Embracing Your Life Sentence Book Trailer by Author Lonnell Johnson

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EMBRACING YOUR LIFE SENTENCE:HOW TO TURN LIFE’S GREATEST TRAGEDIES INTO YOUR GREATEST TRIUMPHS by Lonnell E. Johnson, Ph.D.Embracing Your Life Sentence: How to Turn Life’s Greatest Tragedies into Your Greatest TriumphsWhen diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2000, Lonnell Johnson did not see “a death sentence.” Instead, he saw a “life sentence” that transformed his thinking. In Embracing Your Life Sentence: How to Turn Life’s Greatest Tragedies into Your Greatest Triumphs he shares his holistic strategy to overcome any adversity. Weaving original poetry and Scripture into his battle plan, Johnson shows how he emerged, as not just a survivor but more than a conqueror.For more information about the book including purchase, please visit website at https://www.lonnelledwardjohnson.com

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