Melissa Jackson leads prayer for the First Baptist Church of Glenarden's Young Adult Ministry

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Check out the highlight video of Hey Papi Promotions Network Member, ☆Melissa Jackson as she leads prayer for the First Baptist Church of Glenarden's Young Adult Ministry! First Baptist Church of Glenarden has been celebrating the youth for their accomplishments, involvement in church ministries. The church also awarded scholarships to the youth who will be attending college etc. Here is the LIVE video link: Listen in for ☆Melissa Jackson weekly "Intercessory Prayer Wednesdays" at 6:00 AM to 6:15 AM EST. Call: (218) 895-3893 with Access Code: 6116# Follow her social media outlets: For prayer requests/comments send to email: #PrayerWorks #IntercessoryPrayer #FBCGLIVE

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