-O Grip is designed to meet safety standards and regulations. This ensures that it complies with industry-specific safety requirements, providing peace of mind to businesses and project managers.
6.Easy Installation:
Perf-O Grip is relatively easy to install, making it a practical choice for projects with time constraints. Its straightforward installation process saves both time and labor costs.
Reduces Maintenance:
Due to its durability and resistance to wear and corrosion, Perf-O Grip requires minimal maintenance. This means lower ongoing costs and fewer disruptions to business operations.
7.Proven Track Record:
Perf-O Grip has a history of success in various industries and applications. Its proven track record of enhancing safety and performance makes it a reliable choice for businesses and projects.
8.Cost-Effective Safety Solution:
The long-term durability and reduced maintenance needs of Perf-O Grip contribute to its cost-effectiveness. It's an investment in safety that offers lasting benefits.
perf-o grip walkway

Applications of Perf-O Grip Safety Grating

Here are some common applications of Perf-O Grip Safety Grating:
1.Perf-O Grip Walkway: Perf-O Grip is often used as a secure walking surface on elevated walkways, catwalks, and pedestrian bridges. Its slip resistance and drainage capabilities make it ideal for ensuring safe passage in industrial and commercial environments.

2.Perf-O-Grip Stair Treads: Stairs are high-risk areas for slips and falls, but Perf-O Grip Safety Grating provides secure footing on stair treads. It is used in both indoor and outdoor staircases to enhance safety.

3.Platforms and Mezzanines: In manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and industrial settings, platforms and mezzanines are common. Perf-O Grip is used to create durable and slip-resistant platforms, ensuring the safety of workers and visitors.

4.Construction Sites: Construction sites often involve working at elevated heights. Perf-O Grip Safety Grating is employed on scaffolding, access platforms, and temporary walkways to provide a secure footing for construction workers.

5.Transportation: Perf-O Grip is used in transportation hubs, such as airports, train stations, and bus terminals. It provides safe and slip-resistant flooring for passengers as they move through these high-traffic areas.

6.Utilities and Power Plants: In utility facilities and power plants, where heavy machinery and equipment are present, Perf-O Grip Safety Grating offers a durable and reliable safety solution. It can be used on walkways, access platforms, and maintenance areas.

7.Offshore and Marine: On ship decks and offshore platforms, where exposure to saltwater and harsh weather conditions is common, Perf-O Grip's corrosion resistance and durability make it a preferred choice for enhancing safety in marine environments.

8.Oil and Gas Industry: In oil refineries, drilling rigs, and processing plants, Perf-O Grip Safety Grating is used to provide secure walkways and work platforms in areas where hazardous materials are present.

9.Industrial Facilities: Perf-O Grip is suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, including chemical plants, food processing facilities, and manufacturing plants. It enhances worker safety in areas with high foot traffic and potential slip hazards.

10.Water Treatment Plants: In water treatment and wastewater facilities, Perf-O Grip Safety Grating is used on walkways, catwalks, and access points to ensure worker safety in damp and potentially slippery conditions.

In Summary

Perf-O Grip Safety Grating is a leading choice when it comes to ensuring safety, durability, and versatility in a wide array of applications. With unmatched slip resistance, outstanding durability, and adaptability, it excels in providing a secure environment in industrial, commercial, and outdoor settings. Whether you're looking for a dependable solution for walkways, stair treads, or platforms, Perf-O Grip Safety Grating is a sound investment in safety.

Incorporating Perf-O Grip Safety Grating into your projects means prioritizing safety without compromising on durability or flexibility. Choose a trusted solution that has proven its mettle in various industries and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a safer workplace.
Huijinmaterials has a full portfolio of safety grating solutions to support a wide variety of applications.
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Radial Capacitor Vs Axial Capacitor

Capacitors, fundamental components in electronic circuits, play a crucial role in energy storage and signal processing. They come in various types and sizes, each designed for specific applications.Axial and radial lead capacitors are two common types of capacitors that differ in their lead orientation. In this article, we will explain the differences between axial and radial lead capacitors, including their construction, applications, advantages, and disadvantages.

What Is Axial Lead Capacitor?

An axial lead capacitor is a type of capacitor in which the two metallic terminals are aligned along the same axis, usually in a cylindrical or tubular shape. Copper leads protrude from the capacitor body at either end and are usually tinned or silver-plated. Ceramic, polyester, polypropylene, and other materials are commonly used to make capacitor dielectrics, and metal foil or film is used to make electrodes.

Axial lead capacitors are commonly used in electronic circuits for filtering, decoupling, timing, and other purposes. Their size is relatively small, so they are easily mounted on printed circuit boards (PCBs) or soldered to wires or terminals. They have the following advantages:
Low inductance: The utilization of an axial lead configuration translates into reduced inductance when compared to various capacitor types, rendering them advantageous for high-frequency applications.

