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Nondestructive testing can determine the physical properties of materials, such as ductility, tensile strength and fracture toughness. We usually use non-destructive testing to determine the reliability and integrity of the product in order to…
Ultrasound flaw detection is a method to inspect the defect of a part by means of the reflection characteristics of the interface edge when the ultrasonic energy penetrates into the depth of the metal material and one section enters another section.…
There are many testing methods for ndt wire rope tester, including ultrasonic testing, ray testing, acoustic emission testing, eddy current testing, electromagnetic testing, mechanical testing, acoustic testing, current testing, optical testing,…
The basic working principle of eddy current testing instrument is as follows: When the test coil with alternating current is close to the conductor workpiece, the alternating magnetic field generated by the coil will cause the conductor to generate…
About Me
July 12
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