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The Flu Shot is your best protection from the flu



medicare dot gov

The flu shot is your best protection from the flu

Now's the time to get your flu shot. The flu shot is covered for people with Medicare from providers that accept Medicare or your Medicare plan. You can safely get a flu vaccine at your doctor's office, pharmacy, or other local provider. 

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The flu can be very serious for people who are 65 years and older. A flu shot is your best protection from getting and spreading the virus. Getting the shot can help you stay healthy and, if you do get sick with the flu, your symptoms likely won't be as bad or last as long.

All places offering flu shots should be following CDC guidance to ensure you have a safe place to get vaccinated. This includes that patients wear a face covering and maintain social distance in areas like waiting rooms. Visit CDC.gov for more information on how to safely get your flu vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Medicare Team



Kindest regards,


Felicia Verrett, M.S., FAC-COR II

Office of Communications

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

7500 Security Blvd.

Baltimore, MD. 21244





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