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Do store-bought teeth whitening strips really work?

Yes, store-bought teeth whitening strips you can buy do work, but they are not the most effective way to whiten your teeth. Here is some information from our Surrey dentist about how white strips work, how to use them safely and what you should know before you try them.

So, what exactly are teeth whitening strips?

White strips are small strips of polyethylene, a thin, pliable plastic. Each plastic strip is coated with a gel that contains hydrogen peroxide to whiten your teeth.


You apply the whitening strips to the front of your teeth and shape them to fit. After application, the peroxide gel gradually penetrates the teeth, helping to remove stains and brighten them.


Do white strips really work?

Store-bought teeth whitening strips do work, but only to a certain extent. While they help remove surface stains and make your teeth whiter, they are not as effective as having your teeth whitened by a dental professional because the concentration of whitening ingredients in them is quite low. The whitening gels used in dental offices contain higher concentrations of bleaching ingredients and are therefore more effective at whitening your teeth.


The problem with white strips

In addition to not being the most effective way to whiten teeth, white strips can cause a number of problems.


Gum Damage

White strips are known to chemically react with the user's gums, which can lead to tissue damage. To avoid gum damage, do not allow the whitening strips to touch the gums when applying.


Yellow Stains

White strips are minimally effective when it comes to the curved bottom of the teeth and the spaces in between. White strip users may end up with a smile that looks somewhat mottled as the center of the tooth is whiter than the edges.


Tooth Damage

Take special care not to over-whiten! Unlike hair or nails; once your teeth are damaged, they are damaged forever.


Over-whitening can cause enamel to soften and teeth to turn a strange gray color. Going wrong with white strips may even cause your teeth to tingle or make you sensitive to certain foods.


Onuge Personal Care (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Of teeth whitening gel strips, cost effective, gel does not come off easily, no residue teeth whitening strips, less saliva, fresher experience, no gel residue, no rinsing, alcohol free teeth whitening strips, mild non-sensitive formula, less gel residue, less saliva.

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