High reliability: Axial lead capacitors are characterized by their sturdy construction, granting them the ability to endure elevated temperatures, shock, and vibration. This robustness makes them well-suited for deployment in challenging and demanding environments.

High capacitance values: Axial lead capacitors are capable of achieving substantial capacitance values, extending to several thousand microfarads. This attribute renders them ideal for applications requiring significant energy storage capabilities.
An axial lead capacitor has the following disadvantages:

Restricted voltage rating: Axial lead capacitors are equipped with a limited voltage rating, commonly extending to a few hundred volts. This limitation constrains their application in high-voltage circuits.

Narrow temperature range: Axial lead capacitors come with a confined temperature range, typically up to 125°C. This range might not meet the requirements of certain industrial or automotive applications with more extensive temperature demands.

Polarization: Some axial lead capacitors exhibit polarization, necessitating precise connection of their positive and negative terminals within the circuit. This requirement may entail supplementary circuitry or labeling to prevent incorrect connections.

What Is Radial Lead Capacitor ?

Typically, radial lead capacitors are shaped as discs or cylindrical tubes with two metallic terminals oriented perpendicular to the capacitor body. A capacitor dielectric and electrodes are similar to those used in axial lead capacitors. The leads are usually tinned or silver-plated copper wire and are located at opposite sides of the capacitor body.

The use of radial lead capacitors in electronic circuits for filtering, decoupling, timing, and other purposes is also common. Radial lead capacitors are slightly larger than axial lead capacitors and are easy to mount on PCBs or solder onto wires or terminals. Some of their advantages include:
Elevated voltage rating: Radial lead capacitors are capable of achieving a higher voltage rating than axial lead capacitors, frequently reaching several thousand volts. This elevated rating renders them well-suited for high-voltage circuits.

Extensive temperature range: Radial lead capacitors exhibit the ability to function across a broad temperature spectrum, typically extending up to 150°C or beyond. This adaptability makes them a fitting choice for industrial or automotive applications with diverse temperature requirements.

Non-polarized: The majority of radial lead capacitors are non-polarized, meaning they can be connected to the circuit in any orientation. This simplifies their utilization and reduces the risk of incorrect connections.
An radial lead capacitor has the following disadvantages:
Bulky Design: Radial lead capacitors tend to have a relatively bulky design, which can pose challenges when space is limited within electronic circuits.

Mounting Limitations: Their design necessitates horizontal PCB mounting, which may not be suitable for all circuit layouts, limiting their flexibility in certain applications.

Lower Voltage Ratings: In comparison to some other capacitor types, radial lead capacitors often have lower voltage ratings, which restricts their use in high-voltage applications.

What Is the Difference Between Axial and Radial Lead Capacitors?

Axial and radial lead capacitors are two common types of electrolytic capacitors, and they differ primarily in the orientation of their leads (the metal wires extending from the capacitor). Here are the key differences between axial and radial lead capacitors:
Axial Lead Capacitors:
  1. Lead Orientation: Axial capacitors have two leads emerging from opposite ends of the capacitor body. This orientation allows them to be inserted through holes in a printed circuit board (PCB) in a straight line.
  2. Circuit Mounting: Axial lead capacitors are ideal for through-hole mounting on a PCB. They are inserted into holes on the board and soldered in place.
  3. Compact Design: Axial capacitors typically have a more cylindrical, compact design. This design can be advantageous when space is limited.
  4. Polarized and Non-Polarized: Axial capacitors can be either polarized (with a positive and a negative lead) or non-polarized (with two equivalent leads). Non-polarized axial capacitors can be connected in any orientation, while polarized ones must be connected with the correct polarity.
  5. Applications: They are commonly used in applications where the leads need to pass through the PCB, such as in vintage electronics, audio equipment, and older PCB designs.
Radial Lead Capacitors:
  1. Lead Orientation: Radial capacitors also have two leads, but both leads emerge from the same end of the capacitor body. The leads are oriented in a radial (side-by-side) fashion.
  2. Circuit Mounting: Radial lead capacitors are typically mounted horizontally on the surface of the PCB. This surface mounting style is different from axial capacitors, which penetrate through the PCB.
  3. Design and Size: Radial capacitors often have a bulkier design, which may not be suitable for applications with limited space on the PCB.
  4. Non-Polarized: Most radial capacitors are non-polarized, meaning they can be connected in any orientation without regard to polarity.
  5. Applications: Radial lead capacitors are commonly used in a wide range of electronic devices, including power supplies, amplifiers, and various electronic equipment.
In summary, the primary difference between axial and radial lead capacitors lies in the orientation of their leads and how they are mounted on a circuit board. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of your circuit design and available space on the PCB. Additionally, the polarity of the capacitor (polarized or non-polarized) is an important consideration when selecting the appropriate type for your application.

