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Bible Devotional


“Be merciful to those who doubt;” Jude 1:22

12933626860?profile=RESIZE_710x“Be merciful to those who doubt;” - Jude 1:22




In a world full of certainties, doubt can feel like a shameful secret. But Jude 1:22 reminds us that doubt isn't a sin - it's a human experience that calls for compassion.

Think about Thomas, who needed to see to believe. Jesus didn't scold him; He met him where he was. That's our call too - to be merciful to those wrestling with faith questions.

Maybe you've been there yourself, feeling lost in a fog of uncertainty. Or perhaps you know someone struggling to believe. This verse is a gentle nudge to approach doubt with kindness, not judgment.

Being merciful doesn't mean having all the answers. It's about listening without lecturing, supporting without suffocating. It's creating a safe space where questions are welcome and grace abounds.

Today, let's be the hands and feet of Jesus to those grappling with doubt. Your compassion might be the very thing that helps someone take a step closer to faith.

Remember, a faith that's wrestled with is often stronger than one that's never been challenged.

Ask Yourself:

  • Who can you reach who’s struggling with their faith?

  • How can you lovingly guide them to the truths of Scripture?

Read full chapter


🙏 Prayer of the Day

Dear God,

I know I'm not always good at showing mercy to those who doubt. I often try to hide my own uncertainties or rush to give answers. But Your Word reminds me that it's okay to not have it all figured out. It's in our moments of doubt that Your grace shines brightest.

Today, I surrender my need to fix everything. The discomfort I feel with others' questions, the urge to lecture instead of listen—I lay it all at Your feet. Fill those spaces with Your compassion, Lord.

Help me to see others' doubts not as problems, but as opportunities to show Your incredible love. Let my life be a testament to Your patient mercy, a living proof that in our uncertainty, Your remains is strong.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


🖋 Quote of the Day

"Doubt isn't the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith."

— Paul Tillich


🎵 Worship Song of the Day

"Rescue" by Lauren Daigle

This song echoes the call to show mercy to those who doubt, reminding us that God is always near, ready to rescue and comfort. Let it inspire you to reflect His compassion to others.



📷 Photo of the Day



🧠 Trivia of the Day

Which Old Testament figure, known for his initial reluctance and requests for signs, ultimately led the Israelites to a miraculous victory over the Midianites?

A) Joshua
B) Gideon
C) Samuel
D) Nehemiah

Click an answer above and receive the correct answer along with reference to the answer.

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