God has placed his demonstrating power and anointing in and upon Pastor Davis; and it is through his demonstrated anointing that Pastor Davis is able to reach beyond herself and tap into the flow of God, so that she can minister to the hearts of men and women, everywhere. Our pastor is indeed one of God's visionaries for this end time season. He has truly anointed her to preach, teach, speak his prophetic word and to live out by Godly example the love he has commissioned and consecrated his children to display and exemplify in the earth realm.
Pastor Davis has a true love and desire to see mankind give their hearts to God and worship him with their whole heart, soul, and mind. She has committed and submitted her life to the complete and total call of God. She believes that there is no greater honor than someone sacrificing their lives for the cause and purpose of God. Plainly put, Pastor Davis stands affirmative on the concept that "All means everything." When God calls us into service he asks us to give give him all of us for his glory and service; and in return he provides us with everything we need to make the journey. In this concept God also requires that we forsake and take up our cross and follow him... And in this concept does Pastor Davis live and breath and have her being.
She is fully persuaded that "for this cause came she unto this hour!" She believes that every trial, circumstance, heartache, life experience and joy are all divinely orchestrated by God to usher each of us into our ultimate and divine purpose. Pastor Davis exemplifies this level of faith in her daily walk. She boldly opens her life up as a living testimony of the awesome demonstrated power of God, so that mankind will know that God can do the impossible. He can do for you what others said can't be done. He will show himself mighty in your life... if you will allow him too. Pastor Davis believes that God can do what no other power can do!
Our Pastor is truly a vessel of God. She allows him to speak to and through her in such a life changing manner that if you are ready and willing God will speak a word so profound into your spirit that every change of bondage, sin, and stronghold will be destroyed in your life.
It is certainly the anointing of God that makes the difference in Pastor Davis' life! And you are welcome to come share in this anointing.

For more information and bookings contact Publicist, Shawn Hay Office: (301) 641-0814