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Standard Expanded Metal vs. Flattened Expanded Metal

The application of expanded metal, or sheet metal cut and stretched into a diamond-shaped pattern by cutting and stretching it, can be found in a wide variety of industries, from consumer products to construction projects. The product is available in a variety of variations, with each version having a different size, strand width, and pattern in order to meet the needs of different customers. When choosing expanded metal for an operation, it is important to consider the following design elements, in addition to determining whether standard or flattened expanded metal is the best choice for that operation.
Here is an article that will help you to understand the differences between flattened and standard expanded metal in order to assist you in making a decision.

All About Standard Expanded Metal

Expanded metal comes straight off the expanding press in standard expanded metal form.
In contrast to its flattened counterpart, expanded metal strands are angled, rather than fixed, in a horizontal plane.
Standard expanded metal sheets exhibit different characteristics depending on how much expansion is applied, the pattern size, and the thickness of the base sheet. It is, however, possible to use the uneven surface to enhance structural strength and grip. In addition to directing light, air, fluids, and solid materials, the material is also capable of directing flow based on its pattern design.

All About Flattened Expanded Metal

Initially, flattened expanded metal is constructed using standard expanded metal, but it will be subjected to a milling process to smooth the horizontal surfaces of the metal.
As a result of these processes, expanded metal surfaces become flatter and smoother, eliminating the ridges characteristic of standard expanded metal.
Flattened expanded metal weighs approximately 5% less than standard expanded metal because it is thinner, flatter, wider, and longer. As a result of this characteristic, as well as the finished surface, it is ideal for applications that require reduced abrasion risk and an aesthetic appearance.
There are two types of flattened expanded sheets, namely short way of design (SWD) and long way of design (LWD). The dimensions of flattened expanded sheets can vary from one expansion operation to another based on how the material passes through the rolls. It is difficult to estimate the exact size and pattern of a finished sheet in light of both of these qualifiers.

Expanded Metal Solutions From Huijinmaterials

There are many different applications in which expanded metal is highly versatile, in that it can be manufactured using a variety of different base metals—both ferrous and non-ferrous—and in many different mesh sizes, patterns, and finishes that suit the needs of many different industries.
The Huijin Materials team takes great pride in offering the highest quality expanded metal solutions, including standard and flattened versions. You can count on our company to provide you with all the materials you need to make any expanded metal project a success, whether you need industrial grates, construction mesh, or anything else. With decades of experience, our expert design and engineering teams are knowledgeable about all things expanded metal, allowing them to provide informed material recommendations and solutions.
Please feel free to contact the experts at Huijinmaterials today if you have additional questions about our expanded metal products and services or need assistance with your upcoming project.
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