Vernon Little 'Double Minded' (Remix)

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Check out Bronx, N.Y.'s Holy Hip-hop Artist Vernon Little music called "Double Minded".He has been writing, recording, and performing since the mid-1980's. He started out with a group (Def Duo), then went solo in 1989. His music is hip-hop/holy hip-hop. He is a fan of a wide range of artist from Mary Mary to Nas.He is a pastor at Faith In God Church in the Bronx... Apostle Gladys Little is his pastor. He also attends frequently at World Changers Church in NY. His music is positive and believes that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. His EP - Double Minded was released Feb 7, 2018. His current EP - Words To Live By was released March 25, 2020. He performs everywhere, so check him out!You can follow him on Twitter: @vernonlittle7, on Instagram: vernonlittle7, and on Facebook. His contact information is the following: email is, and phone is (347) 276-4925.You can purchase all of Vernon Little's music on this link:

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