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Bible Devotional


Our Lives Our In God's Hands - ๐Ÿ™ John 4:14



Todayโ€™s daily devotional is about Jesus revealing Himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well. She recognized Him through their conversation and joyfully spread the news, leading many Samaritans to believe in Jesus and experience His transformative power.

The Woman at the Well

Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. - John 4:13-14

Have you ever felt an unexpected encounter change the course of your life?

Jesusโ€™ meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well was one such transformative moment. As Jesus rested at the well, He asked the woman for a drink, breaking cultural norms and engaging her in a profound conversation. Jesus offered her "living water," symbolizing eternal life, and revealed intimate details about her life, showing her that He was the long-awaited Messiah.

What can we learn from Jesus' approach to the Samaritan woman?

Jesusโ€™ willingness to engage with the woman, despite societal boundaries, teaches us about the inclusive and compassionate nature of His ministry. He looked beyond her past and offered her hope and redemption.

How does Jesusโ€™ offer of "living water" resonate with you?

The concept of living water represents the spiritual sustenance and eternal life that Jesus offers to all who believe in Him. It signifies a deep, personal relationship with God that quenches our spiritual thirst and renews our souls.

What impact did the woman's testimony have on her community?

Inspired by her encounter, the woman ran to tell her neighbors about Jesus. Her testimony was powerful and effective, leading many Samaritans to come to Jesus and believe in Him. This story highlights the importance of sharing our experiences of Godโ€™s grace and truth with others.

How can you share your experiences of faith with those around you?

Reflect on moments where you have felt Godโ€™s presence and guidance in your life. Like the Samaritan woman, your testimony can inspire and lead others to seek and experience Jesusโ€™ transformative power.


Reflect on your encounters with God and the ways they have transformed your life. Are there aspects of your faith journey that you can share to inspire others?

This week, take a step to share your testimony with someone who might need encouragement.

Pray for the courage to cross societal boundaries and engage with others in meaningful conversations about faith. Trust that your story, like the Samaritan woman's, can lead others to experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ.


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