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Posted by John McClung on March 28, 2014 at 7:24pm
Through tragedy we sometime experience triumphs, when facing challenges we often find change and when fear comes our Faith becomes stronger. ‘I Am A Testimony’ Clothing Collection was launched in May, 2011 from a Spirit filled vision inspired by an often used, but simple word: “TESTIMONY” a word that is an intricate part of every life.
This vision was brought to life because so many lives have been affected by some type of experience that has made them appreciate that God can make a way out of no way. The foundation of this mission is based on, John 3:33, KJV ‘He that hath received his 'TESTIMONY' hath set to his seal that God is true. ”
The IAAT Clothing Collection is the inspiration of so many personal stories that need to be told, but has no platform, cannot be written down, spoken or explained- But wearing the clothing or apparel will be a simple but effective way to express that You are a 'TESTIMONY' of how you have been blessed. The clothes are meant to be a personal statement and our goal is to inspire more than 1 million lives to tell their story and also give back to missions and charities. I encourage you to be a part of this ministry as we bring testimonies to the world.
The IAAT Clothing Collection is God driven, Spirit inspired, Passion and Purpose directed. For those who wear them and share the 'TESTIMONY' you have in your life, we thank you. May God bless each of you and continue to use you as a 'TESTIMONY' as he has done in My Life.
John McClung Jr.
