🌏 Events & Activities

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Friday, January 18, 2019 (3)

Jan 18, 2019
December 31, 2018
  • Black on Black Community Crime Tour 2019

  • Dec 31, 2018 to Dec 31, 2019
  • Location: U.S. Cities
  • Description:

    Christian’s Merging Together Ministries Foundation, Inc. will host Christian events, including Christian concerts, Christian speakers, Block parties, Christian family outings, and other Christian events for individuals and families in the community. Our goal is to host events 5-10 times per year in the community. Our goal is to reduce violence in the community by teaching others to love one another and showing the right path. Our events will be open to all individuals of all ages, but our main focus will be youth and young adults. Initially, we will have our events at local parks, churches, and community centers.


    Now looking for Partners and Sponsorship Opportunities!

  • Created by: Min. Sammy Jackson
January 6, 2019
  • Celebration Church Services

  • Jan 6, 2019 at 4:00am to Dec 29, 2019 at 7:00am
  • Location: Celebration Church
  • Description:


    We want to help you get to know God better and enable you to become who He’s created you to be. No matter where you are in life, we’ll help you figure out some of the next steps in your journey with Him. We want to help you succeed, while creating an atmosphere where you feel safe enough to fail; to learn how to live common sense Christianity, without getting caught up in religious non-sense. Celebration Church wants to make a lasting difference in your life, in our community, and our world. How do we go about that? By leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

    To be a vehicle for God's redemptive purposes in the world.

    To be a family of faith that experiences, follows, and celebrates Jesus Christ.

    BE REAL – Living common sense Christianity
    BELONG – To be part of something bigger than yourself
    BECOME – To become all God's created you to be



    Come out to our church services at:

    Sundays: 9am &

  • Created by: Mr. Shawn Papi

Christian Concerts