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The African Diaspora in America has significantly progressed since slavery. We elected and re-elected the first black president. I am thankful to God for the great progression and upward mobility of Black Americans.

Notwithstanding this progression, many inner-city black men are suffering, who are the focus of our church. We focus on inner-city black men because it is our God-given mandate but also because they are facing a crisis of unprecedented poverty, unemployment, deadly gun violence, and so much more. And inner-city black men are usually unchurched.

God’s answer for inner-city black men is the Kingdom of God. He is raising up and sending Kingdom men to inner-city black men. Kingdom men are the only hope of reaching and rescuing inner-city black men from the grips of demonic destruction. Satan’s worst nightmare is the army of Kingdom men that God is developing, training and sending to inner-city black men. 

Our church, Saltmakers Church, is committed to raising up and sending Kingdom Men into the Fair Park section of South Dallas. To help us meet this goal we first had to define and identify the characteristics of a Kingdom man.


Here’s our simple definition of a Kingdom man: he’s a male Christ follower who submits to the rule of God completely. He prioritizes pleasing and obeying God above all else. He rejects the world’s system for God’s order.


What else marks Kingdom men? How do they differ from other men? Why are they capable of thwarting demonic activity? Why do they succeed when all others fail? Why do their wives and children thrive? Why do their careers or businesses prosper? The answer lies in the ten characteristics of Kingdom men:

Ten Characteristics of a Kingdom man

A Kingdom man follows Jesus

The first characteristic of a Kingdom man is that he is an authentic Christ follower, which means he is a committed, born-again, dedicated disciple of Jesus. He submits his life to Jesus completely. He patterns himself after Jesus. He wants to be like and please Jesus. He loves what Jesus loves and hates what Jesus hates. Jesus is his King.

A Kingdom man seeks first the Kingdom of God

A Kingdom man has his priorities straight. He focuses on seeking the Kingdom of God, not material things. He knows he cannot serve God and mammon. He loves God and hates avarice. The Kingdom of God is his passion and pursuit.

A Kingdom man lives life God’s way

A Kingdom man seeks the righteousness of God. This means he does things God’s way. He lives life God’s way. He doesn’t live life his way. He doesn’t do things his way. He knows God’s way is God’s Word. Hence, a Kingdom man loves the Word of God. He’s teachable and always willing to learn so he can conduct himself according to the Word of God. He wisely knows that doing things or living life his way produces failure, but obeying the Word of God produces success.

A Kingdom man creates wealth for his family

A Kingdom man prospers and creates wealth for his family because he has the BLESSING OF GOD on his life. He has multiple streams of legitimate income. He leaves enough financial inheritance after his death that two generations of his family are blessed. He works diligently and smart to create businesses and jobs for others in his community. He enjoys tithing and financing the advancement of the Kingdom of God. He joyfully takes every opportunity to bless others especially the poor and less fortunate.

A Kingdom man prays consistently

A Kingdom man loves praying and conversing with God. He understands that prayer builds intimacy with God. He knows prayer lifts burdens and is a great way to receive divine direction. He intercedes for his national and local leaders as well as his neighborhood and family. He anoints with oil and lays hands on his family members to rebuke demonic activity and transfer God’s favor. He understands spiritual warfare and can effectively use the precious Blood and Name of Jesus to exercise his authority.

A Kingdom man lives by faith

A Kingdom man lives by faith, which means he ACTS like the Word of God is true, he BELIEVES it with his heart and CONFESSES it with his mouth. He uses his faith as a powerful force to overcome the challenges of life (e.g., poverty, racism, sickness, unemployment, marital problems, etc.). Although he recognizes the reality of racism, he doesn’t use it as an excuse for failure. His confidence is grounded in 1 John 5:4, which says, “Every child of God can defeat the world (including racism), and our faith is what gives us this victory.”

A Kingdom man follows the Holy Spirit

A Kingdom man is baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. He relies on the Holy Spirit for leadership and guidance. He realizes that the Holy Spirit desires to lead him to victory and teach him how to win in life. Before making major decisions he always consults the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction. He tries hard to never offend and grieve the Holy Spirit in his daily life. The Holy Spirit is his best friend and comforter. 

A Kingdom man leads his family skillfully

A Kingdom man happily assumes leadership of his family. If he’s married, he gladly and tenderly loves and nurtures his wife. He treats her like a jewel, never abusing or belittling her.  If he has children, he protects, provides for them and prepare them for a life of following Christ. He lives for them, joyfully sacrificing his life for their well-being. He will never abandon them under any circumstances. Paul’s admonishment in 1 Timothy 5:8 rings loud in his ears, that “anyone who doesn’t take care for … his immediate family, has denied the Christian faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

A Kingdom man exemplifies integrity

A Kingdom man possesses rock solid integrity. He has his life together. He’s trustworthy and faithful. He keeps his word and pays his bills on time. He works diligently at his vocation and is blameless in his character. He is not perfect, but when he fails, he acknowledges his failures, repents and attempts to make things right.

A Kingdom man advances the Kingdom of God

Last, a Kingdom man does his part in advancing the Kingdom of God. He understands it’s his duty to spread the Kingdom of God at home and abroad. If he lives in an inner-city community, he fearlessly, selflessly and lovingly takes the Kingdom of God to the gang-bangers, drug dealers, crack addicts, etc.  He refuses to allow demonic forces to ravage and overtake his family and neighborhood. He stands as a wall between his family and neighborhood against satanic forces.


The black community desperately needs Kingdom men. They can bring healing, renewal and the Kingdom of God to the black community which will produce peace, prosperity, and righteousness. The black neighborhoods that are without Kingdom men, however, will continue to experience poverty, death, and destruction, especially in urban areas. 

My goal is to help God find, train and send Kingdom men to the black community. They will be like salt in their communities providing seasoning, preservation and disinfectant, which is why we are Saltmakers Church.


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