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lpg (1)

LPG Plant

Application of LPG Plant


This lpg skid unit is applicable to wellhead associated gas pretreatment, including dehydration, hydrocarbon recovery, compression, storage transportation and pressure regulation project, meets the requirement of skid mounted vehicular design, manufacture, and simple, flexible loading and installation at the well site.


Process Routes and Solution of lpg gas plant 

According to the gas source and usages, we design to remove the heavy hydrocarbon in feed gas, produce LPG and stable light hydrocarbon, and make dry gas at the same time.


HSU -- Heavies Separation Unit


Heavies Separation Unit (HSU) is installed in conjunction with HRU. Once NGL has been removed from the natural gas stream, it must be fractioned into base components, which can be sold as C3 LPG and C4+ hydrocarbons products.

As the lpg recovery plant, if you want to know the detail lpg process, please contact us.


PCC was established in 1993, and it’s a state owned company by Tianjin University which is ranking No.1 in chemical oil refinery engineering in China. PCC has a factory size of 145,064m2 and currently employs more than 350 people with various responsibilities in design and R&D, project management, engineering, procurement, and construction. A significant number of personnel also handle the commercial, financial, IT and administration of the Company. Read More


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