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- Jun 23, 2015 to Jun 27, 2015
- Location: Agape Farm Retreat Center
- Latest Activity: Jan 25, 2021
To present the Gospel through music, teaching and any other creative means so that those attending will be drawn to salvation and discipleship in Christ. We come together by the thousands to “Give Tribute to Our Creator” and to allow His Spirit to birth many as “new Creations” in Jesus Christ who will love and serve Him. (Colossians 1:15-18)
Prayerfully we believe God to be exalted during our time together and for those attending Creation Festivals to unreservedly submit to Christ as Lord and Savior. Through music, worship and Christ centered teaching we believe that Christ will be exalted and committed believers will change the world with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
We believe the greatest news to ever come to mankind is the Love of God demonstrated through the sending of his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a sinless life, he died a cruel death on a cross, bearing the sins of the entire world. Death did not conquer Jesus and he was raised from the dead. Out of this same Love of God he has sent the Holy Spirit to indwell the life of the believer and to spiritually equip us to carry the message of Christ to the world until Christ returns.