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greetings!!! (1)

Giving Does Not Always Equal Money -

Friends...My "Little" story...Needless to say, that this time of year, holds many challenges for everyone who embraces as well as for those who may not. Being a single mother of three teenagers and one pre-teen, presents it's own set of challenges, which are sometimes difficult for persons who are not in similar situations, to understand. Overwhelmed, would be one word that describes how I feel. Three words would be OBE... Overcome By Events...The pressures of the expectations that are placed upon all parents can make fools of us all, if allowed to run unchecked... Sometimes, it takes a something as simple as a walk, to put things back into balance again.I was feeling a bit low, as I left work the other day, feeling sorry for myself for a number of reasons. I could insert a number of causes after the word "because". The halls seemed to grow longer and longer, the closer I got to the outter door... It didn't matter, because I was deep in the doldrums... or so I thought. As I got closer to the door, I put on my gloves and secured my scarf, while noticing a person who exited a little before I did. Seems like a long blur up to that point. I walked outside and tested the air, as to have a sense of how tightly I should wrap my scarf.There were so many people buzzing in and out of the doors, that I had to stand off to the side, in order to finish wrapping my scarf. If I didn't, I felt that I may have gotten trampled. I apparently, was not alone.The same person, who exited the doors a little ahead of me, was against the railing on the other side. She appeared to be having some difficulty in traversing the walkway. I continued tying my scarf, but couldn't help but notice that it appeared as if she were speaking. Barely above a whisper, but still speaking. People that were right beside her, kept going... Seemingly at a faster pace than before. She even reached out. Some persons even brushed by her hand, as she had it extended... I'm like saying to myself.. "It's as if no one else sees her"..... "I believe she's talking to me"... Now mind you, she couldn't have seen me, because she was blind. Or did she?I felt as if I were crossing Broadway during rush hour. For those of you who knows what it's like in New York City, you understand. As I got closer to her, as to not startle her, in my normal speaking voice, I said, "Excuse me, but I could help but notice that you were speaking. I apologize, but I couldn't hear what you said. Could you repeat it for me?". With a relieved look on her face, she said.."Yes... I was asking if all the ice had been cleared from the parking lot?". I told her, "It's mostly cleared". Now for those of us, who have sight, this is not an issue. You just simply walk around the ice or snow. But to a person who is vision impaired, that is not very comforting. Sensing that she needed help, I asked her, "Where are you going?". She said, that she was going to the Vistor's Center. I told her, "I'm going that way, because my car is beyond that building." The next question changed the entire view of the day, which I felt was on it's way downhill. She asked, "Could you help me?"... My soul rejoiced... "Of course I can", was my reply...I offered her my elbow and we set out. Walking at a more careful gate than normal, we talked some, exchanging names and making small talk. I was able to alert her to changes in the landscape, so that she could prepare herself. It was cold outside, but not windy, so it was a very pleasant walk. After reaching the Visitor's center, we walked up the ramp. I asked her which part of the center she wanted to go to. Upon reaching the door, she told me, "I think I can make it the rest of the way". My heart smiled.. We said our goodbye's by name and parted company. There was a man, who held the door open for us, who watched her as she left. He then turned his attention to me, looking at me as if he had seen a ghost. I found that amusing.To me, that walk symbolizes what we should be about during this season and all seasons. But especially now. Although she was physically limited by her vision, I was blinded by my state of being, others blinded by their haste. Although she asked for help, quite honestly, I was the one who really needed it. In the midst of my chaotic life, hearing her voice, which was barely above a whisper, lifted my burdens and helped me to turn around. She helped me to take a step away from the valley of despair I was sinking into, giving me a renewed sense of purpose, and a more peaceful state of being.Take the Time to Care!Have a Safe and Peaceful Holiday Season!!!
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