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Bible Devotional


Today’s daily devotional is based on the story of Joash, who began his rule as a young child under the guidance of the high priest Jehoiada. He restores the temple and leads the kingdom well, but after Jehoiada's death, Joash turns away from God and leads the people into sin.


Bible in a Year: Joash


"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." - Psalm 1:1

Have you ever experienced a significant change in your life that left you feeling lost or misguided?

Joash’s story, as recounted in 2 Kings 12 and 2 Chronicles 24, illustrates the importance of godly mentorship and the risks of losing one’s way without it. Joash became king as a young boy, heavily relying on the high priest Jehoiada for guidance. Under Jehoiada's influence, Joash thrived, leading Judah with wisdom and dedication to God.

One of Joash’s notable achievements was the restoration of the temple. Seeing its decay, Joash rallied the people and resources to repair the house of God, demonstrating his initial zeal for honoring the Lord. This period of his reign was marked by prosperity and faithfulness, reflecting Jehoiada’s positive influence.

However, Joash’s story takes a tragic turn after Jehoiada’s death. Without his mentor’s guidance, Joash’s heart grew sour towards God. He began to listen to ungodly advisers, leading Judah back into idolatry and sin.

The big difference between Joash’s rule under Jehoiada’s mentorship and after his death underscores the crucial role of godly guidance and the dangers of straying from it.


Consider the support systems and mentors you rely on in your spiritual journey. Are there steps you can take to ensure your faith remains strong even when those supports are no longer present?

Joash’s story highlights the importance of internalizing godly values and being vigilant against negative influences. This week, commit to deepening your relationship with God through prayer, scripture study, and seeking out godly counsel.

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