As an electronic components supplier, Joinwinchips provides a wide range of radial leaded capacitors to cater to your specific needs across various applications. We welcome you to get in touch with us to explore our offerings and find the perfect capacitors for your projects.
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Teeth Matters: Evaluating Saw Blade Effectiveness

In the world of woodworking and metalworking, the choice of a saw blade plays a pivotal role in determining the quality and efficiency of the cut. One common question that often arises is whether more teeth on a saw blade equate to better performance. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of saw blades, exploring the relationship between tooth count and cutting capabilities.

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Saw Blades

Saw blades come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed for specific applications. From ripping through lumber to delicately slicing through intricate patterns, the choice of a saw blade can significantly impact the outcome of a project. One critical factor that woodworkers and craftsmen consider is the number of teeth on a saw blade.

Tooth Count Basics

The tooth count of a saw blade refers to the number of teeth per inch (TPI) or per centimeter, depending on the unit of measurement. Blades with a higher tooth count generally produce smoother cuts but may sacrifice speed, while lower tooth count blades are ideal for quick, rough cuts.

Rip Cuts vs. Crosscuts

The type of cut required is a key determinant in choosing the appropriate tooth count for a saw blade. Rip cuts, which involve cutting along the grain of the material, benefit from blades with fewer teeth. In contrast, crosscuts, where the blade moves across the grain, are better executed with blades featuring a higher tooth count.

Fine Finish vs. Speed

Woodworkers often find themselves at a crossroads when balancing the need for a fine finish with the desire for speedy completion. High tooth count blades, commonly referred to as “finish blades,” are perfect for achieving smooth finishes on materials like plywood and hardwood. On the other hand, low tooth count blades, known as “ripping blades,” excel in quickly plowing through thicker materials.

Material Matters

The type of material being cut also influences the optimal tooth count for a saw blade. Softer materials like pine or cedar may not require as many teeth for a clean cut, while denser hardwoods demand a higher tooth count to prevent tear-out and splintering.

The Myth of More Teeth

While the conventional wisdom suggests that more teeth on a saw blade translate to better performance, it’s essential to recognize the nuanced nature of this relationship. More teeth do not always equate to better results; rather, the appropriateness of a blade’s tooth count depends on the specific task at hand.

Factors Influencing Tooth Count

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  1. Material Hardness:

Softer materials often require fewer teeth for efficient cutting, while harder materials benefit from a higher tooth count to reduce the risk of tear-out.

  1. Cutting Speed:

The speed at which a cut needs to be made plays a crucial role. Projects requiring quick, rough cuts may lean towards lower tooth count blades, while precision work may necessitate the use of higher tooth count blades.

  1. Type of Cut:

As mentioned earlier, the type of cut – whether it’s a rip cut or a crosscut – significantly influences the ideal tooth count. Understanding the nature of the cut helps in choosing the right blade.

  1. Blade Design:

Different blade designs, such as alternate top bevel (ATB), triple chip grind (TCG), or flat top grind (FTG), can impact the cutting performance. The combination of tooth design and count is crucial in achieving the desired results.



In the realm of saw blades, the belief that more teeth automatically lead to better results is a simplification of a complex issue. While tooth count is undoubtedly a crucial factor, it is just one of many considerations that craftsmen and woodworkers must weigh when selecting a saw blade. The key lies in understanding the nuances of the task at hand, the characteristics of the material being cut, and the desired outcome.

Ultimately, the best saw blade is the one that aligns with the specific requirements of the project. Whether it’s a high tooth count for a fine finish or a low tooth count for rapid material removal, the informed craftsman recognizes that the optimal choice depends on a careful evaluation of various factors. In the dynamic world of sawing, where precision meets power, the quest for the perfect cut is an art that goes beyond the mere count of teeth on a blade.

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Auto body repair is an art that demands precision, patience, and the right tools. Among these tools, sandpaper plays a crucial role in achieving a smooth and flawless finish. Choosing the right sandpaper for auto body repair can be a daunting task with the myriad of options available in the market. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of selecting the appropriate sandpaper for different stages of auto body repair, ensuring that you achieve professional-quality results.


Understanding Grits

Grit is the primary factor to consider when choosing sandpaper. Grit refers to the size of the abrasive particles on the sandpaper. The numbering system for grit is standardized, with lower numbers indicating coarser grits and higher numbers representing finer grits. In auto body repair, you’ll typically use a range of grits to progress through different stages of the repair process.

