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Bible Devotional


Prayer For Patience

Praying for Patience

Father, thank You for being a patient with me. I praise You that Your mercies toward me never end. I desire to grow a heart of patience and understanding as You have, Father, one that will demonstrate a long-suffering attitude toward others.

Father teach me to get rid of impatience, grudges, anger, jealous tendencies or harsh words. In their place, restore humility and gentleness, so I may bear with others in love (Ephesians 4:2).

Lord, when people and situations are difficult or plans don't turn out as I expected, give me an accepting, gracious attitude. Make me compassionate and gracious like You, slow to anger, abounding in brotherly affection and faithfulness (Psalms 86:15).

Father, help me bear fruit in every good work. Keep me growing in Your wisdom and knowledge. Strengthen me in Your love and grace so I may have an abundant supply of endurance to run the race marked out before me (Colossians 1:9-11).

Teach my Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart; one that remains steady and settled, unruffled by life storms, persevering in every good work. In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Psalm for Your Soul: Psalm 62

Fasting Challenge (option): Fast all meat.
Fasting Challenge: Fast all beverages excluding water.

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