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 Attention: Pastors

Do you have any of these symptoms of stress:
❖ Physical: Tight shoulders, insomnia, elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, grinding teeth, constricted breathing, clammy palms, fatigue, nausea, headaches, gastrointestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea, and upset stomach), frequent colds, and infections.
❖ Emotional: Anxiety, irritability, inability to focus, social withdrawal, avoiding making decisions, lower productivity, job dissatisfaction, lack of motivation, difficulty engaging in new ideas, difficulty engaging in relationships.
❖ Spiritual: Joylessness, lack of direction, loss of purpose, decrease in faith, disparity among values, beliefs, and behaviors.

If so:
Download a FREE PDF excerpt of Prevent Pastor Stress: 11 Steps to Victory (CLICK HERE)

This life-changing program will teach you:
● The underlying cause of stress.
● Why common methods for dealing with stress fail.
● Step-by-step instructions for preventing stress, rather than managing symptoms.


Did you know?

  • 91% of pastors have experienced some form of burnout in ministry.
  • 57% said they would quit if they could. Are you one of them?
  • Who prays for the Pastor?


To learn more information contact:

Vernon L. Williams
"Practical Tips For Joyful Living"

Office: 443-745-8652

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