  • Coarse Grits (40-120):

Coarse grit sandpapers, ranging from 40 to 120, are used for heavy material removal. These grits are ideal for tasks such as removing paint, rust, and rough imperfections from the auto body surface. Use them during the initial stages of repair when a significant amount of material needs to be taken off.

  • Medium Grits (150-320):

Medium grit sandpapers, ranging from 150 to 320, are suitable for smoothing surfaces and refining the work done with coarse grits. They are effective for leveling out scratches left by coarser grits and preparing the surface for finer sanding. This stage is crucial for achieving a uniform and consistent surface.

  • Fine Grits (400-600):

Fine grit sandpapers, ranging from 400 to 600, are employed for preparing the surface for painting. They help in removing any remaining scratches, smoothing out imperfections, and creating a surface that promotes better paint adhesion. This stage is vital for achieving a professional-looking finish.

  • Very Fine Grits (800 and above):

Very fine grit sandpapers, typically 800 and above, are used for the final sanding before painting. They are excellent for polishing the surface and creating a smooth canvas for the paint to adhere to. This stage is critical for achieving a flawless and mirror-like finish on the auto body.


Understanding Abrasive Types

Sandpapers come with different types of abrasives, and each type has its specific applications in auto body repair.

  • Aluminum Oxide:

Aluminum oxide is a versatile abrasive commonly used in auto body repair. It is durable and suitable for various tasks, including paint removal and smoothing surfaces. It works well on both metal and fiberglass surfaces.

  • Silicon Carbide:

Silicon carbide is a harder abrasive that works exceptionally well for sanding hard materials like metal. It is often used for wet sanding and is effective in achieving a fine finish. Silicon carbide is an excellent choice for final sanding before painting.

  • Garnet:

Garnet abrasives are natural and less aggressive than aluminum oxide and silicon carbide. They are suitable for finer sanding tasks and are often used for wood surfaces. While not as commonly used in auto body repair, they can be effective for certain applications.


Backing Material

In addition to grit and abrasive type, the backing material of the sandpaper is another crucial consideration.

  • Paper Backing:

Paper-backed sandpaper is the most common type and is suitable for most auto body repair applications. It is flexible and conforms well to curves and contours, making it ideal for sanding intricate areas.

  • Cloth Backing:

Cloth-backed sandpaper is more durable than paper-backed options. It is tear-resistant and works well for heavy-duty sanding tasks. Cloth-backed sandpaper is suitable for rough shaping and material removal.

  • Film Backing:

Film-backed sandpaper is waterproof and provides a consistent finish. It is often used for wet sanding applications and is resistant to tearing. Film-backed sandpaper is ideal for achieving a high-quality finish on auto body surfaces.


Choosing the Right Sandpaper for Specific Auto Body Tasks

  1. Paint Removal:

When removing old paint, especially multiple layers, start with coarse grit sandpaper (40-80) to efficiently strip away the paint. Follow up with medium grit (120-220) to smooth the surface and prepare it for the next stages of repair.

  1. Surface Smoothing:

For smoothing out imperfections, scratches, or uneven surfaces, use medium grit sandpaper (150-320). This step is crucial for creating a uniform and level surface before progressing to finer grits.

  1. Preparing for Painting:

Fine grit sandpaper (400-600) is ideal for preparing the surface for painting. It removes any remaining scratches, provides a smooth finish, and ensures proper paint adhesion. Ensure that the surface is free of dust and contaminants before painting.

  1. Final Sanding before Painting:

Very fine grit sandpaper (800 and above) is used for the final sanding before painting. This stage is about achieving a flawless finish and creating an optimal surface for the paint to adhere to. Consider wet sanding for an even smoother result.


Tips for Efficient Sanding

  1. Use the Right Technique:

Sand with a steady and even pressure, moving in the direction of the grain for metal surfaces. Avoid applying excessive pressure, as it can lead to uneven sanding and damage to the surface.

  1. Change Sandpaper Regularly:

As sandpaper wears down, it becomes less effective. Change to a fresh piece regularly to ensure consistent and efficient sanding.

  1. Consider Wet Sanding:

Wet sanding involves using water to lubricate the sandpaper, reducing heat and preventing clogging. It is particularly effective for achieving a smooth finish and is commonly used in the final stages before painting.

  1. Protect Yourself:

Wear appropriate safety gear, including a mask to protect against dust inhalation, safety glasses, and gloves. Proper ventilation is also essential when working with sandpaper to minimize exposure to airborne particles.



Choosing the right sandpaper for auto body repair is a crucial step in achieving professional results. Understanding grits, abrasive types, and backing materials, along with considering the specific requirements of each task, will empower you to make informed decisions. With the right sandpaper and proper technique, you can navigate the complexities of auto body repair and transform your vehicle into a masterpiece of craftsmanship.

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