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Press On! Webzine, Winter 2011

Good grooming should be not only making sure the outside is clean, but should also include internal cleansing by the Holy Spirit to rid us of any negativity that can cloud the path toward our destiny. 


“Let It Drive You to Greatness” details how Denver Bronco quarterback, Tim Tebow, used negative comments about him as fuel to catapult him into his destiny. Read this article to find out how you can do the same thing in your life.


 “Sagging (Pants) – A Flash From the Past” outlines what I believe is the concept behind why some youth wear sagging pants. Read it and let me know what you think.


In “Instant Mom,” Kim Washington shares how she is raising her nephews since her sister died from cancer earlier this year. And I share how I deal with a personality trait that I’ve battled all my life in “The Voice of an Introvert.”


Holidays are the worst for those of you like me, who have suffered a loss (loved one, job, relationship, etc). For me, it was battling depression after my sister died. Therefore, I decided to reprint the article, “Get Yourself Together,” that appeared in the Summer 2008 issue in hopes that it will encourage you to move forward. I dedicate this issue in loving memory to my sister, Anna and included her photo with the article.


These are just a few highlights of the attached Winter 2011 issue of Press On! Webzine, www.pressonwebzine.com.

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