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To look their best, consumer buy personal care brands that look their best. It starts with visual packaging from HLP Klearfold as a showcase. We deliver the highest quality plastic soap box. Unique packaging structures. Superior graphics and special…
Liquor and Wine PackagingEstablishing a top shelf brand with attendant loyalty is a long climb. Visual packaging from HLP Klearfold can help. We showcase your primary packaging, while conveying much more than a mere label or paperboard carton. As…
Our renowned Klearfold® folding plastic box creates strong visual impressions and are the ultimate way to showcase your products. They provide exceptional shelf presence and add stature to everything from a new product launch, to a special…
Klearfold Keeper CR, is the first of its kind, transparent, certified, child-resistant package for the cannabis industry. Clear plastic cartons have been used for decades by consumer products marketers to improve their products' shelf impact and to…
About Me
75 Maiden Lane - Suite 808 New York, NY 10038
January 1
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